Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. J.M. Barrie

If I had my life to live over again, Id be a plumber. Albert Einstein

Many years ago when I was in junior high school and beyond, teachers administered aptitude tests from time to time.

We were told the results of these tests would help us figure out what job or career for which we were most suited.

I have no memory of any guidance counselor ever sitting down with my test results and me to help determine what I ought to do with my life.

So, I winged it. I liked English and did well in it, so I majored in it. And I taught it for a time. Later, I went to graduate school, studied journalism and have been working at it for 30 years.

From time to time for the past two years, however, Ive wished Id learned yet another job.

Its down and dirty. Emergencies can clog up scheduled time off and holidays. But its an important job, and if you own your own business, I suppose you can choose to work or not.

And I can speak only from the customers perspective, but the moneys awfully good.

Yes, its true. I couldve been a plumber.

For nearly two years, the bathroom in my basement has been out of commission. Its not used much, except when we have company.

Imagine during the holidays with family staying downstairs, and at least six folks having to share the one upstairs bathroom. Sure, its doable, but its not easy.

The first plumber who came early on worked all day and wasnt quite confident in his diagnosis. He wanted to tear up the entire floor to the tune of several thousand dollars.

A few months later, another plumber overheard us talking about the problem and said hed never met a problem he couldnt repair. He visited, worked for hours and gave us a different diagnosis than Plumber #1.

We waited a while before deciding to try a third plumber. And that is where our journey into the world of stopped-up pipes took a turn into the Twilight Zone.

Many plumbers told me it would be weeks, perhaps even months, before they could get to me.

A few told me theyd come by, set a date to do so, then never showed up. That happened at least four times. These guys all were recommended highly by people I know.

Theyre just busy, I was told when Id complain to those praising their plumbing skills.

Busy is great. But dont tell me you will be at my house at a certain time, then dont show up without notice. It takes only a moment to send a text or call to say youre not coming.

Beyond frustration, we forgot about our basement bathroom for several more months. In truth, we forgot about the basement all together, using it instead as a catch-all place when we renovated our kitchen.

But a month ago, the time had come. I got yet another recommendation from my friend Derek Russell, made the call, told my lengthy story and got my name put on this plumbers list. Two weeks later, he called and said my number was up and he actually came to the house.

After two visits and a diagnosis that matched that of Plumber #2 from more than a year earlier, he set a date to begin the repair.

Again, he showed up. Our East Tupelo home once again has two working bathrooms.

In addition to showing up, knowing his stuff and sticking with a difficult and unpleasant task to the end, he is one of the nicest people Ive ever met.

Whether he needs me on his list of clients or not, hes got me.

Maybe I could have been a plumber, but now, thanks to Charles, I dont have to be.

Originally posted here:
If starting over a possibility, I would've been a plumber | Lifestyle ... - Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

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July 1, 2017 at 10:47 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber