Twelve Upper Clutha groups dedicated to getting rid of rats, mice, stoats, ferrets, wild cats and possums will meet tomorrow to share their best eradication ideas.

The groups, including the Department of Conservation, Forest and Bird and Matukituki Charitable Trust have often done their work in isolation.

However, Forest and Bird member Andrew Penniket said this week the formation of the Upper Clutha Conservation Forum was generating a more co-operative approach.

The first step had been a ''gathering at the pub'' where each group learnt what the other groups were doing.

Saturday's ''Pest-Off'' workshop in the St John rooms would be another step in that process.

''It's initially for the locals to say what they are doing, what traps they are using and what they have been catching over the last summer.

''It's about swapping information. You're never too old to learn.''

Doc would be providing experts involved in pest control research programmes, and new style gas-powered traps would be demonstrated.

Read more:
Pest control groups combine for battle

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March 26, 2015 at 8:28 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control