Thank you all for the overwhelming show of love and support for this event! The 35th Annual Stumpy Point Oyster Feast will be held from noon until 5 on Saturday, February 8 at the Stumpy Point Community Center. The menu includes all-you-can-eat oysters both in the shell to be shucked and fried. Fried fish,coleslaw, baked beans, potatoes, and hush puppies round out the menu.

Stumpy Point Civic Club met Friday and voted to continue the annual Oyster Feast which had been announced earlier as being cancelled. Money from the event will benefit the Civic Club and the Stumpy Point Volunteer Fire Department which is this years major sponsor.

Calls and emails flooded into the village after the earlier cancellation was announced. Callers said that they planned their trips to the Outer Banks based on the date of the feast. It had become a tradition with many families from both near and far.

Civic Club members decided the annual event not only served to bring people to the village tucked into the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, but also was a way to bring the village together by offering a way that both newcomers and generational residents could work together providing a peek at a unique commercial fishing village.

The cost of the feast is $30 for adults; $12 for children 12 and under. Bring plenty of cash! In addition to a fantastic meal there will be a bake sale, raffle, and sweatshirts for sale. Join us on February 8 and help us continue the tradition!

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDSDare County Animal Shelter

Sealed bids for completion of the Dare County Animal Shelter will be received on February 11, 2020, in the Dare County Administration Building, 954 Marshall C. Collins Drive, Manteo, NC, for 01-Fencing, 03- Concrete, 04-Masonry, 05-Metals/ Steel, 06-Casework, 07-Roofing, 07-Caulking, 08-Glass and Glazing, 08-Doors, Frames and Hardware, 08-Overhead Doors, 09-Drywall, 09-Flooring, 09-Painting, 10- Specialties, 12-Furnishings, 21-Fire Protection, 23-Mechanical & Plumbing, 26-Electrical, 31-Sitework and 32-Landscaping.

This project will be bid and awarded in accordance with North Carolina law. Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received until 1:00 p.m. All bidders must submit for prequalification by 2:00pm on 2/3/2020. Bids submitted by non-prequalified bidders will not be considered. All bids will be opened and read aloud starting at 2:00 p.m. of the bid day. Bids must be delivered in person and on the supplied Bid Form and include a bid deposit worth 5% of the total bid value. Electronic and faxed bids will NOT be accepted or reviewed. All times are local prevailing times.

Information requests concerning the project shall be submitted in writing to: Alex Palagyi of The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company via email (

Bidding material, prequalification material, and complete plans and specifications may be obtained from the Whiting-Turner Building Connected site and will be available until the bid due date. All subcontractors are responsible for emailing Alex Palagyi ( for access to the Building Connected site.

The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company and Dare County reserve the right to reject any and all bids, waive informalities and irregularities in bidding, and to accept bids which are considered to be in the best interest of the County. The Whiting Turner Contracting Company and Dare County also reserve the right to require any bidder to submit information needed to determine if said bidder is responsible within the meaning of N.C. Gen. Stat. 143-129.

Continue reading here:
Feb. 8: The 35th Annual Stumpy Point Oyster Feast is back on! - The Outer Banks Voice

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