WINNIPEG A growing majority of Manitobans iscalling for smoking to be banned on public patios, a new poll shows.

Among the 800 adult Manitobans polled, 67 per cent support extending smoking bans to outdoor patios of restaurants and bars, an increase from 58 per cent in 2008, says the survey obtained exclusively by Global News on Thursday.

One thing we want to do is show that (a smoking ban)has public support, said Murray Gibson from the Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance, which plans to release more poll results on smoking bans Friday.

Manitobas2004 Non-Smokers Health Protection Act banned smoking in all enclosed public places and indoor workplaces, but did not apply to outdoor eating and drinking areas.

The province doesnt plan tochange that law anytime soon, Manitoba Healthy Living Minister Sharon Blady told Global News Thursday.

Ithink its one of those things we have to consider and we have to do things incrementally, but at this point, most people seem to be satisfied with the way things are, Blady said.

A Winnipeg city councillor seemed more open to the idea.

We may be moving now to a place where we should talk about that for the patio. I think thats a debate we should have, said Brian Mayes (St. Vital).

The website mypeg.careleased a survey Thursday showing 19.4%ofWinnipeggers smoke, a 13% drop from a decade ago and slightly below the national average.

World No Tobacco Day is Saturday.

Originally posted here:
Manitobans want smoking ban on patios

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May 31, 2014 at 1:01 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Patios