Tenants of the buildings that were destroyed in the explosion on Second Avenue last month have blamed the landlord's illegal gas siphoning operation for the blast and fire that killed two men and injured dozens more. The landlord's attorney blamed Con Ed. Now, the Post reports that a plumber has "confessed" to setting up an illegal gas connection at the behest of the landlord's son.

According to the tabloid, the plumber claims that Michael Hrynenko, the son of landlord Maria Hrynenko, ordered him to siphon gas to the residential units above Sushi Park at 121 Second Avenue, the building where the blast originated. Sources tell the Post that investigators are still looking for physical evidence in the rubble, and "Authorities havent decided whether to cut a deal with the worker in exchange for his testimony or use his statement against him."

Con Ed inspected 121 Second Avenue roughly 30 minutes before the explosion occurred, and a spokesman for the utility insisted that the workers never unlocked the gas connection, called a head end. "We said no, this is a mess," the spokesman told Gothamist. "They looked at the work and said, we're going to fail you."

After the Con Ed inspectors left, Michael arrived with contractor Dilber Kukic, and went into the basement of Sushi Park; the explosion occurred shortly after. Michael was injured in the explosion, and Kukic, who was caught in a DOB bribery sting last fall, carried him out of the burning building.

Hrynenko's attorney, Thomas Curtis, told Gothamist last week that his client was too naive to break any laws.

Maria wouldnt do anything illegal. Shes not savvy enough to do anything illegal," Curtis said. "She was beside herself when she found out about the explosion. She thought [Michael] was dead."

According to the Post, Curtis has been replaced. "It wasnt working out between us, Curtis told the paper. The whole thing is very strange. I think shes made a mistake.

The funeral for one of the two men killed in the explosion, 23-year-old Nicholas Figueroa, is being held tomorrow on the Upper West Side.

Read the rest here:
Plumber "Confesses" To Gas Siphoning Before East Village Explosion

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April 8, 2015 at 6:23 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber