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Three Parts:Receiving Your EducationBuilding ExperienceGetting Certified and Registering Your BusinessCommunity Q&A

If youre a construction or renovation worker who specializes in painting, you might have given some thought to how you can go into business for yourself. Painting contractors not only need to be skilled in a variety of painting techniques, but also know how to bid on jobs, calculate project expenses and hire workers in order to be successful. Before you can begin working as an independent painting contractor in most states, youll first need to apply for licensing, carry liability insurance and file the right documents to have your business officially recognized.

Part 1





Part 2




Part 3







How can I get hired to paint buildings?

wikiHow Contributor

The main things are a competitive price and a reputation of high quality work.

How do I get a contractor's license in Florida?

wikiHow Contributor

At the very least, you'll need to research local construction codes, pass a contractor certification exam and register your business with the state. Go to http://www.contractors-license.org to get more info about the specific requirements for a contractor's license in the state of Florida.

What is the demand nationwide for new and upcoming painting contractors?

wikiHow Contributor

Painters are always in high demand. After all, almost every home, business and public facility needs a paint job! the amount of work you receive may go through cycles depending on the season, but it will always be there.

Do you need a license in Michigan to regularly paint houses?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes. In fact, Michigan has some of the most stringent requirements for becoming a licensed contractor. Be sure to get all the necessary certifications squared away before you continue taking paid jobs, or else you could be subject to a hefty fine.

Do I need a license in Ghana to become a painting contractor?

wikiHow Contributor

It seems that private contractors are not currently being used for large-scale painting or construction jobs in Ghana. These projects are typically handled by agencies who receive contracts directly from the government. However, national regulations are constantly changing, and private contractors may be able to bid on high profile projects in the near future.

Do I need a license in Oregon?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes. Visit the Oregon Construction Contractor's Board website for more info on licensing requirements in your state.

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How to Become a Painting Contractor: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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Category: Painting Contractors