Q: Dear Ed, I love to cook in my recently remodeled kitchen. Between my appliances and plumbing, it is nearly perfect.

I say nearly because I overlooked one item that would make it the perfect space. I forgot all about a pot-filler faucet next to the stovetop for filling large pots with water. Without turning it into huge project, can a pot-filler still be added to a completed kitchen?

Jennifer, Maine

A: Pot-fillers are usually found in professional kitchens and add to the efficiency of the kitchen.

The big advantage is that you can fill large pots on the cooktop. This eliminates the step of filling the pot at the sink, then moving a heavy pot of water to the stove.

They are usually a wall-mounted fixture with a long swinging spout. A single cold water line roughed in behind the finished wall supplies the water. So, it could be an invasive job installing a wall-mounted pot-filler in a finished kitchen.

However, single-hole, deck-mount pot-fillers are also available and may be easier to install in a finished kitchen. A deck-mounted pot-filler is a very tall fixture with a long swinging arm and usually requires a single faucet hole drilled through the countertop.

Once mounted, a cold water line can be run through the base cabinets in place of opening up a wall. Pot-fillers can be pricey, so make sure you fill your wallet first before calling your plumber.


Master contractor/plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book Ed Del Grandes House Call, the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or write eadelg@cs.com.

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Ed the Plumber Pot-fillers an efficient kitchen add

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March 13, 2015 at 1:28 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber