Bowling Green is 48th on pest control company Orkins annual Bedbug Cities list.

Based on the number of treatments the company did in2014, the list is comprised of the 50 most bedbug-ridden cities in the United States. This is Bowling Greens first time on the list.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said bedbugs are small, flat parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. They are reddish-brown in color, wingless, can range from 1 millimeter to 7 millimeters long and can live several months without a blood meal.

Theyre a quarter of an inch long and easily seen. Droplets of blood are found where bedbugs are hiding,said David Burton, environmental health program manager at the Barren River District Health Department. They are relatively easy to find if you take the time to look and know what youre looking for.

Bedbugs can be in places that are clean or those with poor sanitation,saidShellie Miller, branch manager at Orkin in Bowling Green.

Theyre very nondiscriminatory.They will reproduce anywhere, she said.All they do is eat blood. Thats all they need to survive.

The health department handles reports for bedbugs in hotels, motels and schools.

We inspect and issue operating permits. Bedbugs are listed as a nuisance in that they bite people and are hard to get rid of, Burton said. They hitch rides on your clothes and just about anywhere. Theyre not listed as a health hazard.

When environmentalists find bedbugs, they refer the business to a licensed pest control operator as well as to the Kentucky Department of Public Health website or the CDC website at

Theyre pretty common. You just have to be watchful, Burton said. Check the bed, bed covers, walls behind the furniture. Just be thorough.

See the article here:
That bites! BG among worst bedbug cities

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January 29, 2015 at 1:32 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control Commercial