All reviews are by the Daily Herald and wire services; summaries of objectionable content are provided by the Motion Picture Association of America. Have any movie questions? Email


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TYLER PERRY'S MADEA'S WITNESS PROTECTION (1 hr., 45 min.; R for violence throughout and brief sexuality) Madea's wit-LESS protection is more like it, am I right? Anyone? Is this thing on? Eugene Levy is the latest untutored plebe to fall under the life-lesson-dispensing benefaction of filmmaker Tyler Perry's cross-dressing alter-ego. This film was not screened for critics.


ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER (1 hr., 45 min.; R for violence throughout and brief sexuality) Fourscore and seven minutes of your time is at least fourscore and six minutes more than you ever need spend contemplating this dippy historical thriller. The special effects are decent and the acting is OK, but that's not nearly worth emancipating the cost of tickets-plus-popcorn from your bank account. [D]

BATTLESHIP (2 hrs., 11 min.; PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, action and destruction, and for language) Weighed down by the general dumb-cluck-ery and stupidity of its plot and parameters, this board-game-inspired alien invasion story sinks like a stone. The special effects are decent and the acting are satisfactory, but there's just too much leaden ridiculousness. [D]

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