A Houston plumber left an elderly woman high and dry with no way to bathe in her own home. The woman's friends contacted Local 2 consumer expert Amy Davis.

Seventy-eight-year-old Marilyn Crews is no complainer. She lives alone, still cooks and takes care of herself; but for the last four weeks, she has not been able to bathe in her own home.

"He's leaving me in a mess," Crews told Davis.

The man who left the holes and shut off the water in her only bathroom is the plumber Crews hired to replace her old bathtub. After two hours of demolition, he told her he couldn't do the job.

It surprised the heck out of me; and I said, What's the problem?'" Crews told Davis. And he said, I just can't break that tub.'"

The plumber charged her $200 for his effort and suggested she call someone else with the tools to break her old cast iron tub.

We did rehire somebody else, a major company to come in," said Crews friend, David Garza. "They can't come in for three or four weeks, so she's just high and dry since May 8th."

We called the plumber who left the mess. He told Local 2 he has cracked cast iron tubs before, but he simply couldn't bust this one. He says he did do two hours of demolition, then opened a phone book to show Crews a few other companies who might be able to finish the work.

"I can't imagine somebody leaving somebody like that," Crews said.

See the article here:
Plumber leaves Houston woman "high and dry"

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June 5, 2013 at 3:10 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber