SAN DIEGO, CA--(Marketwire - Dec 20, 2012) - Throughout its 35-year history, Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air has routinely provided products and services to assist individuals and non-profit organizations in need. Now Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air is seeking the assistance of the general public to formalize the community service program by launching a contest to come up with a name.

"Our goal is to come up with a better way to actively seek opportunities to put our skills, products and services to work to serve our community. We've always just called it our 'Random Acts of Kindness' when we would respond to requests for help," said Mary Jean Anderson, president of Anderson Plumbing Heating & Air.

"In 35 years, we never put the framework together to make this an official program for our company. As the needs and requests increased, we wanted to give it a name and formalize the process.So we're reaching out to our customers, friends and the general public to first help us come up with a name, and then to let us know about deserving families or organizations that could use our help," added Anderson.

To submit an entry, "Like" the Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air Facebook page and follow the links to enter naming contest. Entrants are encouraged to get their friends and family to vote. Anderson Plumbing, Heating and Air will select a winner from the 3 entries with the most votes. The winner will get an iPad mini, as well as a rewarding feeling knowing they helped a great cause. Voting ends December 31, 2012.More information and rules are available at:

Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air has been serving San Diego County since 1978 and offers residential and commercial heating and air conditioning services including new equipment installation, retrofit, repairs and maintenance. Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air also specializes in plumbing installation and repairs for both residential and commercial including drains, water heaters, toilets, sinks, faucets, water, gas leaks, pipe replacement, pipe lining, sewer replacement, trenchless sewers and pipe repairs. Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air offers 24-hour emergency service to the greater San Diego area.

San Diego Plumber and Heating Specialist Launches Contest to Name Community Philanthropy Program

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