A woman refused to pay her water bills when they turned up hundreds of dollars more than she usually pays.

The city turned her water off, so she called a plumber to find the problem.

When she still couldn't get a response from the city, she turned to Action 9 investigator Jason Stoogenke for help.

"I got quite a few of them bills," said Angie Wallace. "I'm like, 'hold up.'"

Wallace's water bills were always around $50 per month.

But then July's bill was $324, August's was $672, September's was $268, October's was $284, November's was $153 and December's was $147.

She refused to pay most of it and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department shut off her water.

"Man, I was really boiling," Wallace said.

When Action 9 was in her home, there was no water dripping or toilets running, which are common reasons for high water bills.

Another reason is a leak, which if it's on the homeowner's side of the meter, he or she is on the hook for the bill.

Go here to see the original:
Action 9: Woman's water shut off after unexpectedly high bills

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December 31, 2013 at 11:09 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber