By George C. Ford, The Gazette

With construction well underway on the exterior phase of the $47 million remodeling and expansion of The Eastern Iowa Airport passenger terminal, the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission on Friday received an update on the second phase of the project.

Matt Dubbe of Mead & Hunt in Minneapolis showed the commission architectural renderings of proposed changes for the lobby of the terminal. Dubbe stressed the addition of natural sunlight after skylights are added and exterior windows are reglazed.

A water feature in the west wall of the terminal was originally linked with an abstract blue pattern in the floor that represents the Cedar River. Dubbe showed the commissioners an updated version that uses an actual image of the Cedar River as it winds through Eastern Iowa.

The change, which will incorporate a spur for the Iowa River, was an immediate hit with the commission. Several commissioners suggested showing the various cities along the river, saying it could be an educational and tourism feature for children and adults.

The second phase of the terminal remodeling project will begin after the holiday travel season.

Following the commission meeting, a dedication plaque was unveiled for the remodeling project. It includes recognition for Tom Hobson, a commissioner who died on June 21 and was a strong proponent of terminal modernization.

The terminal modernization is the largest of several construction projects that will happen over the next five years. The commission on Friday approved an $890,000 bid by Eastern Iowa Excavating and Concrete of Cascade for the first phase of a five-year $10.7 pavement and parking lot improvement project.

Airport Director Tim Bradshaw said the airport is using federal and state grants as well as passenger facility charge revenue to pay for the projects, The airport is not incurring any debt and there will be no increase in fees paid by passengers or the airlines.

The Eastern Iowa Airport does not receive any city or county property tax revenue.

See the article here:
Eastern Iowa Airport remodeling, expansion under way

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August 2, 2014 at 10:28 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
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