Updated: 10/16/2014 6:58 PM | Created: 10/16/2014 6:08 PM By: Eddie Garcia, KOB Eyewitness News 4

Its illegal for New Mexico restaurants to allow smoking indoors, but now, the state is urging them to ban smoking on their patios as well.

The New Mexico Health Department recently conducted a survey with almost 3,000 people asking them if they would support restaurants that choose to ban smoking on their patios.

The department reports that 75 percent of those surveyed said they would support the restaurants.

Representatives from the health department presented that information Thursday, calling on restaurants to consider banning smoking on their patios.

"It's something we would consider," said Kelly's Brew Pub owner, Dennis Bonfantine.

Bonfantine said he is seeing fewer and fewer smoking customers, and when they do light up, they won't smoke on his patio, even though it's currently allowed.

"Most smokers are very courteous. They usually go out on the sidewalk or the parking lot," said Bonfantine.

We spoke to people in Albuquerque's historic Old Town for their opinions on the matter.

"Nothing against smokers, but they can find other places to smoke where they're not harming others," said Emilie Sederholm.

Read more:
New Mexico asking restaurants and to consider ban on smoking on patios

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