Posted on: 4:39 pm, April 5, 2013, by Mike Mather, updated on: 08:53am, April 6, 2013

He could be sentenced to 10 years in prison, but that length of punishment is unlikely because he pleaded guilty and is cooperating with federal prosecutors. Prosecutors submitted to the court a statement of facts that Zoby agreed was a fair portrayal of the scheme. The document says Zoby frequently left envelopes with money inside for a Norfolk plumbing supervisor identified in court records as Michael D. Brown. Brown has also been charged with bribery. Zobys statement says the money helped him get more frequent city work.

Zoby also admitted he performed as much as $17,000 in plumbing work at rental properties owned in part by another city supervisor. In exchange, according to Zobys statement, Zoby and the supervisor worked together to fake invoices that the city would pay. That helped Zoby make back the bribes, prosecutors said.

Zoby told the judge he once had a drug problem and had sought treatment in the 1990s, but said that wasnt an issue now.

Zoby was allowed to leave court on bond until his sentencing in July. He ducked into a cream-colored Cadillac Escalade idling outside the courthouse and blocking traffic. Zoby was accompanied by another man acting as some sort of valet or bodyguard. Zoby did not speak.

Statement of Facts from Zoby Case

Click on the stories below to read more of NewsChannel 3s coverage of this case:

Sources: Norfolk worker under bribery investigation is a 15-yearemployee

State police to investigate Norfolk briberyallegations

Norfolk releases records, invoices of its dealings with plumber charged withbribery

View original post here:
Plumber admits to bribing Norfolk supervisors

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