RCMP in Foam Lake were dispatched to check out reports of a man with a rifle who was shooting at things in town -- only to learn the fellow was the local pest control officer.

RCMP reported on the incident Friday as a reminder to communities of the importance of sharing information about the activities of pest control workers, especially those using firearms.

According to RCMP, the Foam Lake incident took place Monday afternoon when two people placed 911 calls about a man with a rifle driving around in a pickup truck.

The officers who responded found the man in a grassy field across from a residential area, noting that a number of adults and children were standing nearby.

Officers turned out their emergency equipment and, when the man emerged from his truck - rifle in hand -ordered him to drop it.

The man complied and the officers put the man in custody.

They later learned the man was shooting gophers in the area, as part of his job.

No charges were laid and the firearm was returned to the pest control officer and he was released from custody.

Police said officers will be talking with all communities in the area to identify similar bylaw officers and protocol to avoid similar type of situations from occurring.

See the original post:
Man with rifle was just town's pest control officer, RCMP learn

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July 13, 2013 at 11:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control