At a meeting Monday evening, Bradford Township supervisors opened bids for road materials and discussed the prospect of conducting line painting before winter.

Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc. won with the low bids for 60 tons of cold patch at $100 per ton, gabian stone at $35 per ton, 9mm asphalt at $66.50 per ton and 19 mm base at $55.80.

IA Construction Corp. won the bids for antiskid at $7.50 per ton, 2RC at $10.15 per ton, and #3 and #2B gravel at $15.75 per ton each.

Supervisors passed a motion to accept the lowest bids subject to review.

Township Secretary/Treasurer Nora Stewart updated the supervisors as to the progress of securing quotes for painting lines in the township. Stewart said she was having difficulty reaching the necessary people, and the only bid received was more than $18,000.

Supervisor Gayle Bauer thought the amount was too much, pointing out that most of the lines would be gone after winter due to salt and ice.

The other supervisors agreed, asking Police Chief Robb Shipman if he would choose a few roads that were in the most critical need of line-painting prior to the snow.

Shipman decided on West Corydon and High streets because they receive the most traffic.

We may as well wait until spring for the rest or else were just throwing money in the air, Supervisor Chairman Steve Mascho commented.

The supervisors passed a motion to change the streets for the project, seek a new price and table the motion.

See the original post:
BT supervisors open bids for road materials, discuss line painting

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September 9, 2014 at 8:10 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Painting Contractors