Big State Remodeling and President Randy Reid both filed for bankruptcy on January 27.

AMARILLO, TEXAS -- Creditors filled the office of Kent Ries, the trustee for Big State Remodeling, on Wednesday, with the hopes of having their questions answered about the company's bankruptcy.

Big State Remodeling and President Randy Reid both filed for bankruptcy on January 27.

Ralph Pumphrey came to Amarillo from Borger to help his brother-in-law file a claim.

Pumphrey said his brother-in-law paid the company about $3000 in November.

"My brother-in-law is on disability and so he had to think real hard about spending that kind of money to start with. And because he wanted a color they didn't have in stock, they said they needed half up front," Pumphrey said. He said he never heard from Big State.

Pumphrey's brother-in-law was one of the many creditors that showed up on Wednesday, many of them had similar stories.

"We're out over $15,000 out of our own moneyWe are still paying interest on material we don't even know. So we'd just like to know what's going to happen with this," said Hen Thorn, homeowner.

Feelings of frustration and anger were common.

"I feel like they probably knew back when they took [my brother-in-law's] money that they were hurting and they were getting close to bankruptcy," Pumphrey said. "This isn't something that happens overnight. It takes a while to get into that position."

Frustrated, angry creditors of Big State Remodeling fill office to get questions answered

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February 27, 2014 at 3:26 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Remodeling