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    When COVID Info Doesn’t Reach Everyone, These Trusted Messengers Step Up To Help In Hard-Hit Latino Communities – KUNC

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A silver van pulls up to a coronavirus testing site in the parking lot of La Familia, a daycare and family services center in Fort Collins. Cristina Diaz and her coworker hand fluffy, pink unicorn stuffed animals to the kids in the backseat. They load boxes of rice, milk, and masa flour into the back.

    Diazs big brown eyes peek out above her black face mask, which has Cristina written across it in red cursive. She oversees Larimer and Weld Counties as the regional coordinator for Project Protect Promotora Network. These promotores community health liaisons educate Latino residents, mostly Spanish-speaking migrant workers, about COVID-19.

    In the past, promotores have worked with public health departments to reach underserved communities on issues from smoking cessation to cervical cancer. Through federal CARES Act funding, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, this group launched in September to get the word out on virus prevention and care.

    Promotores oftentimes lack formal medical training, but they are well-connected in their communities. Diaz, for example, has served on the boards of Northern Colorado nonprofits. Until recently, she was a social worker. Today, her strategy is to first draw people to the testing site with food boxes.

    And then say, Hey, by the way, we have COVID testing right here. Do you have any of these symptoms? Do you know anyone? So they're going to leave here and they're going to go home like, Hey, I just went and got this food box and I got tested. And then we're going to have more people here this afternoon, Diaz explained with a laugh.

    Leigh Paterson / KUNC

    Going where people live and work

    Working conditions, living situations and language barriers are among several factors that have led to high infection rates among Latinos in Colorado. These promotores are stepping up to educate people who have not been reached by mainstream information sources.

    Its overwhelming as an English speaker, Diaz said. So I can even imagine, you know, as a Spanish speaker and even though Spanish speaking, not all of them tend to be literate. You can't just be like, Oh, here's a form. Read this, you know, share it with your family. If they are sharing it with their family, they're probably sharing it with their 8-year-old or 12-year-old. And then all of a sudden, it's the job of the 12-year-old to educate the family on it.

    Promotores across the state are providing workers with winter clothing, masks and hand sanitizer by going to where they live and work: farms, warehouses and mobile home parks, for example. Project Protect Promotora Network has worked with the CDPHE on COVID-19 testing events, as was the case at the site in Fort Collins.

    In their work, these promotores hear about needs that go beyond the coronavirus, relating to internet access, childcare and housing. In addition to language and literacy barriers, many Spanish-speaking workers are scared or distrustful of the government.

    You dont know how to ask for help so you prefer dont do it, explained Soraya Leon, a promotora who lives in Greeley, where the majority of coronavirus cases are concentrated in the county.

    Leigh Paterson / KUNC

    At the testing site in Fort Collins, wearing two masks and a face shield, Leons breath fogged up the clear plastic shield; condensation dripped down the inside.

    As a promotora who began doing this work in November, Leon has heard confusion and disbelief about the virus. But, when she talks to workers about it, she said they listen in part, because when Leon divorced her American husband, she became undocumented and needed help herself.

    I was there, I was in the same situation, Leon said. I know what you feel when you have issues.

    The Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment has worked with promotores in the past, but not specifically on coronavirus prevention. The department was unable to do a recorded interview for this story but in an email, a spokesperson outlined what they have done, from putting out messages on billboards, posters and social media, to interviews on Spanish-language radio.

    I think it has contributed

    Dr. Mark Wallace, the former chief medical officer of Weld County, believes communication issues have contributed to the high infection rate among Latinos in Weld County.

    "I think potentially, in the beginning, was more impactful, that lack of clear communication, Wallace said. I think it is less of that today since we've been struggling with this for as long as we have So there is that fundamental level of awareness because we're doing a better job of communicating in a way that is linguistically and culturally aware.

    Wallace is now the chief clinical officer at Sunrise Community Health, a group of clinics in Northern Colorado; around half of their patients identify as Hispanic or Latino. He explains that since the beginning of the pandemic, the medical community has gotten better at talking through what terms like isolation and quarantine mean in daily life, for example. Now, he is beginning to think about the next communication issue: the vaccine.

    It's likely to have some similar challenges, I'm not going to be pollyannaish about it, Wallace said.

    Polling has shown around 60% of Coloradans are planning to get the coronavirus vaccine. Numbers were slightly lower among Blacks and Latinos. Wallace thinks it will be people like his bilingual medical assistants who will be most effective at getting the word out.

    Leigh Paterson / KUNC

    The next challenge? Vaccine communication

    I'd say if the Pope got a COVID vaccine, that would go a long way, Dr. Michelle Barron, the senior medical director of infection prevention for UCHealth, said with a laugh.

    She also hopes that her mom, who is from Mexico, will get the vaccine and then tell her friends.

    That would be the gossip. Oh! Did you hear Nora got the vaccine? Oh, we should go get our vaccine too!... That, I think, is the power, Barron said.

    Barron said that community members and health workers like promotores are important pathways for information, but that this issue of communication is complex.

    The messaging that we're putting out there may work for 80% of our population, but what do we do differently for those 20%? she asked.

    At the state level, the CDPHE intends to reach marginalized communities through its Champions for Vaccine Equity initiative. The nonprofit Immunize Colorado launched a Vaccine Equity Task Force in September.

    Both the CDPHE and Weld Countys health department plan to work with promotores on vaccine education. Cristina Diaz, the promotora heading up the food boxes event in Fort Collins, expects the Project Protect Promotora Network will do this sort of work, but she predicts challenges.

    You know, it's hard to get them here just to do the COVID testing, so I cant imagine a vaccine, Diaz said.

    This is part two of KUNC's series, "Over-Infected, Under-Resourced: COVID-19 Hits Colorado Latinos Hard." Click here for more stories.

    Read more:
    When COVID Info Doesn't Reach Everyone, These Trusted Messengers Step Up To Help In Hard-Hit Latino Communities - KUNC

    Here are the winners of the Az Business Angels Awards – AZ Big Media

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Az Business Angels magazine has cast a spotlight on the nonprofits, individuals, business leaders, and organizations that are making the biggest impact on our communities with its second annual Az Business Angels Awards.

    We want to engage the nonprofit leaders of Arizona in order to learn more about their missions, the causes they support and the people who work tirelessly to serve them, says AZ Big Media Editor in Chief Michael Gossie. Equally important, we want to pay tribute to the leaders of Arizonas for-profit community who sit on boards, donate time, support company community initiatives and give back through various means to the nonprofit community.

    The Az Business Angels Awards are sponsored by WaFd Bank Arizona, itself one of the most philanthropic and compassionate companies in the state.

    When the first issue of Az Business Angels was launched in 2017, its mission was to challenge business leaders and companies to match their skill sets and desire to give back to the community by working with nonprofits that desperately need the help, Gossie says. The magazine was created to give new hope to nonprofits and inspire businesses and business leaders to make a difference and to make it their unconditional mission to connect, volunteer and give back to the communities they serve. Now, we get to honor those organizations and individuals at the Az Business Angels Awards.

    From hundreds of nominations, the judging committee for the Az Business Angels Awards narrowed the very competitive field of nominees down to finalists in 11 categories and selected for the 2020 Az Business Angels Awards. Here are the finalists and winners.

    Andy Abraham, Burch & Cracchiolo

    Andy Abraham is a leader at Burch & Cracchiolo, and is a dedicated community advocate and volunteer. He has led and continued his firms spirit of community volunteerism and support through the B&C Star Teacher Program which awards a teacher with $500 every month to spend on anything they need. He has also had his firm support numerous nonprofit organizations, donate office furniture, and spends many hours volunteering with student lawyers every month.

    Scott Jenkins, Quarles & Brady

    Scott Jenkins serves ona number of committees at Quarles & Brady, but is also involved with the Volunteer Lawyers Program of Maricopa County and was voted as one of the top 50 Pro Bono Attorneys by the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education. He is a member of the Arizona Thunderbirds, and serves on the board for the Waste Management Phoenix Open, the Fiesta Bowl Committee, the board of Junior Achievement and the board of Cactus-Horizon Little League, where he coaches one of the teams.

    Chris Maderazzo, Canyon State Electric

    Chris Maderazzo is co-CEO and CBDO (Chief Business Development Officer) of Canyon State Electric, and a leader in the Scottsdale 20/30 Club. He has coached and inspired others to raise philanthropic funds and has personally been responsible for raising over $400,000 since he got involved, which has gone to supporting local childrens charities. He also leads CSEs philanthropic committee which supports local organizations in the Valley and volunteers for many of these charities.

    Trevor Wilde, Wilde Wealth Management

    Trevor Wilde is the co-founder and manager of Wilde Wealth Management and serves on the board of Child Crisis Arizona and Junior Achievement. He has frequently volunteered and raised over $150,000 for Child Crisis. He also founded Wilde Wealth Managements Wilde for Arizona Community Outreach Program, which raises resources and funds for various childrens charities in Arizona. Since its creation a few years ago, its raised over $250,000.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    Stephen Attwood, president, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

    For the last six years, Steve Attwood has served as the president of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Attwood is an extremely thoughtful leader who has gone above and beyond during this season to make sure he is leading his organization well and making the best choices possible. He leads with a kind and thoughtful spirit, and has been able to and will continue to make a lasting impact on St. Vincent de Pauls community.

    Nancy Padberg, president and CEO, Catholic Education Arizona

    Nancy Padberg is a servant leader of Catholic Education Arizona, the No. 1 School Tuition Organization in Arizona and the 32 schools they represent. She has done an incredible job leading the way in raising funds for a tax credit that provides scholarships for low-income students. Her organization has provided over $269 million to over 100,000 students so they can attend Arizona Catholic High Schools, which have a 99 percent graduation rate.

    Jeri Royce, president and CEO, Esperana

    Jeri Royce has led and inspired Esperana for the last three years and notably through the COVID-19 pandemic. Royce has been able to inspire confidence in her teams through her collaborative, positive and decisive leadership, which has also led to Esperana creating innovative and sustainable new programs. Royce has overseen the distribution of food and supplies to hundreds of low-income Latino families and the creation of educational videos in Spanish.

    Veronica Shorr, regional director, Arizona Community Foundation Yuma

    Veronica Shorr was able to help start a movement and unite their community in Yuma through her involvement with #YumaStrong sign project. She donated her own time and resources and was able to help create community unity, raise funds for the Arizona Community Foundation, and help a local business in one fell swoop at the start of the pandemic.

    Cassandra Switalski, executive director, Miracle League of Arizona

    Cassandra Switalski has managed to minimize the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Miracle League of Arizona that would have otherwise caused it serious harm. Switalski has remained committed and positive, and currently she is leading the organization in finding support and fundraising to make their programs safe to start back up, which is especially important since individuals in the community they serve are often immuno-compromised.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    Cannon & Wendt Electric

    Each year Cannon and Wendt Electric hosts a community-wide fundraising event known as Supporting Our Heroes in collaboration with the 100 Club of Arizona. The event raises money for families of first responders who are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty. Several law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and other health and safety organizations attend to educate the attendees on health and safety procedures and a silent auction is held. In 2020 over $40,000 was raised to provide wash-down kits for firefighters in Northern Arizona facing wildfires.

    Casino Del Sol

    Casino Del Sol is incredibly active within their community of Southern Arizona. They host an annual charity golf tournament that, over the last five years, has raised over $220,000 for a number of nonprofit organizations. The casino hosts an annual diaper drive to support tribal communities and each year their head chef prepares a holiday meal for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Tucson. Casino Del Sol employees often participate in charity walks and many have served on nonprofit boards and committees.

    Desert Financial Credit Union

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, Desert Financial Credit Union has invested nearly $700,000 to various COVID relief programs including four food banks, Valley of the Sun United Way, the family hardship fund at Phoenix Childrens Hospital and Flagstaff Medical Center. They partnered with the Arizona Cardinals to donate laptops to a Title 1 school, gifted $10,000 worth of gift cards to families transitioning to homeschooling through their Random Acts of Kindness program, provided box lunches to grocery workers and raised a total of $160,000 for their Taking Care of Our Own fund.


    GoDaddys signature program Empower focuses on equipping entrepreneurs in underserved communities with the training, tools and resources that they need to be successful. Their charitable giving program has funded STEM teacher education programs in Arizona and is partnered with both Teach for America and the Arizona Science Center to recruit new teachers to the state and provide them with computer science education. So far in 2020, theyve been able to fund the training of 40 teachers who work in underserved communities.


    UnitedHealthcare and its parent company UnitedHealth Group have committed $80 million to COVID relief efforts to date. They donated $500,000 alone to the Arizona Food Bank Network, a private, nonprofit organization that serves all 15 counties in the state via a network of nearly 1,000 food pantries and organizations that address food insecurity. UnitedHealthcare awarded over $100,000 in Empowering Health grants to three community-based organizations to support COVID relief and was nominated by global nonprofit Points of Light as a Civic 50 honoree.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.


    ACCEL is a nonprofit organization that serves children and adults with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, cognitive disabilities and behavioral disorders. ACCEL serves 500 individuals with school campuses in Phoenix and Tempe and satellite campuses in Buckeye and Tonopah. With virtual learning taking over this school year, students with developmental disabilities tend to struggle. The teachers at ACCEL are doing an incredible job of making sure their students continue to receive high quality special education despite the challenges of online learning.

    Family Promise Greater Phoenix

    The first nonprofit of its kind in Arizona, Family Promise Greater Phoenix is an organization that rescues primarily first-time homeless families and their pets. Amid increased demand for their services this year due to the pandemic, the organization reworked their day centers to be shelters for up to 12 families at once. They received donations from community members and other organizations and were able to continue graduating families from the Family Promise Program consistently since the beginning of this year.


    Mission2Alpha is a volunteer-based organization that is committed to community service, service to the military and service to first responders. Through a variety of fundraising endurance events, such as their annual 400-mile bike ride from Scottsdale to San Diego, the organization raises awareness and much needed financial support for local military, veteran and first-responders in need. Working together with other charities, Mission2Alpha has raised over $1 million and prides itself on deploying resources swiftly and efficiently.

    Payson Senior Center

    The Payson Senior Center is a community-based organization whose goal is to assist local senior citizens in achieving and maintaining self-sufficiency with dignity. They provide a wide range of community and home based services in order to best serve their seniors. Since the beginning of the pandemic theyve expanded their meal program to serve over 900 meals a week, provided essential toiletries, gifted goody bags and made frequent happy check phone calls to their seniors who were homebound.

    St. Joseph the Worker

    St. Joseph the Worker is a Phoenix-based nonprofit employment agency that provides access to computers, phones, a printer, resume assistance, strategies to explain gaps in employment, interview coaching, professional clothing, hygiene supplies and bus passes for reliable transportation to and from interviews for more than 5,000 homeless people across the Valley. Theyve successfully launched the states first ever mobile employment support as a way to help better serve the community amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    American Heart Association

    The American Heart Association has been pushing for innovation and progress in the field of heart-related illnesses for almost 100 years. They fund research that grows medical professionals understanding of heart problems and determines ways to treat them. They also advocate and educate for healthy living and CPR to help extend and save lives.

    Dont Be a Chump! Check for a Lump!

    In 2009,Holly Rose performed a self-examination and found a lump which turned out to be breast cancer. Through the months battling the cancer, Rose received many acts of kindness, and she wanted to give back to her community, so she co-founded Dont Be a Chump! Check for a Lump! The organization advocates and encourages women to perform self-examinations so cancer can be found early, and they also have a program that provides wigs to women going through chemotherapy.

    Home Assist Health

    Home Assist Health is an organization that cares and provides for those suffering from the hardships of aging, recovering and disabilities in our community. They provide services that help people with long-term care and help around the house or running errands, simple housekeeping, as well as people to help with more personal assistance such as bathing, transportation and other needs. They also have habilitation services to help people grow in socialization or motor skills.

    The Singletons

    The Singletons is an Arizona based nonprofit organization that focuses on helping single parent families with a member who has been diagnosed with cancer. Their programs offer a wide range of services that can help with simple necessities, such as supplying detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, to helping with specific bills, to providing food for families that dont have time to cook, and even hosting support groups for people in these devastating situations. Their kitchen is able to provide thousands of meals a year and have already served more than 1,500 this year alone.

    Valleywise Health Foundation

    Valleywise Health Foundation is the nonprofit partner of Valleywise Health and lately focuses on raising funds for a few of its key programs, such as a burn survivors program, community programs and education for health professionals. In the last year, theyve exceeded their goals at their fundraising events, benefiting the Arizona Burn Center and COVID-19 relief at Valleywise locations. They also led a campaign which resulted in many meals, masks, face shields and other medical supplies being donated to Valleywise.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    Arizonas Children Association

    Arizonas Children Association has been serving Arizona and its children for more than 100 years. Their goal is to make every home with a child as suitable, safe, loving, and equipped as possible, especially through difficult times. With services available in every county in the state, they help over 40,000 children every year through their large array of services and programs, including foster care, trauma support, family preservation, parenting and family education and youth mentorships.

    The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley

    The Boys & Girls Club is an organization that focuses on providing after-school and summer programs for children that include programs fostered toward arts, sports/fitness, becoming a leader, and character building. They also are able to help the kids grow academically, personally, and health-wise with these programs. They help kids foster better work ethics and prepare them for college, engage in their community and build up their character, encourage them to eat healthy, and prepare for real life after they finish their education.

    Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona

    Free Arts has focused on helping children who have experienced trauma, neglect or homelessness for the last 24 years. Thousands of children experience these types of problems every year and arent equipped to healthily engage or express them. Free Arts equips kids to overcome and cope with their past experiences in a safe environment through their mentorship program, professional artists class series, collaborative art days and summer camps.

    Make-A-Wish America

    Make-A-Wish America seeks to grant the life-changing wishes of critically-ill children. When a child is diagnosed with a critical illness, they can be referred to the foundation which will do what they can to bring that dream to life. They believe that the joy and hope these wishes bring can cause strength, hope, and transformation in the children as well as their family and community. Even in the time of the coronavirus, they are working hard to make around ten wishes come true everyday.

    Room For Joy

    Room For Joy tries to strengthen the healing of children diagnosed with critical illnesses by renovating their bedrooms into a fun and exciting new place. Room for Joy has completed over 50 bedrooms since it was founded in 2005. They are recommended children from local hospitals, and when they take on the project, the family has a staycation while volunteers from Room for Joy renovate the bedroom over the weekend.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    Arizona Humane Society

    Arizona Humane Society has been serving the Valley and its pets for almost 60 years. They offer medical and behavioral programs and other initiatives that save thousands of pet lives a year, and their animal hospital and other medical programs help save the lives of even more animals. They also offer resources for pet owners so that they can take the best care of their pets and make the best decision in any other situations that might arise.

    Arizona Animal Welfare League

    Arizona Animal Welfare League is one of the largest and oldest shelters in the Valley that isable to help over 4,000 animals a year with their services. AAWL visits other shelters that might euthanize their animals and bring them to their own facilities and connect with people and have them adopt the pets so they can have a home. They also have a network of foster parents for animals who are too young or recovering to be adopted.

    Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

    Lost Our Home Pet Rescue has been helping the lost and vulnerable animals in the Valley since 2008. Aside from having a rescue program for abandoned or surrendered pets, they have a temporary care program, pet food bank, low-income boarding for pets, and a partnership with the Sojourner Center. When COVID hit this year, they quickly made procedures to continue operations andhad a record month in April with 105 adoptions.

    Phoenix Herpetological Society Sanctuary

    The Phoenix Herpetological Society Sanctuary is a nonprofit organization that takes in native and non-native animals for rehabilitation and conservation education. They take in reptiles, most of which are pet-trade animals that have been confiscated from or abandoned by their owners. They also educate people and children on the environment and how to take care of it in its already endangered state.

    Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center

    Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center focuses on helping wild animals that have been abandoned or hurt by taking care of them and rehabilitating them to resume life back in the wild. They receive and treat animals that have been injured and take care of orphaned baby animals that need constant care. They take the time to make sure baby and adult animals are healthy and equipped to take on life by themselves before releasing them.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    Freddie Dobbins, Jr., SRP

    Freddie Dobbins, Jr., has volunteered at the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Valley for thirty years, also volunteering at Gregorys Fresh Market and the African American Cultural Committee. At the Boys and Girls Clubs, he has served on numerous committees and has consistently procured thousands of dollars a year in support for the clubs. Dobbins believes in kids and their potential and has been an indispensable leader to them and to the community and received the RP Karl F. Abel Volunteer Recognition Award in 2019.

    Virginia Fargo, Stearns Lending

    Recipient of the MLK 2020 Living the Dream Award from the City of Phoenix, Virginia Fargo has spent a lot of time volunteering and serving her community. For over a decade she has been involved with the Black Board of Directors project and is a member of the Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce. She volunteers and fundraises for these organizations and others in her community, as well as supporting other causes and working full time in her community.

    Shari Mollencopf, Friends of Pima Animal Care

    Shari Mollencopf is one of the most dedicated volunteers Pima Animal Care has ever seen. She volunteers at their facility 40 hours a week, leading a team of volunteers that distributes animal food to the community. She inspires the people around her to become better employees and volunteers and is always trying to make Pima Animal Care the best organization it can be. She pushes for donations and fundraising when its needed and was one of the first volunteers to return when PAC allowed volunteers back after the pandemic.

    Amy Obney, Helping Hands of Yuma

    In October 2018, the board of Helping Hands of Yuma decided to close the organization for financial reasons. That was when Amy Obney stepped up and asked the board if she could try to raise the money. They agreed and she was able to quickly raise all of the funds necessary and put together a new board for the organization and has since become the executive director. In the coronavirus pandemic, she has sought and found ways to safely serve their community. No matter the circumstances, Obney has been dedicated to Helping Hands and to Yuma.

    Meet the WINNER HERE.

    Arizona Community Foundation and Print Zoom

    The Arizona Community Foundation in Yuma teamed up with Print Zoom, a local commercial printer, to create and distribute #YumaStrong yard signs as a way for community members to come together during the coronavirus pandemic. The foundation also started a COVID relief fund to support local nonprofits so they can continue their work amidst the pandemic. The publicity from the collaborative yard signs brought some much needed business to Print Zoom, as well as additional donations to the relief fund.

    BestCompaniesAZ and Career Connectors

    BestCompaniesAZ and Career Connectors have been working together for more than a decade to connect jobseekers with quality hiring companies and job resources.Together theyve served over 42,000 people and have been featured at The White House by the Department of Labor as a model to follow job program. Since March 2020 theyve added a section to their website that serves as a portal to all hiring companies in Arizona at no cost to the user and host weekly virtual events for job seekers in order to offset the negative impact coronavirus has had on the job market.

    CHASSE Building Team and Heidis Village

    Last year CHASSE Building Team collaborated with the Virginia B. Jontes Foundation to break ground on Heidis Village, a $20 million specialty animal shelter. Comprised of nine buildings including play yards, walking paths, a grooming facility and full medical suites to provide on-site veterinary care, Heidis Village is built to foster a community where animals are treated with respect, dignity and compassion. The shelter has room for up to 250 dogs and 200 cats and works in conjunction with other animal rescue organizations throughout Maricopa County.

    FirstBank and Arizona Gives Day

    FirstBank has been the presenting sponsor of the annual Arizona Gives Day fundraiser for eight years. Arizona Gives Day is a 24-hour online giving campaign whose funds go towards supporting a variety of local nonprofit organizations. In order to raise awareness for the campaign each year, FirstBank employees will pose as essential workers and give it forward, asking those they help to consider doing the same on Arizona Gives Day. FirstBank has also partnered with the Phoenix Suns to further promote the fundraiser and, to date, theyve raised over $23 million.

    Vitanya Brain Performance Centers and Heal the Hero Foundation

    Vitanya Brain Performance Centers and Heal the Hero Foundation have developed a national initiative called The Phoenix Operation which works to reduce mental health crises amongst veterans and other vulnerable groups. Vitanyas programs have been proven to reduce suicidality, depression, anxiety and stress in its clients, as well as improve their resiliency and sleep quality. Heal the Hero has begun owning and operating Vitanya franchises in order to provide more grants and scholarships and to generate profits that can be further reinvested into the community and into the Phoenix Operation.

    Read the rest here:
    Here are the winners of the Az Business Angels Awards - AZ Big Media

    Walker County’s top 10 stories of 2020 – Daily Mountain Eagle

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The majority of headlines in 2020 were about the COVID-19 pandemic, but progress was made in Walker County regarding a number of issues. Communities came together in times of tragedy, and we celebrated the lives of those lost. Here's a look back at the year we will never forget.

    Since this time last year, nearly 140 people lost their lives in Walker County due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The disease, caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, was initially reported at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and started to spread across the world. Walker County's first case of COVID-19 wasn't reported until March 19.

    The year brought a number of struggles as the world learned more about the disease and grappled in responding to it. Businesses closed temporarily around the country in an effort to mitigate the spread; some specialty medical clinics closed for a few weeks and elective procedures were delayed; occupancy limits were set in stores; sports were delayed; local schools went virtual in March to finish out the remainder of the 2019-20 school year; court hearings were delayed; Walker Baptist and area senior living facilities prohibited visitors; a mandatory face mask ordinance was eventually issued by the state; and many other changes impacted daily living for all.

    At the close of 2020, over 5,000 cases of COVID-19 had been reported in Walker County and over 100 deaths had occurred. Statewide, over 350,000 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed, resulting in nearly 5,000 deaths.

    A number of people were elected to office for the first time in 2020, while others will continue their years of serving Walker Countians.

    Steve Miller defeated incumbent Jerry Bishop to be the new chairman of the Walker County Commission, while James Borden was elected to serve residents in District 3. All other commission seats faced no opposition.

    David O'Mary remained mayor of Jasper. Petey Ellis was elected to an eighth term as mayor of Sumiton, and Randy Stephens will go on to serve a third term as mayor of Dora.

    Other elected mayors include Jeremy Pate (Cordova), April Herron (Carbon Hill), Bubba Cagle (Parrish), and Sonya Smith (Sipsey). Cory Franks was elected to remain mayor of Oakman, and Eldridge Mayor Bobbie Jean Dodd and Kansas Mayor Earnie Darty also remained in office. Dodd, however, passed away this month.

    Brad Ingle defeated Teia Harris to remain chairman of the Walker County Board of Education. Dr. Joel Hagood resigned as superintendent of the board in December to take a new position as president of Bevill State Community College. Dennis Willingham was named interim superintendent of the school board.

    Henry Allred was again elected as district judge for Walker County.

    Despite pleas from area agencies and leaders, Walker County ranked below the state and national average in responding to the 2020 Census.

    According to data last reported on Oct. 28, the self-response rate in Walker County for the 2020 Census was 59.2 percent, compared to the state's self-response rate of 63.6 percent.

    Jasper's self-response rate was higher than the state average at 65.4 percent. Other self-response rates are as follows: Dora, 59.5 percent; Sumiton, 61.8 percent; Parrish, 44.2 percent; Oakman, 50 percent; Carbon Hill, 43.4 percent; Kansas, 37.7 percent; Nauvoo, 48 percent; Sipsey 30.1 percent; and Eldridge, 50.8 percent.

    The national self-response rate is 67 percent.

    Ultra-fast Internet is now a reality in Jasper.

    Technology company C Spire worked all year in Jasper to make fiber Internet available in the city, and some of the first customers in Jasper began receiving the Internet service this month.

    Jasper is the first area in the state where customers are using C Spire services. Trussville, Helena and Tuscaloosa will also be getting C Spire.

    The need for fast, reliable Internet became more evident this year as the COVID-19 pandemic forced some to work from home.

    Having fiber Internet offered in the city is said to increase home values and make Jasper more competitive in recruiting business and industry.

    Other areas in the state and in Walker County may have Internet access in the future thanks to The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which provided funding to states a portion of which can be used for decision-making related to broadband access.

    Storms and tornadoes swept through Walker County on Easter Sunday, destroying homes and causing other damage.

    Two EF-1 tornadoes were reported in Walker County one in Carbon Hill and another in the Copeland Ferry community of south Walker.

    A Carbon Hill resident described the winds as "horrific," and many homes were destroyed or damaged around the city. The Nauvoo Mobile Home Village sustained significant damage, as well as residences along Nauvoo Road.

    Dugouts, netting and fencing were heavily damaged at Carbon Hill High School as a result of the tornado. Some of the school's roofing was also damaged.

    Significant damage occurred to homes on Rainwood Lodge Road in the Copeland Ferry area of Quinton, blocking access to the road for some time. It took days to restore power to residents in the community.

    Other areas dealt with flooding and some damage from the Easter storms. Flooding destroyed a home in Cordova, washed away a road in District 4, and other homes across the county were damaged from downed trees.

    No fatalities were reported as a result of the severe weather in Walker County, but more than 30 people died in the Southeast as a result of the storms.

    The Walker County Commission responded to the concerns of citizens about deteriorating roads around the county and had several paving projects completed in 2020.

    Local resources and the Rebuild Alabama Act provided funding for the paving projects.

    In District 1, a number of roads were resurfaced, and other projects were completed on Bird Farm Road, Whittemore Road, and Lamon Chapel Road. Paving was also done on Fall City Road.

    In October, the Alabama Department of Transportation announced that Carbon Hill/Nauvoo Road will be widened and resurfaced in District 2 a $1.16 million project that will take three months.

    District 4 saw work on Bryan Road, and Mandy Williams Road was paved and repaired after flood damage in early 2020.

    Repaving occurred on Old Birmingham Highway in District 3, but few road improvements occurred elsewhere in the district.

    The commission has announced a number of road projects that will occur in 2021 at a cost of approximately $300,000 in each district.

    Carbon Hill's now-former mayor Mark Chambers topped the Daily Mountain Eagle's year in review in 2019 for his anti-LGBTQ rant, and Chambers again made headlines for his views in 2020 that eventually resulted in his resignation.

    Chambers resigned as Carbon Hill's mayor on June 27, following comments he made on Facebook that quickly circulated. In a conversation on the social media website, Chambers said he was selling Alabama Crimson Tide photographs and voiced his disdain for the team's political views. He said, "(W)hen you put Black lives before all lives they can kiss my ***."

    Alabama football coach Nick Saban and team members had recently shared a video to promote the Black Lives Matter movement prior to Chambers' remarks.

    Following the resignation of Chambers, council member April Herron was appointed as the city's new mayor a seat she continues to hold.

    In addition to losing Chambers, the Carbon Hill council also lost a council member.

    Robert Warren was taken into custody in March and faced manslaughter charges in the disappearance of Lisa Benton Clements. She was reported missing on Feb. 24 and her body was later found when Warren led authorities to her body in Greene County in March.

    Warren's charges were later upgraded to murder and abuse of a corpse. Clements reportedly died due to head trauma.

    The Walker County Commission, in partnership with the Walker County Sheriff's Office, made a concerted effort to clean up the county in 2020.

    Correction officers had inmates picking up litter in all parts of Walker County, with Sheriff Nick Smith saying that people would be held responsible if their names were found on documents in littered trash.

    In February, District 1 Commissioner Keith Davis put the litter problem into perspective, saying that since October 2019, 1,400 large bags of litter had been collected in his district alone.

    "I'm glad to have people out here picking up litter," Smith said, "but the only way to make it better is for people to take responsibility and stop throwing their trash out."

    The threat of contracting COVID-19 did not stop people from protesting around the country for justice and equal rights.

    George Floyd, a Black man, died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, after a white police officer held a knee to Floyd's neck during an arrest for nearly nine minutes an act that killed 46-year-old Floyd. Following Floyd's death, protests (many of which turned violent) were held around the country.

    The protests were in response to police brutality toward the Black community and were centered around general inequality that still plagues the nation.

    In early June, a protest of about 50 people occurred in downtown Jasper. It remained civil, and members of the Walker County Sheriff's Office and Jasper Police Department attended.

    Protests were also made around the country to remove Confederate monuments, viewed by some as a blatant display of the terrible past that African Americans have had to endure, according to text from a petition to remove the Confederate monuments in Jasper.

    The monuments remain in the city, and gun and pistol permit sales increased in the county as a result of the protests.

    As 2020 comes to a close, many around the world have had to say goodbye to loved ones, friends, and community leaders, and Walker County was no exception.

    Many deaths this year occurred due to COVID-19 over 100 in Walker County alone. Others battled cancer or other illnesses, and some passed away suddenly.

    Most recently, Eldridge mayor Bobbie Jean Dodd passed away shortly after the death of her husband, Hoyt "Booty" Dodd. Gene McDaniel, well-known as "Mr. Nauvoo" in Walker County and for his work in the mining industry, passed away in October.

    Martha Tittle, a longtime member of the Eldridge Town Council, passed away in October.

    Longtime Cordova dispatcher Pete Eustice passed away in November; Saragossa firefighter Donald Downs died this month; WWII veteran Doris Banks died in late September; and veteran and former assistant Walker County District Attorney Jay Snow passed away this month.

    Following the death of local 16-year-old Tuff Coleman, a fund was established in his name to help people in the community, and area 4-year-old Wyatt Spann passed away in January following a battle with brain cancer.

    Former Carbon Hill Mayor James William Pee Wee Richardson passed away in November.

    Cordova native Lewis Manderson, who pledged $500,000 in rebuilding efforts following the April 2011 tornadoes in Cordova, passed away in May.

    Longtime Sumiton firefighter Rickey Lee Woods passed away in October from COVID-19.

    A number of the aforementioned appeared in the "Sweet Memories" column of the Daily Mountain Eagle that began mid-year as an opportunity for people to share stories of their loved ones and celebrate their lives.

    So many dearly loved in Walker County passed away this year more than we can list here. Tributes to some and their obituaries can be found in the Daily Mountain Eaglearchives.

    The Daily Mountain Eagle said goodbye to one of our own this year, the beloved columnist and reporter Rick Watson, who passed away unexpectedly on July 16 at the age of 69. Most well-known as a writer and advocate for East Walker, Watson was also a veteran, songwriter and beekeeper.

    In a year that has been filled with heartache, it is in Watson's honor that we encourage everyone to appreciate each chapter in life and always value every day as "living the dream."

    Read more:
    Walker County's top 10 stories of 2020 - Daily Mountain Eagle

    Flexible Gas Monitoring Key to Safe, Profitable Industrial Operations –

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Whether new or retrofit construction, monitoring hazardous gases in industrial plants and warehouses, as well as at loading docks and receiving areas, is often crucial to safety, compliance, and productivity. Exposure to potentially toxic gases can come from a wide variety of sources, particularly in partially or totally enclosed areas.

    According to an OSHA Factsheet, carbon monoxide (CO) is a common industrial hazard resulting from the incomplete burning of material containing carbon such as natural gas, gasoline, oil, propane, or coal. Carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen. Large amounts of CO can overcome you in minutes without warning causing you to lose consciousness and suffocate, states the OSHA Factsheet.

    You may be exposed to harmful levels of CO in boiler rooms, warehouses, petroleum refineries, pulp and paper production, and steel production; around docks, blast furnaces, or coke ovens as well as in occupations such as forklift operator, diesel engine operator, and welder, adds the Factsheet. Similarly, industrial workers are exposed to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from the burning of fuel for vehicles, equipment, and power generation, which can cause respiratory irritation and aggravate respiratory diseases.

    Within warehouses and around loading docks/receiving areas, propane burning forklifts and equipment can result in a build-up of carbon dioxide (CO2) with complete combustion, or result in excess CO with incomplete combustion. Breathing too much CO2 can cause headaches, dizziness, difficulty breathing, elevated blood pressure, and even coma, asphyxia, and convulsions.

    While loading docks and shipping/receiving areas are only partially enclosed when warehouse bay doors are opened, the prevalence of diesel trucks can make monitoring toxic gases essential.

    To enhance safety, comply with regulations and minimize the risk of dangerous gases that can be inhaled or even flammable or explosive, gas monitoring systems can be set to detect for specific thresholds. After detection, such systems will typically alarm to warn workers in the vicinity, and can also text or email supervisory personnel or managers to trigger an immediate response. A record is often kept to document compliance.

    However, the challenge is that industrial processes and capacities change over time. Design specifications written at the start of a project can evolve, and so can the requirements. Also, local jurisdictions and code officials may have different demands that must be accommodated.

    Consequently, working with a vendor with expertise in gas monitoring systems and utilizing advanced, flexible modular systems can significantly speed project completion while facilitating design changes. So too, can new and more reliable wireless detection systems that promise to speed installation and reduce wiring costs when retrofitting or expanding detection in existing structures.

    On almost every project, design changes occur so we choose to work with expert vendors that help us quickly adapt, says Adam Hitchen, President of Atlantis Comfort Systems, a Rhode Island-based HVAC contractor that provides commercial and residential service across the East Coast.

    According to Hitchen, in one project in Boston there were changes in the design of a loading dock area that required accommodation. They erected a wall, which required an extra ventilation system, a makeup air system, an independent CO/CO2 detection system, and a change in the existing panel planned for the job, says Hitchen. On the project, Atlantis Comfort Systems relied on Acme Engineering to change the system midstream. Acme provided the new system, the new panel, and adjusted the existing panel, says Hitchen, who notes that the wiring diagram, engineering drawing, and necessary sequence of operations was also provided.

    Acme's Multi-Gas Monitoring System (MGMS) is a gas detection network capable of communicating in real time with any smart device. The system utilizes industry-standard communication protocols like Ethernet and BACnet that allow remote supervision and reporting to building automation systems.

    When designing a gas detection network, after receiving a floor plan the company creates performance-based specifications, identifies the optimal sensor locations, elaborates the most energy efficient activation sequence for the ventilation system, and prepares a job specific wiring diagram, usually within a day or two.

    According to Hitchen, when design changes occur the gas monitoring company reacts quickly. They start with the intent of the design engineer and when project requirements change, they rapidly revise it and provide what is needed. This helps with code compliance, he says. For John Rainone, previously a senior project manager with Automated Logic, a Carrier company, the main benefit of working with a vendor with gas monitoring expertise was expediting complex projects. The vendor provided certified engineering drawings up front and as needed.

    No one waited for us on a multi-million-dollar project, which was key because it carried a significant per day late penalty. Altogether, the design expertise probably saved us between two to four weeks, says Rainone.

    Robert Presser is the President of Acme Engineering Prod., Inc.

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    Flexible Gas Monitoring Key to Safe, Profitable Industrial Operations -

    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market Estimate To Boost Growth In Demand By 2025 – Farming Sector

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market: Introduction

    A non-metallic-sheathed cable, also known as Romex, is a covered electrical wire consisting of at least two insulated conductors and one bare conductor and it is predominantly used in residential wiring. Non-metallic-sheathedcables are safer than older cables and wiring types and they are relatively cheaper and hence, a preferred choice for many electricians. These cables are of various types and are used for different applications.

    If the non-metallic-sheathedcable has two wires, it will have one white and one black along with one ground wire, which is bare and made of copper. Three-wire cables have a white, black and red insulated wire plus one bare copper ground wire. The function of the ground cable is to provide the safe path for excess charge. The standard non-metallic-sheathedcable used for internal work in dry locations is Type Non-metallic-sheathed(NM) B cable. Thesecables are commonly used for residential switches, fixtures and loads rated for 90C.

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    For underground installation, Type UF (Underground Feeder) B cable, a kind of non-metallic-sheathedcable is used. The type UF-B cable is fungus resistant, moisture resistant and corrosion resistant. A non-metallic-sheathed connector is used to connect non-metallic-sheathedcables with the help of a box or enclosure.

    Mostly 4 colours of wires are used, each having its own significance:

    In non-metallic-sheathedcables, the outer jacket has a numbering according to the colour of wire used.

    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market: Dynamics

    Attributing to government policies and increasing awareness of people towards safety, it is forecasted that non-metallic-sheathedcables will find increased applications and thereby, fuel the global market. Non-metallic-sheathedcables have the ability to be used in corrosive as well as dry environments, making them lucrative for use in underground as well as in internal residential wiring and hence, increasing their consumption.

    Non-metallic sheathed cables are not permitted for use in commercial garages, as service conductors, in hoists and cannot be embedded in concrete, cement or aggregate. With small exceptions, the use of non-metallic sheathed cable is also prohibited in hazardous locations and theaters. This is expected to cause a hindrance in the use of non-metallic sheathed cables and thereby, retard growth of the non-metallic sheathed cables market.

    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market: Segmentation

    The non-metallic sheathed cables market can be segmented on the basis of product type:

    The non-metallic sheathed cables market can be segmented on the basis of end use application:

    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market: Regional Outlook

    The Asia Pacific region, especially China and India are expected to witness growth in the use of non-metallic sheathed cables as people are becoming increasingly aware of safety issues and governments are introducing stringent Policies to ensure the use of certain types of wiring. The growing number of energy projects in the Middle East is expected to drive the non-metallic sheathed cables market over the forecasted period. Further, smart city development in Iraq, UAE, etc. is expected to fuel to the market in these regions. Huge availability of cheap labour is expected to drive the industry during the forecasted period. Replacement of transmission lines to reduce the number of accidents is anticipated to have a positive impact on the market. Increase in infrastructure development and construction projects in the Middle East, especially Dubai and Saudi Arabia is estimated to spur growth of the market.

    High price of raw materials, such as aluminium and copper and the ever increasing cost of energy are expected to hamper growth of the non-metallic sheathed cables market in the Middle East. North America, followed by Europe and Japan are expected to witness steady growth in the non-metallic sheathed cables market as some major manufactures are located in these regions and relatively, the consumption of electricity in these region is more.

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    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market: Market Participants

    Examples of some of the market participants in the non-metallic sheathed cable market are:

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    Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable Market Estimate To Boost Growth In Demand By 2025 - Farming Sector

    Global Substation Maintenance Market : Forecast And Analysis (2020-2027): By Module, By Type, By Installation Type, By Voltage, By Industry, And By…

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Global Substation Maintenance Marketwas valued at USD 6.3 Bn in 2019 and is expected to reach USD XX Bn by 2027 at a CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period 2020-2027.

    The report covers an in-depth analysis of COVID-19 pandemic impact on Global Substation Maintenance Market by region and on the key players revenue affected till July 2020 and expected short term and long-term impact on the market.

    Substation Maintenance Market overview

    The substation is a subordination station where electricity is supplied at a long-distance or regulates at a very low voltage distribution level. The maintenance of substation is an important part of action program; it plays a vital role to ensure healthy working of electrical & electronic components and helps to avoid unplanned outages. Maintenance of substation components includes bus bar, relays, insulators, circuit breaker meters, and racking mechanism. Failure of substation maintenance can cause a huge loss to companies in terms of time and money. This can be avoided by a strict time-to-time schedule daily, weekly & monthly maintenance, and troubleshooting & inspection of substation components. This ensures the safety of electrical & electronic components working correctly in a healthy system working environment which includes major components of transformers, wiring, beakers, and switchgear that are checked and diagnosed.

    Maintenance of substation requires different types of testing tools and strategies. Many small and large companies are operating in the substation maintenance market. Besides, large companies provide all the necessary instruments such as the installation of new substations, installation services while small companies just provide the repair and maintenance services to substations. Providing maintenance services to the substations requires certification, some provide extra-high voltage services while some provide services to the low substation.

    Substation Maintenance Market Dynamics

    In the electrical & electronic power industry, the maintenance of components plays a vital role; this has a positive impact on the revenue growth of the companies. The rapid urbanization and industrialization with emerging growing economies the demand for efficient energy is increasing day by day. The smart energy, smart energy meter in smart buildings application is increasing due to the expansion of smart cities increase the demand for power industries over the forecast period. Thus, the energy distribution & transmission carried out by these technologies with integrated software and hardware systems application is increasing. These systems deliver the data on real-time bases. Also, these smart meters balance the load, accessing the meter reading or total power consumption connection with substations. The major driving factor balances renewable generation with the traditional power source. The operation of electrical grid utilities is dependent on workers to examine the equipment and manage the daily operation.Production forecasting to manage load distribution and renewable generation with the up gradation of conventional power sources is one of the critical parts of the digital substation. These substations are integrated with a fiber optic communication network as every device in the substation is upgraded.

    The government has taken initiative to maintain the continuous flow of power 247 and ensuring grid stability is one of the restraining factors in the substation maintenance market. The conventional digital substation is more costly as the parameters and components used in these substations are expensive such as service orientated architecture and microprocessor and increased number of IED have increased the cost of substations.

    The renewable energy industry trends are growing rapidly in recent years as the government has provided subsidies and various on-going projects have created a positive impact on the power sector. Collaborations, cost competitiveness, and increasing consumer demand has built many opportunities for the SME companies for various services and construction of substation maintenance. Also, increased competitiveness of battery storage and increasing carbon emission constraints has a focus on renewable energy projects. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) in the next 5 years, renewable energy is going to expand by 50%.

    Key Development

    In May 2019, Energy Aware, a frequency response technology solution that enables energy-intensive companies to optimize grids and contribute to renewable energy, was launched by Eaton.

    Global Substation Maintenance Market: Market Segmentation

    The utility industries cover the largest segment in the digital substation market which includes nationalized, public & privately cooperatives as they are major distributors of electricity in most of the countries. High voltage applications are required for several applications processing and extraction, heating metals, arcing in industries such as oil & gas, metals, and transportation. This has a positive impact on the power sector and increases the demand for the digital substation market.

    Global Substation Maintenance Market: Regional Analysis

    By geography, market is segmented into North America, APAC, Europe, MEA& Africa, and South America. The Asia Pacific is one of the fastest-growing markets owing to the increase in consumption of electricity and rural electrification. The Asia Pacific is growing at a high rate in the digital substation market due to rapid industrialization, entry of new companies, and modernization of new grid infrastructure to increase the demand for power sector industries. Increasing investment in digital substations to boost the utility sector and power utilities increasing the demand for the substation maintenance market. Besides, rising consumer awareness and less wastage of power supply management as the government has hosted various promotional activities and NGO to save electricity management have also driven the substation maintenance market.

    Report covers in-depth analysis of key development, marketing strategies, supply-side and demand side indicators and company profiles of market leaders, potential players, and new entrants. Key players operating in this market are adopting various organic and inorganic growth strategies such as merger& acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, expansion, new product launches and patents to increase their regional presence and business operations.

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    The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Substation Maintenance Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers, and new entrants. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analysed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding Global Substation Maintenance Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project Global Substation Maintenance Market Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by price, financial position, Product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Substation Maintenance Market make the report investors guide.Scope of Global Substation Maintenance Market

    Global Substation Maintenance Market Segmentation by Module

    Hardware Fiber-optic Communication Networks SCADA SystemsGlobal Substation Maintenance Market Segmentation by Type

    Transmission Substation Distribution SubstationGlobal Substation Maintenance Market Segmentation by Installation Type

    New Installations Retrofit InstallationsGlobal Substation Maintenance Market Segmentation by Voltage

    Up to 220kV 220-500kV Above 500kVGlobal Substation Maintenance Market Segmentation by Industry

    Utility Heavy Industries TransportationGlobal Substation Maintenance Market Segmentation by Region

    North America Europe Asia-Pacific South America Middle East & AfricaGlobal Substation Maintenance Market Major Players

    Abengoa (Spain) BASF SE(Germany) BioAmber Inc. (Canada) Cargill (United States) Corbion NV(Netherlands) Methanex (Canada) Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (Japan) Mitsui & Co. Ltd. (Japan) Novozymes A/S(Denmark) Zhejiang Hisun Biomaterials Co. (China) Myriant(United States) Genomatica(United States) Natureworks LLC (United States) Dow Chemicals (United States)

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    Global Substation Maintenance Market : Forecast And Analysis (2020-2027): By Module, By Type, By Installation Type, By Voltage, By Industry, And By...

    Public asked to use caution when new lighting is installed around Digby General Hospital –

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    DIGBY, N.S.

    Work to improve safety and install energy-efficient lighting around the outside of Digby General Hospital means people coming to hospital will have to be use caution as the work is happening.

    Starting Monday, Jan. 4, work will begin to remove old exterior lighting, light poles, and to excavate underground wiring around the outside of Digby General Hospital. This work will be followed by the installation of new, energy-efficient LED lighting around the hospital.

    The improved lighting will create a brighter, safer environment for patients, visitors and staff.

    The driveway in front of the main hospital entrance will be closed Jan. 5 to allow excavation work to take place. Traffic will be diverted around to the lower, rear entrance to the parking area. Lighting in the back-rear parking area will also be upgraded. The work is expected to take a week but will be dependent on the weather.

    Patients and visitors may still use the front-main entrance to enter the hospital. However, drivers who are dropping-off patients will be re-directed away from the main entrance.

    Excavation equipment, workers and vehicles will be in the area while work is underway.

    Drivers, patients and visitors are asked to use extra caution, reads a Nova Scotia Health Authority media release. Please respect any signage, caution-tape and barriers while on hospital property.

    Meanwhile, patients and approved visitors are reminded they must be screened for COVID-19 as they enter the hospital. People are asked to maintain social-physical distancing and also to:

    Wear a mask at all times, and wash/sanitize hands often.

    Only go to and from your medical appointment, or patient room you are visiting. Do not visit other areas of the hospital unless absolutely necessary.

    Do not arrive for appointments too early.

    Do not bring a support person to appointments unless absolutely necessary.

    Do not wear rubber/latex gloves when visiting hospital.

    Respect all physical distancing directions, signs and arrows, floor decals and other signage.

    These measures are in place to protect patients, staff and physicians from the spread of COVID-19.

    See the article here:
    Public asked to use caution when new lighting is installed around Digby General Hospital -

    The Record’s top 10 stories from 2020 – Troy Record

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    RENSSELAER AND ALBANY COUNTY, N.Y. This past year was filled with many unexpected twists and turns due to the Novel Coronavirus creating a global pandemic.

    The Capital Region began seeing its first cases in March and from then on, the cases continued to rise and things began to rapidly change throughout the state.

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo ended up putting the state on Pause and many people began working and learning from home.

    Even though the year was dominated and impacted by the pandemic, many other newsworthy stories occurred in 2020.

    With the year coming to an end, the editorial staff at The Record ranked its top 10 stories from 2020.

    The Collar City and Capital Region community was rocked on Sept. 14 with the homicide of 11-year-old Ayshawn Davis.

    Troy police were called to the scene of a shooting that occurred in the area of 2266 Old 6th Ave. Officers were dispatched to this area at around 11:40 p.m. Upon arrival, officers found Davis, a student in the Lansingburgh school district, with a gunshot wound to the head.

    Troy Fire Department personnel arrived and began treating the victim and then transported him to Albany Medical Center Hospital, where he succumbed to the injury.

    Officers, detectives, and evidence technicians secured the scene and began processing evidence and speaking with neighbors and others in the area. The events leading up to the shooting are as follows, the victim was standing in the area of the shooting with a group and a car sped by with gunfire coming from the vehicle.

    The vehicle continued north on Old 6th Avenue and fled the area, according to city police.

    The public came together to find ways to keep Ayshawns memory alive and to help his family.

    The Ayshawn Davis Memorial Fund was established in September to raise funds for the Davis family.

    The fund will support family expenses for the Davis family, in addition to helping to cover future college costs for their four children.

    The Troy City Council unanimously passed (7-0) a resolution in October on creating a sign/designation for "Ayshawn's Place," at a location to be determined within the city of Troy.

    Ayshawn's father, Terance Davis, remarked on the significance of having his son's name displayed as a reminder to city residents.

    "It's very important to me that a part of Old Sixth be named after my son to remind people of the mistakes that's going on in Troy and around the world," Davis said during the virtual city council meeting in October.

    "That a little kid outside playing, nothing should've happened to him. This kid was a very independent, worked very hard, was very bright. I want people to recognize there was a bright young kid that had a bright future," Davis continued.

    "Just to look at his name is to remind you of the mistakes, not to make again and to make the youth better for the little kids and even for the grownups to understand that we need to keep his name alive," Davis added.

    On Sept. 28 many attended a graveside service in St. Peter's Cemetery for Ayshawn. Many of the people in attendance at the funeral wore blue in honor of Ayshawn. Blue was his favorite color. The bright color was a sharp contrast to the somber, heavy mood of the day, which was matched by a gray overcast sky.

    As the funeral procession traveled down 3rd Avenue, past the house of one of Ayshawn's relatives, neighbors came out and knelt in the streets. Most were wearing blue. Many raised their fists in a gesture of support. Houses nearby were adorned with posters bearing messages of support for the BLM movement.

    Ayshawn's graveside service was presided over by the Reverend Charles Barber. Bible readings of including Psalm 23 and John 14 were given, followed by hymns and songs. A prayer of comfort was offered, and then family members were given an opportunity to speak.

    A few days before Ayshawns funeral, Troy police announced the arrest of Jahquay E. Brown, 20, of Cohoes in connection to Ayshawns murder. Police detectives interviewed Brown and executed a search warrant of his home. According to police, a handgun was located at Browns residence and has been taken as evidence. Police believe the weapon found may have been used in the crime and are awaiting testing of the firearm.

    Troy police were also aided by multiple law enforcement agencies and the New York State Police Troop G Special Investigations Unit.

    Along with multiple community members, the FBI also posted a $10,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of those responsible for the homicide.

    After the death of George Floyd, while in police custody in Minneapolis, many across the nation began to organize peaceful as well as violent protests in various communities.

    Floyd, a Black man in handcuffs, died May 25 after Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer who is white, pressed his knee against Floyds neck for several minutes even after he said he couldnt breathe. Floyds death sparked protests in Minneapolis and beyond, and led to a nationwide reckoning on race.

    In late May, a protest in the City of Albany turned into a riot. Around 6 p.m. on May 30, a group of people came to the Albany Police Departments South Station on Arch Street requesting to speak with officers. Authorities said officers came out and spoke with some people and then went back into the police station.

    Once officers went back inside the station, rioters began throwing bricks at police vehicles. Police then came back outside in riot gear. Officials said people then began throwing water bottles, bricks, rocks towards police officers.

    Albany Police Chief Eric Hawkins said some officers were injured with one officer taken to Albany Medical Center after being hit in the head with a brick. Hawkins was not at the scene Saturday, although he said he was in constant contact with his staff.

    Police said many buildings were destroyed, including the Albany County Probation building, health department building, and board of elections building.

    Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple also noted how a tractor-trailer was lit on fire in Albany and how a CDTA bus driver was stuck on a street with people surrounding her bus.

    Then on June 7 a crowd of thousands gathered at Riverfront Park for a peaceful Rally for Black Lives on Sunday afternoon. The rally was co-sponsored by Justice for Dahmeek, AYA Rising Project, All Of Us, and the YWCA of the Greater Capital Region.

    During the first part of the rally, libations were poured out in honor of those who had come before. Spanish and sign language interpretations were provided to make the event truly united and accessible to all.

    Speakers gave brief orations on the local importance of the rally, with enthusiastic support from the crowds. Past acts of violence and brutality by Troy police were described and the names of victims were read.

    When the speakers were finished, it was time to march.

    The crowds took to the streets of downtown Troy, chanting "No Justice, No Peace." They made their way out of Riverfront Park, looped through the city, and returned to the park at the end for a closing program.

    During part of the march, protesters kneeled in the intersection of 3rd Ave. and River St., temporarily blocking traffic. As cars came to a stop and started backing up along 3rd Ave, the protesters encouraged drivers to exit their vehicles and kneel with them.

    Some complied, receiving cheers and applause when they did so.

    The rally achieved its goal of being a peaceful protest, with no incidents of property damage or violence.

    In 2017, Troy Mayor Patrick Madden made the difficult decision to close the citys two municipal pools after an engineering assessment discovered significant structural, mechanical, and accessibility issues.

    Since then, city officials had hopes that it would reopen every summer after 2017. However, various construction delays caused that to continue to get pushed back year after year. Finally, on July 18 city officials announced that the South Troy pool would reopen to the public.

    Upgrades and improvements to the facility include:

    New roof and skylights on the amenities building

    Interior of amenities building repainted, lighting re-wired, bathrooms re-plumbed, and changing rooms rebuilt

    Replacement of pump and filtration room, including installation of new plumbing lines and wiring

    Replacement of compromised sections of concrete pool walls, and installation of a new liner and gutter system

    Replacement of exterior fencing around facility

    Installation of new concrete decking

    Addition of pool lift to increase accessibility for individuals with disabilities

    Restoration of splash pad (located behind amenities building)

    However, in keeping in line with state health guidelines for COVID-19, the pool capacity was limited to 50 patrons. Among those 50 patrons, the pool was accessible to only Troy residents, and children under 18 had to be accompanied by an adult.

    On Thursday, July 30 the Troy Police Department began to investigate a reported domestic incident that led to the fatal shooting of a city man by an off-duty city officer on 17th Street in Troy.

    According to police, Colin Davis, 25, of Troy, was accused of stabbing his estranged wife, and he was fatally shot by off-duty Troy police officer Adam Harbour, who intervened and saved her life.

    A Rensselaer County grand jury cleared Harbour of any criminal wrongdoing in the fatal off-duty shooting of Colin Davis.

    Harbour was praised by members of the police department as well as other elected officials for his heroic actions to save the womans life.

    On April 30, Det. Sgt. Randy French, 39, succumbed to coronavirus after a long and tough fight.

    Before his death, French's wife, Danielle French, made a post on Facebook saying that Randy was on a ventilator in the ICU at Albany Medical Center and the family was asking people to donate plasma. Danielle French wrote on April 13 that Randy French was matched with a donor for a plasma transfusion.

    First responders from around the Capital Region came together on May 1 to take part in a vehicle procession from Albany Medical Center to Perry Komdat Funeral Chapel in Averill Park. French and his family resided in the town of Nassau in Rensselaer County.

    French is survived by his wife, Danielle, their daughters Caitlyn and Juliana, his father, William, mother-in-law, Linda, sister, Chrissy, and sister-in-law Kimberly.

    Former New York State Sen. Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno was a heavyweight in state and Capital Region politics.

    He had the charisma and boxing gloves to prove it.

    Bruno died Tuesday, Oct. 6, at his Brunswick home, accompanied by family and his longtime companion Kay Stafford. Bruno was 91.

    The son of immigrants, Bruno grew up in depression-era Glens Falls and made ends meet from selling ice off a truck, all the way through his years as a Skidmore College student. Bruno also served in the United States Army in Korea.

    Bruno, a Republican, was first elected in 1976 and rose to power as Senate Majority Leader from 1994 to 2008. Along with Gov. George Pataki and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Bruno was one of the three powerful "men in a room," helping forge state policy and spending.

    Bruno's legacy can be found across the Capital Region, whether it was the Global Foundries plant in Malta, the modernizing of the Rensselaer Rail Station, or bringing affiliated minor-league baseball back to the Capital Region with his own named Joseph L. Bruno Stadium, Bruno's impact loomed large.

    On December 9, The Tri-City ValleyCats announced that they will not be receiving a Player Development License from Major League and Minor League Baseball.

    The Houston Astros have only announced that their AAA team will be the Sugar Land Skeeters. The Quad Cities Bandits will now become an affiliate of the Kansas City Royals, the Round Rock Express will renew their relationship with the Texas Rangers, and as of right now according to the Fayetteville Observer, the Fayetteville Woodpeckers received a PDL renewal as a Class-A team.

    Options for the ValleyCats could potentially be the Atlantic League of Professional Baseball or the Empire Professional Baseball League. The Empire league has teams located in Saranac Lake, Plattsburgh, and Tupper Lake.

    The site of the former Troy City Hall was demolished in 2011 because of structural damage blamed on severe flooding along the Hudson River in 2006. Since then, many developers have expressed interest in developing the vacant site, however, many deals have fallen through over the years.

    The Troy Local Development Corporation (TLDC) and Hoboken Brownstone Company announced the agreement to terms of a Development Agreement for the Monument Square site.

    The TLDC voted to approve the agreement at a meeting on May 1.

    The agreement paves the way for Hoboken Brownstone (HBC) to commence a design for the redevelopment of Monument Square, the next phase in what has been an 18-month open and transparent process to re-imagine the former City Hall site

    Hoboken Brownstone Company was selected as project developer for the Monument Square site in 2019 because of their experience and ability to successfully redevelop waterfront property and a strong commitment to community inclusion in their redevelopment process.

    The agreement provides HBC with a 2-year development term, with an option for a 1-year extension, to design, receive approvals, and apply for funding for a project that incorporates elements of the community visioning sessions, held in 2018.

    As part of the agreement, HBC will make a future payment of $600,000 toward the public portion of the project to offset costs of the redevelopment that would otherwise be borne by the city of Troy. HBC will also place $50,000 in escrow to be used by the City and the TLDC to cover their project-related expenses.

    More than 1,000 new full-time jobs were created in Rensselaer County thanks to Amazon's new fulfillment center in Schodack opening in 2020.

    The employees joined more than 24,000 full- and part-time employees already working across the state with $15 an hour minimum wage and comprehensive benefits beginning on day one.

    The more than one million square foot, state-of-the-art facility is located on U.S. Route 9 in Castleton. Employees there will work alongside innovative technologies to pick, pack and ship larger-sized items to customers across the region, including bulk cleaning supplies and paper goods, sports equipment, pet food and supplies, electronics, and household goods, to name a few.

    On top of Amazons $15 minimum wage, the company offers full-time employees industry-leading benefits, which include health, vision and dental insurance from day one, 401(k) with 50 percent company match, up to 20 weeks paid parental leave and Amazons innovative Career Choice program, which pre-pays 95% of tuition for courses in high-demand fields.

    When 2020 began, many cities were swearing in new mayors with some incumbent mayors returning to office. All of these mayors did not expect what 2020 would turn into due to the pandemic, but they all still had a job to do for its residents.

    In the Collar City, Mayor Patrick Madden was sworn-in for another four-year term. According to the City Charter, the mayor of Troy can only serve two terms.

    The City of Rensselaer saw a new mayor get sworn-in when Rensselaer County Legislature Chairman Michael Stammel took the oath of office.

    Across the river, the city of Watervliet also elected a new mayor with former Councilman Charles Patricelli taking over the office.

    After a heated election in 2019, Cohoes Mayor Bill Keeler took the oath of office.

    Continue reading here:
    The Record's top 10 stories from 2020 - Troy Record

    Rawalpindi citys beautification project gets official nod – The Express Tribune

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder


    The project concept to covert winding lanes of almost 300 year old bazaars of the old city area to pedestrian-only heritage trail got official nod on Wednesday.

    The special city beautification committee has approved the project-concept (PC) I for the conversion of streets passing through different old markets into proper walking streets.

    Under the project, the 2.5 kilometres (kms) long-stretch of lanes and streets from historic Bhabhra Bazaar to Raja Bazaar passing through Sarafa Bazaar, Dangi Khoi, Kalan Bazaar will be converted into a proper walking street.

    In the heart of the old city area of Rawalpindi is an over 230 year old locality the Bhabra Bazaar. Named after the rich Bhabra community that owned the almost two square kilometre patch of the town it still has a number of old buildings intact which speak of the regal past of the area. The gated community secured from four entrance and exit points has many small lanes that open on to the main bazaar.

    Today, the Bahabra Bazaar is a 20 feet wide and 2km long stretch of commercial area that extends from Muree road to Sarafa Bazaar, the hub of gold and jewellery trading. Bhabhra Bazaar locality was inhabited 260 years ago by

    The city administration and the business community have joined hands to convert these ancient lanes to tourist-friendly area, instead of demolishing these relics of past.

    The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA), Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) members of civil society and urban conservation specialist have formed the beautification committee.

    The committee has sent the PC-I for converting the lanes of these bazaars to heritage trail to the competent authority for final approval.

    The estimated cost of the project would be Rs50 million while it will be kicked off from February 15. The funds for the project have already been approved.

    RDA Chairman Tariq Murtaza told The Express Tribune that it was a unique project of Rawalpindi in which the administration and traders bodies were on-board. He added that tuff tiles would be placed on the entire path.

    Under the project, all electricity and telephone poles will be removed from the route and wiring would be laid underground.

    The removal of street lights is also part of the project and instead, the lights will be fixed on the walls of the buildings.

    Murtaza said that the installation of tiles on the walkway would be done from Teli Mohalla Murree Road to Dangi Khoi Chowk.

    The entry of motorcycles will be banned and only pedestrians will be allowed to walk in from a certain limit.

    There will be electric vehicles at the entry and exit of the street for the elderly, women, and children.

    RDA official said that digitized advertisement boards would be installed along the street as well.

    Published in The Express Tribune, December 31st, 2020.

    See more here:
    Rawalpindi citys beautification project gets official nod - The Express Tribune

    Combination Starters Market Growth Analysis By Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Application Forecast 2025 – LionLowdown

    - January 5, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Combination Starters Market: Overview

    Combination starters are the most common type of packaged motor controllers forming a critical input unit related to industrial drives and controls. Motor starter which can be 1 or 2 type coordination is made through combining a contactor with motor protective circuit breaker or circuit breaker. Coordination 1 or 2 safely control short-circuit by switching it off, offering a high degree of operational continuity to the system. Functions such as motor control, disconnect, overload protection, and branch circuit protection are majorly performed by combination starters.

    Furthermore, combination starter helps in safeguarding personnel from accidental starting of machinery and contact with live parts by disconnecting motor and starter. Combination starters provide more attractive and compact installation than separate units which can be prewired thereby eliminating the wiring cost between starter and separate disconnect. Combination starters find their application in pumps, conveyors, compressor, and other equipment; pumps are the key application which are attributed towards the growth of global combination starters market over the next decade.

    Combination starters possess features such as lifecycle of more than one million operations with an adjustable overload relay and current-limiting fuses. Moreover, North America is the most dominating region in the global combination starters market due to stringent installation, application, and product standards such as NFPA70, NFPA79, UL508A, UL489, and UL508 for governing electrical installations in the region.

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    Combination Starters Market: Dynamics

    Global combination starters market is expected to grow at a significant rate owing to growing concerns for motor control & protection, increasing demand for industrial pumps operating at varying loads during the forecast period. Furthermore, growing construction, oil & gas, water and wastewater management and chemical industries, being the major end-use industries are expected to fuel the growth of combination starters market during the forecast period. Moreover, features of non-reversing combination starters such as circuit simplicity, single speed & direction, and fast starting of motor are further expected to enhance the growth of combination starters market over the forecast period. Despite of various drivers in combination starters market, some of the restraining factors such as high maintenance cost and power consumption is expected to hamper the growth of global combination starters market during the forecast period.

    Combination Starters Market: Segmentation

    Global combination starters market is segmented on the basis of product type, application, and end-use industries. On the basis of product type, global combination starters market is segmented in to full-voltage non reversing, full-voltage reversing, multi-speed, and reduced voltage type. On the basis of application, global combination starters market is segmented into compressors, conveyors, fans, and pumps. On the basis of end-use industry, global combination starters market is segmented into food & beverage, oil & gas, metal & mining, construction, wastewater, and others (automotive, pulp & paper, chemical)

    Combination Starters Market: Region-wise Outlook

    North America is anticipated to dominate the global combination starters market by 2017 end owing to stringent regulations in the region and is estimated to show its dominance during the forecast period. Furthermore, Western Europe being hub of automotive, food & beverage, construction, and chemical is estimated to drive the growth of Western Europe combination starters market during the forecast period.

    Growing awareness for motor control and automotive & construction industry in Asia Pacific is expected to fuel the demand for combination starters during the forecast period. Moreover, Middle East & Africa is estimated to enhance the growth of global combination starters due to upcoming construction, chemical, oil & gas projects and increasing awareness among end-use industries.

    Latin America and Eastern Europe are expected to show substantial growth during the forecast period owing to oil & gas projects in Russia and Mexico; upcoming food, pharmaceuticals, chemical projects in these regions will further boost the growth of global combination starters market over the forecast period. In terms of competitive landscape, the major OEMS and related manufacturing hubs are concentrated in U.S., Europe and Japan owing to prowess in technical know-how and established business infrastructure since the inception of the product.

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    Combination Starters Market: Key Participants

    Some of the key participants of global combination starters market are:

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    Combination Starters Market Growth Analysis By Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Application Forecast 2025 - LionLowdown

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