Outsmart the Florida weather and insects with your own oasis of shade and protection. An aluminum screened in porch or patio by KC Screen is the answer for a true outdoor atmosphere.

There is nothing quite like kicking back on a screened in porch on a sunny day. Especially if you live in Central Florida. Let KC Screen install an aluminum screened porch so you can truly take advantage of your home. Inside and out. Thanks to its ease of installation and low maintenance requirements, our Aluminum Screen Patios and Porches are gaining in popularity in the Orlando Area.

The size and construction of an aluminum screened porch can vary greatly. You can choose a standardized size or you can choose to custom order a screened porch that is built to your exact specifications and needs.

Aluminum Screened porches are the perfect answer to eliminating bugs, pests and inclement weather from your outdoor enjoyment. Just as with any addition or remodeling project, effective and carefully thought out plans are the keys to producing the results you want with the least amount of problems. The best way to achieve this in Central Florida is to call the KC Screen Pros at: 407-944-9636.

Call today & Maximize your outdoor living! Free Estimate Financing Available

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PORCHES & PATIOS for Central Florida | KC Screen

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October 27, 2014 at 9:59 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Porches