(PRWEB) April 30, 2013

EliminateEm Pest Control Services and Extermination is warning homeowners about the epidemic of Termites this Spring. Termites are infesting homes and building structures daily since the Winter thaw is in full swing.

Only Subterranean Termites cause damage in the Northeast. Drywood and Formosan Termites are mostly found in the South and the West. But make no mistake about it in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York Subterranean Termites create devastating damage when not appropriately addressed, says Kenney Vayda, President/CEO of EliminateEm Pest Control Services.

Vayda adds, Subterranean Termites do not need contact with soil to survive. They build their nests either underground or on top of the wet ground. With the wet conditions right now in Connecticut we are prime for Subterranean Termites. We strongly recommend a termite inspection now that the Connecticut area is finally thawing out.

Termites are not disease carriers but rather are known for their ability to damage entire structures. They have been known to eat through foundations, support beams, plastic plumbing pipes. The Subterranean Termite will eat through wall paper, plastic, plant based fabrics and other cellulose based products like paper and insulation.

The exterminators at EliminateEm Pest Control Services offer Termite inspection and Termite extermination in the following areas throughout the state of Connecticut: Southport, Manchester, Clinton, Torrington, West Hartford, Stamford, Enfield, Weatogue and Bridgeport. Their highly skilled extermination staff is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week in Connecticut.

If a homeowner calls us in the middle of the night our Connecticut pest control specialists will be out immediately to inspect the home. It can be quite a shock to homeowners that they may have a pest control problem this is why we strongly encourage regular pest management especially for homeowners in the Connecticut area. With our changing seasons brings us all kinds of critters and bugs that can take over a home or property. With proper pest management and insect inspections we can better protect Connecticut homes from having a pest outbreak, explains Vayda.

EliminateEm Pest Control Services offers a variety of pest control and extermination services to get rid of all kinds of pests that can be found in a Connecticut home. In addition to removing Termite colonies, EliminateEm will also remove Ants, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Fleas, Ticks, Moles, Squirrels, Bats, Spiders, Rats, Rodents, Mice, Wasps, Hornets, Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Raccoons and all other wildlife nuisances.

For more information about Termite inspection, Termite management and Termite extermination in Connecticut please call 1-866-802-PEST (7378) or visit online at http://www.eliminateem.com.

Original post:
Connecticut Based Pest Control & Extermination Company Warns Homeowners of Active Termite Season

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