December 15 21: Items compiled by Dave Humphrey from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


Mission school The contract for the Indian Industrial school at the St. Eugene Mission, is about completed and the handsome structure will very shortly be occupied by the Indian boys and girls, at present quite inadequately accommodated in the old buildings.

The views of the building, published herewith, unfortunately do not convey as clear an idea of the imposing architectural features of this new building, as at the time they were taken, building operations were not quite completed.

The dominions care of its Indian wards has always been a subject of earnest concern upon the part of those in authority, and in providing these handsome and commodious quarters for the Indian children of South East Kootenay, the department is but extending its useful work along the healthiest lines.

Christ Church The third Sunday (December 15th) in Advent will be long remembered by the congregation of Christ Church, for the ecclesiastical events of the day.

On Saturday afternoon last, the Lord Bishop of New Westminster and administrator of the diocese of Kootenay, arrived from the west, accompanied by the Venerable Archdeacon Beer, of Kaslo. They were met at the station by the rector and the rectors church warden.

On Sunday morning the services for the day began with Holy Communion at 8 oclock by the rector. Matins was said at 10 oclock by the rector, the lessons being read by the lay reader and the archdeacon respectively. At this service the bishop delivered a short but very helpful address, showing the value in the spiritual life of the teaching of the Advent season as contained in the Collects for the season.

Elko On Sunday afternoon the Lord Bishop of New Westminster preceded to Elko with the Rev. J. Ross Colquhoun, to open and to dedicate to the service of God, the new church just completed.

The bishop gave a very strong address, which evidently set the people thinking, for it was being discussed very freely in the little town on the following day.

After the dedication of the church about ten people were presented by the vicar of the district for the holy rite of confirmation.

The bishop returned to Cranbrook by the delayed train on Monday.

The bishop and the archdeacon left Cranbrook for the west by Tuesdays train.

The bishop to hold a confirmation service at Creston and the archbishop will then to return to his home at Kaslo.

Electric slide An electric toboggan slide in the windows of the East Kootenay Mercantile House, is attracting a great deal of excited attention from the youngsters these days.

Mock election The Epworth League will meet on Monday evening, December 23rd, at 8 oclock. Subject: A Mock Municipal Election. An interesting and amusing evening is expected. A cordial invitation is given to all.

Champion skaters Norval Baptie and Miss Isabel Butler, world champion exhibition skaters, will be on the Arena rink on Saturday, January 4th. These ice artists are well worth seeing, and the Arena rink will doubtless be crowded for the occasion.

New constable Mr. Fred Ryckman has been appointed by the department of the interior, Indian branch, a constable for the districts of Cranbrook, Fort Steele, Wasa and Tobacco Plains. His chief duty will be to keep a sharp eye on the fire water evil.

Early issue The next issue of the Herald will appear on Tuesday afternoon, the 24th, in order that the staff may be free to enjoy the Christmas festivities on the usual day of publication, which in this instance falls on Wednesday. Advertisers please govern themselves accordingly and send in their changes by noon on Monday 23rd.

Lick and stick The question having been raised as to the placing on letters of stamps sold for raising funds for the Anti-Tuberculosis Society, postmasters are informed that the department cannot permit such stamps to be pasted on the front of letters, but that they may be pasted on the back as sealers.

Safe investment We know of no Safer Investment than a CRANBROOK ORCHARD to-day, and those of us who know the possibilities of this country should lose no time in securing one of these tracts before they are gone. This Company owns and controls over Two thousand (2,000) acres in this vicinity and they will be the means of bringing in many new settlers. We can sell you this property at low prices and on very easy terms. Beale & Elwell, Sole Agents for Cranbrook Orchards, Cranbrook, B. C.

Work to dye for PARISIAN Cleaning And Dye Works Genuine French System of Dry Cleaning, Steam Cleaning, and Shade Dyeing. Ladies Fancy Garments a specialty. Feathers, Furs, Gloves, Ladies or Mens Hats cleaned or dyed and blocked any style. Pressing and repairing neatly done at reasonable prices. Out of town work attended to promptly. J. H. SMITH, Propr Fenwick Ave., near Baker St. Phone 144 Expert Cleaner and Dyer

Municipal election As the date of the forthcoming municipal election draws nearer interest is being aroused as to prospective candidates.

So far as can be learned by a careful canvass of business, men and property owners, it appears practically assured that Mr. A. C. Bowness will be re-elected mayor by acclamation. On every hand one hears nothing but kindly words for his services during the past twelve months.

As to aldermen, it is pretty generally understood that some of the present board will not invite re-election, but there are hopes that Ald. Campbell, Cameron, Clapp and Erickson will consent to stand again.

The names of the following men are being discussed as possible candidates, Messrs. J. E. Kennedy, W. Halsall, H. A. McKowan and D. Murphy.

Scouting news Look out for the camp fire and coffee! The Veterans and Boy Scouts meet at the Methodist gym on Friday at 7.40 p.m. and march to Russells ranch at 7.45. Arrangements have been made for a huge bonfire. The Scouts will have full cooking equipment, even down to the wherewith to provide fire roasted potatoes.

Camp songs and short addresses. Have you ever been to a campfire? If so come to this for Auld Lang Syne. If not, come now and make a start. Both causes need your sympathy and your help, the one, because it is wholly and solely for the betterment both of soul and body of the youths of our city for whom nothing should be too good or too much trouble; the other, because it aims to give relief to any man or the family of any man who has served his country with the colors and has fallen on troublous and hard times.

Dont forget, Russells ranch is by the mile post opposite the power house, and bring your quarter with you.

Fires There have been three fires this week, none of them of any consequence.

The first occurred in H. Linnells house on Watt Avenue. It was a case of a chimney on fire and was quickly brought under subjection.

A day or two later an alarm came in from a house on Clark Avenue, another case of a chimney on fire, quickly subdued and very little damage done.

This afternoon there was an outbreak of fire in the house of C. M. Moore, over in Slaterville. This little blaze was due to washing hung up over the stove, catching fire and setting fire to the ceiling. Damage done only trifling.

At the auditorium A strong attraction will be provided at the Auditorium next Thursday evening, when Mrs. Annie Adams, mother of the world famous Maud Adams, with a strong company, will give a performance of The Butlers Secret.

Mrs. Adams is well supported by a good company, among them Wilfrid Lee, who has a splendid reputation as leading man with some of the best companies.

The scenic equipment of the play is very elaborate. The engagement is here for one night only, Thursday, December 26th.

Rail news J. Y. Brett, superintendent of construction for Burns and Jordan on the K.C.R., was in town on Wednesday. Mr. Brett reports that he expects to close up the present contract on the K.C.R. in time to eat his Christmas dinner in Spokane.

The company intend to go into winter quarters in the same place as last year, camp B., south of Hansons, where they expect to be able to obtain supplies by train this season, steel being laid now between there and Steele.

Elko news Thank God the deer slaughter is over for another season. The immigration from Fernie and Coal Creek this fall was enormous, and such specimens of Gods recklessness allowed to carry guns would put a crimp in a blind man. But the Elko Rod and Gun Club got ahead of them this year and had all the deer close herded down the Roosville Valley in the long grass.

We felt sorry for the sports that came from Cranbrook and bought their supplies in town, but they got some, everyone of them. There are some fine people in Cranbrook and mighty strange too when we, come to think about it, all the best are moving down to Elko.

Jaffray news The school children of Jaffray had a very enjoyable Christmas entertainment on a large scale last night. A huge Christmas tree had been provided from which each child received a useful present. The entertainment was held in the school room and the children after the distribution of the presents enjoyed themselves immensely with various popular games. The children are only sorry that the season does not come every day.

Bull River news The people of the new town of Bull River will have a Christmas tree and festival on Monday, December 23rd.

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It happened this week in Cranbrook - Kimberley Bulletin

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