Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) October 29, 2013

Carters My Plumber has formed a team with Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) to help in the fight of finding a cure for cancer, and in honor of 10 year survivor, Jamie Carter. Jamie is the owner of Carters My Plumber. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer 10 years ago. He underwent surgery to remove the tumor, and endured a 9 week intensive regimen of chemotherapy. Jamie was treated by Dr. Einhorn of I.U. Medical Center, which is the same doctor who treated Lance Armstrong. Jamies treatment was successful and has been cancer free for 10 years.

Stand Up To Cancers Mission: United in one unstoppable movement

Cancer takes one person every minute. Every day in America 1500 people die despite the fact that ground breaking research and medication is within reach of saving lives.

For the first time in history, the possibility of stopping cancer in its tracks is within site. Now more than ever, as government funding for cancer research is disappearing from the national agenda, every single person affected by cancer must stand up and be heard.

SU2C has a unique funding model, which was developed with the help of prominent cancer researchers, to encourage collaboration and innovation through two new types of scientific grants:

Dream Team grants are awarded to multi-institutional groups of scientists who work collaboratively, rather than competitively, to develop new treatments quickly in order to save lives now.

Innovative Research Grants support groundbreaking cancer research projects that are high-risk but could also be high-impact, and have the potential to significantly affect patient care.

Carters My Plumber is CARTERstrong:

Carters My Plumber owners, Jamie and Lisa Carter, have a heart to help others. Jamie has had the experience of cancer, and wants to encourage others to seek medical help if any symptoms develop. His first symptom was pain in the groin area, and because Lisa is a RN, he sought medical attention immediately. After a few rounds of antibiotics, and no relief, his urologist suggested surgery. Jamie didnt hesitate knowing something wasnt right. Lisa is now a Certified Cancer Coach & Educator and trains patients battling cancer to make lifestyle and dietary changes, along with providing progressive research to find the best possible solution for treatment. Carters My Plumber has formed a team through the Stand Up To Cancer organization in order to raise money to further cancer research and find the cure. Carters My Plumber is honoring 10 year survivor, Jamie Carter, in the month of November which is the anniversary of his initial diagnosis and treatment. Carters My Plumber is CARTERstrong for owner, Jamie Carter.

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Carter’s My Plumber of Indianapolis, IN, Announces Owner, Jamie Carter, is a 10-year Cancer Survivor as of November 2013

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October 30, 2013 at 4:53 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber