The heck with Harvard, says New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Most high school grads should learn a trade . . . like plumbing.

Bloomberg -- he of the no-oversized sodas -- is now reportedly dispensing career advice via his weekly radio show.

The people who are going to have the biggest problem are college graduates who arent rocket scientists, if you will, not at the top of their class, Bloomberg said Friday, according to the New York Daily News.

Compare a plumber to going to Harvard College being a plumber, actually for the average person, probably would be a better deal, he reportedly said. You dont spend ... four years spending $40,000, $50,000 in tuition without earning income.

- Mayor Bloomberg, in his last State of the City address

Bloomberg made the remark in response to a question on his weekly radio show appearance, according to a spokesman contacted by, although a transcript of the remarks was not immediately available.

The mayor added that another benefit to learning a trade, like plumbing, is that its hard to outsource, or computerize.

Its hard to farm that out, he reportedly said, and its hard to automate that.

The mayor seemed to bookend those remarks the following day with an address to the graduating class of Ohios Kenyon College.

I know that todays job market is not easy, he reportedly told those assembled for his address speech,, if I interview a recent college grad who tells me he or she spent the summer curing cancer, bringing peace to the Middle East, and writing the Great American Novel Im impressed.

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Skip college, become a plumber, Bloomberg says

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May 20, 2013 at 3:57 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
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