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    Fun for fun’s sake: Artist seeks to lift gloom with London installation – The Jakarta Post – Jakarta Post

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Artist Amy Broch's playful art installation in the heart of London aims to create a "joy bomb" as an antidote to tough times.

    In a ground floor window at a pop-up installation opposite the famous Claridge's hotel, the brightly colored exhibit has caught the attention of locals, passers-by and those who work nearby.

    Two people wearing furry animal masks stand in the window amid pink and blue toys and balloons and wave and gesticulate at passers by. Any interaction adheres to social distancing rules as Britain deals with a surge in coronavirus cases.

    Read also: UK artist aims to unite with 'humanity-inspired' work

    Broch, 38, who lost her husband to ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in May, wanted to create "fun for fun's sake" in a time of uncertainty amid the pandemic and personal trauma.

    "This is my joy bomb, it's my gift to London after this tumultuous year so far. I have also had a very tumultuous year, I recently became a widow. So corona (virus) was almost the highlight of my year, not the low point," she said.

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    Fun for fun's sake: Artist seeks to lift gloom with London installation - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post

    Extended reality innovation on the global stage – Installation International

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    disguise has launched new extended reality (XR) stages in its London, LA, and Hong Kong locations to provide a dedicated showcase environment for its work in XR development

    By Installation Staff Published: October 20, 2020

    Extended reality solutions specialist disguise has been discussing the launch of its recent extended reality (XR) stages in London, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong that will showcase its XR innovations and workflows.

    LED display specialist ROE Visual has been working with the company on its London and LA stages, providing the large format LED display panels that are key to the immersive experiences for those on-stage. Its a pleasure to have partnered with disguise on this fantastic project, said David Morris, business development manager, UK & Ireland, at ROE Visual.

    We are pleased to be at the forefront of the ever-popular technique of virtual production and its great to have a fully functioning stage in the UK. Im sure disguise and their team of experts will make a huge success of this growing technology.

    The London stage, which opened in August, features technology including a ROE Visual Diamond 2.6mm curved LED wall and Black Marble 4.8mm matte finish floor; Mo-Sys StarTracker, stYpe RedSpy and Ncam Mk2 for agnostic camera tracking systems; a Blackmagic URSA camera; and a Barco E2 image processing system.

    Creative studio dandelion + burdock was the first company to use the space. We felt very privileged to have been the first to come and play at the disguise London xR stage, explained Nils Porrmann, technical director at dandelion + burdock. We were very cordially received, with the appropriate safety measures in place, and our support team was amazing. We used the set-up to involve and condition our creative team to an ever more complex live production environment. We believe an all-team approach leads to better expectations management and smoother deliveries.

    The Los Angeles stage opened last year and has already hosted demos and events, including a programme for SIGGRAPH 2019. The Hong Kong stage is set to open before the end of the calendar year.

    The rest is here:
    Extended reality innovation on the global stage - Installation International

    ‘The Writing On The Wall’ Finds Poetry Behind Bars, Projects It Onto Buildings – NPR

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    "The Writing On The Wall" art installation projects writings by incarcerated people onto the sides of buildings, such as The New York State Supreme Court Building, above. Chemistry Creative hide caption

    "The Writing On The Wall" art installation projects writings by incarcerated people onto the sides of buildings, such as The New York State Supreme Court Building, above.

    With millions of people behind bars in the U.S., artist Hank Willis Thomas thinks about all of the ideas that are locked away with them. "Look at all the wisdom, look at all the heart that is imprisoned in our society," he says.

    He and professor Baz Dreisinger are the co-founders of The Writing on the Wall, a project that takes the words of incarcerated people beyond prison and jail walls. "There was so much poetry in there, just so much beauty, drawings, thoughts, so much reflection of humanity," says Dreisinger.

    Dreisinger also founded the Incarceration Nations Network, a coalition of prison reformers, and she teaches English at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. "Technically I was teaching English classes, but really I was teaching criminal justice through the lens of the humanities and that to me is what The Writing on the Wall is," she says.

    The project began small and grew to institutional proportions through projections of those words on the sides of buildings in the U.S. and Mexico.

    Initially, Dreisinger and Thomas enlisted architects to design a mobile installation booth that resembled a prison cell with the words of the incarcerated on the walls, floor and ceiling. The idea was to take the booth to cities around the U.S. and Canada, but after its New York debut, the pandemic hit.

    With the tour canceled, the organizers got the idea of projecting those words on public buildings, often ones that are part of the criminal justice system. A company called Chemistry Creative came up with a projection system. The Writing on the Wall has been seen in Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Columbus, Ohio and Mexico City. Their last installation was at Brooklyn Public Library.

    A poem projected onto the Brooklyn Public Library. Chemistry Creative hide caption

    "There is nothing that I as an artist or anyone can really do or say that is more extraordinary than the things these artists were doing ..." says Thomas. "Some of them had not thought of themselves as artists but it was clear that they were."

    One of those artists, Devon Simmons, served 15 years in New York prisons, graduated from the Prison-to-College Pipeline program, and is now working as a paid curator and tour guide for the project.

    "People who are incarcerated are not only talking about issues that they're enduring in prison, but talking about issues which impact everybody ..." Simmons says. "It's really powerful for the Writing on the Wall to be in these public spaces to create the dialogue in pursuant to create the change that we need to see."

    In the coming weeks, The Writing on the Wall will be projected on buildings in East Harlem, Boise, Idaho and the San Francisco Bay Area.

    See the article here:
    'The Writing On The Wall' Finds Poetry Behind Bars, Projects It Onto Buildings - NPR

    Moens Smart Products May Save You Plenty Of Money…And Aggravation – Forbes

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Smart Leak Detector

    Give Moen credit. The plumbing fixture company is making the expansion from the likes of regular old faucets, sinks and shower heads into smart versions of those products as well as flood prevention devices.

    I have been trying out the companys Flo by Moen Smart Water Detectors. You just download the smartphone app (iOS or Android), electronically pair it up with the 3.5-inch long, 1-inch-thick detectors naming them in the app after wherever youre placing them and set them down discreetly on the floor of your bathroom, laundry room, under the kitchen sink, or wherever water can get to. You can also snap them into the included cases, stick them to the wall, and plug in the included remote sensing disc to dangle down to the floor. Whichever method you choose, thats the entire setup. Then if any of the sensors come in contact with water, you instantly receive notifications on your phone. With the three-pack I tried, I put mine next to a toilet and in the cabinets under two bathroom sinks. The sensor will also notify you if it detects freezing temperatures or high humidity. Trust someone who had to move out of his house for 60 days after a broken $7 water line to the toilet caused a flood: You want leak detectors in your home. They can save you loads of money, time and worry.

    Another part of Moens system you can buy is the Smart Water Shutoff. Essentially it hooks up to the water valve coming into your home, and perpetually checks for leaks and vulnerabilities in your house pipes. At your choice, it will either notify you if it detects an event and give you the option of shutting off your water remotely, or it will automatically shut it off for you and notify you. Talk about peace of mind while youre on vacation. To be honest, I wanted to set this up at our home. A local plumber who specializes in installing this Moen product came to the house and ultimately determined that we had an unusual setup: He could install it, but it would require repiping and then adding a power cord across our front porch. I opted to skip. But even he told me that in most every home he sees the installation of the Smart Water Shutoff is a breeze. He said that his customers have loved the product so far and in fact, he installed one at his own home because he was so impressed. Plus he mentioned that some insurance companies will subsidize the installation costs on their homeowners policy.

    Moen is also selling smart kitchen faucets that you can simply communicate with by voice to pour water in precise amounts and at exact temperatures. There are several models in the companys product line.

    For now, Im just trying out Moens water detectors. I now have this type of detector from four different manufacturers around my home. They all work similarly ringing out a loud alarm when water touches them as well as notify my smartphone. But take it from someone whos experienced a flood: Ill take any help I can get in keeping our home dry.

    View original post here:
    Moens Smart Products May Save You Plenty Of Money...And Aggravation - Forbes

    As Monsignor Farrell enters its 60th year, the school turns a corner, modernizing its facility and curriculum –

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Over the past six months, in a full throttle effort to modernize the time-honored establishment that is Monsignor Farrell High School, Lou Tobacco has unapologetically spent $4.7 million.

    Poured into science lab suites and STEM centers, a monstrous learning commons and renovated restrooms, the hard-earned, alumni-donated funding is now spread across the 18-acre campus of the all-boys Catholic school, evident in 45 touch-screen SMART boards, a life-size virtual dissection table and an entire Marine biology ecosystem. Defined as Farrells largest technological investment and facility modernization to date, the expansive spending is the first phase of a $12 million Strengthen the Legacy campaign aimed at transforming the college preparatory school, which for decades has coasted on its football accolades and a legendary local reputation alone.

    The new 5 Court Bocce Complex (Courtesy/Lou Tobacco)

    But for Tobacco, a Farrell alum himself who was awarded the title of school president and CEO in 2019 and tasked with providing visionary leadership and ensuring the schools continued viability, the improvements are personal.

    Monsignor Farrell High School is steeped in tradition, known throughout Staten Island for its premier education and system of values, but we are also currently on the threshold of a transformative period, Tobacco noted while giving the Advance a recent tour of the revamped school. The lessons learned at 2900 Amboy Road are timeless: Brotherhood, discipline, respect, compassion, critical thinking and collaboration. But as time moves on, methods and tools for learning evolve and advance. Farrell, grounded in our storied history, is also evolving and advancing into a new era through significant investments in facility and technology.

    Bubbling with enthusiasm, Tobacco bounds through the hallways during the tour, greeting uniformed students by name and invading classes mid-lecture. Its 9 a.m. and hes just had his coffee but its obviously not the caffeine thats causing his exuberance. The president is pumped for whats about to become for his alma mater.

    The new Brother Henry S. Wright Learning Commons. (Courtesy/Lou Tobacco)

    We put a lot of thought and effort into what was needed to update this school, Tobacco said. We worked to identify what modern tools would best support a well-rounded education, one that would prepare our students to be the next generation of successful leaders. We have made critical investments in our future, ensuring that our school will continue to be a positive force in this borough. We are extremely excited about what weve been able to set in motion already and are eagerly anticipating other advancements for the future.

    Opened in 1961 and named after a prominent Catholic priest and community leader, Farrell has long been associated with athletics and is regularly referenced for its long list of locally famous alumni: The hallways have been home to a couple of assemblymen, (Cusick, 87, Tobacco, 90), three congressmen (Fossella, 83, Donovan, 74, McMahon, 75), a state senator (Lanza, 82), a former assemblyman and now surrogate (Titone, 79) and a borough president (Oddo, 84). Theres also several actors of note, a handful of professional athletes and scores of other professionals who have gone on to procure prominent titles. High ranking fire chiefs and police brass are also included on that list in a word - the Farrell network of alums, currently 14,000 strong, is impressive.

    So many important and influential men have walked these halls, Tobacco said. I think that speaks volumes about our efforts to develop the whole man mind, body and soul. Some of the lessons we teach here are just as important as math, science and social studies. The students come here as boys and leave as men.

    New graniteand gold leaf school seal in front of the main entrance and lobby. Donated by alumnus Brian Hall. (Courtesy/Lou Tobacco)

    Vir Fidelis meaning the faithful man is the schools long-standing motto, serving both as a summation of a Farrell education and a life-long challenge to each Farrell student. Priding itself on providing a premier Catholic education and well-rounded experience of extracurricular activities, college placement and community service, the school recently implemented a tradition of handing out a Challenge Coin to each incoming freshman. Tobacco says the military-inspired ritual is supposed to remind the boys to be faithful 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year a sentiment which is etched on the back of the coin.

    Theyre told to keep it on their person at all times, in their pocket or their backpack, Tobacco said. It serves as a reminder to challenge themselves every day and to be the best they can be.

    When appointed president, it was modern ideas like these that Tobacco was quick to implement. Hitting the ground running, he immediately worked to secure a Con Edison partnership for the school, an alliance which allows Farrell to save on their electricity costs while supporting local solar power development. He turned the campus green, replacing porcelain drinking fountains with energy efficient refill stations and started the installation of a phased, school-wide air conditioning replacement. In his first 12 months of leadership, a good portion of which was disturbed by quarantine and COVID, Tobacco got things done.

    When COVID hit and schools closed, we had a choice, he said. We could have canceled everything; in fact the easy thing wouldve been to just say no. But we persisted. We took advantage of the six months we had with no students on campus and completely changed the building for the better.

    Born and raised on Staten Island, Tobacco graduated from Farrell in 1990, four years after his brother, Dominic. He attended SUNY Albany and graduated from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy.

    He started his career in public service in 1994 as the assistant director of Contract Oversight in the office of the Staten Island Borough President, where he also served as the director of community relations from 1996 to 1997. Tobacco then worked in pharmaceutical sales, first with Novartis and then Pfizer Inc., for 13 years. In 2007, he was elected to the New York State Assembly, where he served three consecutive terms, representing the 62nd legislative district.

    After retiring from the Assembly he became the associate executive director of community and government affairs for Staten Island University Hospital, Northwell Health. He also held the titles of senior director of external affairs, as well as director of surgical business development at the hospital.

    When Monsignor Edmund Whalen, who served as Farrells first alumnus principal from 2010 until 2019, was elevated to the position of Vicar for Clergy by Cardinal Dolan, Tobacco was called up to fill in a new spot on the schools roster. For the first time in its history Farrell transitioned to a president/principal philosophy, which has emerged as a popular form of school governance over the past decade. Aligned around two distinct leadership profiles - the outward-facing entrepreneur and institution builder (president), and the inward-facing academician and champion of teaching, learning, and best practice (principal) the model rested the job of endowment and improvement on Tobaccos shoulders.

    Under the schools new structure, Tobacco joined Larry Musanti, who was named principal of Farrell in 2019. Musanti, who has taught at the school for five decades, shares Tobaccos vision.

    This school is rich in history, noted Musanti, who began teaching chemistry at Farrell in 1970 and has worn many hats there since. Formerly serving as an assistant principal, dean of students and baseball coach, the dedicated educator is currently focused on advancing the school forward.

    Its difficult to top our past successes, but with all of these improvements, Farrells best days are yet to come, Musanti said.

    The flooring is new, the lighting is energy efficient, the urinals are waterless and not one stick of chalk can be found in the classrooms (white boards are cleaner, safer, more environmentally friendly, Tobacco says). And the school is keenly focused on educating students with applicable knowledge teaching them skills and abilities that can be used in their future professions.

    A cutting edge Anatomage Table, the most technically advanced virtual dissection table for anatomy education, was just installed in the Biology lab, allowing students to view the different systems of the body and watch how they function. State-of-the-art university grade microscopes and a dual-ecosystem marine-biology tank were also recently introduced.

    The Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table. (Courtesy of Lou Tobacco)

    If this inspires just one student to become a cardiologist then weve done our jobs, Tobacco said, pushing buttons on the impressive touch-screen table, switching the display from the musculoskeletal system to a detailed view of the heart. These are the same tools used in the top colleges and Universities throughout the country. By introducing our students to this we are giving them a true advantage.

    Unique collaborations with Staten Island University Hospital Northwell Health, Engineering Tomorrow and the Billion Oyster Project are aimed at extending education beyond the campus giving students the opportunity of real-life experiences on-site at various major construction sites like the Bayonne Bridge and Amazon distribution centers. Farrell students are even given the opportunity to make rounds at SIUH and learn from top surgeons.

    Theres also a Medical Education Development Institute, or MEDI, and a Pre-Med Society that gives students the opportunity to complete volunteer hours at SIUH, allowing them to shadow different departments of the hospital and participate in an ER to the classroom experience. The entire student body is also exposed to guest lectures that open them up to a variety of careers in the field of medicine.

    Chemistry Lab. (Courtesy/Lou Tobacco) - .

    Brand new computers were installed in the schools third-floor computer lab, allowing AP Computer Science, AutoCAD, and Video Game Programming courses access to some of the fastest hardware available. Students can quickly sketch 3D structures in AutoCAD and then print them using a 3D printer.

    Weve chosen to innovate in areas that best serve our students' interests, Tobacco said. Many of our graduates go on to study engineering so weve placed great importance on our science and mathematics departments. But this technology weve introduced serves all students across the board.

    A Video Game Programming class allows students to design and code virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) games and applications. AP Computer Science students can code more highly advanced algorithms, such as using computer vision for facial recognition programs. An E-sports competitive gaming elective has already yielded significant scholarship money for students.

    Theres a high-tech television studio in the East Wing of the school, accompanied by a brand new state-of-the-art communications center where all of Farrells digital and print publications will be produced. The brand new Brother Henry S. Wright Learning Commons, a multi-use seminar and research space that provides access to several educational databases, will soon be the setting for a lecture series that virtually invites college professors from all over the country into the Farrell class schedule.

    Farrells WFBN-TV. (Courtesy/Lou Tobacco)

    Our teachers were tasked with finding their collegial counterpart at a college or university somewhere in the U.S. in a sort of pen-pal type exchange, Tobacco said. They will then virtually bring their newfound colleague/friend to speak in class. Our first such lecture will feature an English professor from Pepperdine University.

    For Tobacco, its just one of the innovative steps that he and his staff have taken to propel Monsignor Farrell High School into the future.

    For these young men Farrell is the introduction to collegiate and then professional life, Tobacco said as he concluded the tour in Farrells breezeway, now home to a Bocce Complex that features five regulation-size courts.

    We hope to have reunions and other gatherings here, he concluded, clutching a Vir Fidelis folder under one arm, a proud grin evident underneath his mask. Were making these improvements for our students and families and for our strong network of alumni too. Brotherhood runs deep at this school, it always has. And this campaign supports everyone who has ever walked these halls, every member of Farrells past, present and future.

    (Jessica Jones-Gorman is a freelance writer based on Staten Island and former fashion editor for the Staten Island Advance.)

    See original here:
    As Monsignor Farrell enters its 60th year, the school turns a corner, modernizing its facility and curriculum -

    New exhibit asks: What is the value of a Black life in America? – Baltimore Fishbowl

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    What is the value of a Black life in America?

    Thats the fundamental question posed by a new exhibit in Baltimore, created in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and designed as a commentary on 400 years of systemic racism in America.

    Societys Cage is the name of a 15-foot by 15-foot pavilion that was erected this summer on the National Mall in Washington as both an educational exhibit and a work of public art, forged in the aftermath of the killings by police officers ofGeorge Floyd in Minnesota and Breonna Taylor in Kentucky.

    The pavilion was intended to travel to other locations, and the first stop outside Washington is Baltimore, where it opened today and will remain until Oct. 30.

    Instead of the National Mall, where it was on display from August 28 to September 12, Societys Cage has been erected on War Memorial Plaza, the green lawn at 101 North Gay Street, in front of City Hall. An opening ceremony will be held at 2:30 p.m. today.

    The installation was the work of African American architects and designers from SmithGroup, an architecture firm with offices in Washington. Its a cube-like structure thats part open-air pavilion and part freestanding cage, an experiential environment that people can walk in and around to learn about the impact of racism and police brutality on America.

    The outer edges of the pavilion and the floor inside are layered with words and statistics that make it clear the killings of Floyd and Taylor were not isolated incidents but part of a continuum of racist activity and that has been going on for centuries. It asks a fundamental question: What is the value of Black Life in America? When they first enter the pavilion, visitors are encouraged to see how long they can hold their breath, a reminder of the eight minutes and 46 seconds Floyd endured when a police officer pressed a knee on his neck. The floor contains the names of thousands of African Americans killed over the years by lynching, incarceration, capital punishment and police terrorism.

    And yet the pavilion has a certain beauty to it as well, especially at night. The metal bars of the cage evoke prison cells and the weight of oppression. But the interior can also be calm and peaceful, an inner sanctum removed from the world around, a place for contemplation and introspection. Small lights in the ceiling become visible after dark, like stars in the sky. In Washington, the cage was even used for singing and dance performances, and people left roses around the perimeter in memory of those who have died. Different people had widely different reactions, from adults willing to linger and read every word to some children not wanting to go inside at all.

    Taylor, a 26-year-old African American emergency medical technician, was fatally shot in her own apartment by plainclothes police officers who were looking for drugs and executing a no-knock warrant on March 13. Gunfire was exchanged between the officers and Taylors boyfriend, who said he thought the officers were intruders. Taylor was shot at least eight times and was pronounced dead at the scene. No drugs were found in her apartment.

    Baltimore City States Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced last week that she will no longer authorize no-knock warrants in Baltimore.

    Floyd, 46, was killed on May 25 during an arrest for allegedly using a counterfeit bill. He died after a police officer, Derek Chauvin, pressed his knee on his neck even though he was subdued. Two autopsies later found Floyds death to be a homicide. His death triggered weeks of protests in the United States and beyond.

    SmithGroup architects Dayton Schroeter and Julian Arrington, who led the effort, said they wanted to do something meaningful after the deaths of Floyd and Taylor, a tangible project that would use their craft and talents as designers. Others on the team were Monteil Crawley, Ivan OGarro and Julieta Guillermet.

    They initially thought they might use their own funds and go to a home improvement store and get the supplies needed to construct the pavilion. But their companys leaders heard about what they were doing and decided to support their efforts with seed money for materials, even allowing them to spend some work time on the project. In essence, we were our client, Schroeter said.

    The team thought about putting the pavilion on Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, a section of 16th Street N.W. thats close to the White House, but the city wasnt issuing permits for temporary art installations during the pandemic. The mayors office directed the architects to the National Park Service, which offered a spot on the Mall that had become available after a previous applicant cancelled. It was a prime location, near 12thStreet between the Capitol and the Washington Monument, with plenty of foot traffic in late summer and also room for social distancing. The installation was originally planned to come down before Labor Day but turned out to be so popular the architects asked the Park Service if they could keep it up for another week and the agency agreed. Now lots of cities want it.

    Kathleen Lane, executive director of the Baltimore chapter of the American Institute of Architects, saw the installation in Washington in August and led an effort to bring it to Baltimore as a highlight of the AIAs Baltimore Architecture Month activities in October. The AIA worked with the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts (BOPA), which has made the installation a signature event for the citys Free Fall Baltimore lineup. The city issued permits for the War Memorial Plaza site last week, allowing construction to begin, and the pavilion opened at 9 a.m. today.

    Were very excited to see the installation in a new city, said Christa Montgomery, a corporate communications specialist for SmithGroup, in an email message. Baltimore has been very interested in hosting Societys Cage since seeing it in D.C., and both AIA Baltimore and BOPA have been strong advocates for the installation. Ultimately, it was the enthusiasm and commitment from our partners and those in city government that made Baltimore a great next location.

    According to BOPA, Societys Cage will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and social distancing and masks are required to visit. SmithGroup has joined with the non-profit Architects Foundation to raise funds to help pay for the pavilions construction and to support the foundations Diversity Advancement scholarship program ( So far, 219 people have contributed $68,605 toward a goal of $150,000, and donations are still being accepted.

    Ed Gunts is a local freelance writer and the former architecture critic for The Baltimore Sun.

    Go here to see the original:
    New exhibit asks: What is the value of a Black life in America? - Baltimore Fishbowl

    The Wide Angle: Here’s pie in your eye and the floor and the counter – Austin Daily Herald – Austin Herald

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    As I sit here, typing from the living room at home as the good folks from G&G install our new air conditioner, my thoughts drift back to this past Saturday when everything smelled like and was covered by pumpkin.

    As it turns out, creating a pumpkin pudding (pie as us Americans call it) is a messy endeavor at least the way I make it it apparently is.

    In short, the pies turned out to be not great, but not bad; the glaring issue being that I clearly got way too much pumpkin into the pie.

    It REAAALLLLYYY tastes like pumpkin. Also the molasses for some reason didnt really spread about the pie like I would have liked. One bite REAAALLLLYYY tastes like pumpkin while the next bite will only REALLLLYY taste like pumpkin. It tends to be the difference in the number of As.

    I dont really understand the molasses spread problem either, especially considering I beat the everloving stuffing out the batter. A good solid 10-15 minutes so one would think it would have dispersed in good order, but then again if I have proved anything; its how I can really make a simple thing difficult.

    But, I get ahead of myself. Those of you who enjoy a good trainwreck are probably wanting to hear how I got pumpkin everywhere.

    First, it started with the cutting of the pumpkin and the time-hallowed tradition of getting seeds and innards everywhere.

    Slimy and slippery, the seeds refused to stay where they were meant to go and I would be finding pumpkin strings for a couple days after the fact.

    Once prepped, the pumpkins went into the oven at 350 degrees for an hour in order to make it easier to get the skin off.

    Elsewhere in the process, the pumpkin leaked all over the open, pumpkin juice adhering nicely to the oven base, boiling up and burning, creating a lovely smell of burnt pumpkin, which if you want to break the love of pumpkin spice, introduce burnt pumpkin spice. Just imagine the sweet smell of pumpkin with the harsh burn of pumpkin.

    I ushered the baked, burnt pumpkin to the counter, dripping pumpkin liquid on the floor as it fell off the pan.

    Next came the mixing of ingredients and this is where the two much pumpkin came into effect.

    The pumpkin mashed remarkably easy, but it certainly wasnt the pint the recipe asked for, which I neglected to really check. Classic Eric cooking.

    On top of that, the recipe calls for a quart of milk and four well-beaten eggs. It became quickly apparent that I did not have a big enough bowl.

    By the time I completed said beating of the batter, it was just about an inch from the top so the mixing Ive alluded to sent batter all over the counter and the floor.

    This was made easier by the fact that the batter was the consistency of well melted milkshakes and it shouldnt be ignored that pumpkin strings came along for the ride and had to be removed as well, which was just a hoot and half.

    The pie crust behaved so there wasnt anything to worry about there and luckily the pie didnt spill everywhere which, to be honest, I fully expected at this point to put one on the floor.

    And, as Ive said, the pie came out okay. Not great, not bad.

    Ill try it again at some point because the smell in the kitchen once the burnt pumpkin went away was divine, thick with allspice and ginger and molasses sweeping through the house.

    Maybe next time Ill trying measuring.

    Original post:
    The Wide Angle: Here's pie in your eye and the floor and the counter - Austin Daily Herald - Austin Herald

    This L.A. Kitchen Is the Perfect Compromise for Color-Loving Minimalists – Architectural Digest

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    For one couple, their tiny kitchen was the last thing to go in a gradual whole-home renovation. Built in 1979, the stucco-clad three-story is located in the hilly and enviable Northeast Los Angeles neighborhood of Montecito Heights, but the kitchen lacked solid lighting, had flooring that clashed with the rest of the main spaces, and was in a color palette that didnt do it any favors. Thus, after 15 years in the home, designer Leah Ring, owner of interiors and product design company Another Human, was called in to provide the homeowners with an airy, modern, and more functional plan theyd love.

    BEFORE: The small kitchen was an eyesore for the couple with its blue-on-blue palette and terra-cotta tiling.

    AFTER: Instead of wooden cabinetry on wood floors, which was an initial idea, the white cabinets are now seamless. Theyre also affordable as theyre prefabricated with laminate fronts.

    Kitchen Location: Montecito Heights, Los Angeles, California

    The before: Weird and unnecessary soffits, according to Leah, made the kitchen feel even smaller, and there were the light blue walls and dark bluetiled countertops to deal with. The kitchen, the living room, and stairs, which are all on the same level of the house, all had different flooring, plus there was a chunky column that broke up the space, she says.

    The inspiration: While the wife was initially drawn to a combo of materials, including many tiled and wooden kitchens with saturated color, throughout the design process it became more tonal and neutral, says Leah. Green Heath tile adds color thats still subtle, and white cabinetry and a paneled refrigerator make the revamped kitchen seem like one big space.

    Square footage: 250 square feet

    Here is the original post:
    This L.A. Kitchen Is the Perfect Compromise for Color-Loving Minimalists - Architectural Digest

    Tom Clyde: Anarchy on the kitchen countertop – The Park Record

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    My ballot came in the mail this week. Its sitting there on the kitchen counter, right beside the toaster oven, waiting to bring democracy to an end by return mail with a verified signature. It doesnt seem that threatening, but according to El Presidente, its a sinister force, lurking there with another offer to join the AARP and the power bill. Chaos, death and destruction in one envelope with a little raspberry jam spilled on it.

    Ive watched only a few minutes of the Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Never has so little been said in so many words coming out of so many high-priced mouths. The Republicans are fawning over her like the Virgin Mary. The Democrats are grinding away, trying to get her to say right out loud that she would reverse Roe v. Wade when the opportunity comes up, and that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. And the nominee, who is a smart and appealing person, deftly says nothing. Unlike Justice Kavanaugh, she hasnt even admitted to liking beer. She says it would be unjudicial to decide these issues until all the evidence has been presented in an actual case before the court. You give things a fair trial before the hanging.

    Its not like anybody doesnt know where she stands. She was appointed by Donald Trump. The only part of his administration that functions is the judicial appointment pipeline and thats because he has outsourced it to the Federalist Society. Nobody gets on their list of recommended judges who isnt firmly in the pro-life camp. Nobody should be surprised by that.

    The Democrats are outraged by the rush to fill the seat on the Supreme Court. It is completely inconsistent with the position taken by the Republicans in the last year of Obamas term. They have reversed position without embarrassment. The Democrats would do exactly the same thing if they held the Senate. So a month of very high-priced talent will be wasted on the confirmation process. It would be refreshing to hear Judge Barrett come out and say, Hell, yes, Ill vote to reverse every decision old lady Ginsburg ever made. And since the Constitution never mentions electricity or cellphones, Id throw out any legislation that deals with that, too. Not a single vote would be changed by stating the obvious.

    They are contesting the seat left open by Rob Bishops retirement. Those are some mighty small shoes to fill, but Im not sure either is up to it.

    For 10 years, the Republicans have been saying they would repeal and replace Obamacare with something better. Trump says it will be terrific. So far they havent put forward even an outline of a plan. They dont have one. They dont think the feds have a role to play in health care. Something better means something that is left to the tender mercies of the private insurance market, which is how we got where we are. Congress could be working on that. Or they could be working on financial relief for people whose lives and businesses have been disrupted by the plague. But lets spend a couple of weeks theatrically going through the motions on the court nomination that produces no useful information, and the outcome is already certain.

    The only competitive race in Utah is the congressional seat where Ben McAdams is being challenged by Burgess Owens. The TV ad coverage on that race is disgusting. Its nothing but competing ads from outside groups trying to convince us that McAdams is Jerry Fallwells pool boy and that Owens is a serial murderer. There really is no policy discussion in the campaign. Looking at the ads, the only conclusion is that the two worst people on earth want to represent Sandy in Congress. Maybe Sandy deserves that.

    In our congressional district, there is a choice between that one guy who looks like a rookie appliance salesman at R.C. Willey and that other guy who doesnt. The campaign has been so fiercely fought that I cant come up with either ones name. They are contesting the seat left open by Rob Bishops retirement. Those are some mighty small shoes to fill, but Im not sure either is up to it.

    I cant imagine living in a state where the outcome of almost every race was close. Were spared most of the ads in the presidential race, though I see them on satellite channels. This is a bad way to select leaders.

    Still, it all matters. That subversive mail-in ballot, while not explosive, is powerful. I wish there were a way to stretch out the pleasure of voting against Trump. It takes so little time to color in the bubble, and then its done. I might savor the moment by driving the completed ballot to Coalville, even though there are collection locations closer like my mailbox. Theres no reason to delay, and it will help the clerks office if they can match signatures and verify mail-in ballots earlier instead of doing it all on the last couple of days.

    If only completing the ballot could shut off the noise.

    Tom Clyde practiced law in Park City for many years. He lives on a working ranch in Woodland and has been writing this column since 1986.

    More here:
    Tom Clyde: Anarchy on the kitchen countertop - The Park Record

    Global Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Market -Global Potential Growth, Demand by Regions, Types and Analysis | Research Forecasts to 2026 -…

    - October 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Global Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Market report presents the fundamental industry insights and market statistics. The latest developments, plans and policies, growth opportunities and challenges to Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop market are described in this report. The two crucial factors analyzed in this report include market revenue in (USD Million) and market size (k MT). The development scope, feasibility study, Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop market concentration, and maturity analysis is elaborated in this report.

    An all-inclusive study on Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop market presents the industry insights across various geographies like North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa. The leading Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop industry players, their SWOT analysis and business strategies are covered in this report. The product portfolio covers the definition, type, application, and pricing structure. Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop market is segmented based on type, applications, and research regions.

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    Major players covered in this report:

    CambriaSilestonePokarna LimitedSage SurfacesCuravaHanwhaProgressive CountertopPF Custom CountertopsGreat Lakes GraniteMarbleCaesarstone Spot-Yam Ltd.Granite Worktops Ltd.

    Market Segmentation:

    By Type:


    By Application:

    Civil ConstructionCommercial ConstructionOthers

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    For each region analyzed in this report production value and growth rate is determined from 2015-2019. Market dynamics studied in this report describes the emerging segments of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop, market growth, limitations, opportunities, industry plans and policies across different regions. The competitive landscape analysis, industry chain analysis, and value chain analysis is presented in this report. Under industry chain analysis, various segments like upstream raw materials, manufacturing base, production process, cost of raw materials and labor cost is elaborated. Also, marketing channels and downstream buyers analysis of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop is conducted.

    A pin-point analysis is conducted to describe the value, market share, consumption, growth rate of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop. Market share of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop and gross margin analysis is presented in this report. The key industry players on the global and regional level are studied in this report. The import-export details, market value, consumption, and volume forecast of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop from 2019-2026 is covered.

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    A brief summary of research methodology followed:

    The research methodology comprises of primary and secondary research. The paid primary interviews, surveys, telephonic discussions are conducted with manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop. Secondary research includes the data gathered from annual reports, press releases, national customs paid database, the industry journal, and associations. All the gathered data is profiled and validated to ensure the accuracy and reliability.

    Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Report can be divided into below segments:

    1. Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Industry Overview, Market Scope, Size Estimation, and Segmentation.

    2. Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Growth Drivers, Opportunities, Emerging Segments, and Industry Plans and Policies are explained.

    3. Industry Chain Analysis Explaining Manufacturing Base, Market Share, Product Type, Upstream Raw Materials Suppliers, and Downstream Buyers Is Covered.

    4. Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop segmentation by type explains growth rate , and value from 2015-2019

    5. Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop segmentation by application and regions covers consumption, growth rate, market share, price, and gross margin analysis.

    6. Production, Consumption, Import-Export analysis of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop by regions is explained.

    7. Market Status and regional SWOT analysis are described under this segment.

    8. Competitive landscape structure of top Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop players, gross margin analysis, price, and production value is specified.

    9. Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop market analysis forecast by volume, value, consumption from 2019-2026 is provided for type, application, and region.

    10. Market maturity analysis, consumption forecast, feasibility study, and valuable conclusions are offered.

    Significant Features Of Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Report:

    All inclusive market study which presents market statistics and competitive market scenario globally

    Insights into the forecast market scenario lead to the analysis of growth opportunities, market scope, development threats, and market risks

    Major regions, countries, type and Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop applications are covered to offer complete industry picture

    Comprehensive research techniques are implemented to provide reliable and accurate results

    The SWOT analysis, business tactics of key players, industry plans and policies will ease the business decisions

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    Global Engineered Quartz (E-Quartz) Countertop Market -Global Potential Growth, Demand by Regions, Types and Analysis | Research Forecasts to 2026 -...

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