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    Why the world needs another trillion trees. This week’s House on Fire podcast – World Economic Forum

    - December 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The third episode of House on Fire explores the One Trillion Trees initiative to grow and conserve a trillion trees on Earth to counter the effects of climate change. Where did this goal originate? Can it really save the planet and where could it go wrong?

    To answer these questions we talk to Tom Crowther, a scientist whose work did much to inspire the creation of the Trillion Trees platform. He explains how his team reached its conclusions, as well as some of the limitations of the work.

    We also speak to restoration ecologist Karen Holl and environmental resource professor Forrest Fleischman about the charge that planting trees a distraction from more important decarbonization goals. They explain how the movement can successfully sequester harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, based on decades of experience of restoring trees.

    Well also have a response from Justin Adams, one of the co-directors of the One Trillion Trees platform, as well as testimony from Pedro Brancalion, vice-coordinator of the Atlantic Forest Pact, one of the worlds most significant restoration initiatives. He tells us about the projects that have helped reforest vast areas of his homeland, Brazil.

    Subscribe to House on Fire on Apple, Spotify, Acast and more.

    Listen to our sister podcasts World Vs Virus, about the global pandemic, and The Great Reset, on the efforts to "build back better" here.

    Read the rest here:
    Why the world needs another trillion trees. This week's House on Fire podcast - World Economic Forum

    Four Women Who Will Handle the Media in the Biden White House – The New York Times

    - December 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    At the White House, Ms. Psaki intends to bring back the daily press briefing, which has been all but phased out over the past four years. It is not clear, however, when those sessions might resume, given the constraints of the pandemic.

    But as the incoming administration prepares to roll out a coronavirus vaccine and convince more than 300 million Americans that it is safe, Ms. Psaki, colleagues said, views a central part of her job as restoring faith in the words spoken from behind the podium.

    The clown games are over, said Susan Rice, who was President Barack Obamas national security adviser. Jen will represent the professionalism and decency and commitment to transparency that has been a hallmark of Joe Bidens career.

    As Mr. Trumps press secretary, Ms. McEnany has focused on remaining in the presidents inner circle and has made little effort to be accessible to reporters or to disseminate accurate information. Ms. Psaki plans to take a different approach, Biden transition officials said.

    At the State Department, they noted, Ms. Psaki moved the spokespersons office, which had been on the sixth floor, where it was inaccessible to reporters, to be next to the press room.

    Ms. Psaki, pronounced SOCK-ee, was a candidate for the press secretarys job under Mr. Obama, but she is arguably coming into it now at a more difficult and more critical moment.

    I think she brings as much experience in that building, as much as anyone has ever brought to the job, said Robert Gibbs, who served as Mr. Obamas first White House press secretary. The world this administration inherits has more challenges than any in nearly a century. Having a steady, experienced voice behind that podium will serve them well.

    Excerpt from:
    Four Women Who Will Handle the Media in the Biden White House - The New York Times

    Flipping Houses in 2021? Keep These 5 Home Renovation Trends on Your Radar – Motley Fool

    - December 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    If home flips are on your radar for the new year, then take note: Home design trends are changing.

    According to predictions from Houzz and the National Kitchen and Bath Association, 2021 should usher in new trends in color, home technology, and even tile -- and if you want your flips to align with buyer preferences, youll want to study up.

    Heres a look at some of the larger trends the two industry players forecast for the new year:

    They used to be all the rage, but open floor plans are no longer in high demand. With so many Americans now working from home, people are looking for properties with more privacy, like areas for family members to work, hop on a video call, or take virtual classes in peace.

    According to Houzz, providing this space can be done in several ways, including creating dedicated home offices, carving out small work nooks in existing rooms, or even adding sliding doors and partitions to close off spaces that are open. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and backyard cottages are also a good option for those looking for additional work space.

    NKBAs pros say more automated features will be in demand in 2021, particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. At the top of the list are things like motion-sensor lighting, voice-activated or hands-free faucets (no germs!), self-closing blinds, and automated temperature control.

    Both reports note a trend toward lighter hues next year. Houzz calls out beige, sand, and taupe as top colors to expect, while previously popular greys will start to fade out. NKBA even predicts the light-hue trend to trickle down to materials, including kitchen countertops. The organization expects light-colored quartz to be a top trend in the new year.

    This ones interesting. According to Houzzs design pros, 2021 will be the year of oversized tile -- particularly rectangular-shaped options. "Fewer grout lines means less cleaning and less visual clutter," the report reads. "Plus, the large-format tile can help visually expand a small space." Apparently, herringbone, stacked, and brick patterns are on trend with this tile.

    The "multi-zone kitchen" will be the No. 1 trend of the year, according to Houzz. Consumers are increasingly wanting more than just the traditional fridge-sink-range triangle. Theyre requesting dedicated areas for prep work, chopping, baking, etc. Some even want "stations," which can be used for drinks, work, snacking, and more.

    If you want to ensure your home flips are marketable and command top dollar, then staying on top of current design trends is key. Want even more help selling that flip for a profit? Focus on these high-ROI projects and try these marketing tips on for size.

    Go here to read the rest:
    Flipping Houses in 2021? Keep These 5 Home Renovation Trends on Your Radar - Motley Fool

    Nicon Built offers the best home building and renovation services in Melbourne – The Magazine Plus

    - December 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    (The Magazine Plus Editorial):- Victoria, Nov 30, 2020 ( a home is the biggest dream in life for many. In todays world, it is not easy to build the house of your dreams. Nicon Built is one of the best and most reliable custom home builders in Melbourne, Australia that makes their clients dreams come true with their excellent custom designs and expert home building and renovation services. The company understands the risk of investment in the housing market and makes sure its clients get the value for their money with their reliable service. The company provides the services of certified, skilled, and qualified teams that are known for its neat and classy work. The company has become the most preferred and recommended home builder in the Melbourne area with its highly attractive and durable constructions. The company only works with skilled and passionate workers that offer the most innovative building designs in the country. The company closely works with the clients, understanding their needs and requirements to provide them with their dream house that is not only extremely fit but of a unique design. They involve the clients in each step of the process of home building from the creation of a blueprint to completion of construction to achieve satisfactory results.

    Established in 2007, the Melbourne home extension builders have come a long way establishing its powerful presence in the home building market across Melbourne throughout the past years. The company thrives to provide aspiring homeowners with exceptional designs that make their houses their homes in the true sense. The company follows a certain innovative strategy to construct their masterpieces. They make sure that the environment of the home is inviting, healthy, and accommodating. They design the homes in such a unique way that it exudes a sense of comfort and coziness to the homeowners. The company promises to optimize the full capacity and creativity of their teams to help bring the true dexterity of their craftsmanship. Abiding by their promises, they ensure that their construction is of top and international quality. They give the homes such a classic and stylish look that can never be replicated or replaced. The designs are top-notch and have a distinct aura about it that has the ability to impress even the royals.

    Compared to other home extensions in Melbourne, Nicon Built has flourished a lot changing the course of custom home building with their inimitable designing methods and reliable service. The company revolves around their motto to transform a clients desire into reality. The highly trained team of home builders at the company transforms the raw thoughts of their clients into the most astonishing and unparalleled construction that are not just homes but pieces of incredible art as well. Driven by their passion to create something magnificent and unique, they dedicate all their energy, creative excellence, and professional knowledge to their construction and deliver top-quality work. Utilizing their hard-earned experience and the clients instruction, they build the most exquisite homes that fulfill all the demands and requirements of the customers. Every project, small or big, is dealt with equal care and dedication from the team and this makes them the best home builders in Melbourne.

    Nicon Built is the biggest home builder in Melbourne that specializes in all types of home building from luxurious homes to townhouses and duplexes to single-story units; they handle any project with the same distinct dexterity. All the associated tasks of home building and home renovation from architectural drafting and floor planning to landscaping and also future-proofing is impeccably done by the company. The expert and experienced designers, architects, planners, and builders have been working in the field of custom home building for years and have acquired the reputation of being the most reliable home builders in Melbourne. The company always emphasizes the quality of their works that brings elegance and sophistication to your homes. The aesthetic appeal of their designs and constructions of their luxurious housings has gained them wide recognition and fame in the house building market in Australia. For hassle-free custom home construction, Nicon Built is swiftly becoming the first choice for future homeowners in the city of Melbourne.

    See more here:
    Nicon Built offers the best home building and renovation services in Melbourne - The Magazine Plus

    Littwin: Getting on a plane was easy, but restoring Michael Hancock’s credibility will be a lot harder – The Colorado Sun

    - December 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Looking back on the disaster that was Denver Mayor Michael Hancocks hypocritical Thanksgiving travel decision and the resultant trashing of his credibility

    And then comes the news Saturday night that Gov. Jared Polis and his husband, Marlon Reis, have tested positive for COVID-19. Polis was already in quarantine for having come in contact with someone who had tested positive. If anyone still questions how serious the crisis is were facing as if four ineligible Broncos quarterbacks hadnt made the point this should about do it.

    On Wednesday morning, I was taking notes, as I sometimes do, for future column ideas. What struck me and probably you were the long lines of people in airports across the country, millions of them ignoring all medical advice against visiting relatives on Thanksgiving. You shake your head in disbelief, or maybe disgust, and say to yourself that while you understand COVID fatigue, thats not really an excuse. Weve just passed 250,000 COVID deaths. The experts are saying we could hit 400,000 deaths by the end of February. In other words, the people who have chosen to travel are directly risking their lives and the lives of others.

    This hit me because, like most people, I stayed home with my live-in family. I mostly do, although I do take the grandkids on masked, socially distanced tours of the neighborhood. I dont go to the office/coffee shop. I order in from restaurants. I get my groceries delivered. I know Im fortunate to be able to afford all that. I also know that Im old, and I have a chronic condition that makes me especially vulnerable.

    And so, I wear a mask. I distance. I wash the hell out of my hands. I keep up with the scientific recommendations as they change. Thats how science works. The more information we get like, the vaccines are (we hope) coming! the easier it is to make better decisions, like the decision most American families, and most Denver families, made. Youre not a hero for staying home unless you think its heroic these days simply to do the right thing.

    The message coming from all corners was clear enough. By traveling, you risk becoming a super-spreader as if, you know, you worked in the Trump White House and forgot that the pandemic is completely out of control. Those traveling either dont believe in the science or dont believe, in any case, that science applies to them.

    And so I wrote down the old Strother Martin line from Butch Cassidy, because Ive quoted the movie maybe a thousand times over the years: Morons. Ive got morons on my team.

    Get Mikes columns early!Become a Colorado Sun member for an exclusive Mike Littwin newsletter and support local journalism.Click here to join.

    And then a little later in the day, I saw a tweet from 9News that Hancock was among the, uh, morons. And since I know him not to be a moron, I was, well, confused by his selfish decision to travel to Mississippi to see his daughter, who had recently moved there, and his wife who was already there with her. I was also angry, and not only because while Hancock was heading to the airport, his office had put out a tweet advising people to stay home. That has been his message, and Polis message, for weeks.

    It was good advice from Hancock or his office: Pass the potatoes, not COVID. He advised virtual family gatherings and to avoid travel when possible.

    And so when Hancock chose to ignore the science and ignore his own advice on potatoes we had latkes at my house I was furious for at least two reasons:

    One, there is the rank hypocrisy. Once caught, Hancock immediately said the choice was between his wife and daughter coming to Denver or him visiting his daughters new digs in Mississippi. Those werent the choices, of course. The only right choice was to stay home, not to decide which family member should take the most risks. Hancock would later apologize, but to little effect, because no apology and no spin are going to help, certainly not in the short term.

    READ:More columns by Mike Littwin.

    I had to Google to get this early 19th-century quote right, but this via British essayist William Hazlitt might apply: The only vice which cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.

    Two, wtf.

    We are finally putting behind us a president who showed a complete lack of leadership on COVID. For those needing advice on how to properly trash your credibility, you ignore the pandemic killing thousands daily and instead hire My Cousin Rudy as your lawyer while lying repeatedly to the nation that the 2020 election was rigged. I mean, it would take thousands of conspirators to rig the election, and maybe not even then. Does that seem plausible to anyone besides Trump and the Trump cultists? And yet, what is happening by the thousands and by the tens of thousands and by the hundreds of thousands is that people are getting sick and many dying from the coronavirus.

    With Trump mentioning COVID these days only when taking credit for the scientists amazing work on a vaccine, and not, say, for the many White House COVID clusters, the mantle of responsibility has fallen to governors and mayors, with mixed results. The truth is, Hancock has been often ahead of Polis in making the tough decisions to keep us safe. The sad truth is, people actively look for reasons not to trust politicians any more and often get those views validated from the ugly depths of social media. But Hancock was caught out by the mainstream media. This was no hit piece. This was no conspiracy. Every wound Hancock has suffered has been self-inflicted.

    Hes not alone in this. California Gov. Gavin Newsom was recently seen at a mostly mask-free birthday party dinner went for $350 apiece with what was apparently five other couples, which breaks about a dozen California rules. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had announced that his 89-year-old mother and two daughters would travel to Albany to celebrate Thanksgiving with him. As social media exploded, Cuomo suddenly changed plans. There go two possible future Democratic presidential candidacies down the tubes.

    So now, what do we do, and what does Hancock do?

    The second part is easier. Hancock did an interview with 9News on Saturday after returning from his trip and offered up his best mea culpa. It was unwise, it was hypocritical, it was a mistake that I deeply regret and deeply apologize for, Hancock said. He went on to say that his decision to make the trip was not a wise one, and Im man enough to say it, that I should not have made the trip.

    Hes right. It was unwise and hypocritical. But he was not so much manning up as he was doing the only thing he could do.

    All leaders who make decisions make the occasional bonehead decision, but this is well beyond the bonehead category and moves into brain-dead territory. One of the big jobs of the mayor is to represent his city. Hancock has plainly misrepresented Denver. He must go into quarantine the governor is in quarantine now and hope, once hes tested, that hes negative. He has work to do, a lot of work, to have any shot at rebuilding trust.

    What do we do? Hancock is not resigning, and the nascent recall movement is, well, a joke. Colorado is recall happy, and for the thrice-elected Hancock, who is now term-limited as mayor, it makes absolutely no sense, especially during a pandemic. What we can do is demand our leaders do everything possible to head off the worst of the pandemic, including the Weld County commissioners who have said they wouldnt enforce any new level-red rules as if ignoring COVID will help and put out a news release advising us that theyre no smarter than they were the last time the governor toughened rules.

    And now the commissioners might want to note that the governor himself has tested positive. As Polis put it, no one is immune.

    God knows, people arent perfect. Weve been working on that project for however many thousands of years. But is it too much to ask of those we elect as our leaders to at least try to come closer? At this point, Hancock has no choice. Of course, he should have seen he had no choice when it came time for him to board that airplane.

    Mike Littwin has been a columnist for too many years to count. He has covered Dr. J, four presidential inaugurations, six national conventions and countless brain-numbing speeches in the New Hampshire and Iowa snow.

    The Colorado Sun is a nonpartisan news organization, and the opinions of columnists and editorial writers do not reflect the opinions of the newsroom. Read our ethics policy for more on The Suns opinion policy and submit columns, suggested writers and more to

    Support local journalism around the state.Become a member of The Colorado Sun today!

    See more here:
    Littwin: Getting on a plane was easy, but restoring Michael Hancock's credibility will be a lot harder - The Colorado Sun

    7 Best Home Warranty Companies of 2020 – This Old House

    - December 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Top Home Warranty Companies of 2020

    The best home warranty plan will cover expensive repair and replacement costs when a major system or appliance, such as an air conditioning or refrigerator, breaks down due to normal wear and tear. Because there are a variety of home warranty providers to choose from, this guide will allow you to compare different home warranty companies and help you find the right home protection plan.

    We chose American Home Shield as the best overall home warranty company because of its customizable plan options, nationwide coverage, simple claims process, generous coverage caps, flexible service fees ($75$125), and nearly 50 years of experience in the home warranty industry.

    Get a free quote from American Home Shield:

    American Home Shield (AHS) is the best home warranty company available. A veteran in the home warranty industry, AHS has been in operation for almost 50 years, making it one of the most trusted home warranties on the market. AHS has three plans and allows customers to choose the service fee$75, $100, or $125they want to pay (note: a higher service fee will likely come with a lower monthly premium and vice versa).

    While there are more than 45 active home warranty companies, almost one in two customers buys an American Home Shield policyAHS is far and away the most popular provider available. Read more: American Home Shield review.

    Our Score Breakdown for American Home Shield

    Get a free quote from Choice Home Warranty:

    Choice Home Warranty (CHW) offers two plansBasic and Totalthat provide comprehensive coverage for both appliances and systems. CHW doesnt restrict coverage based on the age of your home or its appliances, as long as youve properly maintained them, and it offers a generous 90-day repair guarantee. Read our full Choice Home Warranty review for more details.

    Our Score Breakdown for Choice Home Warranty

    Get a free quote from Amazon Home Warranty:

    Amazon Home Warranty has one of the most robust contractor networks in the home warranty industry and covers major systems and appliances regardless of their age. Not to mention, Amazon Home Warranty provides an extensive list of add-ons and offers customers one month free of coverage when signing up for a home warranty plan. Read more: Amazon Home Warranty review.

    Our Score Breakdown for Amazon Home Warranty

    Get a free quote from Select Home Warranty:

    Select Home Warranty is a great option for people looking for an affordable home warranty. This company offers plan premiums at around $36$38 a month, whereas the median cost in the industry is $50 per month. Select Home Warranty also provides two free months of coverage to customers who sign up for a plan along with free roof leak coverage, which isnt typically offered by companies. Read more: Select Home Warranty review.

    Our Score Breakdown for Select Home Warranty

    Get a free quote from Americas First Choice Home Club:

    Americas First Choice Home Club (AFC Home Club) is one of the best home warranty providers for customizable coverage and comprehensive plans. It allows customers to choose their own service technician and has the longest work guarantee in the industry (guaranteeing parts and labor for as long as youre a member). Additionally, they offer benefits like emergency alert network services, free credit monitoring, and discounts on maintenance-related supplies.

    AFC Home Club also provides twice as many plans as most home warranty companies do, allowing customers to choose from four plan options instead of two. Read more: AFC Home Club review.

    Our Score Breakdown for AFC Home Club

    Get a free quote from First American Home Warranty:

    First American Home Warranty (FAHW) offers two easy-to-understand plans with solid coverage and flexible payment options for customers. What makes First American Home Warranty a stand-out is its optional First Class Upgrade, which protects systems and appliances that were improperly maintained, modified or installeda rarity in the home warranty business. Read more: First American Home Warranty review.

    Our Score Breakdown for First American Home Warranty

    Get a free quote from Liberty Home Guard:

    Liberty Home Guard has only been in the home warranty industry for a few years, but it provides a variety of plans at affordable prices and offers 24/7 customer service. Not to mention, Liberty Home Guard offers 20 add-onswhich is more than what most companies typically offerand provides coverage regardless of the age of your systems and appliances. Read our full Liberty Home Guard review for more details.

    Our Score Breakdown for Liberty Home Guard

    Before purchasing a home warranty, you want to make sure youre considering all the necessary factors to get the best plan for you and your home. Here are just a few questions you should keep in mind during the home warranty buying process.

    1. What type of home warranty plan do I need?

    Most home warranty companies offer three different levels of coverage: systems plans, appliance plans, and combination plans. Systems plans cover major home systems such as your air conditioning, electrical, and plumbing system, while appliance plans protect important items like your refrigerator, dishwasher, and oven. Combo plans protect both systems and appliances.

    In addition to these plans, home warranty companies will generally offer coverage for optional add-ons, such as a swimming pool or spa, second refrigerator, well pump, septic system, and roof leaks.

    2. How much can I afford to spend every month?

    On average, a home warranty costs $25$50 every month, or $300$600 a year. You may be able to bring that cost down slightly if you enroll in a multi-year plan upfront or if you get quotes from multiple companies and ask for price matching.

    Additionally, customers will have to pay a service call fee, a one-time fee that is paid every time a contractor comes to your home to assess the broken item and make a repair or replacement. Service fees typically range between $75$125, but there are some companies, like Choice Home Warranty, that have service fees as low as $60.

    While a home warranty does have its costs, know that a lower monthly premium may be more affordable than unexpectedly paying for a $400 air conditioning repair or a complete system replacement, which could cost thousands of dollars.

    Note: We consistently see that home warranty companies adjust their pricing depending on the size of your home and where you live, so use our general cost estimates as a guide, but confirm them with each provider based on your actual address and square footage. The price of your home warranty will depend on where you live, the type of plan you choose, how many add-ons you include on your plan, and the home warranty company you select.

    We recommend getting at least three quotes, then asking your favorite company to match the best offer you receivedin doing so, you may save one to two months off your overall payment.

    3. How does the claims process work?

    When you file a claim with your home warranty company, they should get a technician out to you within 48 hours. While this is a guarantee for most companies, some dont promise work within this timeframe and will instead send a technician within 72 hoursand sometimes even later.

    Companies like American Home Shield and Choice Home Warranty guarantee a technician will come to assess your covered item within 48 hours of you making a service request. We recommend going with one of these companies so youre not stuck at home with a broken system or appliance.

    Get a free AHS quote customized to your zip code.

    4. Are there limitations in the service contract?

    Before you buy a home warranty, its a good idea to read the companys sample contract. In this contract, youll be able to see if there are any coverage caps (these are coverage limits placed on certain items that tell you how much the company will pay before you have to pay any dollar amount out of pocket). Youll also find information about a companys item replacement policy and if a home inspection is required before home warranty coverage begins.

    Not only do home warranties protect you in the event that a major item breaks down due to normal wear and tear, they also save you hundreds of dollars on home repairs or replacements. Additionally, home warranties offer peace of mind that if something were to break, a trusted expert will be at your door within a few days to fix the problem.

    Though we would recommend any of the seven best home warranty companies in this article, here are our top three suggestions. As mentioned above, American Home Shield is the best home warranty company available, with Choice Home Warranty and First American Home Warranty following close behind. We encourage you to get quotes from all three providers to help you compare coverage, negotiate a price that works for you, and secure the best home warranty for you and your home.

    The home warranties listed in this article are some of the best home warranties in the industry. Excellent customer service, comprehensive coverage, and affordable pricing are all qualities that these companies exhibit. Though we recommend American Home Shield, Choice Home Warranty, and First American Home Warranty as top picks, we think any of the seven companies in this article merit attention.

    This Old House plans to publish detailed reviews of theseand other prominent home warranty companiesin the next month, so keep checking this review as we roll out new details!

    What is a home warranty?

    A home warranty is an annual service contract that protects systems and appliances in the home when they break down or malfunction due to normal wear and tear.

    Whats the difference between a home warranty and homeowners insurance?

    A home warranty is different from homeowners insurance in that it covers damage on systems and appliances only, whereas homeowners insurance covers structural damage on your home due to theft, natural disasters, or fire.

    How long do home warranties last?

    Home warranties typically last for a year, but some companies allow customers to enroll in three- or five-year plans for a more affordable price.

    What does a home warranty cover?

    A home warranty typically covers both systems and appliances, however, some companies split their coverage options into systems plans, appliance plans, and combination plans. The most common systems and appliances covered under a home warranty include air conditioning, heating, electrical, plumbing, ductwork, refrigerators, water heaters, built-in microwaves, dishwashers, ovens, clothes washers, clothes dryers, and garbage disposals.

    How much does a home warranty cost?

    A home warranty costs around $300$600 per year and comes with service fee deductibles that range between $65$125.

    How does a home warranty work?

    When a home system or appliance breaks down due to normal wear and tear, you can call your home warranty company to file a claim or submit a service request online. Your company will send a trusted technician to your home within 48 hours or allow you to choose an approved contractor of your choice. In your home, the contractor will assess the issue and recommend a repair or replacement. Before they leave, youll pay the service fee set by your company.

    Is a home warranty necessary?

    A home warranty isnt mandatory to have, but we recommend getting coverage as an extra layer of protection on your important home systems and appliances. For example, if you have completely new appliances that are all under manufacturers warranties, you may not need a home warranty. However, when those manufacturers warranties run out, having home warranty coverage could protect you if one of your systems or appliances breaks down.

    How can I cancel my home warranty?

    Typically, you can cancel your policy and receive a full refund within the first 30 days of coverage. After the first 30 days, you may still be able to cancel, but youll likely receive a prorated amount based on how much of your contract you have remaining. Check your policy to figure out what the cancellation process looks like.

    The This Old House Reviews team is committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased reviews to our readers. This means earning your trust through transparency and having the data to back up our ratings and recommendations. With that in mind, we spent time creating an objective rating system to score each home warranty company. Heres what that review process looks like:

    With all of that data, we created a rating system to score each home warranty company. Our rating system is a weighted, 100-point scale on the following factors:

    In summary, the This Old House Review Team reviewed 45 companies to select this list of the seven best home warranty providers. To keep our ratings and data current, we have a full-time researcher who collects (and regularly updates) more than 100 specific data points from each company to help us compare them on key factors such as coverage, cost, service, and dependability.

    To share feedback or ask a question about this article, send a note to our Reviews team at

    Read the original here:
    7 Best Home Warranty Companies of 2020 - This Old House

    Claressa Shields begins MMA career: Ive never kicked anybody in my life – Yahoo Sports

    - December 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Claressa Shields already reigns over boxing with two Olympic gold medals and professional titles in three weight classes.

    Her next world to conquer is mixed martial arts.

    Shields has signed with the Professional Fighters League in a quest to become the first woman to hold simultaneous titles in both MMA and boxing, she told The Associated Press on Monday. She will make her debut next year, and she hopes to have two or three MMA fights along with two boxing matches during 2021 before she attempts to win the PFL title in 2022.

    Im not trying to do this for show, Shields told the AP. Im really taking this seriously. Im not thinking that just because my hands are better than everybody else that Ill win. Im really going to strengthen the things that Im weak at.

    Shields realizes she faces a steep learning curve as she prepares to fight as a 155-pound lightweight in the PFL. She is still relatively new to jiu-jitsu, wrestling and kickboxing: Ive never kicked anybody in my life, not even in a street fight! she said.

    But Shields is a singular athlete with a work ethic to match, and she is confident in her ability to master other forms of hand-to-hand combat with the proper training.

    Im not going in here knowing Im going to beat these girls just because I can outbox them, Shields said. Im going to have to get away from takedowns. Take some kicks. Make some kicks. Take some knees. I have to get used to getting grabbed, because in boxing, when a girl grabs me, I dang near want to slam her.

    I really feel that me against any other woman, no matter what it is, shes not going to be able to beat me.

    Many fighters have tried the move Shields is making in both directions. Champion boxer Holly Holm famously changed sports and knocked out Olympic judo bronze medalist Ronda Rousey to win a UFC belt, while Conor McGregor parlayed his UFC success into one wildly lucrative boxing match with Floyd Mayweather.

    Olympic champions in judo (Kayla Harrison) and wrestling (Henry Cejudo) authored successful MMA transitions.

    Story continues

    Shields interest in trying MMA has been rumored for years, and she also expressed interest in taking on UFC champions Amanda Nunes and Cris Cyborg Justino in a boxing ring. Now that the talk is real, Shields is eager to do the work necessary to make her bold dreams into reality.

    I just want to be great at everything, she said. I hate losing. I havent lost a fight since I was 17 years old. Im not here for a good time. Im here to make my presence known to everybody I get in the cage with. Youre not getting in there and just fighting against a boxer. Youre getting in there against one of the greatest womens combat sports athletes to ever live.

    Shields family reacted with varying degrees of disbelief when she told them about her decision over Thanksgiving. Her mother didnt believe it, and her sister angrily warned Shields against trying to fight men (thats not happening) but her father and boyfriend both were excited for her.

    Shields, from Flint, Michigan, hasnt settled on a training regimen or a home MMA gym, but she wants to train with some of the best MMA fighters and coaches (to) speed up my process, she said.

    She has spoken to former UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones about training with him in Albuquerque, and she will talk to other MMA stars about training dates. Shields said she will rely on her trainers to tell her when shes ready to step into a cage.

    Shields intends to work her way up in competition level in 2021 with a series of one-off PFL fights. The promotion normally conducts a yearly tournament with a $1 million grand prize, and Shields hopes to be in the 2022 field.

    Shields last boxing match was in January, but she isnt quitting that sport: She plans to announce a new date soon for her postponed junior middleweight world title fight with Marie-Eve Dicaire in which she will attempt to unify four 154-pound championship belts.

    Shields is already the undisputed middleweight champion, and she wants to become the first female boxer to hold that distinction in two weight classes. Shields is 10-0 as a pro boxer, and she isnt worried about the time shell spend on MMA interfering with her boxing career.

    I can box in my sleep, she said with a laugh. Thats what I was born to do. Boxing is just in me. Ill never forget how to box. Even when Im 80 years old, a girl better not try me, because shell still be in for a whole heap of trouble. When you get older, you learn how to train smarter, not harder. To train smart will be what I try to do throughout my whole MMA career.

    Shields insists her primary motivation is to win belts in both sports, but she has acknowledged frustration with the boxing industrys inability to make her a star on the level of her male counterparts or MMAs top female athletes.

    Im not upset with boxing, but boxing has always been a sexist sport, Shields said. Until they start treating the women fairly, womens boxing will never go to where were supposed to go. Even mens boxing is at a standstill right now. Thats because they just wont be fair, and the boxing gods see that.

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    How To Choose A Door That Will Really Protect Your Home – KHTS Radio

    - December 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Metal doors can be different. Cheap and expensive, reliable and not very reliable, and also very unreliable and even not quite as if metal. The market is full of various offers, many of which seem very attractive. And the inexperienced consumer is torn between the desire to save money and the need to protect the front door from break-in from various encroachments.

    For example, on quite a decent look at the door are installed cheap locks, Chinese counterfeits under the famous European manufacturers. And everything looks quite solid, however, such locks an invitation to burglars, and not even too qualified. In addition, such locks are extremely unreliable in operation, and it may happen that the locks will simply fail, and then breaking the door will have to deal with the owner, and even pay for such pleasure. At the same time, the manufacturer of counterfeit locks has saved money and made good money.

    In order not to fall victim to deception by an unscrupulous seller or unqualified manufacturer, certain precautions should be taken when ordering/purchasing metal doors:

    If you really want to save money by purchasing metal doors, it is better to save on finishing materials it does not affect safety, but the savings on the thickness of metal door leaf or lock systems automatically means a decrease in the consumer qualities of the door, makes the door unreliable and non-functional after all, it can no longer provide reliable protection for your property.

    And remember that reliability is never cheap. Its like the famous Bulgakovs sturgeon: there is only one degree of freshness the first, and it is the last. You can buy quality metal doors at a relatively low price, but super-cheap offers are not metal doors, but a fake one.

    KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220 is Santa Claritas only local radio station. KHTS mixes in a combination of news, traffic, sports, and features along with your favorite adult contemporary hits. Santa Clarita news and features are delivered throughout the day over our airwaves, on our website and through a variety of social media platforms. Our KHTS national award-winning daily news briefs are now read daily by 34,000+ residents. A vibrant member of the Santa Clarita community, the KHTS broadcast signal reaches all of the Santa Clarita Valley and parts of the high desert communities located in the Antelope Valley. The station streams its talk shows over the web, reaching a potentially worldwide audience. Follow @KHTSRadio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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    How To Choose A Door That Will Really Protect Your Home - KHTS Radio

    EU5 Hernia Repair Procedures Outlook to 2025 – Femoral Hernia Repair Procedures, Incisional Hernia Repair Procedures, Inguinal Hernia Repair…

    - December 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder


    What kind of stocks stir up controversy like no other? Penny stocks. These tickers trading for less than $5 per share have earned a reputation as some of the most divisive names on Wall Street, with these plays either met with open arms or given the cold shoulder.Its understandable why some investors are wary. Those opposed are quick to point out that there could be a very real reason these stocks are changing hands for pocket change, with the low share prices often masking obstacles like weak fundamentals or troubling headwinds. That said, others are drawn in by the sheer growth potential of penny stocks. The fact is that even minor share price appreciation can mean huge percentage gains, and thus, serious returns. Whats more, your money goes further with these bargain names.No matter which side you take, one thing is certain, due diligence is necessary before making any investment decisions. Thats where the experts come in, namely the analysts at Roth Capital. These pros bring experience and in-depth knowledge to the table.With this in mind, our focus turned to two penny stocks that have received a thumbs up from Roth Capital analysts. Running the tickers through TipRanks database, both have been cheered by the rest of the Street as well, as they boast a Strong Buy analyst consensus. Not to mention substantial upside potential is on the table.Cellectar Biosciences (CLRB)Leveraging its patented phospholipid drug conjugates (PDCs) delivery platform, Cellectar Biosciences develops cutting-edge treatments for cancer. Based on the potential of its drug candidate, CLR 131, and its $1.24 share price, Roth Capital thinks that now is the time to get in on the action.Representing the firm, analyst Jonathan Aschoff tells clients that he is optimistic about CLR 131, which is a small-molecule, targeted PDC designed to deliver cytotoxic radiation directly and selectively to cancer cells, in the lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL)/Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (WM) indications. According to Aschoff, following its Type B guidance meeting with the FDA, CLRB is prepared to initiate its first pivotal CLR 131 trial in LPL/WM after achieving a 100% ORR and 75% major response rate in four patients. He points out that although CLRB just reported promising results in multiple myeloma (MM) (40% ORR in triple class refractory (TCR) patients at total body doses of at least 60mCi), LPL/WM was selected for the initial pivotal trial based on the very strong initial results and the lower competition for patients.We view this as a prudent decision because NCCN compedia listing in MM is a mere peer-reviewed publication away, if first approved in LPL/WM. We also note that CLRB has steadily improved its dosing of CLR 131, essentially fractionating the doses so that higher total body doses are well tolerated, Aschoff further explained. Adding to the good news, the therapy generated activity in preliminary Phase 1 unresectable brain tumors. Aschoff added, Disease control was shown in two heavily pretreated patients with ependymomas, showing the drug's ability to cross the blood brain barrier, and all doses through 60 mCi/m2 have exhibited a favorable safety profile.To this end, Aschoff rates CLRB a Buy along with a $10 price target. Investors could be pocketing a gain of 713%, should this target be met in the twelve months ahead. (To watch Aschoffs track record, click here)Are other analysts in agreement? They are. 5 Buys and no Holds or Sells have been issued in the last three months. So, the message is clear: CLRB is a Strong Buy. Given the $5.48 average price target, shares could soar 345% from current levels. (See CLRB stock analysis on TipRanks)Applied Genetic Technologies (AGTC)With vast gene therapy experience, Applied Genetic Technologies designs and constructs all critical gene therapy elements and brings them together to develop successful treatments for patients. Currently going for $4.50 apiece, Roth Capital believes this stocks long-term growth narrative is strong.Firm analyst Zegbeh Jallah points out that recently released data for its XLRP gene therapy program, which is expected to enter pivotal studies in Q1 2021, reaffirmed his bullish thesis. Despite the market not fully appreciating the data given how the stock traded, we continue to believe that the results suggest that AGTC could have a best-in-class therapy, which is supportive of the planned pivotal efforts, he explained.Providing an update on the results of the Phase 1/2 XLRP study, using the FDA's criteria, AGTC evaluated responses at 12 months in the lower dose groups (2 and 4), and 6 months in the higher dose groups (5 and 6). According to Jallah, initial responses were observed in dose Groups 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with impressive response durability even at 12 months.On top of this, at 6 months, the dose used in Group 5 resulted in a 43% response rate or a 57% response rate if excluding a patient not meeting the enrollment criteria. In Group 6, a response rate of 50% was observed, or 100% excluding patients not meeting the enrollment criteria.Jallah added, All measurements were obtained in the 36 perimetry grid, which we believe should make it easier to preselect loci likely to respond. Although BCVA is not the primary endpoint, BCVA improvements, which can capture changes in the central region, were maintained at 12 months.Even though some investors have expressed concern about Meiras competing therapy, Jallah believes AGTCs technology could have a leg up. Overall, we believe that the data from both companies is strongly indicative of the efficacy potential of gene therapy for inherited retinal disease, and although differences in the study design makes direct comparisons difficult, we believe that AGTC could have a competitive advantage heading into pivotal studies, he commented.In line with his optimistic approach, Jallah reiterated a Buy rating and $30 price target, indicating 568% upside potential. (To watch Jallahs track record, click here)All in all, other analysts echo Jallahs sentiment. 5 Buys and zero Holds or Sells add up to a Strong Buy consensus rating. The average price target of $18.25 is less aggressive than Jallahs but still leaves room for upside potential of 306%. (See AGTC stock analysis on TipRanks)To find good ideas for penny stocks trading at attractive valuations, visit TipRanks Best Stocks to Buy, a newly launched tool that unites all of TipRanks equity insights.Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the featured analysts. The content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment.

    Excerpt from:
    EU5 Hernia Repair Procedures Outlook to 2025 - Femoral Hernia Repair Procedures, Incisional Hernia Repair Procedures, Inguinal Hernia Repair...

    United States Department of Defense Information Technology Report 2020-2025: Industry Convergence Propels the Industry – Yahoo Finance

    - December 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder


    What kind of stocks stir up controversy like no other? Penny stocks. These tickers trading for less than $5 per share have earned a reputation as some of the most divisive names on Wall Street, with these plays either met with open arms or given the cold shoulder.Its understandable why some investors are wary. Those opposed are quick to point out that there could be a very real reason these stocks are changing hands for pocket change, with the low share prices often masking obstacles like weak fundamentals or troubling headwinds. That said, others are drawn in by the sheer growth potential of penny stocks. The fact is that even minor share price appreciation can mean huge percentage gains, and thus, serious returns. Whats more, your money goes further with these bargain names.No matter which side you take, one thing is certain, due diligence is necessary before making any investment decisions. Thats where the experts come in, namely the analysts at Roth Capital. These pros bring experience and in-depth knowledge to the table.With this in mind, our focus turned to two penny stocks that have received a thumbs up from Roth Capital analysts. Running the tickers through TipRanks database, both have been cheered by the rest of the Street as well, as they boast a Strong Buy analyst consensus. Not to mention substantial upside potential is on the table.Cellectar Biosciences (CLRB)Leveraging its patented phospholipid drug conjugates (PDCs) delivery platform, Cellectar Biosciences develops cutting-edge treatments for cancer. Based on the potential of its drug candidate, CLR 131, and its $1.24 share price, Roth Capital thinks that now is the time to get in on the action.Representing the firm, analyst Jonathan Aschoff tells clients that he is optimistic about CLR 131, which is a small-molecule, targeted PDC designed to deliver cytotoxic radiation directly and selectively to cancer cells, in the lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL)/Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (WM) indications. According to Aschoff, following its Type B guidance meeting with the FDA, CLRB is prepared to initiate its first pivotal CLR 131 trial in LPL/WM after achieving a 100% ORR and 75% major response rate in four patients. He points out that although CLRB just reported promising results in multiple myeloma (MM) (40% ORR in triple class refractory (TCR) patients at total body doses of at least 60mCi), LPL/WM was selected for the initial pivotal trial based on the very strong initial results and the lower competition for patients.We view this as a prudent decision because NCCN compedia listing in MM is a mere peer-reviewed publication away, if first approved in LPL/WM. We also note that CLRB has steadily improved its dosing of CLR 131, essentially fractionating the doses so that higher total body doses are well tolerated, Aschoff further explained. Adding to the good news, the therapy generated activity in preliminary Phase 1 unresectable brain tumors. Aschoff added, Disease control was shown in two heavily pretreated patients with ependymomas, showing the drug's ability to cross the blood brain barrier, and all doses through 60 mCi/m2 have exhibited a favorable safety profile.To this end, Aschoff rates CLRB a Buy along with a $10 price target. Investors could be pocketing a gain of 713%, should this target be met in the twelve months ahead. (To watch Aschoffs track record, click here)Are other analysts in agreement? They are. 5 Buys and no Holds or Sells have been issued in the last three months. So, the message is clear: CLRB is a Strong Buy. Given the $5.48 average price target, shares could soar 345% from current levels. (See CLRB stock analysis on TipRanks)Applied Genetic Technologies (AGTC)With vast gene therapy experience, Applied Genetic Technologies designs and constructs all critical gene therapy elements and brings them together to develop successful treatments for patients. Currently going for $4.50 apiece, Roth Capital believes this stocks long-term growth narrative is strong.Firm analyst Zegbeh Jallah points out that recently released data for its XLRP gene therapy program, which is expected to enter pivotal studies in Q1 2021, reaffirmed his bullish thesis. Despite the market not fully appreciating the data given how the stock traded, we continue to believe that the results suggest that AGTC could have a best-in-class therapy, which is supportive of the planned pivotal efforts, he explained.Providing an update on the results of the Phase 1/2 XLRP study, using the FDA's criteria, AGTC evaluated responses at 12 months in the lower dose groups (2 and 4), and 6 months in the higher dose groups (5 and 6). According to Jallah, initial responses were observed in dose Groups 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with impressive response durability even at 12 months.On top of this, at 6 months, the dose used in Group 5 resulted in a 43% response rate or a 57% response rate if excluding a patient not meeting the enrollment criteria. In Group 6, a response rate of 50% was observed, or 100% excluding patients not meeting the enrollment criteria.Jallah added, All measurements were obtained in the 36 perimetry grid, which we believe should make it easier to preselect loci likely to respond. Although BCVA is not the primary endpoint, BCVA improvements, which can capture changes in the central region, were maintained at 12 months.Even though some investors have expressed concern about Meiras competing therapy, Jallah believes AGTCs technology could have a leg up. Overall, we believe that the data from both companies is strongly indicative of the efficacy potential of gene therapy for inherited retinal disease, and although differences in the study design makes direct comparisons difficult, we believe that AGTC could have a competitive advantage heading into pivotal studies, he commented.In line with his optimistic approach, Jallah reiterated a Buy rating and $30 price target, indicating 568% upside potential. (To watch Jallahs track record, click here)All in all, other analysts echo Jallahs sentiment. 5 Buys and zero Holds or Sells add up to a Strong Buy consensus rating. The average price target of $18.25 is less aggressive than Jallahs but still leaves room for upside potential of 306%. (See AGTC stock analysis on TipRanks)To find good ideas for penny stocks trading at attractive valuations, visit TipRanks Best Stocks to Buy, a newly launched tool that unites all of TipRanks equity insights.Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the featured analysts. The content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment.

    United States Department of Defense Information Technology Report 2020-2025: Industry Convergence Propels the Industry - Yahoo Finance

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