See more on "Sanjay Gupta, MD," Saturday at 4:30 p.m. ET & Sunday at 7:30 a.m. ET

(CNN) -- Matt Damon said it's hard not to see his three daughters in the eyes of the girls he helps on his visits to the poverty stricken villages in India.

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta sat down with Damon and his co-founder, Gary White, to talk about what their organization is hoping to achieve by providing clean water and sanitation to those who need it. "Our daughters in that situation would be off looking for a water source and hauling water for the family and they would have no prospects for a life or a future," Damon said.

On premises access to clean water is something only one in four people have in India, according to UNICEF.

When Damon got into the water business, he worked with H20 Africa and says he learned a lot.

"I did what I think a lot of people do, which is they kind of get right into the direct impact, like well-digging and how many people can I help if I dig x number of wells," Damon said. But he said as his understanding of the issue grew, he realized that charity wasn't going to solve the problem.

Together, we can solve the water crisis

He teamed with Gary White, co-founder of WaterPartners, in July 2009 and was born.

"Had I stayed with just drilling wells, I'd have reached thousands of people at this point, but by the end of next year we'll hit 3 million people that we've reached this way," Damon said.

Read the rest here:
Matt Damon's personal water war

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