Oct. 23, 2013, 8 a.m.

GRIFFITH Base Hospital (GBH) farewelled one of its long-standing employees, when assistant engineer Robert Hallam retired after more than 26 years on the job last month.

In 1987, Robert began his employment as a plumber with the construction crew completing renovations at Hillston Hospital.

Twelve months later, he was transferred to GBH as the area plumber with responsibility for outlying hospitals such as Leeton, Narrandera, Hay, Hillston and Lake Cargelligo.

On the retirement of the previous assistant engineer in 2009, Mr Hallam was the successful replacement and has been at the helm of the maintenance team until his retirement on Friday, September 20.

This position carried many responsibilities around the day-to-day running of the hospital including travelling to outlying centres two to three times a week.

Griffith Base Hospital manager of business operations Ian Woolfe said during the past 12 years, Mr Hallam was on call 24/7 every three weeks and there were times when family had to come second because a breakdown in a hospital could not wait.

Making the decision to retire was a long and calculated one, but now it has been made, Robert is looking forward to spending quality time with his wife and two sons and undertaking some quiet, mid-week fishing and some serious time in the kitchen two of Roberts passions, he said.

Wife Robyn, who also works at GBH, will continue to work part time for a little while yet and can enjoy going home to a lovely cooked meal.

GBH staff farewelled Mr Hallam at a morning tea where he was presented with a certificate of service.

Read more here:
Hospital plumber hangs up tools

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October 22, 2013 at 8:52 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber