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    Amigo Plumbing and the COVID Comeback – Contractor

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    PHOENIX, AZ Since 2008, Amigo Rooter and Plumbing has served the residential service and maintenance needs of the greater Phoenix metro area. We do mostly service and repairs, owner/operator Nelson Salas says. Thats probably 80 percent of our work mostly residential and light commercial. Amigo plumbing employs five service techs (including Salas, who still goes out on calls) and a couple more people back managing the office.

    Up until the pandemic hit business was humming along. We were staying busy, Salas says, plenty of work every day and everything was going good. Then, at the end of March, as it did seemingly everywhere in the country, the bottom fell out. Business fell off 50 percent, according to Salas rough estimate.

    Luckily, the worst part of it only lasted about three weeks before picking back up again. Everybody is at home, using or in some cases abusing their plumbing, Salas says. People needed their working toilets and running water, plumbing was designated an essential industry, and the demand just couldnt be held back for much longer than that.

    Of course, Amigo Rooter and Plumbing was forced to adapt the same as everyone else has. Getting everyone at the company on the same page involved a lot of commuting on Salas part. I had meetings with the guys just one-on-one, he explains. Basically they each take their truck home at the end of the day. So, I had to make time to meet with each of them and make sure they had all the equipment they needed.

    Protective equipment such as gloves and shoe covers was already standard for Amigo technicians. Mask simply became one more part of the toolkit. Alongside protective gear came social distancing. This involved a new level of sensitivity to the comfort levels of the customers. Salas says that, typically, about 70 percent of his clients are comfortable allowing Amigo technicians into their homes, but there is a remaining 30 percent who would probably remain isolated if they werent suffering some kind of plumbing emergency. They want us almost to wear a hazmat suit to go into their homes, he says.

    Looking Forward

    Now, the volume of work at Amigo Rooter and Plumbing is back to normal, if not even little bit busier. But still the pandemic continues.

    John Waters is the head of Phoenix-based Waters Business Consulting, a group that has worked with service contractors like Amigo to help grow their businesses through success coaching and lean business valuation. Waters has over 35 years experience in strategic business development, and he says the current situation is like nothing he has ever seen before.

    The closest comparison I could make would be 9/11, Waters says. It was boom, all of a sudden, the country got hit by an outside enemy who penetrated our boarders and disrupted everything. And thats kind of what happened here.

    His advice to his clients from the first days of the pandemic has been: first, have a plan to get through this, but then, more importantly, have a plan to come out of this so your business can thrive.

    Youve all heard the saying, Dont waste a good crisis. A crisis is an opportunity to change and innovate, Waters says. How can you differentiate yourself from what your competition out there is doing?

    His first suggestion is to invest in the kind of technology that automates processes and makes remote interactions easier. You can interface with a customer via Zoom, Waters says, whether theres a pandemic or we have a vaccine or not, you can still do a lot of the work that involves interacting with the customer that way.

    Second, he advises every business he works with to go through their database and communicate with all past customers, all new customers and any new customers and remind them of who you are, what you do and how you can help them solve their problems.

    Third, look to what new kinds of services or offerings you can provide. Handwashing stations are something all kinds of businesses are looking into now. All kinds of customers are now interested in touchless faucets and fixtures. And pandemic or not, people always are looking for efficient systems that can save them money on water and energy.

    Fourth, take some time to invest in soft skills. One of the lessons of the last recession, he says, was the emphasis successful businesses placed on quality customer service. You saw this a lot with restaurants, Waters says, responding and treating their customers differently, because they saw how important the customer was youve got to make sure that your customer service is just stellar.

    Fifth, if you have dollars to spend on the marketing/advertising side, nowwhen the comeback is still beginningis a good time to spend them. The smart move is to get aggressive on your marketing in my opinion, Waters says. As soon as possible.

    Sixth, keep a close eye on your numbers. Manage your cost of goods carefully. Waters finds that when small contractors start to grow, they sometimes stop paying attention to their balance sheets. They know their trade, but they dont know their numbers. So get someone that can work with you to make sure you understand. Know where youre improving, know what your greatest source of revenue is, know where your greatest source of gross profit margin is.

    Seventh, and maybe most important, reach out to your employees. Dont be so focused on the opportunities this moment presents that you forget your workers might have stresses, conflicts and concerns that extend well beyond the workplace. A lot of people have kids who cant go to school, elderly or at-risk family members they cant visit, or health concerns of their own.

    This is the time to show your employees that you care, Waters says. They are the face of your organization when theyre out there working with the public. So thats key. Having the right culture, because thats how you retain good people, provide good service and get repeat customers.

    Nelson Salas, for his part, is trying to do everything he can to follow the proper safety guidelines, to keep his customers happy, and to keep his business moving forward. Its new territory for everybody, Ive gotta tell you.

    Amigo Rooter and Plumbing:

    Waters Consulting:

    See the rest here:
    Amigo Plumbing and the COVID Comeback - Contractor

    Reasons to Hire A Professional Water Heater Plumbing Company – EndZoneScore

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Installing a water heater may not look like a big deal, but did you know that this simple job can impact the overall plumbing system of your house? Maintaining the plumbing condition in your house is crucial. This can prevent several forms of damages. While you may want to save some money by installing the water heater yourself, it would be better to appoint an expert for the job.

    It isnt difficult to find a plumbing contractor that can smoothly set-up the geyser for your hot water needs. However, not allwater heater servicesare the best in this area and you may need to make a careful choice keeping all basic parameters of hiring an expert for the task. Here are some benefits of appointing a professional plumbing agency for installing the water heater at home.

    A licensed plumbing agency is likely to have an all-rounder team that is not only skilled in handling water heater installation but can simultaneously cater to a variety of plumbing needs. A trained plumber should be able to analyze, replace, repair, and restore as per the plumbing requirements.

    From handling heating concerns to drainage and pipes, a good contractor will not only be able to identify the plumbing needs and problems but will also be able to suggest ways to prevent any future problems. Even if there are multiple plumbing issues at home, appointing one professional should save you from the trouble of looking for multiple plumbers.

    A licensed and regulated plumbing company is likely to have the required knowledge of the community and building rules. It is important to comply with the existing plumbing norms of the city you reside in to avoid paying up penalties and fines. Moreover, a licensed company will keep to its standards and is unlikely to do a shoddy job or use inferior products.

    Safety is a priority and cannot be overlooked even if it is in the context of a minor job as a water heater installation. A qualified plumber will be able to educate you on the dos and donts of using the heater to prevent any accidents. For instance, a tankless water heater can trigger fire if it is improperly installed. Click here to see how to prevent a house fire @

    Also, water supply systems can cause flooding, especially if leakages are causing severe damage and posing threat. Never settle for low-grade products and ill-fittings as it could be as good as risking your life.

    A reputable and experienced agency would make a better choice than a newbie. A professional will be able to gauge this faster than a layman owing to their experience and skill in handling such emergencies.

    A professional will always shoulder the responsibility tagged with the installation work and troubleshoot any issue that crops up in the process or even later. Most top-rated plumbers provide a warranty on their services which indicates that any problems coming up within that period will be handled for free by the appointed agency.

    Think of all the hassle surrounding the installation of a new aqua heater. Hiring an expert just dissolves all that trouble. With their experience and skill, they should be able to efficiently complete the installation hassle-free. They can get all the materials required for the process, do the necessary checks and fittings as needed without you having to move a leg.

    While your research holds value, handing over the job of setting up the aqua heater to skilled personnel can save you the effort of calculating the requirement. A professional that you consul should be able to tell you which size of a geyser would befit your familys requirement. They can easily estimate the points-of-use to meet your overall demand.

    Be it understanding the temperature requirements, pressure regulation, valve fitting, inlets, and outlet pipe conditions or electric feed, an expert plumbing contractor can suggest all specific details for safe installation and use of your aqua heater.

    Some closed water heaters may be subject to thermal expansion causing an increase in the pressure. Too much tank pressure can contract the duct causing leakage of combustible gases in the house.

    Your plumber would know how to deal with this. For instance, he might add an expansion tank to prevent any problems. Similarly, open-water heaters can be handled with proper installation of water softeners and meters as needed. To avoid such problems, you can choose the dual-purpose model that your professional plumber should be able to suggest.

    We hope the pros discussed above enable you to get the water heater installed smoothly.

    Reasons to Hire A Professional Water Heater Plumbing Company - EndZoneScore

    Superior Plumbing and Heating boasts 40 years of experience – Cut Bank Pioneer Press

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Winter is quickly approaching and so is the need to ensure that all things plumbing are ready for the season in your home or business. Want to ensure that you get the best that the area has to offer? Better call Dave Momberg and Superior Plumbing and Heating!

    Superior Plumbing and Heating offers multiple services to guarantee that your home or business is running to the highest standard. They contract a wide range of customers plumbing services for homes, new buildings, remodels and commercial repairs.

    Dont let frozen pipes, water line breaks or a failed water heater ruin your upcoming holidays. Give Superior a call and let the experts get to work!

    Looking to keep the chilly onset of winter out of your home and stay toasty indoors?

    Superior also offers a range of heating services and will help to ensure that your home is as warm and welcoming as you desire!

    Dave Momberg is a certified master plumber with over 40 years of experience throughout the region. He and his crew are fully licensed and insured to provide plumbing and heating services.

    If you are looking for a plumbing and heating team to tackle the biggest or smallest problems you may have, or merely looking to get your home or business up to par than Dave Momberg and Superior Plumbing and Heating are the ones to call!

    Phone: (406) 873-5529

    (406) 470-0109

    See the original post:
    Superior Plumbing and Heating boasts 40 years of experience - Cut Bank Pioneer Press

    Racist actions, attitudes ‘nothing new’ on construction sites – Construction Dive

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Editor's note: This story is Part 2 of a five-part series about racism on the jobsite.It includes imagery and references to racial slurs that could be disturbing to readers.Click here for Part 1.

    The construction industry has seen a scourge of racist incidents on jobsites across North America this year, including nooses hung where people of color could find them and racist graffiti scrawled on walls and in restrooms. Nearly 20 overt and graphic episodes have been reported on jobsites since May.

    But construction workers of color say these acts, while recently spotlighted in news coverage, are nothing new in the industry. They are just more examples of the types of racist incidents in construction that they have dealt with for their entire careers. For instance:

    Melvin Norman

    Melvin Norman, a 50-year-old Black scaffolding rigger, recalls how as a young man he was forced to ride in the bed of the company truck in triple-digit Louisiana heat so his White co-workers lunches could ride in the air-conditioned cab instead.He was relegated to the stairs to haul supplies by hand, instead of being allowed to use the freight elevator. Co-workers told him, N-----, this is not a place for you. Theres no cotton in this mill.

    It was horrible, Norman said. I wanted to quit every day.

    Leon Araiza

    Leon Araiza, a 47-year-old Native American contractor in Salem, Oregon, felt panic and fear when, as an apprentice, two White journeymen carpenters threatened to throw his Indian ass off this building for not moving fast enough.

    They asked me, What do you think this is, Be Good to Your Indian Day? Araiza said.

    Later, a White contractor told two of Araizas Native American employees they should have learned to scalp better during the 1800s, while ripping a wig off a mannequin.

    Kadence Jimenez

    And Kadence Jimenez, a 33-year-old journeywoman carpenter in Portland, Oregon, who is Mexican American, said she was shocked when, as an apprentice in 2014, she found a swastika scrawled on a piece of drywall she was tasked with throwing away.

    It was terrifying, Jimenez said. It created fear and paranoia in my brain.

    People of color who have encountered racism on jobsites say these kinds of acts make them feel unwelcome, afraid, dehumanized and belittled. Many struggle to go to work every day and question whether they should stay in their jobs. The result is often disengagement at work and a constant fear and distrust of their White co-workers and supervisors.

    The examples described in this story, combined with the slew of racist incidents on jobsites this year, highlight the persistent, pervasive nature of hate in the construction industry.

    Take the story of a Black plumber in Cincinnati, who said hell never forget the epigraph he saw scribbled in the port-a-potty during his first year on the job in 2014: Here I sit, my butthole getting bigger, giving birth to just another N-----.

    Even though hes now a master plumber, he said very little has changed when it comes to how hes treated by some co-workers. They make offhand comments about the tribal sound of the Jamaican music he listens to, remarks he usually ignores.But due to the low percentage of Black or African American workers in the construction industry, hes often the only Black person on a jobsite, a factor that makes him hyperconscious of the color of his skin.

    Its kind of like how a White guy would feel, walking into a rap concert at a Black bar, said the plumber, who requested anonymity to speak with Construction Dive for this series due to a fear of being fired for speaking out. He would feel like, all eyes on him, why is this guy here? Thats kind of how I feel every time I walk on to a jobsite.

    The numbers back him up. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, just 6% of construction workers are classified as Black or African American, although they comprise 12% of the overall workforce. Meanwhile, 88% of construction workers are White, compared to 78% of all U.S. workers.

    The plumbers strategy to get through his day includes a heads-down attitude, and not engaging with other workers on the jobsite unless he has to. I usually just put my headphones on, and I don't talk to anybody unless they work for my company, the plumber said. I'm just there to work.

    But for safety experts, the plumbers coping mechanism creates an environment that goes against constructions mantra of workers having each others backs.

    If you have an environment where workers are actively tuning out what's around them, that's absolutely risky in my view, said Chris Trahan Cain, executive director at Silver Spring, Maryland-based safety consultancy CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training. While she said she doesnt blame the plumber for this jobsite attitude, its something any construction firm should work to rectify.

    Its risky for the employer, who may not know about it, or may not identify it as an issue, she said. Providing a safe workplace is the requirement of the employer by law.

    Indeed, according to the Associated General Contractors of America, fostering an environment of exclusion on the jobsite is dangerous.

    Documentation supports that workers who have not been integrated into a workplace culture, or who perceive themselves as outsiders, are more likely to have accidents because of the increased psychological and emotional stress of being excluded, stated a 2018 AGC report on diversity and inclusion.

    In response to a recent Construction Dive survey, some readers said they havent witnessed racism on their jobsites. But 22% said they have been the victim of a racist act on a construction site and 77% who were victimized or witnessed victimization said that nothing was done about it.

    For Jimenez, the journeywoman carpenter who found the swastika, it is simply inconceivable that some people have not seen any signs of racism on jobsites.

    Theyre walking around with blinders on, she said of the respondents who answered that way. Or they dont see it because there are no minorities on their jobsite and theyre all White. When you look in the port-a-potty, there's the N-word or a swastika or some stupid, racist comment about Latinos. It's all over the place.

    Tolerance of that kind of language and behavior is one of the fundamental aspects of construction that needs to change, she said.

    I feel like if you were in an office setting, youd get in a lot more trouble for the way people joke. But were construction workers. Were supposed to be thick skinned.

    Thick skinned or not, Jimenez said its the common practice of identifying workers by their ethnicity on the jobsite, instead of their position and skills, that rubs many people of color the wrong way.Nowhere is that more apparent than when other workers call Hispanic or Latinx workers amigo in lieu of their given names.

    Ive had to point out to quite a few people that Hey, thats not cool, Jimenez said. You call this guy here Joe, but you call this other guy amigo? They try to brush it off or make it seem like its not what it is, but thats actually not their name. To me, that is so offensive.

    While Hispanic and Latinx people make up 30% of construction workers, compared to 18% in all industries, according to BLS, Jimenez and others said that doesnt necessarily mean that they are accepted on all jobsites. (Totals for all races do not add up to 100% because people of Hispanic or Latinx ethnicity may be of any race, according to BLS.)

    In fact, theyre often tasked with doing menial or undesirable work, Jimenez said, and are sometimes pigeonholed into some of the lowest-paying jobs in the industry. Mexicans do drywall, and that is just the way it is, she said.

    In addition, Hispanic workers are easy targets because they rarely complain about jobsite injustices or report incidents to their supervisors, she said. Foremen and bosses, who are majority White men, believe that Hispanic men are good fast workers and that they don't complain, she said.

    Several sources interviewed for this article see this silence as one reason there are more Hispanic people on jobsites than there are Black workers.

    A lot of jobs will hire Hispanics instead of Black people because they know the Hispanics won't report them for the stuff they put them through on projects, and we will, said Patricia Reed, a journeywoman carpenter, bridge builder and certified welder in Illinois who is Black, and filed a racial and sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit against a former employer, which was settled out of court, according to public records.Ive seen Hispanic people get talked to like they were dogs.

    Asian workers have not been immune, either, especially in 2020. There have been incidents directed towards Chinese workers because of COVID-19, and the president saying it is a Chinese virus, said Calvin Williams, CEO of Lansing, Illinois-based Construction Contracting Services and Midwest Region vice chair of Associated Builders and Contractors.

    Many people interviewed for this story say that hateful attitudes on the jobsite and the tolerance of it by foremen and superintendents lie at the heart of constructions racism problem.

    In a recent lawsuit brought against Mitsubishi Electric US, four Black construction workers allege that co-workers as well as higher-level employees harassed them with racial slurs and images.

    The workers say supervisors referred to them as "undesirables," "lazy" and with the N-word, and discriminated against them when it came to opportunities for training, higher pay, overtime and advancement in their careers.

    This noose was allegedly found on a Northern California jobsite in the Mitsubishi Electric US case.

    In a statement to Construction Dive, Mitsubishi Chief Operating Officer Michael Corbo said the firm investigated all complaints the employees raised and took prompt action as appropriate.

    "Mitsubishi Electric US does not tolerate harassment, discrimination or retaliation. We have strong policies and practices against harassment, discrimination and retaliation and provide regular training on those policies and practices, Corbo said. We encourage employees to report issues immediately. We investigate those issues thoroughly."

    But for Greg Page, the president of Page Building Group in Waldorf, Maryland, who is Black, what the corporate offices of large contractors say, and what actually happens on site, are distinctly different.

    Ive worked with companies where their office guys were as cool as can be, Page said. But when you get out in the field, its a totally different thing.

    Greg Page

    Maura Kelly, an associate professor of sociology at Portland State University who has studied apprenticeship completion rates by race and sex, said the disconnect between the corporate office and the jobsite is glaring.

    The kinds of behaviors we see on the jobsite wouldnt be tolerated in the corporate office of these large construction companies, Kelly said. The CEO would not tolerate his direct reports being treated this way.

    But she said theres a breakdown in communicating that stance to the jobsite.

    Where I see it fall apart is that message doesnt get all the way down from the leaders of the company through all the multiple layers of the hierarchy, Kelly said. So what we often find is that it is the foreman or it is the journeyman who is the problem.

    Brynn Huneke, director of diversity and inclusion at AGC, said that the corporate office-site disconnect plagues construction across all aspects of the business, not just combating racism.

    That's a common theme I hear across the board, Huneke said. Whether its training and education or just general policy, a lot of initiatives from the corporate environment dont necessarily translate to the jobsite.

    Hate has even made its presence known in constructions digital world.

    For example, an email titled Be Proud to be White that was littered with the N-word and other pejoratives for people of color was forwarded among construction executives in Nevada earlier this year.

    A racist screed appeared in the chat window of a virtual site walk at Portland Community College in Oregon.

    And the same day he spoke with Construction Dive for this series, Araiza, the Native American contractor, said he logged onto a virtual site walk on Zoom. He was there to get details for a potential job at Portland Community College, where minority-certified businesses like his were encouraged to submit bids.

    Just 16 minutes into the presentation, someone with the screen name Howard Stones posted a hateful screed in the chat dialogue window that read, Lynch all N-----s and Jews.

    According to PCC, where a noose was found on another jobsite earlier this year, about 40 participants were in the call, and the credentials and password for the meeting were advertised in its Request for Proposals. A PCC representative said college officials had not ascertained who Howard Stones was, but said the college would change its RFP policies going forward.

    It got real quiet, a notably shaken Araiza said minutes later. Racism in construction is alive and well.

    Read the rest here:
    Racist actions, attitudes 'nothing new' on construction sites - Construction Dive

    "Official Truck of 2020": NKY Plumbing Company Brands Septic Vehicle – The River City News

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    With just days before an election among a highly-polarized population, it is difficult to find unanimity in response to an issue.

    But it is likely safe to say that the year 2020 has been full of, well, this may be a good place to insert the poop emoji.

    That emoji is a popular feature in social media posts by Wilder-based Jolly Plumbing, whose slogan is, "A flush beats a full house."

    Now, the company is taking their branding initiatives a step farther: septic trucks named "the official truck of 2020." The joke is, obviously, at the expense of COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus that created a worldwide pandemic, resulting in widespread cancelation of many aspects of everyday, normal life, like sporting and social events, and large gatherings. People are asked to keep distance from one another and to wear face masks so as to slow the spread of the virus.

    A septic truck moves, well, here's another place to use the poop emoji... from one place to another so that it can decompose.

    Our hope is that maybe were doing our small part to bring an end to all the terrible things that have happened so it can go to its final resting place, said Jolly Plumbing owner Brady Jolly.

    It just so happened that the company was making upgrades to its equipment and needed to re-wrap its vehicles with new graphics, offering the opportunity to poke some fun at what has been for so many an awful year.

    Really, we just hope we can bring a smile to peoples faces during this difficult time, said Jolly. I think that is really what we need now.

    The trucks are making their way around town, so people will have the opportunity to take a photo with it.

    Jolly said that, when it comes to these septic trucks, it won't be difficult to enforce the social-distancing suggestions from health officials.

    Its pretty common for people to stay six feet away from this thing.

    -Staff report

    Photo provided

    See the article here:
    "Official Truck of 2020": NKY Plumbing Company Brands Septic Vehicle - The River City News

    Plumbers reveal why people shouldn’t use this popular cleaning ‘hack’ – Western Telegraph

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Plumbers have warned people not to use washing up liquid to clean a toilet after a cleaning hack went viral.

    We've put togetherwhat you need to know about the cleaning hack - and why you shouldn't do it.

    What was the hack?

    Originally posted to Facebook group, Mums Who Clean, one woman explained how shed been using washing up liquid to keep her toilet clean.

    She wrote, [Put] Dishwashing liquid in the toilet tank compartment and every flush is fresh, clean smelling bubbles and the toilet always looks clean.

    The writer explained:I do a big squeeze about three days a week and the toilet is used all the time.

    She also said how she had been doing it for years with no problems.

    Why you shouldnt put dish soap in your toilet

    It appears, however, that not everyone is on board with this DIY toilet hack - with other users warning against the trick.

    It ruins your system, so dont do it, wrote one person, and another added, Please dont do this - the rubber/seals in your toilet cistern can break down when anything else but water is used in there.

    Peter Daly, CEO of Master Plumbers, said that you should be wary of using products that arent designed to go into a toilet system.

    Talking to, Daly said:Master Plumbers advises that its safest to use cleaning products specifically designed for flush toilets. People living in outside built-up areas who are using septic tanks (rather than sewers) should ensure the product used is compatible with septic systems.

    Daly also added that people should think about the environment when selecting cleaning products.

    See original here:
    Plumbers reveal why people shouldn't use this popular cleaning 'hack' - Western Telegraph

    Plumbing Market: Good Value & Room to Grow Ahead Seen – The Think Curiouser

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    This report assists with understanding the general market and to perceive the development opportunities in the global Plumbing Market. The report moreover includes thoroughly detailed information about the significant market players dominating in the Plumbing Market.

    The organizations shrouded in the report can be assessed based on their most recent activities, monetary and business plans illustration, key patterns, and product portfolio offered in the Plumbing industry, key business methodologies by the organizations in order to remain competitive in the market.

    The global Plumbing Industry Study shows in detail the working of key market players (Kohler, Grohe, Moen, TOTO, Ginde, Rifeng, HHSN, Jinniu, JOMOO, Barick, JOYOU, Huida), Types (Water Heaters, Pipe, Utility Sinks, Others, ), Applications (Application 1, Application 2, ) producers, and wholesalers. The investigation additionally traces the limitations and elements impacting the global interest for Global Market.

    Get Sample [emailprotected]

    The Plumbing-market research report examines various basic requirements, for example, production limit, benefit, value chain, and cost structure analysis, and global market-impacting transportation and conveyance channels. It additionally incorporates analyzing such significant components as recent market trends and patterns, market demand, product innovations, industrial alliances, mergers and acquisitions, and other global market impacting factors.

    A systematically sorted out Market Analysis study Plumbing depends on the essential and auxiliary approaches. It represents the information accumulated in a more open and clear way reassuring the reader of the report to build up an all-around organized procedure to develop and improve their organizations in normal time.

    This market study will discourse the most important issues of the market which are listed below:

    Table of Content

    Chapter 1 About the Plumbing Industry1.1 Industry Definition and Types1.1.1 Water Heaters1.1.2 Pipe1.1.3 Utility Sinks1.1.1.4 Others1.2 Main Market Activities1.3 Similar Industries1.4 Industry at a Glance

    Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape2.1 Plumbing Markets by Regions2.1.1 USAMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2015-2025Sales and Growth Rate 2015-2025Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20202.1.2 EuropeMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2015-2025Sales and Growth Rate 2015-2025Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20202.1.3 ChinaMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2015-2025Sales and Growth Rate 2015-2025Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20202.1.4 IndiaMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2015-2025Sales and Growth Rate 2015-2025Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20202.1.5 JapanMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2015-2025Sales and Growth Rate 2015-2025Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20202.1.6 South East AsiaMarket Revenue (M USD) and Growth Rate 2015-2025Sales and Growth Rate 2015-2025Major Players Revenue (M USD) in 20202.2 World Plumbing Market by TypesWater HeatersPipeUtility SinksOthers2.3 World Plumbing Market by Applications2.4 World Plumbing Market Analysis2.4.1 World Plumbing Market Revenue and Growth Rate 2015-20202.4.2 World Plumbing Market Consumption and Growth rate 2015-20202.4.3 World Plumbing Market Price Analysis 2015-2020

    Chapter 3 World Plumbing Market share3.1 Major Production Market share by Players3.2 Major Revenue (M USD) Market share by Players3.3 Major Production Market share by Regions in 2020, Through 20253.4 Major Revenue (M USD) Market share By Regions in 2020, Through 2025

    Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis4.1 Industry Supply chain Analysis4.2 Raw material Market Analysis4.2.1 Raw material Prices Analysis 2015-20204.2.2 Raw material Supply Market Analysis4.2 Manufacturing Equipment Suppliers Analysis4.3 Production Process Analysis4.4 Production Cost Structure Benchmarks4.5 End users Market Analysis

    Chapter 5 Company Profiles5.1 Kohler5.1.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.1.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.1.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.2 Grohe5.2.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.2.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.2.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.3 Moen5.3.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.3.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.3.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.4 TOTO5.4.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.4.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.4.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.5 Ginde5.5.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.5.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.5.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.6 Rifeng5.6.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.6.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.6.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.7 HHSN5.7.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.7.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.7.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.8 Jinniu5.8.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.8.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.8.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.9 JOMOO5.9.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.9.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.9.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.10 Barick5.10.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.10.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.10.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.11 JOYOU5.11.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.11.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.11.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits5.12 Huida5.12.1 Company Details (Foundation Year, Employee Strength and etc)5.12.2 Product Information (Picture, Specifications and Applications)5.12.3 Revenue (M USD), Price and Operating Profits

    Chapter 6 Globalisation & Trade6.1 Business Locations6.2 Supply channels6.3 Marketing strategy6.4 Barriers to Entry

    Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers7.1 Major Distributors and contact information by Regions7.2 Major Customers and contact information by Regions

    Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries8.1 USA8.2 Germany8.3 China8.4 Japan8.5 India

    Chapter 9 World Plumbing Market Forecast through 20259.1 World Plumbing Demand by Regions Forecast through 20259.2 World Plumbing Price(by Regions, Types, Applications)Analysis Forecast through 20259.3 World Plumbing Revenue (M USD)(by Regions, Types, Applications) Forecast through 20259.4 World Plumbing Market Analysis9.4.1 World Plumbing Market Revenue and Growth Rate 2015-20209.4.2 World Plumbing Market Consumption and Growth rate 2015-20209.4.3 World Plumbing Market Price Analysis 2015-2020

    Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview

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    Plumbing Market: Good Value & Room to Grow Ahead Seen - The Think Curiouser

    Here’s How a Local HVAC Company Adapted During the Pandemic – Small Business Trends

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The pandemic challenged the service industry, including HVAC.

    One family-owned HVAC company, GEM Plumbing & Heating, adapted by making Remote Assist by HomeX available for their customers.

    What is it?

    Through Remote Assist by HomeX, homeowners can get answers to common heating/cooling, plumbing and electrical problems. Not only that, the homeowners may be able to solve those problems.

    Plus, the homeowners can get it done in the safety of their own homes over the phone or through video chat, and at a fraction of the cost of an in-person visit.

    Heres how GEM uses its remote assistant technology to help its customers:

    The homeowner schedules a remote session with a Remote Assist expert, using the HomeX mobile app. In addition to addressing repairs and maintenance, the HomeX mobile app can be used for virtual consultations and price estimates from industry experts at GEM.

    GEM estimates that 50% of home services can be addressed remotely. Customers can save as much as 75% on the cost of a service visit.

    So far, customers have most commonly used the HomeX App for:

    Joseph Andrade, Vice President of Home & Commercial Services at GEM Plumbing & Heating, said that those cost savings ensure that the apps value will outlive the pandemic.

    But doesnt this actually mean less revenue for GEM?

    Our priority at GEM Plumbing & Heating is always to be a trusted resource for our customers by providing a world-class, delightful experience, whether they need heating, cooling, plumbing, or electrical expertise. Partnering with HomeX has allowed us to offer a convenient, end-to-end solution that better serves them through the HomeX app. HomeXs Remote Assist service, available through the HomeX mobile app and online through allows homeowners to directly connect with live expert technicians for help diagnosing and even repairing common household issues virtually, Andrade tells Small Business Trends.

    He says HomeX Remote Assist maintains a personal level of care and trust.

    Through Remote Assist, our customers receive a personalized experience through phone or video chat, with a trained technician who can diagnose their issue and even provide a step-by-step walkthrough to help our customers safely resolve the issue on their own, Andrade says. With guidance from a Remote Assist technician, homeowners can easily fix things like a leak, unclog a garbage disposal or solve a short circuit, saving time and money.

    Even though, on the surface, it seems like GEM is cutting into its profits by limiting the number of in-house visits its technicians make, the company is developing a loyal customer base.

    Its GEM Home Advocate members get tele-visits for free. Non-members pay $50. And the company shows it cares about customer safety by limiting in-person contact for now.

    Especially during the pandemic, providing a completely contactless and virtual experience through Remote Assist has been critical for the safety of our community, Andrade says. This offering has provided quite a bit of savings (both time and money) and peace of mind for our customers.

    Customer get added benefit because the HomeX app stores their service history, which saves GEM time in responding to future calls. And that, in turn, saves customers more money.

    And while this app has been a clever solution for a health pandemic, there will be a time after the pandemic and GEM believes the HomeX app will be there in the future, pandemic or not.

    By using HomeX Remote Assist, GEM customers will reduce how often a tech needs to physically come into their home, and in turn limit the time and money spent, Andrade says. Through consistent use, the HomeX mobile app will become a profile of ones home, storing all past visits and technician info, and providing homeowners with seasonal and annual maintenance reminders.


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    Here's How a Local HVAC Company Adapted During the Pandemic - Small Business Trends

    Water Saving Plumbing Product Market Trends, Key Players, Overview, Competitive Breakdown and Regional Forecast by 2025 – Eurowire

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A new research study has been presented by offering a comprehensive analysis on the Global Water Saving Plumbing Product Market where user can benefit from the complete market research report with all the required useful information about this market. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. The report discusses all major market aspects with expert opinion on current market status along with historic data. This market report is a detailed study on the growth, investment opportunities, market statistics, growing competition analysis, major key players, industry facts, important figures, sales, prices, revenues, gross margins, market shares, business strategies, top regions, demand, and developments.

    The Water Saving Plumbing Product Market report provides a detailed analysis of the global market size, regional and country-level market size, segment growth, market share, competitive landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunity analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, and technological innovations.

    Get a Free Sample Copy of the Water Saving Plumbing Product Market Report with Latest Industry Trends @

    Major Players Covered in this Report are: GenescriptGeneArt (Thermofischer)TWISTIDTDNA 2.0 (ATUM)OriGeneBBIGenewizEurofins Genomics

    Global Water Saving Plumbing Product Market SegmentationThis market has been divided into Types, Applications, and Regions. The growth of each segment provides an accurate calculation and forecast of sales by Types and Applications, in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you expand your business by targeting qualified niche markets. Market share data is available on the global and regional level. Regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Research analysts understand the competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

    By Types:Reagent serviceType2Type3

    By Applications:Gene SynthesisAntibodyProtein

    To get Incredible Discounts on this Premium Report, Click Here @

    Global Water Saving Plumbing Product Market Regions and Countries Level AnalysisRegional analysis is a highly comprehensive part of this report. This segmentation sheds light on the sales of the Water Saving Plumbing Product on regional- and country-level. This data provides a detailed and accurate country-wise volume analysis and region-wise market size analysis of the global market.

    The report offers an in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the market in key countries including the US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, the UK, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. The competitive landscape chapter of the global market report provides key information about market players such as company overview, total revenue (financials), market potential, global presence, Water Saving Plumbing Product sales and revenue generated, market share, prices, production sites and facilities, products offered, and strategies adopted. This study provides Water Saving Plumbing Product sales, revenue, and market share for each player covered in this report for a period between 2016 and 2020.

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    Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Assumptions and Acronyms Used3. Research Methodology4. Market Overview5. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Types6. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Applications7. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Regions8. North America Market Analysis and Forecast9. Latin America Market Analysis and Forecast10. Europe Market Analysis and Forecast11. Asia Pacific Market Analysis and Forecast12. Middle East & Africa Market Analysis and Forecast13. Competition Landscape

    About UpMarketResearch:Up Market Research ( is a leading distributor of market research report with more than 800+ global clients. As a market research company, we take pride in equipping our clients with insights and data that holds the power to truly make a difference to their business. Our mission is singular and well-defined we want to help our clients envisage their business environment so that they are able to make informed, strategic and therefore successful decisions for themselves.

    Contact Info UpMarketResearchName Alex MathewsEmail [emailprotected]Organization UpMarketResearchAddress 500 East E Street, Ontario, CA 91764, United States.

    See original here:
    Water Saving Plumbing Product Market Trends, Key Players, Overview, Competitive Breakdown and Regional Forecast by 2025 - Eurowire

    Plumbing Fixtures Market 2020-2027 Global Industry Development Trends and Analysis – The Think Curiouser

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Insight Partners adds Plumbing Fixtures Market Forecast to 2027 COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis to its store providing analysis of the current and future market competition in the market. Insightful review of the key industry drivers, opportunities, barriers and challenges. Each trend is independently researched to provide qualitative analysis of its implications.

    An exclusive Plumbing Fixtures Market research report provides depth analysis of the market dynamics across five regions such as North America, Europe, South America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The segmentation of the market by type, application, and region was done based on the thorough market analysis and validation through extensive primary inputs from industry experts, key opinion leaders of companies, and stakeholders) and secondary research (global/regional associations, trade journals, technical white papers, companys website, annual report SEC filing, and paid databases). Further, the market has been estimated by utilizing various research methodologies and internal statistical model.

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    Plumbing Fixtures Market report also provide a thorough understanding of the cutting-edge competitive analysis of the emerging market trends along with the drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities in the Plumbing Fixtures Market to offer worthwhile insights and current scenario for making right decision. The report covers the prominent players in the market with detailed SWOT analysis, financial overview, and key developments of the products/services from the past three years. Moreover, the report also offers a 360 outlook of the market through the competitive landscape of the global industry player and helps the companies to garner Plumbing Fixtures Market revenue by understanding the strategic growth approaches.

    Leading Plumbing Fixtures Market Players: DELTA, MOEN, AMERICAN STANDARD, KOHLER, GROHE, TOTO, JACUZZI, PFISTER, ROHL, and DANZE among others.

    Burgeoning investments streamed towards the advancement of infrastructure facilities, coupled with swelling disposable income is expected to increase the demand for luxury and reliable plumbing fixtures across the globe. In addition, the wide-spreading smart culture in home and building section is projected to significantly influence the plumbing fixtures market, and encourage the market value chain participants to imbibe similar smart technology into their product offering. The trend is expected to remarkably transform the approach and development strategies of the plumbing fixtures manufactures and marketer in the coming years.

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    Plumbing Fixtures Market Global Analysis to 2027 is an exclusive and in-depth study which provides a comprehensive view of the market includes the current trend and future amplitude of the market with respect to the products/services. The report provides an overview of the Plumbing Fixtures Market with the detailed segmentation by type, application, and region through in-depth traction analysis of the overall virtual reality industry. This report provides qualified research on the market to evaluate the key players by calibrating all the relevant products/services to understand the positioning of the major players in Plumbing Fixtures Market.

    The report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides an overview and forecast of the global Plumbing Fixtures Market based on various segments. It also provides market size and forecast estimates from the year 2018 to 2027 with respect to five major regions. The Plumbing Fixtures Market by each region is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report covers the analysis and forecast of 18 countries globally along with the current trend and opportunities prevailing in the region.

    Promising Regions & Countries Mentioned in The Plumbing Fixtures Market Report:

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    Plumbing Fixtures Market 2020-2027 Global Industry Development Trends and Analysis - The Think Curiouser

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