The N.C. Department of Revenue received about 5,000 requests statewide from firms seeking to be considered essential during Gov. Roy Coopers stay-at-home order period. The following are businesses in the tri-county region that were granted, denied or firmly denied their requests, with definitions below. Most were granted. The list was generated from those that applied March 27 through April 16. (Click here to file a request)
Alexs wirelessTienda TropicanaShallotteGrantAlexander WhiteCape Fear Detail, LLCWilmingtonGrantAli's K9 ClipsWilmingtonGrantAliaksandra ZianoukaSBG SustainableCalabashGrantAllecia Friday-GoinsElegant Occasions By Alle/Awaiting LLC to processWilmingtonDenyAndrew L JordanD L Jordan Roofing and Siding Specialists LLCBURGAWGrantAndrew S. KennedyAndrew S. Kennedy Construction, Inc.WilmingtonGrantAngelica Marie HumphreyPaw Petters IncLelandGrantAnthony BatsonBatson's Gutter SystemsLelandGrantAnthony Blackmon and Sons Heavy Equipment and Truck RepairLELANDGrantaqua float and cryowilmingtonGrantAqua Nuvo Inc.ShallotteGrantArthur DornfeldCarolina Sun Pool DoctorsSHALLOTTEGrantASAP Realty, Inc.ASAP RealtyOCEAN ISLE BEACHGrantAtlantic Tool and Die Co., Inc.Atlantic Tool & Die Co., Inc.Rocky PointGrantAvail Vapor LLC.WilmingtonDenyB&C Development Inc.B&C Development Inc.ShallotteGrantBannerman's Mobile Home Movers & Set UpMaple HillGrantBeachway Rentals and Services, LLCShallotteDenyBeauty Way IncWilmingtonGrantBed land Furniture, IncShallotteDenyBenchmark Clean Pros, IncSouthportGrantBentley Residential & Commercial Cleaning Inc.LelandGrantBest Day Ever LlCBest Day Ever Dog BoutiqueWilmingtonGrantBIG TOY SUPERSTORE LLCbig toy superstoreCalabashGrantBilly AdamsPort City VaporWilmingtonDenyBody mind fit llcStress Management/ HypotherapyWilmingtonGrantBrandon HowellWonderland Gardens LLCWilmingtonGrantBrandon JonesPort city power washingWilmingtonGrantBrandon JonesPort city power washingWilmingtonGrantBrandon WelbornCoastal Contracting Services, LLCWilmingtonGrantBridger Drilling EnterprisesCarolina DrillingWilmingtonGrantBrittain Builders, Inc.BurgawGrantBROOKELYNN PREMIUM CIGARS INCBrookelynn premium cigars IncWILMINGTONDenyBtoC incGenerator Supercenter of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantCalvin FlorenceAllpro Crawlspace Repair and StabilizingCarolina BeachGrantCampbell Landscape ManagementWILMINGTONGrantCannonball Pool & SpaWilmingtonGrantCape Fear Bedding IncWilmingtonDenyCape Fear Bedding IncWilmingtonDenyCape Fear Pro WashHampsteadGrantCape Fear Restaurant Equipment Inc.WilmingtonGrantCape Fear Tutoring, Inc.WilmingtonGrantcapital automotive salescapital nissanwilmingtonGrantCarbofix Orthopedics Inc.CarboFix OrthopedicsOcean Isle BeachGrantCarl BerryExtreme exteriorsWilmingtonGrantCarniceria Jalisco next IncCarniceria JaliscoWilmingtonGrantCarolina Marketing Company, Inc.LelandGrantCarolina Ocean Studies, Inc3531993569CAROLINA BEACHGrantCarolina Ocean Studies, Inc3531993569CAROLINA BEACHGrantCarolina Outboard, IncHampsteadGrantCartier J BruceIsland Hoppers Sales and ServiceOcean Isle BeachGrantCastle Branch, Inc.WilmingtonGrantCDB Corporationmedical device manufacturerLelandGrantCGC HAULING LLCLELANDGrantCharles JacksonC&C Home RestorationWilmingtonGrantChristopher LocklearChris Locklear constructionShallotteGrantCJR Trucks LLCCJR Truck AccessoriesShallotteGrantClassic Colors Paint and BodyShallotteGrantCoastal Blinds and Shutters LLCCarolina ShoresGrantCoastal Carolina Maintenance, LLCLLCWilmingtonGrantCoastal Carolina Private Investigative ServicesOcean isle beachGrantCOASTAL CAROLINA PRIVATE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICESOCEAN ISLE BEACHGrantCoastal Carolina Wildlife RehabCoastal Carolina Wildlife RehabWilmingtonGrantCoastal Clean FreaksHampsteadGrantCoastal computers and consultationSouthportGrantCoastal Dance Academy, INCLelandDenyCoastal Housekeeping IncCalabashGrantCOASTAL MARITIME SERVICES INC.CAROLINA BEACHGrantCoastal Ridge Health Services, PLLCHampsteadGrantCody WilliamsMobile mechanicBurgawGrantCody WilliamsC. A. R. S.BurgawGrantColor me CarolinaOak IslandDenyCompanion Cremation ServicesSupplyGrantCopycat Print ShopWilmingtonGrantCosandra JacksonC&C Home RestorationWilmingtonGrantCreative Signs, Inc.FASTSIGNS of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantCustom Painting Works LLCBurgawGrantCustom Sports and Imprintables, LLCCSI PROMOTIONSWilmingtonGrantCygnus Technologies. LLCSouthportGrantDafo US INCWilmingtonGrantDale Easterling, Roofing ContractorEasterling RoofingWilmingtonGrantDale Easterling, Roofing ContractorEasterling RoofingWilmingtonGrantDamon ShepardAffordable air care llcWilmingtonGrantDanny alley jrTake'n junk84BurgawGrantDanny EllioittSourceOne, Inc.LelandGrantDavid YoungAlcoholic Anonymous Outside Under 10 people at residential at least 6 feet apartWrightsville BeachGrantDdt OutletDdt OutletHampsteadDenydeandre virgilColonial TradesHampsteadGrantDeep Blue Vapors LLCShallotteDenyDina M LindemonCarolina Decor & moreSurf CityGrantDoggie Diva Mobile Pet GroomingLisa ArstoneWilmingtonGrantDorothy R. PhilipsPool SpecialistWILMINGTONGrantDutchy Women IncMason DixonShallotteDenyeagles beachwearOak IslandDenyEmad AtiehWilmingtonGrantEmad tobacco incSupreme Smoke ShopWilmingtonDenyEmpire Graphics, LLCEmpire Graphics, LLCHampsteadGrantEntreserv Corporation (Island Print & Promo)Carolina BeachGrantEnvironmental Source Samplers, Inc.WilmingtonGrantEnvironments Unlimited, Incenvironments unlimitedwilmingtonGrantEpic Finance LLCWilmingtonGrantEzdrywall&painting llcWilmingtonGrantFabric Solutions of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantFamily ValuesLarrys Used AutosWILMINGTONGrantFarriss Hospitality, LLCFarriss HospitalityKure BeachGrantFathom Offshore Holdings LLCFathom OffshoreWilmingtonDenyFinesse Pro Services, Inc.HampsteadGrantFirst in flight tobacco and vape llcCalabashDenyFitness for life,incWilmingtonDenyFlorencio Parada SanchezHawkscapesCastle HayneGrantFlores & Foley, LLCRoofing CompanyWilmingtonGrantFLOW SCIENCES, INC.LELANDGrantForged Custom Metal Fabrication LLCCastle HayneGrantFoxhill Construction LLCWilmingtonGrantFutrell's Lawn Care LLCHampsteadGrantGarage Ink, LLCWilmingtonGrantGary R WilcixOld World CraftsmanWilmingtonGrantGatlin's Straw, LLCWinnabowGrantGet your sweet on LLCBurney's sweets and more of HampsteadHampsteadGrantGinger BrutonGoing Green Pet spaWilmingtonGrantGlockner Industries of NC IncUnfinished Furniture of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantGosa Hospitalities 1 LLCRodeway Inn & SuitesWilmingtonGrantGossip salonWilmingtonFirm DenyGossip salonWilmingtonfirm denyGreg Jones Law, PAWilmingtonGrantGregory AgeeG&M CleaningSHALLOTTEGrantGriffin Gear, Inc.RoebuckGrantGwen BorcykGwen Borcyk, MSW, LCSW, PLLCWilmingtonGrantH & W PLUMBING, LLP1990WilmingtonGrantH & W PLUMBING, LLP1990WilmingtonGrantHampstead Womens Club, IncHampstead Womens Club Thrift ShopHampsteadDenyHappy Hippies Java HutKure BeachGrantHenry D. FlorezDom's TrainingWilmingtonFirm DenyHeritage Guns LLCWILMINGTONGrantHI-LINE, INCBEAUTY EXPRESSWILMINGTONGrantHigh Speed Welding, LLCHIGH SPEED WELDINGWILMINGTONGrantHOFFMAN ECO WORKS, INCSOUTHPORTGrantHoliday Inn Express & Suites Wilmington West - Medical ParkWilmingtonGrantHometown Vape CompanyWilmingtonDenyHope House of Wilmington INC.WilmingtonGrantHRH Construction Products, Inc.Rocky PointGrantI&I Detective Agency, LLCI&I Fire Water and MoldWilmingtonGrantIke IncShallotteGrantIke Inc.ShallotteGrantImage Monster LLCWilmingtonGrantIn and Out Hydraulics LLCBurgawGrantIndustrial Pump Service of NC, IncLelandGrantIplax Inc.WilmingtonDenyIrma GarciaD&A Roofing and metal LLCWilmingtonGrantIsland Massage & SpaCarolina BeachFirm DenyJ&h enterprise of Wilmington llcUp in smokeWilmingtonDenyJ&J Boat Services, IncSouthportGrantJ&J Fence INCJ&J Fence IncWilmingtonGrantJ&M Marx Pools, LLCHampstead Pool and SpaHampsteadGrantJackson Landscaping, Inc.WilmingtonGrantJacob J MillerIntercoastal Landscapes LLCWilmingtonGrantJames Henry BrownJB's Lawn CareWILMINGTONGrantJason WhiteCarolina BeachDenyJDI, INC.JDI, Inc.WilmingtonGrantJeffrey Brian goreFresh local seafoodWilmingtonGrantJeffrey lee BedfordMr. Jeff Bail Bonds/ Fugitive RecoveryHampsteadGrantJeffrey P ReeseReese Transportation GroupWilmingtonGrantJeffrey WeinbergAzalea Auction / Auction OrangeWilmingtonGrantJennifer CooperSouthportGrantJennifer Lee CampbellWilmingtonGrantJerry SmithMilitary Supplemental Counseling ServicesWilmingtonGrantJessenia TasconHome Construction ExpertsWilmingtonGrantJessica NewcombeGrooming By JessWilmingtonGrantJessica NewcombeGrooming By JessWilmingtonGrantJM General ConstructionROCKY POINTGrantJoel KnightClassic Vinyl Repairs Inc.WilmingtonGrantJohn ChiulliSouthport Concrete CorpSouthportGrantJohn LothesClinical PsychologistWilmington,GrantJohn W Thurstondba Thurston DrywallCastle HayneGrantJTA consulting, Inc.SouthportGrantJta consultings incSouthportGrantJuan mendoza-quiterioJM General ConstructionRocky PointGrantJulie Anne BeckerPampered Pets Mobile Spa, LLCLelandGrantJulio E. HernandezShallotteGrantJust For You Florist, Inc.FloristBoliviaGrantJustin HecklerWholesale Hurricane ShuttersWilmingtonGrantKaren BruntWilmingtons Best RentalsWilmingtonGrantkeith douglas cubbagecarol l taylor DBA SEACOAST TRUCK/EQUIPMENT SERVWILMINGTONGrantKendra WilliamsA mystic touchSouthportFirm DenyLa Vaquita Tienda MexicanaWilmingtonGrantLancaster Electric Company LLCWilmingtonGrantLead Technical Service LLCWilmingtonGrantLESLIE PHILLIP EDWARDSEdward's Moving LaborLelandGrantLeslie SmithLS Smith, IncWilmingtonGrantLiving Waters Guide ServiceLiving Waters Guide ServiceWilmingtonDenyLong Leaf Shoe Repair Inc.WilmingtonGrantLucid Innovative TechnologiesLelandGrantLuis GonzalezZozos paintingWilmingtonGrantMaid In BrazilMAID IN BRAZILWILMINGTONGrantMaria's Health, LLCMaria's Health ShoppeHAMPSTEADGrantMatthew BowlingAnalytical Instrumentation ServicesBoliviaGrantMay Retail Internet ServicesOutdoor EquippedWilmingtonGrantMcGee Pools, IncMcGee Pools, Inc.Carolina BeachGrantMCW ENTERPRISES, INCMARTIN CUSTOM WOODWORKINGWilmingtonGrantMD Ventures of Wilmington, LLCWilmington CleanersWilmingtonGrantMechanical Specialties, Inc.WilmingtonGrantMelissa fowlerPipe techs Plumbimg RepairWilmingtonGrantMHI Hospitality TRS LLCHotel BallastWilmingtonGrantMike Powell Inc dba Coastal CabinetsCoastal CabinetsWilmingtonGrantMindy GeraMindy DesignsWrightsville BeachGrantmirror image inc.mirror image inc.wilmingtonGrantMOAC INCMOAC INCWilmingtonDenyMonarch Roofing of Wilmington, Inc.Monarch Roofing of WilmingtonWILMINGTONGrantMr Phix LLCMr PhixWilmingtonGrantMusic TradersMusic TradersShallotteDenyNCSC Wilmington Owner LLCHoliday Inn Express & Suites WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantNet Recycling/Net LogisticsNet RecyclingWILMINGTONGrantNoel BrooksWilmingtonGrantNothing Shocking LLCMojotoneBurgawGrantOak Island GroomingOak IslandGrantOak Island Sporting Goods, INCSouthportDenyOnslow Bay Marine Group LLCHampsteadGrantOur Yard Your SaleOur Yard Your SaleHampsteadDenyParty Suppliers & Rentals Inc.WilmingtonGrantPatterson Auto SalesWilmingotnGrantPawsitive Mobile Pet Spa LLCPawsitive Mobile Pet SpaSouthportGrantPawville North Carolina LLCSurf City Pawville, Jacksonville Pawville, North Shore Pawville and Porters Neck PawvilleHampsteadGrantPaxton Plumbing Services LLCRocky PointGrantPedro CruzLandscapingCastle HayneGrantPeter SchulzThe Small Craft ShopWilmingtonGrantPhelps Truck Sales, IncPHELPS TRUCK SALESWILMINGTONGrantPhillip YoungCape Fear StripingRocky PointGrantPHOENIX TECHNOLOGY LTD.BURGAWGrantPICONE AUTOMOTIVE INCWILMINGTONGrant
Pine Glo Products, Inc.RolesvilleGrantPool Professionals of Coastal Carolinas LLCPool Professionals of Coastal Carolina LLCWilmingtonGrantPort City Signs & Graphics Inc.Port City Signs & Graphics IncWilmingtonGrantPort City Sports PerformanceWilmingtonFirm DenyPrecision Time Systems, Inc.SupplyGrantProclaim Interactive, Inc.Proclaim Interactive, Inc.WilmingtonGrantQuickSilver Analytics, Inc.NAHampsteadGrantRedRock Restoration & Construction, LLCRedRock ConstructionHampsteadGrantRicardo HernandezGood Hands LandscapeBurgawGrantRicardo HernandezGood Hands LandscapeBurgawGrantRichard A Berg PCWilmingtonGrantRoadbuilders Inc.WilmingtonGrantRobert Austin woodBetter stories fishing charters LLCWilmingtonDenyRobert G ShandBluewater CanvasworksWilmingtonGrantRobert RaynorGreen turtle lawn careHampsteadGrantRobins wild by nature floristWild by NatureSouthportGrantRodeas Enterprise IncMattress and Furniture LiquidatorsWILMINGTONDenyRoy & Rose, Inc.Signs By Tomorrow-WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantRUBEN CHIRINOSTIENDA EL MERCADITOWILMINGTONGrantRuss Medical Specialties, INCWilmingtonGrantSalty Paws Salon LLCWinnabowGrantSandra Lee McHenryAll About Dogs of Southport LLCSouthportGrantSano Steam, LLCWilmingtonGrantSansha USA IncLelandDenySAP Ventures IncSAP Ventures IncOCEAN ISLE BEACHGrantScarecrowBoat, LLCFreedom Boat Club of WilmingtonCarolina BeachDenyScott Allan BlackmonScott Blackmon Pool ServiceWilmingtonGrantScott AndersonAnderson TileOCEAN ISLE BEACHGrantScott HowardScott Howard Building and RemodelingRocky PointGrantScott RichardsI contract for instacartLelandGrantSea Dog Marine Construction, LLCOak IslandGrantSeaside Fire, LLCSeaside SweepWilmingtonGrantSEMBCO, INC.SUPPLYGrantSeptember Signs & Graphics LLCWilmingtonGrantShannon McLucasChoices Design Copy & PrintWilmingtonGrantShannon MorrowSurf Sitters Pet Carr and Dog Walking LLCHampsteadGrantSheila's Wig BoutiqueSheila's WigsWilmingtonGrantSimmons and Heffernan IncSurf Unlimited MercantileOcean Isle BeachDenySimon RobsonTuna's Marine Services LLCWilmingtonGrantSME, Inc. USAWilmingtonGrantSouth-Tek Systems LLCWilmingtonGrantSoutheastern Tile Connection Incsoutheastern tile connection incwilmingtonGrantStephanie CookDog groomerWilmingtonGrantSteven KennedySweet Nectar IncBelvilleGrantStop n go tobacco llcWilmingtonDenyStrands Hair Works IncStrands OutfittersOak IslandDenySun and Surf Containers, IncShallotteGrantSunset Lighting CompanyWilmingtonGrantSuperior Truck RepairWilmingtonGrantSurf Unlimited Rentals Inc.Surf Unlimited RentalsOcean Isle BeachDenySusiq CorporationCat on a WhiskSouthportGrantsweet nectar incSWEET NECTARS FLORISTLELANDGrantSYLVIA COWAN HALLSYLVIA'S PET CARE CENTERWILMINGTONGrantSynoptix CompaniesBudget Blinds of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantTammy Michelle RaynorConstuctionRocky PointGrantTanya JonkheerEastwood GroomingWilmingtonGrantTCS Center INCTotal Computer SolutionsShallotteGrantTechnical Coating International, IncBelvilleGrantTELCELL WIRELESS L.L.C.Telcell WirelessWilmingtonGrantThe Children's Corner Of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantThe Children's Corner Of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantThe Green Genie LLCShallotteDenythe Printing Shoppe IncThe Printing Shoppe and Smart MailShallotteGrantThe Sign Company of WilmingtonWilmingtonGrantThe Wild Child Art StudioHampsteadDenyThomas Nelson, LLCThomas Nelson, LLCWrightsville BeachGrantThrudreamin' Ent IncCoastal Groomadog AcademyCALABASHGrantThurston DrywallHampsteadGrantTidewaters LLCHook Line and PaddleWILMINGTONDenyTIENDA EL MERCADITOWILMINGTONGrantTimothy GlombSouthportGrantTLedger IncTrustLedger AccountingHampsteadGrantTop to Bottom house cleaningTop to Bottom house cleaningWilmingtonGrantTrailers Unlimited, IncTrailers Unlimited, IncRocky PointGrantUltimate sounds llcWilmingtonDenyVape Hut IncWilmingtonDenyVapor Paradize, LLCVapor Paradize, llcshallotteDenyVet-Life ApparelSavage TacticiansWilmingtonGrantVon Barkee's LlcVon Barkee's Dog Spa and BakerywilmingtonGrantWalex Products Company, Inc.LelandGrantWall to Wall Cabinetry, LLCWilmingtonGrantWatchmen Ventures, LLCWilmingtonGrantWendy Purser Pool Consulting LLCHampsteadGrantWilliam Gary JamesIntracoastal crane works llcSurf cityGrantWilliams marine & Residential ConstructionWilmingtonGrantWillow Creek Designs LLCLelandGrantWilmington Convention Hotel, LLCEmbassy Suites by Hilton Wilmington RiverfrontWilmingtonGrantWilmington Recreational & MoreWilmingtonGrantWilmington Tank & TrailerWilmington Tank & Trailer Co. Inc.WilmingtonGrantWorld Cultural Tours, IncWCT, INCWilmingtonGrantWR HAND AND SONS TRUCKING LLCBURGAWGrantXpertees Promotions, Inc.Xpertees PromotionsWilmingtonGrantYosef EwaissPayless WirelessWilmingtonGrant
Go here to see the original:
Businesses recently granted or denied essential status by the state - Greater Wilmington Business Journal
- Collin Gosselin reveals new job after being discharged from Marines over past institutionalization by mom Kate - Page Six - March 9th, 2025 [March 9th, 2025]
- Expert Power Washing and Roof Cleaning Company Opens New Location In Monroe, NJ - ACCESS Newswire - March 1st, 2025 [March 1st, 2025]
- JMJ Painting & Power Washing Enhances West Bloomfield Properties with Exceptional Services - WICZ - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- All About Solar Panel Cleaning With New Haven Pressure Washing - openPR - January 3rd, 2025 [January 3rd, 2025]
- Wash Patrol Gilbert: Building Relationships Through Superior Property Maintenance - Benzinga - December 21st, 2024 [December 21st, 2024]
- Tampa Wash Bros Pressure Washing: The Trusted Partner for Spotless Surfaces in Tampa - openPR - November 29th, 2024 [November 29th, 2024]
- Spotless Adobe Offering Pressure Washing and Exterior Cleaning Services to Windsor, ON - openPR - October 28th, 2024 [October 28th, 2024]
- Riptide Pressure Washing Providing Exterior Cleaning Services to Wilmington, NC - openPR - October 28th, 2024 [October 28th, 2024]
- Pressure Washing Company Uses Specialized Equipment And Professional Expertise - openPR - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- How To Find The Best Power Washing Companies Near Me - Forbes Home - February 3rd, 2023 [February 3rd, 2023]
- Residential Power Washing Services - PPW's Residential Services - February 3rd, 2023 [February 3rd, 2023]
- Newton students start landscaping business, now helping those in need with free service - CBS Boston - December 6th, 2022 [December 6th, 2022]
- How To Deep Clean Your Bathroom And Keep It Clean - House Digest - August 20th, 2022 [August 20th, 2022]
- As dry weather persists, Connecticut increases drought response for New London and Windham counties - Hartford Courant - August 20th, 2022 [August 20th, 2022]
- Participate in the Cleanfax Monkeypox Poll - CMM - August 20th, 2022 [August 20th, 2022]
- Public urged to conserve water amid 'exceptionally warm weather' - Irish Examiner - July 18th, 2022 [July 18th, 2022]
- House Of Wash Voted Top Power Washing in Downingtown-PA - Digital Journal - January 25th, 2022 [January 25th, 2022]
- COVID-19 and the changing nature of waste - Mongabay-India - January 25th, 2022 [January 25th, 2022]
- LG promises to make home appliance software upgradeable to take on new tasks - The Register - January 25th, 2022 [January 25th, 2022]
- A 15-Minute Grocery Delivery That Took 21 Minutes - The New York Times - November 16th, 2021 [November 16th, 2021]
- Volunteer Bloomington: Helping to feed local people in need - The Herald-Times - November 16th, 2021 [November 16th, 2021]
- Aboriginal residents of outback SA are having to choose between food and electricity - SBS News - November 16th, 2021 [November 16th, 2021]
- 4 Things to Consider Before Adding a New Service to Your Company Offerings - - December 17th, 2020 [December 17th, 2020]
- 5 Best Window Cleaners in Columbus - Kev's Best - December 17th, 2020 [December 17th, 2020]
- Davenport synagogue Rabbi reacts to vandalism just before Hanukkah celebration - - December 17th, 2020 [December 17th, 2020]
- CallisonRTKL reimagines Philip Johnson's Thanks-Giving Square in Dallas with pedestrian improvements - The Architect's Newspaper - December 17th, 2020 [December 17th, 2020]
- Pressure Washer Market (COVID-19 Analysis): Indoor Applications Projected to be the Most Attractive Segment during 2020-2026 - The Courier - December 17th, 2020 [December 17th, 2020]
- Hero of the pandemic: Diagnosed with cancer, a Monroe nurse answers the call - The Monroe Sun - December 10th, 2020 [December 10th, 2020]
- Latest Study explores the Pressure Washing Services Industry Market Witness Highest Growth in near future - PRnews Leader - November 11th, 2020 [November 11th, 2020]
- Charlton Kleening Service: Where a clean home is a happy home - Community Advocate - November 11th, 2020 [November 11th, 2020]
- Pro Kleen brings top notch sanitation services to Tobago - Loop News Trinidad and Tobago - October 20th, 2020 [October 20th, 2020]
- Hes here to cut the lawn and to draw us out of our COVID-induced depression - The Dallas Morning News - October 10th, 2020 [October 10th, 2020]
- Should Jesse Arreguin be elected to a second term as Berkeley mayor? - Berkeleyside - October 10th, 2020 [October 10th, 2020]
- Global Pressure Washing Services Market 2020 | Growth, Share, Trends, Opportunities And Focuses On Top Players | Clean and Green Solutions, Pressure... - October 6th, 2020 [October 6th, 2020]
- Muscogee (Creek) Citizen aims for the sky - Muscogee Nation News - October 6th, 2020 [October 6th, 2020]
- Global Washing Services Market Report 2020 by Key Players, Business Opportunities, Applications, Market Size, Countries Forecast to 2027 (Based on... - October 6th, 2020 [October 6th, 2020]
- Editorial: Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald refused to work with Gov. Tony Evers to contain coronavirus. They have made things worse. - Milwaukee... - October 6th, 2020 [October 6th, 2020]
- 'Friends of OB' campaign raising funds for a safe and clean community - A collaboration of the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association and The Peninsula... - September 26th, 2020 [September 26th, 2020]
- Pressure Washing Services Automotive Grease Market to Witness Growth Acceleration During 2020-2027 - Verdant News - September 23rd, 2020 [September 23rd, 2020]
- Boring, mundane businesses have an exhilarating, viral life on TikTok - The Verge - September 23rd, 2020 [September 23rd, 2020]
- Pressure Washing Services Market Trends and Prospects by 2026 - - September 20th, 2020 [September 20th, 2020]
- Bottom line: Cleaning service, used car dealership gets the showroom on the road - Valley News - September 20th, 2020 [September 20th, 2020]
- How to Get Started with Your Next Landscaping Project - OnFocus - August 28th, 2020 [August 28th, 2020]
- Better Choice Cleaning Offers the Best Janitorial and General Cleaning Services in Houston - Press Release - Digital Journal - August 28th, 2020 [August 28th, 2020]
- LIVE UPDATES: West Orange-Cove CISD, LCMCISD to remain closed through Sept. 4 - KBMT-KJAC - August 28th, 2020 [August 28th, 2020]
- Pressure Washer Market to See Booming Growth and Huge Profit - Red & Black Student Newspaper - August 28th, 2020 [August 28th, 2020]
- When is It Best to Power Wash a House? - Pleasantville, NY Patch - - August 21st, 2020 [August 21st, 2020]
- Forreston 'ahead of the curve' in recovery - Ogle County News - August 21st, 2020 [August 21st, 2020]
- How youth organizations can find funding for programs amid COVID-19 physical restrictions - Bangor Daily News - August 21st, 2020 [August 21st, 2020]
- 5 Best Window Cleaners in San Antonio - Kev's Best - August 12th, 2020 [August 12th, 2020]
- 5 Best Window Cleaners in Phoenix - Kev's Best - August 12th, 2020 [August 12th, 2020]
- COVID-19 Impact on Pressure Washing Services Market 2020 Clean and Green Solutions Williams Washing Shack Shine Power Wash UK - Cole of Duty - June 18th, 2020 [June 18th, 2020]
- Pep Boys Provides Charlotte-Area Veterans with Much-Needed Automotive Service in Partnership with Military Makeover Airing on Lifetime TV - Business... - June 18th, 2020 [June 18th, 2020]
- Global Pressure Washer Industry Market Covering Prime Factors and Competitive Outlook till 2025 - CueReport - June 18th, 2020 [June 18th, 2020]
- Valmet to supply cooking and fiberline to Sun Paper's Beihai mill in China - GlobeNewswire - June 10th, 2020 [June 10th, 2020]
- Apple and Google have trained their virtual assistants to rebut 'All lives matter' - Business Insider - Business Insider - June 8th, 2020 [June 8th, 2020]
- Coronavirus: How to be as safe as possible in your house of worship - MSR News Online - June 8th, 2020 [June 8th, 2020]
- How to be as safe as possible in your house of worship - The Conversation US - June 8th, 2020 [June 8th, 2020]
- Murphy joins BLM protests, as others fight tickets for gatherings - - June 8th, 2020 [June 8th, 2020]
- There is a crisis in the coal industry | Opinion - Hindustan Times - June 8th, 2020 [June 8th, 2020]
- We anticipate an increase in demand for more portable hand hygiene products as people start stepping out: Uni - Business Insider India - June 8th, 2020 [June 8th, 2020]
- 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Window Washer In New Jersey - - June 6th, 2020 [June 6th, 2020]
- Home projects to kick off this summer - The Providence Journal - June 6th, 2020 [June 6th, 2020]
- How to be as safe as possible in your house of worship - Longview News-Journal - June 6th, 2020 [June 6th, 2020]
- Dominion Energy adapts to ensure quick response to hurricanes during coronavirus pandemic - The Coastland Times - The Coastland Times - June 6th, 2020 [June 6th, 2020]
- Essential, Sick and Marginalized: Latinx people represent nearly half of all COVID-19 cases in the City - El Tecolote - June 6th, 2020 [June 6th, 2020]
- Water Conservation Order 'increasingly likely' - The Clare Herald - June 6th, 2020 [June 6th, 2020]
- Family Matters: This power (washing) father and son finally adjusted to working together. Now they face a new challenge. - WTOP - May 24th, 2020 [May 24th, 2020]
- Global Car Washing Services Market Projected to Reach USD XX.XX billion by 2025- 7 Flags Car Wash (US), Autobell Car Wash (US), Boomerang Carwash... - May 24th, 2020 [May 24th, 2020]
- Teen entrepreneur summit to spread the word: 'Start small and learn' - WRAL Tech Wire - May 24th, 2020 [May 24th, 2020]
- Allison Pearson: What weve learnt from the Great Pause - - May 24th, 2020 [May 24th, 2020]
- Chatham Mahoney Brothers Transition from Lacrosse to Open 'Seal & Deal' Driveway Seal Coating and Power Washing Business - - May 17th, 2020 [May 17th, 2020]
- Effective Power Washing in Eatontown NJ - - May 17th, 2020 [May 17th, 2020]
- Michigan salons left in the dark as pressure to reopen mounts - - May 17th, 2020 [May 17th, 2020]
- Washington Homeowners: DIY Or Leave The Painting To A Pro? - - May 17th, 2020 [May 17th, 2020]
- Around the house: No need to get heated over cooler that won't cool - Colorado Springs Gazette - May 10th, 2020 [May 10th, 2020]
- Community partnership to distribute 50,000 bottles of hand sanitizer - Kincardine News - April 16th, 2020 [April 16th, 2020]
- Protecting and securing your business during the coronavirus lockdown | London Business News - London Loves Business - April 16th, 2020 [April 16th, 2020]
- Updated: 'Keep Texarkana Moving' - These Businesses Are Open - - April 1st, 2020 [April 1st, 2020]
- LIST: Here's what's open and closed in Maryland, and the reasons you're allowed to leave your house - - March 31st, 2020 [March 31st, 2020]