Q: A friend recently told me about a new shower head that plays music. Can you please give me some information about this shower head and how it is installed? I'm excited about this and I want one! -- Fred, New Jersey

A: It's called a "wireless speaker shower head," and most of these devices install just like a standard shower head. As far as product information, the one I worked with has 60 tiny nozzles laid out in a ring pattern around the perimeter of the shower head. Recessed in the center of the shower head is a water-resistant removable "wireless speaker" device that pops out for recharging or remote use.

Through signals, this wireless speaker pairs up with your smartphone or music device kept outside of the shower stall. Once all the components are in place, your stored music can be broadcast right out of the shower-head speaker. So, basically, your shower head starts to sing, and it rocks!

It's nice to see someone excited about plumbing, and I'm happy to keep you in "tune" with this latest shower technology. Master plumber Ed Del Grande is the author of "Ed Del Grande's House Call," the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or email eadelg@cs.com. Always consult local contractors and codes.

See original here:
Plumber: Singin' in the shower

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February 8, 2013 at 9:06 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber