28.11.2014 - (idw) FIZ Karlsruhe Leibniz-Institut fr Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH

On-site regeneration of activated carbon for gas treatment Landfill gas sourced from landfill sites and sewage treatment plants can also be burned in combined heat and power plants and used for energy purposes in place of conventional natural gas. To prevent premature wear to turbines and motors, however, the gas must first be cleansed of undesirable impurities such as organic silicon compounds. The BINE Projektinfo brochure Clean use of landfill gas (11/2014) presents a method by which the adsorption agent is regenerated on-site. Consequently, the activated carbon must be exchanged less frequently. The objective is to reduce costs and to make the process of gas purification more efficient.

Adsorption with activated carbon and subsequent regeneration is the most common procedure followed in gas purification. Siloxa Engineering AG together with Fraunhofer UMSICHT have developed an on-site regeneration method for activated carbon through adsorptive purification. The procedure has undergone testing in field trials at the Vereinigte Ville landfill site in Erftstadt-Liblar near Cologne. In order to additionally reduce the load of polar organic compounds such as trimethylsilanol, the researchers recommend a process of pre-purification by means of seepage water washing.

The research group developed a theoretical procedural concept for a gas purification plant with a throughput of 1,000 Nm per hour: For this concept, the research team also produced an operating costs analysis for an average silicon load present in the landfill gas. Based on this information, the researchers calculations determined there to be a considerable advantage in the new method in terms of specific operating costs over a conventional adsorption system involving the exchange of activated carbons. Further tests are needed under boundary application-like conditions to develop the market viability of the on-site method.


Press contact Uwe Milles presse(at)bine.info

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Economical landfill gas treatment

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