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    ‘Below Deck’ Recap: Primary Guest Charley Walters Explains The Surprising Tip He Left And The Biggest Misconceptions About His Charter – Decider

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    This is the first time that Ive let Twitter get to me a little, Charley Walters told me via Zoom last week. Normally I dont even look at it, but for whatever reason for this one I wanted to and I think its because there are so many more people watching the show now, he explained. And he would know this is the CW3 Public Relations CEOs third time appearing on Bravos Below Deck as a primary charter guest, but hes never had an experience with the online backlash the way he has this time around. Hell, even I called them nightmare charter guests, yet he still reached out to me on Twitter, which led to our discussion and this piece, to let viewers in on what they didnt get to see.

    Charley, who I found to be very open, friendly, and chatty, can also be seen as a guest during Season 5 flirting with deckhand Bruno Duarte, and Season 6 in Tahiti (he also appeared on the 2015 Bravo series Friends to Lovers), but he said, I can never believe in the few times Ive done this, the amount of people that react to it is exponentially bigger each time. He admits that his tweet spree after last weeks episode was him getting a little bit defensive, I guess, but he went on to explain, Its hard when youre getting literally hundreds of I hate you, this guy is a piece of s-h-i-t. I dont even swear. Youll never catch me swearing on the boat. I wont even do that on Twitter, but to hear people say that about me that dont even know me, Im like, come on, guys. At least Google me and find out a little more about me before judging. But I get it, its what they see, its all they know.

    Well, we also know a little more after this weeks episode, which showed Charley and his group leaving a much larger than expected tip of $25,000, of which he explained, Its because I legitimately felt bad for them at the end. As the charter went on, we learned more and more what happened before and I didnt know that until the last day when I had a conversation with Captain Lee. And then I realized we were going to look really bad because we were so hard on them and so I was like, you know what, we gotta give them a big tip. So I did and hopefully they appreciated that. I got some nice messages from the crew saying Thank you so much, we dont even know if we deserve that, but I feel like they did because they worked so hard and they turned it around by the end.

    Charley admits that it took them until the last day, but that he and his friends were happy with the service (and that french toast!), even joking around by rating their days on the boat according to starfruit chunks in the shape of stars that they were served during that last breakfast, with the crew earing five starfruit stars by the last day, but, They dont always show the cute stuff.

    No, they dont. While each charter group usually spends around 48 hours on the yacht total, their once-in-a-lifetime experience is edited down into about one and a half episodes, with each episode totaling 44-minutes so roughly one juicy hour out of a 48-hour journey makes it to television. For Charley and his group, their two days and three nights aboard the MY Seanna has been chronicled over the end of Episode 1, the entirety of Episode 2, and the beginning of Episode 3 this season, the shows seventh on the air. Throughout this time, he and his friends are seen jumping behind the bar to make their own cocktails after waiting for an inordinately long amount of time as the interior crew adjusted to their responsibilities during the first charter of the season, and their first full day on the boat. The guests also popped into the galley to cut up their own cake for dessert; they made repeated, and some might say awfully annoying requests when it came to breakfast omelets, and they got into a shouting match across the dinner table which of course spilled into the guest bedrooms on the yacht.

    With the exception of Captain Lee and bosun Eddie Lucas, the rest of the crew came aboard the boat and the show for the first time ever, a fact Charley says, I did not know until we showed up at the dock. Its part of why his demands seemed so sky-high: theyd always been accommodated in the past with former chief stew Kate Chastain. Kate and I had a total system down for these theme parties. Shes so into them and we had done it a couple times so I would tell her in advance what we were thinking of doing and we would already have some plans going before I even got on the boat. So I was assuming that would happen again but it was not the case. And sure enough, I had happened to plan two of our most complicated theme parties ever. She said she loved it but she just wasnt ready, he said, referring to new chief stew Francesca Rubi.

    Chef Rachel was also seen crying tears of frustration in Episode 2 as the overly specific breakfast orders came in, another element Charley and his guests were unaware of, which is customary for charter guests to be in the dark, but that doesnt mean it didnt shock him once he watched the episode. We gave so many compliments to Rachel, we were constantly complimenting her throughout. When I went back to the kitchen, I was genuinely trying to offer her an extra set of hands. Every time she came out to present the meal, she looked totally flustered, so I was like, let us help you with this, weve given you a nearly impossible task so let us help. He maintains that he was unaware that going into the galley to cut dessert himself was a really no-no thing to do, and went on to say of the chef, Shes awesome though, her food is overall really good and I hope people get to see that the rest of the season. Charley was especially complimentary of the feast she prepared for their first night on the boat, that was requested to incorporate dishes from countries all across the world. Especially with limited time to prep and limited supplies, the food was excellent that night, Charley confirmed. And the drinks were too. Elizabeth did a really good job, making these really eclectic drinks from every country. She did her research. And it turns out there was some method to the madness: Charley is a producer of the Gold Meets Golden event which pairs celebrities and Olympic athletes, and the international dinner theme was in honor of what wouldve been the upcoming 2020 Olympics.

    As far as that nightmare of a breakfast goes, Charley maintains of the chaos simultaneously taking place in the galley, We had no idea, we just kind of assumed it was like any other charter. One thing I tell my guests is, you guys go for it, order what you want, if you want something special they have to get it for you. Thats something they always tell you, they want you to make your orders extravagant and picky. I wasnt there for the omelet orders so I didnt know how crazy they were. I actually found that funny when I was watching, how much my guests were getting so picky about this. But when I saw, I felt so bad because we didnt know she didnt have the right pans, he said of the lone chef working her butt off to prepare their orders.

    He also explained, I had been on MY Seanna more than anyone else on the boat. I did feel a sense of entitlement like, how can you not have your stuff together? I know what Im doing, and so Im gonna step in and show you how its done because no one else is getting the job done and I want my guests to have a good experience. Though there wasnt much he could do when it came to the broken jacuzzi on board. When you go on these yachts, one of the most luxurious things is you wanna go up at night and use the jacuzzi. Weve done that every other time. I kept saying, are we gonna fix this? We werent even able to fill the jacuzzi. I think there was a [moment] where Shane was trying to pour boiling water and obviously that wasnt gonna work but that was a fun dumb blonde moment for him.

    But we shouldnt really be surprised by all the drama, because as Charley explained, When they invite you back its because [theyre] saying we like something about you and its usually because you bring some level of drama. Even getting on the boat this time around was a bit dramatic, as Charley explained they only had weeks instead of months for the group to prepare for the trip. I had to really throw it together, he said. But ultimately he stated, When you go on these shows you know what youre getting into. So its ok. We know what were signing up for. And they do a really good job of it and thats why the show is successful. Ive just learned to have a tough skin about it and know that no matter what.

    Lets also be real here: this group was on a totally baller vaca and were simply watching from home (in the middle of a pandemic, no less) so of course there was bound to be some FOMO from viewers. Youre on a vacation, youre really having a great time, you give them so much material, especially our group, and I know by now what theyre gonna choose, and theres nothing we can do about it, just roll with it. Which is the same attitude hes trying to take about his own social media profiles right now. People are now watching my Twitter and anything I post right now will get attacked. Its kind of fun, he laughed. Based on what they saw, I try to look at it from their perspective and Im like ok, I would probably hate me too.

    Plus, Charley has had his fair share of fun on the show before. He reminisced about joking with the crew during his Season 5 departure and skinny dipping during Season 6s Tahiti adventures. We do have a really nice time and people are like, is it worth this for you to go on national TV and make a fool of yourself? And its like, thats not what were thinking about, were going on this because is a really great luxurious trip, and we always have a great time. My friends and I walk away from it, especially Tahiti, it was such a great bonding experience for all my friends. That was my favorite of all three of the charters. Thats a place I never wouldve gone. My grandfather was in the Navy and he always told me, whatever you do in your life, you have to go to Tahiti one day because it was his favorite spot. I dont think I wouldve gotten to go to Tahiti if Below Deck had not invited me. There are all sorts of other reasons why we do this, one of them being, when else am I gonna get to do this?

    Charley also revealed that he keeps in touch with a lot of the crew members, saying, I just talked to Elizabeth this morning, shes my favorite new crew member for sure. Elizabeth, to me, is the strongest crew member so I hope she gets some more credit. Shes gorgeous inside and out and shes a wonderful person. Hes also a fan of the new chief stew saying, Francesca is great. I know that theyre gonna learn by the end. Captain Lee likes them and hes the holy deciding factor. We text all the time and hes so sweet to me. Theres nothing Captain Lee has ever said bad about me on the show except maybe Charley is a handful, which, yes, Charley is a handful. I would encourage people to listen to the captain, hes the guy in charge and he knows whats going on.

    People can judge as much as they want, Charley continued, though he also added, I would encourage them if they really care, look me up, I do a lot of good. I work for the Paralympics, I do a lot of charitable work, and so believe it or not, I do have a good side to me. Anybody who knows me that watches the show is like, this is hilarious because this is so not you. But I understand why other people dont have the greatest impression of me. That often manifests in airport encounters (Especially in the midwest, he noted) with people starting a conversation by saying, Oh my god, youre that jerk from Below Deck, but as soon as they chat for a few minutes, Charley says they tell him, Youre not like that at all, and Im like, Exactly, thank you, tell your friends.'

    Another misconception hed like to clear up is that his lifestyle is not all rich and famous. People seem to think that Im some super-wealthy person who lives in a mansion. Im not. I live a pretty modest lifestyle so the idea of getting to go on a yacht like this is something I wouldnt otherwise be able to do. Its not like Im spending money and going on a bunch of yachts all the time. No, this is a lucky experience for me and so Im like, I dont have as much money as you think!

    However, he is rich in friendships, though he admits that after the screaming match with his friend Shay who he says brought some extra drama that we werent counting on, the group was really upset with her for a while after because she took it to another level. Charley was ultimately pleased with the friend group he put together and explained, I went for a diverse group, for one. This included his pal, comedian Ashley Ryan who is one of the first trans guests to appear on the show. I know the show has dealt with the trans subject before but I dont think in terms of guests, so that was fun. She was the one that made the Transylvania reference, and what didnt make it into the edit was a short comedy routine she performed for the crew.

    Charley was also sure to compliment the production crews aboard the boat (theyre genius) and the drone that also flies above, capturing shots of the yacht, and couldnt help but smile thinking of the gorgeous rainbow they got to witness before docking the boat. So what are the chances we could be seeing Charley on the show again? I dont know. I have to decide after this if I think my reputation can handle it, he laughed, while admitting its also time for new fresh faces. This has been three good runs. No matter what anyone on Twitter has to say about it.

    Below Deck airs Monday at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo.

    Where to stream Below Deck

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    'Below Deck' Recap: Primary Guest Charley Walters Explains The Surprising Tip He Left And The Biggest Misconceptions About His Charter - Decider

    ‘Below Deck’: Captain Lee Ended the First Charter of Season 1 Early – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Below Deck Season 8 shows Captain Lee Rosbach ending a charter early, but this isnt the first time Rosbach bounced guests on the show.

    Rosbach is seen fuming at a charter guest in a clip from an upcoming scene during season 8. The guest is drunk and has jumped into the ocean while the others have dinner. Rosbach grows angrier and angrier ultimately telling the group their charter has ended.

    While Rosbach has never become this angry at a group of guests, this isnt the first time hes ended a charter early. The series launched with a group of photographers who had their charter cut short when stew Kat Held found drugs in a guests room. The latest exchange was different from the first group of guests, but the outcome was the same.

    The flagship group of guests currently hold the title for shortest charter in Below Deck history. Viewers will have to wait and see if the latest group of guests last longer than the first group.

    Rosbach considers the group of photographers to be one of the worst groups of guests. He discussed the instance during a live appearance in January 2020. There were two [groups of worst charter guests] that come to mind, not counting the druggies that I threw off the boat the first time, Rosbach recalled. They didnt see that s**t coming their way, did they?

    Unlike with the current group, Rosbach said nothing to the guests about the drug find. Instead, he simply told them the boat was returning to the dock. One docked, Rosbach calmly told the guests a stew found drugs and their charter had ended.

    RELATED: Below Deck Charter Guest Charley Walters Reveals If Hes a Series Producer and What He Really Told the Crew (Exclusive)

    Did you see the look on their faces when I said were going back, Rosback laughed. Adding, They hold the record. They were on the boat for less than 22 hours and they were gone. I kept their money!

    Rosbach remained calm when he told the season 1 group of guests their charter had ended. This time, not so much. A guest becomes so drunk during dinner with Rosbach, she decides to jump overboard and go for a swim.

    Dolores diving into the water is the ultimate f**k you to the captain, Rosbach says in aconfessional in a preview clip. Shes drunk, its dark, I dont need somebody jeopardizing their own life on my watch. That is not f**king going to happen.

    RELATED: Below Deck: Captain Lee Reveals the Ultimate F**k You To the Captain

    The crew begs the guest to get out of the water, but the more she refuses, the angrier Rosbach becomes. He eventually lays into her, demanding she gets out of the water. Your charter just ended! Rosbach says to the guest. Now get out!

    He then delivers the bad news to the rest of the guests. I hate to tell you this, but your charter is over, he tells them. Shes in the water. Shes drunk. And she wont come out. Were going to head back to the dock because Im not putting up with this.

    Below Deck is on every Monday at 9/8c on Bravo.

    Originally posted here:
    'Below Deck': Captain Lee Ended the First Charter of Season 1 Early - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    ‘Below Deck’ Fans Are Extremely Bothered By This One Thing – TheThings

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A viewer shared an article in the same Reddit thread that talks about ships being responsible for "ocean plastic waste."

    Fans ofBelow Deckare used to seeing some wild storylines andseason four alone had some dramatic scenes. Working and living on a yacht isn't the easiest thing in the world, even though it seems like a plum job and, of course, the scenery is truly beautiful. But there is so much drama on this series that it definitely doesn't seem like the dream job that it once did.

    Fans have many theories about the reality showand there are a lot of things that fans wonder about when it comes toBelow Deck. Thereis one thing that fans of this popular reality series have noticed, and it really bugs them. Let's take a look.

    There are a lot of behind-the-scenes facts about Below Deck that viewers are eager to know about, and there are also some things that happen right on camera that confuse fans.

    What are fans upset about? A fan shared on Reddit that the Below Deck cast members constantly throw broken things into the ocean.

    The fan wrote, "One thing I noticed in several of the seasons is that if something's broken they'll just throw it overboard. Broken plate, broken vase, broken cake patter, burnt pot, etc. Overboard it goes. I'd think there would be some environmental law or something that they can't be chucking things overboard into the ocean. I don't know why they don't just throw it in the garbage. If they do that when they're being filmed it makes me wonder what the boats that don't get filmed do." That last point is unnerving as it's definitely bad to keep throwing things into the ocean.

    Another fan commented in the thread, saying that one of the chefs, Ben, was having trouble cooking something and he pitched a pan into the water, which definitely sounds bad. Another viewer responded, "The ocean is not a trash can."

    RELATED:Captain Sandy Might Fire Chef Kiko On Below Deck Mediterranean

    In another Reddit thread, a fan pointed out the same thing about objects being tossed casually into the sea like it was truly no big deal. They wrote, "Anyone shocked by how casually the crew throws trash into the ocean? Broken plate....just throw it overboard. Broken glass cake stand, cigarette butts, Chinese lanterns."

    A fan replied that in the first season ofBelow Deck Med, Hannah threw some cigarette butts into the ocean, along with a cake stand. No one should be pitching garbage into the ocean, let alone cigarettes, and the cake stand is weird and random. It definitely seems like this happens often enough that viewers have taken note. And it's very strange as it seems like someone would have said something and the employees on the yachts would stop doing this.

    A viewer shared an article in the same Reddit thread that talks about ships being responsible for "ocean plastic waste."According, a study said that merchant ships from China are likely responsible for plastic bottles found onInaccessible Island. The study looked at plastic waste in 2018, 2009, and 1984 in that area.

    RELATED:Is Below Deck Real? Everything There Is To Know

    Below Deckis no stranger tonegative comments as there has been a lot about this reality show that has gotten people talking.

    Two crew members aresaid to have pretended they had more experience than they really did: according toNicki Swift, Andrew and Kasey, a deckhand and stewardess, didn't tell the truth when applying. The website points out that everyone does safety training, so that's good to know.

    There was another scandal on the show that was much more upsetting: a guest assaultedJen Howell during a party. According to Yahoo News,Kate Chastain, the First Stewardess who is also Jen's boss, said,Unfortunately, a guest will be served too much [alcohol], so they think, maybe, Hey, I can sexually harass the yacht crew. However, as an experienced yachtie, you learn how to deal with these kind of charter guests. And, unfortunately, Jen is not a yachtie.

    Many fans responded on Twitter, and one said,Experienced yachtie or not, no one should have to get used to being sexually harassed by the guest." That tweet, in particular, got many responses, as this was a strange and horrible thing to see on the show.

    RELATED:Below Deck: Jessica More Defends Hannah Ferriers CBD Pen That Got Her Fired

    It's definitely odd to see cast members ofBelow Deckthrowing garbage and other objects into the water on the show, and it seems like this is a regularoccurrence, as enough fans have pointed it out in some Reddit thread. Hopefully, this will stop happening in future seasons as it's fair to say that it's not good for the environment.

    NEXT:Below Deck: Captain Sandy Is Losing Fans For How She Mistreated Hannah

    'Jersey Shore: Family Vacation': Why Did Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi Quit The Show?

    Aya Tsintziras writes about travel and pop culture. She loves watching TV, coffee, barre classes, and avocado. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

    Read the original:
    'Below Deck' Fans Are Extremely Bothered By This One Thing - TheThings

    Deck Out Your Nintendo Switch With These Retro-Themed Skins – HYPEBEAST

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Nintendo has just put out a slew of brand new skins so users can freshen up the look of their Switch consoles.

    The new skins are emblazoned with some of Nintendos most recognizable characters from popular titles, like Super Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Donkey Kong, to mention a few. Many of the skins nod to retro Super Nintendo games, such as Super Metroids cover art from 1994, which shows Samus in combat. Another skin mirrors a gold The Legend of Zelda artwork that covers the back of the Switch the front features pixelated graphics depicting the vintage titles gameplay. But newer games and characters are referenced, too, like a black and yellow Pikachu skin and a Tom Nook and Team Animal Crossing: New Horizons decal. Each set comes with a skin for the consoles dock, a skin for the Joy-Con controllers and a screen protector.

    Nintendos new Switch skins are currently available on Nintendos website for approximately $20 USD.

    In case you missed it, Amazon is celebrating Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary with limited-edition boxes.

    Go here to see the original:
    Deck Out Your Nintendo Switch With These Retro-Themed Skins - HYPEBEAST

    Faulty Sprinkler System The Cause Of Firefighter Response In Bourne –

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A faulty sprinkler system at an apartment building on Harmony Hill Road set off an alarm that brought firefighters to the complex. However, no fire or smoke was detected at the scene.

    Bourne Acting Assistant Fire Chief David S. Pelonzi said firefighters were dispatched at 4:45 PM to Clay Pond Cove at 101 Harmony Hill Road last Saturday afternoon, November 14. Asst. Chief Pelonzi said when firefighters arrived at the scene, people were evacuating the building.

    Someone must have told one of the firefighters they saw smoke, the assistant chief said, but we didnt find anything.

    Asst. Chief Pelonzi said the complex uses two types of sprinkler systems: one wet, one dry. The problem, he said, occurred with a faulty compressor in the buildings dry sprinkler system.

    A dry system uses pressurized air or nitrogen to hold the water supply back at a main dry-pipe valve. When a fire occurs and the sprinkler activates, the air pressure drops and the main dry-pipe valve opens to release the water into the piping system to discharge from the sprinklers.

    We were initially called for sprinkler activation, Asst. Chief Pelonzi said. Thats what set off the fire alarm.

    No one was hurt or had to be transported to a hospital, he said.

    Firefighters at the scene investigated, going from room to room, he said, but never detected any smoke or fire.

    See the original post:
    Faulty Sprinkler System The Cause Of Firefighter Response In Bourne -

    Sprinkler System Saves Apartment from Kitchen Fire in Lexington Park | Southern Maryland News Net – Southern Maryland News Net

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    On Friday, November 13, 2020, at approximately 2:00 p.m., firefighters from Bay District, Hollywood, Valley Lee and NAS Patuxent River responded to 21684 Eric Road in Lexington Park, for the reported apartment fire.

    Dispatchers advised they received multiple 911 calls reporting a fire inside an apartment, and one call from the alarm company with multiple smoke and fire alarms going off.

    Crews arrived on the scene to find a nothing evident with active alarms sounding along with the sprinkler systems activated.

    Upon entry, firefighters found the fire was on the stove and extinguished by the sprinkler systems before arrival of First Responders. Crews ventilated the apartment and returned to service in under 30 minutes.

    The incident was scaled back to just one engine from Bay District and one engine from NAS Patuxent River.

    Emergency medical personnel obtained multiple care refusal forms.

    No injuries were reported.

    This entry was posted on November 15, 2020 at 2:30 pm and is filed under All News, County, Fire & Rescue, More News, St. Mary's News, z 600X120 Top Ad Bottom, z 600X120 Top Ad Top. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

    Here is the original post:
    Sprinkler System Saves Apartment from Kitchen Fire in Lexington Park | Southern Maryland News Net - Southern Maryland News Net

    Council: Is sprinkler ordinance too restrictive? – The Wahkiakum County Eagle

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    On Monday the Cathlamet Town Council was joined by representatives from Port District 1, the countys building and planning department, Chamber of Commerce, fire department and River Mile 38 to deliberate whether a current fire sprinkler ordinance is restricting economic growth.

    Other items on the agenda included a cost update to the Columbia Street waterline project which required the replacement of malfunctioning couplings; the project engineer is expected to investigate whether costs can be covered by the installers and/or manufacturers. The council passed a motion to send 2% of their state liquor profits and excess tax revenue to fund county substance use disorder programs as a part of a state mandate. A motion was passed to enter into an agreement with Ecological Land Services (ELS) to repair the town dock despite worry about the scope and bottom line costs of the project; the town attorney will follow up with ELS to gain clarity.

    The council passed separate motions to (1) increase in-town and out-of-town sewer rates by 1.6% effective this December and (2) increase the regular property tax levy by 1%. Property owners tax would not increase by 1% because their rates are based on assessed values.

    Fire sprinkler ordinance

    River Mile 38 Brewery Co. owner Rex Czuba appeared at the town council meeting to present his case for repealing a fire sprinkler ordinance which requires the construction of new commercial buildings of 1,500 square feet or more to install automatic sprinkler systems. Estimates for installing a sprinkler system range between $20 - $90,000.

    Washington state requires commercial spaces used for serving food and beverages to install automatic sprinkler systems if they exceed 5,000 square feet.

    According to a letter from Czuba to the councilmembers, the River Mile 38 team is planning to construct a 2,400 square foot taproom and restaurant located in the southwest corner of the Elochoman Marina. The new facility would build upon the existing operation through additional employment opportunities, incentivising local tourism, and providing one of the only waterfront restaurants between Kalama and the coast.

    Oh, and more beer.

    Given that we have outgrown our current capacity for both brewing and serving our customers, we have joined forces with the port to drive more economic development," he said. "We want to build something that the town can be proud of, to invest in the people and products that make Cathlamet a great place to work and live in.

    Despite River Mile 38s effort to bring more beer and tourism into town, the fire sprinkler ordinance and other potential fire hazards are barriers to even applying for a building permit. Fire Chief Vernon Barton agreed that the ordinance was on the restrictive side but said a complete overhaul wouldnt be necessary.

    No matter what size the structure, you need fire protection. To just drop the ordinance would be a mistake, Barton cautioned.

    The fire chief was asked to review Czubas plans for the new facility and produce an assessment which would be presented at the next council meeting. The presentation will help inform the towns decision to accommodate the development.

    Among the large number of virtual attendees were representatives who advised on River Mile 38s new facility including Wahkiakum County Building Inspector Dave Hicks. He expressed a more real concern for downtowns tightly packed buildings without sprinkler systems. He continued to highlight the many fire and safety conscious features of the proposed facility which he believed would supersede the need for an expensive sprinkler system.

    What we have is a metal container building that is isolated next to the river, Hicks illustrated. Why is Cathlamet restricting all new construction at 3,500 feet less than the rest of the world?

    Continued here:
    Council: Is sprinkler ordinance too restrictive? - The Wahkiakum County Eagle

    Defendant waives hearing in theft, arson spree – Joplin Globe

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A 20-year-old man from Baxter Springs, Kansas, waived a preliminary hearing this week on charges stemming from a brief theft and arson spree the night of April 24-25 in Joplin.

    Bridger A. Skye waived the hearing Thursday in Jasper County Circuit Court on felony counts of arson, burglary, stealing, property damage and knowingly burning or exploding. Associate Judge Joe Hensley set Skye's initial appearance in a trial division of the court on Dec. 2.

    The spree began about 10 p.m. on April 24 with the setting on fire of a Ford Focus in the 800 block of South Vermont Avenue. A witness at the scene identified Skye as the culprit, and police were looking for him when they began receiving reports of thefts from vehicles taking place nearby in the 1100 block of East Seventh Street.

    Officers swarmed the area but did not spot Skye and arrest him until shortly before 2 a.m. on April 25. Some of the items taken in the vehicle break-ins credit cards, a driver's license, an iPhone and a pair of pearl and diamond earrings purportedly were found in his possession when he was taken into custody, along with a cooler and drinks that police subsequently determined had been taken in a break-in at the offices of the TelePerformance call center in the Joplin Plaza at 1117 E. Seventh St.

    During the course of his arrest, officers heard a fire alarm sounding in the strip mall and firefighters were called to the scene to put out a fire inside the call center that had triggered the building's fire suppression sprinkler system. Firefighters found three places where fires had been set prior to being put out by the sprinklers. The fire destroyed several computers and monitors belonging to the business, with property damage initially estimated at $50,000.

    Read more here:
    Defendant waives hearing in theft, arson spree - Joplin Globe

    Christmas trees even artificial ones burn so quickly that it’s hard to contain the damage – Concord Monitor

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Published: 11/18/2020 6:16:45 PM

    A homes biggest symbol of the holiday season, the Christmas tree, can also be a homes biggest fire risk, and the folks who fight those fires want people to be aware.

    The New Hampshire State Fire Marshals Office hosted a Christmas tree burn at the Fire and EMS Academy in Concord on Wednesday, showing how quickly a tree can burst into flames and how home sprinkler systems can help.

    The demonstration, held in a special trailer, used artificial trees to make the point that avoiding a natural tree doesnt avoid fire risk.

    The trailer had one room with a typical home sprinkler system, which put out the tree fire in less than a minute. The other tree burned so quickly that it engulfed the entire room before the blaze could be contained by firefighters.

    The electrical Safety Foundation says that an average of 260 houses burn in the United States each year because Christmas trees catch on fire, often as the result of an electrical problem, resulting in 12 deaths, 24 injuries and $16.4 million in property damage.

    More here:
    Christmas trees even artificial ones burn so quickly that it's hard to contain the damage - Concord Monitor

    ?Fire Sprinkler System Market (covid-19 analysis) SWOT analysis, key indicators, forecast to 2026 | Vfp Fire Systems, Nfpa, Usc Administrative…

    - November 21, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ?Fire Sprinkler System Market Scenario 2020-2026:

    The Global ?Fire Sprinkler System market exhibits comprehensive information that is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists during the decade 2014-2026. On the basis of historical data, ?Fire Sprinkler System market report provides key segments and their sub-segments, revenue and demand & supply data. Considering technological breakthroughs of the market ?Fire Sprinkler System industry is likely to appear as a commendable platform for emerging ?Fire Sprinkler System market investors.

    This ?Fire Sprinkler System Market Report covers the manufacturers data, including shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution, etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better.

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    The complete value chain and downstream and upstream essentials are scrutinized in this report. Essential trends like globalization, growth progress boost fragmentation regulation & ecological concerns. This Market report covers technical data, manufacturing plants analysis, and raw material sources analysis of ?Fire Sprinkler System Industry as well as explains which product has the highest penetration, their profit margins, and R&D status. The report makes future projections based on the analysis of the subdivision of the market which includes the global market size by product category, end-user application, and various regions.

    Topmost Leading Manufacturer Covered in this report:Vfp Fire Systems, Nfpa, Usc Administrative Operations, American Fire Protection Group, Fema, Tyco Simplexgrinnell, Wormald Australia, Wormald Australia, Ibhs, Grundfos, Kauffman Co., Viking Group Inc., Nz

    Product Segment Analysis: Pre-Action,Dry Pipe,Wet Pipe,Deluge

    Application Segment Analysis:Home Use,Commercial Use

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    Regional Analysis For ?Fire Sprinkler SystemMarket

    North America(the United States, Canada, and Mexico)Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)The Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

    Market Synopsis:The market research report consists of extensive primary research, as well as an in-depth analysis of the qualitative and quantitative aspects by various industry specialists and professionals, to gain a deeper insight into the market and the overall landscape.

    The objectives of the report are:

    To analyze and forecast the market size of ?Fire Sprinkler SystemIndustry in theglobal market. To study the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for leading players. To determine, explain and forecast the market by type, end use, and region. To analyze the market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks of global key regions. To find out significant trends and factors driving or restraining the market growth. To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments. To critically analyze each submarket in terms of individual growth trend and their contribution to the market. To understand competitive developments such as agreements, expansions, new product launches, and possessions in the market. To strategically outline the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.

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    At last, the study gives out details about the major challenges that are going to impact market growth. They also report provides comprehensive details about the business opportunities to key stakeholders to grow their business and raise revenues in the precise verticals. The report will aid the companys existing or intend to join in this market to analyze the various aspects of this domain before investing or expanding their business in the ?Fire Sprinkler System markets.

    Contact Us:Grand View Report(UK) +44-208-133-9198(APAC) +91-73789-80300Email : [emailprotected]

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    ?Fire Sprinkler System Market (covid-19 analysis) SWOT analysis, key indicators, forecast to 2026 | Vfp Fire Systems, Nfpa, Usc Administrative...

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