A plumber who was expecting a normal day of repairing pipes soon entered a life-threatening situation when a thief tried to steal his Mercedes Spriner plumber van in Leeds, U.K.

On Tuesday, Steven Windle, 27, arrived at a house for a job. He had opened the van to get some tools and the thief immediately entered the van and took control of the vehicle.

Though the thief might not have been aware of Windle's presence at first, he soon figured it out, and began driving the van manically trying to get him to fall off as Windle held on to the vehicle's side.

"He was driving like an absolute lunatic. He kept slamming the brakes on, trying to get me to fly out," Windle said.

Soon, Windle was able to grab a crowbar and sneak to the front of the van, trying to break down the wooden barrier between the front and back of the vehicle.

That startled the thief and he jumped out of the van, running away as fast as he could.

But Windle was then left in a van that was driving without a driver. It sped up on its own and hit a wall and a parked car. Finally, it came to a stop.

Windle managed to walk away uninjured, but went to the hospital to get checked out.

The latest reports indicate the thief is still on the loose. Yorkshire Police have not given details about who the man was or why he ran away. They are currently investigating it.

The area has encountered many thieves posing as plumbers to get access to people's homes. There is no evidence that this is what the thief was doing in Windler's case.

See original here:
Thief Tries to Steal Plumber Steven Windle's Van, Plumber Clings On for Wild Ride

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May 16, 2013 at 11:06 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber