Russian Steppe eagle flew in through patio doors and perched on cabinet Shocked homeowner had just settled down to watch French Open tennis Her friend tried to lure 18in-tall bird down wearing thick jacket and gloves They also put pieces of ham outside in bid to tempt it away, but with no joy Bird-of-prey expert was finally called to coax it down using a dead chick Storm escaped while being trained to ward off seagulls at a landfill site Owner delighted to have him back and apologises for 'ruining' tennis match

By Simon Tomlinson

Published: 06:03 EST, 9 June 2014 | Updated: 18:30 EST, 9 June 2014



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Perched imperiously on top of a wooden display cabinet, it looks rather like something brought home from the taxidermist. But this eagle was very much alive, swooping into a living room through a set of open patio doors.

The bird, a steppe eagle called Storm, landed on the cabinet and then knocked over a selection of ornaments with its 4ft wings and pecked at a bowl of pot-pourri.

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In a flap: Jon Ball from Wessex Bird of Prey Rescue captures an eagle after it flew into retired teacher Wendy Morrell's living room while she was watching television

See more here:
The eagle has my living room: Teacher's shock when huge eagle with 4ft wingspan swooped in and pecked at ...

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