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    Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.5 will prep the stage for Endwalker expansion – PC Invasion

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Following the weekend, we now have a better idea of what to expect in the next expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. DubbedFinal Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, it continues the narrative of the MMORPG directly afterShadowbringers. There is certainly a lot of content to look forward to, and you can get the full details with our handy guide. However, before all of that new content arrives, there is still the matter of actually prepping the stage. This will come in the form of patch 5.5, otherwise known as Death Unto Dawn, forFinal Fantasy XIV.

    We already knew that the patch would arrive on April 13, but there were no further details. Now, Square Enix has furnished us with said details. Patch 5.5 for Final Fantasy XIVwill be broken up into two different parts, of which the second half will arrive in May. ThroughoutDeath Unto Dawn, there will be new Main Scenario Quests added. These willpave the way for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.

    The first half of patch 5.5 will also see the arrival of the third chapter ofYorHa: Dark Apocalypse.

    The dungeon Paglthan will be part of the new story quests. You can try to complete this by using the Trust system, or with your own party. Furthermore, all level 70 dungeons will be made available in Explorer Mode. Basically, you can enjoy marveling at locations without enemies.

    As part of the Explorer Mode addition, players can also use any instruments of choice as part of performance actions. Changing instruments during performances will also be possible. Additionally, Square Enix will add a new mystery musical instrument sometime during Patch 5.5 for Final Fantasy XIV.

    The Sorrow of Werlyt and Save the Queen questlines will also get updates. A new zone, Zadnor, will also be added.

    Players can expect new trials as well. The Cloud Deck Trial will introduce the Diamond Weapon, and is available in both normal and extreme difficulties. There is also the new Unreal Trial. The primal that will be featured is still unknown at this time.

    Finally, the relic weapons will receive their final upgrades. We will likely see an increase in item level cap alongside the additions. Death Unto Dawn will also bring with it some general tweaks for jobs, new mounts, and new custom deliveries.

    For just the first half of Patch 5.5 for Final Fantasy XIV, this is already quite substantial. We can expect even more story content when the second part arrives.

    Originally posted here:
    Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.5 will prep the stage for Endwalker expansion - PC Invasion

    Chiefs head into offseason with core intact, plenty of holes – Blue Springs Examiner

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Dave Skretta| Associated Press

    The Kansas City Chiefs were so confident in their Super Bowl-winning roster from the 2019 season that they did everything they could to bring it back intact, signing quarterback Patrick Mahomes and defensive tackle Chris Jones to huge deals and reworking other contracts to make the numbers fit in the salary cap.

    It almost worked, too. The Chiefs made it back to the big game before injuries along the offensive line, mental mistakes and a near-perfect performance by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers ended their season one win short of a repeat.

    Now, the Chiefs will have to take a much different tact if they want to make their third consecutive Super Bowl.

    While their core group is signed for the next several years, the Chiefs have a raft of important contributors that are due to hit free agency. That includes wide receivers Sammy Watkins and Demarcus Robinson and four of the five offensive linemen that started in the Super Bowl. As well as the defense, including eight players that were regulars or starters this past season.

    "Like all teams, we'll get busy here going down the road," Chiefs coach Andy Reid said Monday. "We'll still have a good core of players coming back. We'll have some additions. No team stays in the same in today's NFL."

    It was clear in a 31-9 romp by the Buccaneers that the status quo probably wouldn't work anyway.

    The Chiefs managed to hide their many shortcomings while winning a franchise-record 14 regular-season games and then beating Cleveland and Buffalo in the playoffs. But those issues were on stark display Sunday night: a makeshift offensive line pounded by the Tampa Bay pass rush, their own pass rush never getting pressure on Tom Brady, their secondary struggling against the Bucs wide receivers and their linebackers constantly out of position or slow to make plays.

    "Every year is different because of your cap situation and what you have and what you need," Chiefs general manager Brett Veach said. "We always have a couple different road maps to get where we want to be. We'll have some tough decisions to make trying to keep as many players on this team intact. Every year is different. Every year is unique."


    Mahomes will have wide receiver Tyreek Hill, tight end Travis Kelce and running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire at his disposal next season. But the big names are surrounded by some big holes that Kansas City will have to fill.

    Watkins only had 28 catches for 421 yards and two touchdowns during another injury-filled season, and Robinson slowly lost playing time to Byron Pringle, who is a restricted free agent. That leaves Mecole Hardman, who has plenty of limitations as a wide receiver, as the only viable No. 3 pass-catcher heading into next season.

    Offensive linemen Mike Remmers, Stefan Wisniewski and Andrew Wylie were supposed to be backups, but each played in the Super Bowl because of injuries. Now, all three are free agents along with center Austin Reiter.


    The reason that Brady dominated the Chiefs defense in the Super Bowl was twofold: their inability to generate pass rush he was pressured four times on 30 drops compared to 29 pressures on 56 drops for Mahomes and shortcomings among the cornerbacks when it came to covering deep downfield.

    That leaves the Chiefs searching for upgrades to edge rushers Alex Okafor, Tanoh Kpassagnon and Taco Charlton while also having to replace fellow free-agent defensive backs Bashaud Breeland, Charvarius Ward and Daniel Sorensen.


    The Chiefs are nearly $12 million over the salary cap headed into next season, and nobody knows quite what the 2021 cap will be given the COVID-19 pandemic that affected the league's bottom line. In other words, they will likely need to rework several contracts or cut some big-name players to save some money for next season.

    Left tackle Eric Fisher, who tore his Achilles tendon in the AFC title game and may not even be ready for next season, would be an obvious choice; cutting him ahead of the final year of his contract would save about $12 million in cap space and cost only $3.1 million in dead money.


    The Chiefs should get some help from guys that were injured or opted out of this past season. That includes left guard Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, the trained physician who opted out to help COVID-19 patients in his native Canada, and third-round pick Lucas Niang, who also opted out. Both of their losses were sorely felt in the Super Bowl.

    Right tackle Mitchell Schwartz also should be back from a back injury that ended his season, while running back Damien Williams is expected back after his opt-out though cutting him would save about $2.2 million in cap space.


    The Chiefs will draft late in each round, and they also traded away their sixth-round pick, putting the pressure on Veach and his staff to unearth some overlooked gems that can plug some of their holes at relatively low costs.

    They did a good job last year: Second-round pick Willie Gay Jr. developed into a solid linebacker, fourth-round pick L'Jarius Sneed was easily their best cornerback and fifth-round pick Mike Danna provided some nice depth on the defensive line.

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    Chiefs head into offseason with core intact, plenty of holes - Blue Springs Examiner

    Brendan Picker of Denver Public Art and the Storeroom on Curating in Denver – Westword

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder


    Support the independent voice of Denver and help keep the future of Westword free.

    As a program administrator at Denver Public Art, Brendan Picker juggles funds, fabrication and artists visions to realize major public-art projects, managing all the necessary moves leading to an eventual unveiling. But in his spare time, Picker also curates the Storeroom, a walk-by installation gallery in an East 17th Avenue storefront window, where he gives local artists, perhaps lesser-known than those creating major public art with big-city dollars, free rein to use the space as they please.

    Given some free rein of his own, Picker helped organize the exhibition Queer City of the Plains An Artistic Look at Denvers LGBTQ+ History at the McNichols Building in 2020. Thats evidence of his big heart and inherent love for artists and their missions the unmeasurable qualities that make Picker a good public servant.

    Beyond his educational background in fine arts and community planning, what makes Pickers world spin? He has plenty to say about that as he answers the Colorado Creatives questionnaire as part of our regular series highlighting luminaries in Denver arts and culture.

    Brendan Picker (right) and Kevin Daly on a hike near Aspen.

    Courtesy of Brendan Picker

    Westword:What (or who) is your creative muse?

    Brendan Picker:My father, Sebastian Picker, is an artist, and I guess you could say his work is a muse for me. Theres art that is beautiful and masterfully done, and then there is art that is also a commentary on our place on this earth, whether its social or political or simply trying to open our eyes to something hidden yet profound. You could say my fathers work falls into the second category, and thats the kind of work that really inspires me.

    What makes public art good art?

    Good public art creates moments to stop, think and feel something unexpected. If people notice the work and feel something, good or bad, and proceed to think and talk about it, thats when you know a public artwork is successful (i.e., not only if people like it).

    Picker visiting Mesteo/Mustang", by Luis Jimnez, at Denver International Airport.

    Courtesy of Brendan Picker

    What are some of your favorite and least favorite examples of public art?

    I love Nicholas GalaninsShadow on the Land in Sydney. And Truth Be Told, by Nick Cave, at the Brooklyn Museum. Both pieces use art as a vehicle for commentary on and critique of current socio-political events and issues. And locally, Ive always loved "Mesteo/Mustang," by Luis Jimnez, at Denver International Airport. Its so full of energy, and really embodies the West for me. Plus, according to my own criteria, its probably one of our most successful artworks in the public-art collection. Its certainly either loved or hated, which is not a bad thing.

    Denver (or Colorado), love it or leave it? What keeps you here or makes you want to leave?

    Love it. I know its clich, but I love being close to the mountains and the sky. After growing up in New Mexico, those things are important to me. I love the citys (and states) vibrant and diverse art and music scenes. And generally, the folks Ive had the honor of working with have been smart and passionate about what they do, but also laid-back and not pretentious about it. Lastly, I met the love of my life, Kevin Daly, here. How could I leave?

    Courtesy of Brendan Picker

    What's the one thing Denver (or Colorado) could do to help the arts?

    Im actually really proud of all the support Denver and Colorado were able to offer artists during this pandemic in the short term with artist relief grants. In the long term, however, we need to provide more affordable artist housing and studio space. I think offering subsidized housing options to artists could go a long way in furthering arts and culture in the city and beyond. This is crucial. Im also interested in how a 1 percent for art ordinance for private development (i.e., not just city construction projects) might increase opportunities for artists. Several other cities in the country have such an ordinance; maybe its time Denver pursues one?

    Who is your favorite Colorado Creative?

    Leah Brenner Clack is a powerhouse and has worked tirelessly to push for more grassroots arts programs and opportunities in Boulder. My colleague at Denver Arts & Venues, Lisa Gedgaudas, is another powerhouse. The work she has done for the Create Denver program and especially music advancement in the city and beyond is so inspiring. Also, David Moke is always a true collaborator and innovator. Lastly, a big shoutout to all the public art and museum volunteers and docents across the state. These folks share their time and knowledge to make art more accessible for all.

    Portal Brujeria, by Jasmine Dillavou, at the Storeroom until March 30. Up in April: Moe Gram and her Every Human!" display.

    Courtesy of Brendan Picker

    What's on your agenda now and in the coming year?

    Managing about fifteen different public-art projects, in all different phases of the process, from writing RFQs(requests for qualifications) to guiding the selection and approval process and helping the artist realize the project on the ground. I also plan on continuing to curate about four exhibits a year at the Storeroom, a storefront window for art installations next to the Vine Street Pub. I am also on the board of the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art and am serving on the Diversity, Equity, Access and Inclusion Task Force. Finally, my agenda includes camping trips, travel, attending art exhibits and live music shows. Well see what the future holds (fingers crossed!).

    Courtesy of Brendan Picker

    Who do you think will (or should) get noticed in the local arts community in the coming year?

    There are so many amazing artists (its impossible to list them all!) in and around Denver right now, and thankfully, a lot of them are getting noticed, including Adri Norris, the Museum for Black Girls, Frankie Toan, Moe Gram, Kalindi DeFrancis, Steven Frost, Raafi Rivero, Tya Alisa Anthony, Esther Hernandez, Brian Corrigan and I really want to see PlatteForum get some recognition for the incredible work that comes out of their youth and artist-in-residency programs. Getting our young people involved in art and social activism is always a worthy endeavor!

    Follow Denver Public Art on its website, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

    Keep Westword Free... Since we started Westword, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who've won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalism's existence under siege and advertising revenue setbacks having a larger impact, it is important now more than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" membership program, allowing us to keep covering Denver with no paywalls.

    Susan Froyd started writing for Westword as the "Thrills" editor in 1992 and never quite left the fold. These days she still freelances for the paper in addition to walking her dogs, enjoying cheap ethnic food and reading voraciously. Sometimes she writes poetry.

    Read the rest here:
    Brendan Picker of Denver Public Art and the Storeroom on Curating in Denver - Westword

    San Manuel, Morongo casinos to fill hundreds of positions at upcoming hiring fairs – The Whittier Daily News

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Two casinos in the Inland Empire are hiring for hundreds of positions in the months ahead.

    In Highland, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians is looking to fill 500 jobs at San Manuel Casino as part of a $550 million expansion that will add more than 2,000 full-time employees this year.

    Some 35 miles away in Cabazon, the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa is hiring dozens of workers to man food and beverage operations.

    Casinos, many of which are open, have adopted new technology in the COVID-19 pandemic with additions made to protect employees and clientele. Thermal cameras can scan patrons temperatures or run facial recognition to identify customers or employees. Antiviral coatings can be applied to touchscreens to minimize contact with biohazards.

    The San Manuel Casino will hold a virtual hiring fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb 18 where job seekers can visit with hiring managers, book on-the-spot interviews and browse a collection of videos to learn more about the casino.

    Those interested in attending the online job fair should go to to be assigned an interview time based on availability.

    Phase one of the resorts upgrades will feature an expanded gaming space, a 24-hour restaurant and a high-end dining venue, as well as new retail shops. The second phase will include 429 luxury rooms and suites, premium dining venues, an elevated pool and spa, new retail spaces and an event venue.

    San Manuel broke ground on its expansion more than two years ago and has already completed some elements of the project, including multiple new high-limit rooms, an expanded gift shop and a six-story parking structure.

    A variety of openings are available in cage operations, human resources, information technology, slots, security and table games, among other areas.

    Unlike many other casinos, San Manuel offers dealers a table-for-table tip structure that allows them to keep the tips they earn on that table.

    The casino reopened in June after being closed for months during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.

    The venue has implemented a number of safeguards aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. Masks must be worn by all workers and guests. Other measures include social distancing, frequent hand washing, proper ventilation, routine sanitizing of hard surfaces and health and safety communication with guests and employees.

    The casino generates more than $1 billion in annual revenue for California.

    The Morongo Casino Resort & Spa will hold a job fair from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11 in the Morongo Grand Ballroom at 49020 Seminole Drive in Cabazon.

    Available positions include assistant servers, bakers, beverage porters, cashiers, cooks, dishwashers, food runners, hosts, liquor control clerks, pastry cooks and food and beverage supervisors.

    Job applicants are asked to complete an online application at attending the event.

    Benefits include medical, dental and vision insurance for full-time employees and dependents, and life insurance options for full and part-time team workers. Additional benefits include a 401(k) plan, vacation tie, jury duty pay, paid meal breaks and free meals.

    Employees are also entitled to discounts at Morongo restaurants and various enterprises, including Sage Spa, Canyon Lanes Bowling and the Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon.

    The casino, owned by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, reopened in May after being closed because of COVID-19 mandates. Guests must wear a face covering to enter and keep it on while in the casino.

    Health screenings will be conducted upon entry and those with a temperature of 100.4F or above will not be allowed to enter.

    As one of the largest employers in Riverside County, Morongo provides thousands of local jobs and generates nearly $3 billion in annual economic activity.

    Read more:
    San Manuel, Morongo casinos to fill hundreds of positions at upcoming hiring fairs - The Whittier Daily News

    Black History Month Programming Available on TV and Streaming – Hollywood Reporter

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    With three weeks left in Black History Month, there is still plenty of dedicated programming to be found on television and the streaming services that spotlight Black stories and highlight issues of particular relevance to the community.

    ABC Owned Television Stations

    The eight stations (in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, Raleigh-Durham and Fresno) will each air local premium content for Black History Month.

    ABC7/WABC-NY New York, No. 1 in the nation for 17 straight years, has a near-daily slate of programming on such subjects including medical mistrust (Feb. 9), Black pandemic frontline workers (Feb. 11), a gospel salute (Feb. 14), next-gen activists (Feb. 18) and women (Feb. 28). The channels Here and Now, the longest-running African American public affairs show, is also featuring virtual Black History Month events from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

    Meanwhile, ABC7/KABC-TV Los Angeles is doing profiles on the African American Board Leadership Institute, the L.A. chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, the California African American Museum and Paul Revere Williams, the first licensed Black architect in California.

    And the television groups lifestyle network Localish will premiere hyperlocal stories touting Black culture, such as a spotlight on L.A.s oldest Black-owned businesses, in addition to reposting and promoting long-form and short-form content across its platforms.


    Regina Kings One Night in Miami, Steve McQueens film anthology series Small Axe, Stacey Abrams documentary All In: The Fight for Democracy and period romance Sylvies Love are all streaming now alongside Amazon originals from previous years including the second season of Homecoming (starring Janelle Monae) and the Donald Glover/Rihanna trip Guava Island.

    Amazons free streaming service, IMDb TV, is also making available originals such as Top Class: The Life and Times of the Sierra Canyon Trailblazers, which follows the team stocked with some of the nations most elite high school basketball players (among them Bronny James, Shy Odom and Zaire Wade).


    Back in January on MLK Day, the Worldwide Leader in Sports launched the Black History Always initiative to declare its commitment to Black stories beyond one month a year. Powered by the companys The Undefeated, which explores the intersections of sports, race and culture, highlights of the initiative across ABC and ESPNs platforms include:

    The Undefeated Presents: A Room of our Own: ESPN will air the hourlong special, about the relationship Black athletes have to music, on Feb. 28, followed by a repeat airing on ABC on March 7. An EP featuring some of the sounds from the special, Music For the Movement/Black History Always, will be released Feb. 26 on Hollywood Records.

    First Take: Every Wednesday in February, the morning debate show will showcase a different HBCU each week, with students lobbing hot take subjects at panelists Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman. Smiths own alma mater, Winston-State, was first on the hot seat Feb. 3, and it will be followed by Howard (Feb. 10), Morehouse (Feb. 17) and Jackson State (Feb. 24).

    SC Featured: On Feb. 28, SportsCenters longform storytelling brand will air Black Diamond, a segment about the 1973 formation of the National Brotherhood of Skiers, whose goal is to place a member on the U.S. Olympic team. Michigan teenager Flyin Brian Rice is their most promising prospect yet.


    Fox has curated a week-by-week playlist of content to binge on its free streaming service, Tubi. Highlights include documentaries such as I Am Not Your Negro and Believe: The Barack Obama Story and movies from Spike Lees Get On the Bus to Tyler Perrys Daddys Little Girls.

    HBO Max

    The streaming service has launched a Black History is Our History spotlight page showcasing a range of content across genres and for all ages from HBOs library. Highlights (as categorized by HBO Max) include:

    Our Past (docs, biopics and original films): 4 Little Girls, Amistad, Being Serena, Bessie, Between the World and Me, Black Art: The Absence of Light, Harriet, Just Mercy, Ray, Red Tails, Roots, Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, True Justice: Bryan Stevensons Fight for Equality

    Our Joy (classic comedy series, films and stand-up specials): A Black Lady Sketch Show, Chris Rock: Bigger and Blacker, Dave Chappelle: Killing Them Softly, Insecure, Key & Peele, Lil Rel Howery: Live in Crenshaw, Love and Basketball, Love Jones, Purple Rain, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (and its reunion), The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, The Photograph, Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made It!

    Our Future (groundbreaking series and films): 2 Dope Queens, Above the Rim, Beasts of the Southern Wild, David Makes Man, Euphoria, Flight, He Got Game, Industry, I May Destroy You, Lovecraft Country, Native Son, New Jack City, Queen and Slim, Random Acts of Flyness, The Color Purple, The Last King of Scotland, The Little Things, True Detective, Watchmen

    Our Imagination (animation): Black Dynamite, gen:LOCK, Laser Wolf, Static Shock, Steven Universe, Teen Titans, The Boondocks, Todd McFarlanes Spawn, Vixen, Young Justice


    The entertainment networks have selected History Made. History in the Making. as its theme for this years Black History Month, creating a collection of original content, on-air spots, vignettes, interstitials and bumpers. Highlights include:

    NBC: Each week, the network will air a new installment from its Candid Conversations about Representation series featuring interviews with its stable of talent, including Sterling K. Brown and Susan Kelechi Watson (This is Us), Dwayne Johnson (Young Rock), Chris Redd (Saturday Night Live), Akbar Gbajabiamila (American Ninja Warrior), Miranda Rae Mayo (Chicago Fire) and Jocko Sims (New Amsterdam).

    Syfy: In partnership with content creation platform Tongal, the cable network has tapped six Black animators and filmmakersBrannick Green, Jeremy Protails Kowsloleea, Sky Shields, Eric Stine, Leonardo Viotti/2P and Adante Wattsto create video shorts that will air on Syfy and be promoted on its website and social media accounts throughout the month.

    In addition, the news groups plans include the Changemakers series, which includes town halls, feature stories, digital profiles and interviews across multiple programs all month:

    Today: Led by Craig Melvin, Al Roker and Sheinelle Jones, the morning show will take deep dives on such topics as 2020 (Feb. 11), faith (Feb. 15) and the Detroit Underground Railroad (Feb. 22)

    Nightly News: The Lester Holt-anchored program will interview such icons as athlete-activists John Carlos and Nneka Ogwumike, ballerinas Misty Copeland and Erica Lall and astronaut Dr. Mae Jemison (and aspiring scientist Taylor Denise Richardson).

    CNBC: The financial news network is borrowing its entertainment sisters theme to air reports on the racial wealth gap, with anchor Shepard Smith exploring Black-owned businesses, race and policing and diversity in healthcare. In addition, popular reality franchises The Profit, Shark Tank and Undercover Boss will air marathons featuring Black business owners and entrepreneurs all month.

    Peacock: The streamer is also getting into the action with segments about people and issues relevant to the Black community on its news programs such as The Choice, Zerlina. and The Mehdi Hasan Show, along with Black Changemakers docs and highlights in the daily Trending section.

    Samsung TV Plus

    The ad-supported Smart TV video service offers more than 160 free channels, many of which are celebrating Black History Month:

    Maverick Black Cinema has more than 900 features from Black filmmakers across a variety of genres, including action, thriller, comedy, inspiration, romance and horror.

    Vevo will air 72-hour music video marathons spotlighting iconic artists.

    Whistle TV is offering two documentaries about two iconic athletes: Muhammad Ali: Fighting Spirit and Tiger Woods: Back.

    Revry will air the documentary short I Cant Breathe, about the Los Angeles protests following George Floyds murder.

    PlayersTV will air the documentary feature Olympic Pride, American Prejudice, about the 17 forgotten Black U.S. Olympians who competed alongside Jesse Owens in the 1936 Berlin Games.

    Cheddar will produce a special edition of All Hands called Race Toward Inclusion, spotlighting the highs and lows of race and business.

    IGN will host a charity livestream on Feb. 19 featuring gaming and conversation on the history and progress in the video game industry.

    MovieSphere is a classic movie channel that this month will feature Madeas Tough Love.


    Throughout the month, the cable provider is rolling out special On Demand categories, including Black Musicians (Dreamgirls, Hustle & Flow, Mo Better Blues), Black Heroes (MLK/FBI, Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am, 12 Years a Slave), Social Cinema (Fruitvale Station, A Raisin in the Sun, Lee Daniels The Butler) and Black Comedians (specials and movies from Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish).


    Byron Allens digital news communitys Black History Amplified content includes the relaunch of podcasts Dear Culture and Whats In It For Us? with Black History Month-themed episodes, as well as video series Heres the Deal with April Ryan (featuring the political analyst and White House correspondent) and How Hollywood Highlights Our History, which reports on Black creators and the impact of media narratives on the Black community.


    The Comcast-owned channel has launched Black Experience on Xfinity, a content destination curated by the African American Film Critics Association available to all Xfinity customers at no additional cost. In addition to films and TV series that have been recognized by the AAFCA, Black Experience will also combine programming from across Xfinitys roster of networks, streaming video and music providers including TVOne, Cleo, AspireTV, REVOLT, Afro, KweliTV, The Africa Channel, BET, Bet Her, Impact, Up Faith & Family and OWN. Classic movies that are part of the collection include Pursuit of Happyness, Jumping the Broom, Poetic Justice, Two Can Play That Game, Death at a Funeral and Guess Who. Whats more, the Black Experience will continue to receive additions from new Black content creators even after Black History Month draws to a close.


    On Feb. 26, YouTube Originals will premiere the special Black Renaissance, a showcase of Black artists, creators and storytellers across dance, music, fashion, photography, literature and more, featuring Barack and Michelle Obama, Jason Reynolds, Killer Mike, Desus and Mero, Jemele Hill, Shantell Martin and Tobe Nwigwe. Created in partnership with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, the Howard University Graduate Film Program and NAL Media, the special will feature vignettes by young Howard film grads Raafi Rivero and Naomi Merlan. Black Renaissance is the latest special from the #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund, which also presented last falls HBCU Homecoming 2020: Meet Me on the Yard.

    See the original post:
    Black History Month Programming Available on TV and Streaming - Hollywood Reporter

    Here we go: the impeachment trial of Donald Trump – Poynter

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ready for the sequel? Call it Impeachment, Part II.

    Today, the Senate will begin the impeachment trial of a U.S. president. Or, in this case, a former president.

    Most Americans know the gist of what is happening today. The Senate will hold a trial to determine whether Donald Trump should be convicted of stirring up the mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.

    But what about the details?

    If youre looking for exactly all that happened and what will happen next, heres a must-see read: its The New York Times Weiyi Cai with A Step-by-Step Guide to the Second Impeachment of Donald J. Trump. This is the kind of explanatory journalism that serves its readers by making them smarter and more informed. And isnt that a big part of what journalism is supposed to do?

    Here are some other pieces to get you ready for today:

    Washington Post opinion columnist Colbert I. King with The Only Question Facing Senators in Trumps Impeachment Trial.

    New York Times opinion columnists Gail Collins and Bret Stephens with What if They Held an Impeachment Trial and Nobody Came?

    The Atlantics David Frum with Impeachment Is WorkingJust Not as the Framers Expected.

    In a video, Bloomberg talks with pollster Frank Luntz, who says, Trump Impeachment Trial Will Further Divide the Country.

    The Washington Posts Karen Heller with Bruce Castor is a Magnet for Controversy. Naturally, Hes Trumps Impeachment Attorney.

    And, if youre interested in getting into the details from the Trump side, you can read, from NPR, Trumps impeachment brief.

    Oh, one last one. This trial likely wont last very long. We probably know how this is all going to turn out thanks to The Washington Posts Ashlyn Still and JM Rieger with Senate Impeachment Whip Count: Where Democrats and Republicans Stand.

    All the major networks and, of course, the cable news networks, are scheduled to carry at least portions of the trial.

    Mediaites Colby Hall reports Fox News will have a quarterly address to employees on Wednesday. This often is the time of year when such meetings are often held among news organizations. The New York Times, for example, recently had a quarterly financial update.

    Hall reports that Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott told staff in a memo, We will be updating everyone on various initiatives and sharing the good news taking place across our platforms.

    There also is plenty of other news to discuss and not all of it is good. Fox News Media was just hit with a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit by Smartmatic, the election technology company. One of the names included in the suit was Lou Dobbs, whose show on Fox Business was abruptly canceled last week. (Fox released a statement Monday evening saying it has filed a motion to have the lawsuit dismissed. In the statement, Fox said, If the First Amendment means anything, it means that Fox cannot be held liable for fairly reporting and commenting on competing allegations in a hotly contested and actively litigated election. We are proud of our election coverage which stands in the highest tradition of American journalism.)

    The meeting also comes at a time when Fox News is moving forward in a post-Trump world. In January, Fox News ratings slipped behind CNN and MSNBC, while two right-wing, very pro-Trump networks Newsmax and One America News are starting to gain a bit of traction.

    Larry Kudlow (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

    With Lou Dobbs out, Fox Business has an opening. That opening just got filled. Fox Business announced Monday that former National Economic Council director and Fox News contributor Larry Kudlow is getting a show. It will start a week from today and will air weekdays at 4 p.m. Eastern with an encore at 7 p.m. Eastern. Thats when the Dobbs show used to rerun. Fox Business says Kudlows show will feature closing market analysis as well as interviews with major industry leaders influencing Wall Street, Washington and business in America.

    Now, technically, the show that Dobbs used to host Fox Business Tonight is staying on the air. It will continue in the 5 p.m. Eastern hour and, Fox says, will have rotating co-hosts for the foreseeable future.

    Tampa Bay Bucs quarterback Tom Brady after winning the Super Bowl on Sunday. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

    Tom Brady is still a very big deal in New England even though he is no longer with the Patriots. And heres more proof.

    According to Sports Business Journals John Ourand, ratings for Sundays Super Bowl show the Boston area drew higher ratings than Tampa Bay. Thats saying something considering Bradys new team, the Tampa Bay Bucs, beat the Kansas City Chiefs for Bradys seventh Super Bowl title. His six previous championships were won with the Patriots.

    Kansas City led all markets with a 59.9 rating. That means 59.9% of TVs in that market were tuned into the game. Boston was actually second in the nation with a 57.6 rating, followed by Tampa Bay with a 52.3 rating.

    Brady has been good for the media business. Last week, Poynters Amaris Castillo did a terrific story about how the Tampa Bay Times website has benefited from Bradys move to the Bucs. According to numbers shared with Castillo, the Times website had 910,248 Massachusetts visitors from March 1, 2019, to March 1, 2020. Thats the year before Brady arrived in Tampa Bay.

    In the year since Bradys arrival, there have been 2,502,087 visitors from Massachusetts, making it the fifth-highest state with visitors to the website, after Florida, California, New York and Texas. The Times reports a lot of that traffic comes from two cities in Massachusetts: Boston and Lowell.

    As the sporting world was watching Brady put the finishing touches on another Super Bowl masterpiece, horrific news rocked the sports media world. ESPN announced Sunday night that baseball reporter Pedro Gomez had died suddenly at home. No cause of death has been made public. He was 58.

    In a statement, ESPN and Sports Content Chairman Jimmy Pitaro said, We are shocked and saddened to learn that our friend and colleague Pedro Gomez has passed away. Pedro was an elite journalist at the highest level and his professional accomplishments are universally recognized. More importantly, Pedro was a kind, dear friend to us all. Our hearts are with Pedros family and all who love him at this extraordinarily difficult time.

    Tributes immediately poured in from the sports media world. While many spoke of Gomezs excellent reporting skills, many more talked about what a wonderful person Gomez was.

    Former ESPN journalist Jemele Hill tweeted, Pedro Gomez was one of the nicest and warmest people I ever encountered during my time at ESPN. This is just brutal. My heart goes out to his friends, family and loved ones.

    ESPNs Jeremy Schaap tweeted, Devastating news about Pedro Gomez. Such a lovely, kindhearted, talented human being. So proud of his family.

    Former ESPN anchor Bob Ley tweeted, More than an elite journalist, Pedro Gomez was a good and decent man, so proud of his family, and his heritage. His loss is a hammer blow to all who knew this life force. Send one up tonight for his family and friends.

    Before joining ESPN in 2003, Gomez was a sports columnist and national baseball writer at The Arizona Republic. He also covered baseball at The Sacramento Bee, The (San Jose) Mercury News and Miami Herald. He covered 25 World Series and 22 Major League Baseball All-Star Games.

    A son of Cuban immigrants, Gomez grew up in South Florida and studied journalism at the University of Miami.

    Gomez is survived by his wife, Sandra; sons, Rio and Dante; and daughter, Sierra. In a statement, Gomezs family said, Pedro was far more than a media personality. He was a dad, loving husband, loyal friend, coach and mentor. He was our everything and his kids biggest believer.

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki during Mondays White House press briefing. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

    New White House press secretary Jen Psaki had her first viral dustup with a reporter on Monday. It wasnt that big of a deal and it didnt get nasty, but she certainly showed she comes prepared. The exchange was with Fox News Peter Doocy, who tried to make a point that President Joe Biden was not keeping his promise on creating green energy jobs.

    Doocy asked Psaki, When is it that the Biden administration is going to let the thousands of fossil fuel industry workers whether its pipeline workers or construction workers who are either out of work or will soon be out of work because of a Biden (executive order) when it is and where it is that they can go for their green job?

    Psaki shot back, I would certainly welcome you to present your data of all the thousands and thousands of people who wont be getting a green job. Maybe next time youre here, you can present that.

    Doocy tried to follow up by quoting AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, but Psaki quickly called out Doocy for not including the entirety of Trumkas interview. Psaki said, Would you like to include the rest?

    Psaki then went on to point out the rest of Trumkas quote, as well as Bidens plans.

    By the way, that Psaki-Doocy exchange? I found this amusing and a prime example of how some people watch the exact same clip and view it entirely differently based on their politics.

    Sawyer Hackett, senior adviser to former Obama cabinet member Julian Castro, tweeted out the exchange and said, Man, @PressSec came with the damn receipts for Doocys bad faith question.

    Meanwhile, Curtis Houck is from NewsBusters, whose mission is exposing and combating liberal media bias. His tweet said, Fox Newss Peter Doocy is back and hes brought the receipts on energy to Jen Psaki.

    Sounds like a lot of receipts.

    Talk about journalism making a difference. Check out this wild story. A woman in Columbus, Wisconsin, has been charged in federal court for trying to hire someone on the dark web to kill a man. Turns out, authorities were tipped off by the intended victim and journalists.

    Chris Rickert from Wisconsin State Journal has the story and wrote, Police were called to a home in Sun Prairie on Jan. 12 and spoke with the intended victim and a local journalist who were meeting by video-conference with two other journalists. One of the latter journalists told police that while investigating a murder-for-hire site on the dark web, they uncovered information showing someone wanted to kill the man.

    According to Rickert, the intended victim turned over to authorities what journalists had told him. The journalists also met with the FBI to show what they had found.

    The Atlantic announced a couple of big hires on Monday. Tim Alberta, who was the chief political correspondent at Politico, and Jennifer Senior, who was a columnist at The New York Times, will soon join The Atlantic.

    Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, said in a statement, We are trying and succeeding, I think to make The Atlantic the premier home in America for brilliant magazine writing, and Tim and Jen represent crucial additions to our roster of outstanding talent.

    Alberta tweeted, Exciting news: Im joining @TheAtlantic. Ive been eager for the opportunity to look beyond politics and tell stories about culture, religion, crimeeven sports!and this is the perfect fit.

    He added, Its been a wonderful ride @politico with so many great friends and talented colleagues. (More on them later.) For now, Ive got one final POLITICO story coming this Friday and can promise you wont want to miss it.

    Here are more media moves from the past few days:

    Have feedback or a tip? Email Poynter senior media writer Tom Jones at

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    Here we go: the impeachment trial of Donald Trump - Poynter

    Whats Coming to Netflix in February 2021 – What’s on Netflix

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The shortest month of the year will once again be packing a punch when it comes to new releases as well take you through below. Heres an updating preview of everything coming to Netflix in the United States throughout February 2021.

    If youre in the UK, youll want to refer to the UK specific monthly preview for February 2021 and if youre just looking for the Netflix Originals, you can check those out here.

    As per our big previews, we typically learn of the Netflix Originals coming in the next month throughout the previous month as and when theyre announced. We also learn of more titles via various locations which well be updating as and when we learn of them. Netflix themselves then put out a bigger list which is expected between January 18th and the 22nd.

    Note: this was first published on January 10th, 2021 and is updated every other day (assuming new releases are announced).

    What are you looking forward to watching on Netflix in February? Let us know in the comments down below.

    Read the rest here:
    Whats Coming to Netflix in February 2021 - What's on Netflix

    Hindsight Is 2021 – Athletics Nation

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The year is now 2021, in hindsight is so 20/20, but today we take a look at the potentially championship-caliber team the As could have put together still on a relatively modest payroll.

    I dont think As fans are frustrated because Oakland didnt land Trevor Bauer. We know that the team operates on a modest payroll, that revenues are way down, and that the beauty of this organization is its ability to seek out and identify value without paying top dollar.

    But this off-season, where are the deals for a hidden star like Ramon Laureano, the moderate commitments to sneaky good relievers like Yusmeiro Petit (which my speech-to-text program mistakes for use metal petite), and so on? So much absolutely nothing this off-season so far, with a middle infield and bullpen that needs some serious additions.

    And then perhaps most aggravating is to see some players signing deals the As absolutely could have matched, if only they were willing to have a modest payroll, instead of the shoestring remnant of one, despite coming three straight 97 win seasons (prorating may apply) and being in the middle of a strong contention window.

    As an example, the As could have bolstered their current $72M payroll with a handful of key affordable free agent additions whose price tags are now known, and called it a successful off-season.

    Imagine that Oakland had committed $10.5M to Andrelton Simmons for one year, and $9M to Kolten Wong for 2-3 years, after adding non-tendered relievers Keynan Middleton, Matt Wisler, and AJ Cole, for a total of $3M.

    Granted, Wong and Simmons are not heavy hitters but their presence in between the two Matts would have given the As one of the best defensive infields in, quite literally, history, while adding a couple strong contact hitters to a lineup with plenty of power, and too much swing-and-miss, in it.

    Middleton, Wisler, and Cole represented opportunities to add appreciable bullpen talent at barely league minimum prices. These are the kinds of deals Oakland is supposed jump at. And while nothing is certain in the world of relievers, that trio, joining Jake Diekman, J.B. Wendelken, Lou Trivino, Nik Turley, plus depth of Jordon Weems, Burch Smith, Daulton Jefferies, and James Kaprelian, suddenly offers the strong chance to find a core of 8 solid relievers with enough depth to navigate a full season.

    Just those moves would have greatly solidified the team for 2021, and solved second base for at least 2022, without hamstringing the organization on any long or unduly expensive contracts. And it would have brought payroll to all of about $93M, still comfortably under $100M but with many strengths, no holes, and a realistic path deep into the postseason.

    Now the quickest rebuttal to this kind of analysis is that Oakland simply does not have $93M to work with for 2021, period, end of story. And that becomes less of a financial question than a philosophical one around how much of a 1-year loss is a strong long term investment.

    And its not as if Simmons, Wong, Middleton, Wisler, or Cole represent star power. But they have ample talent, at positions of need for the As, and their asking prices were utterly reasonable both for AAV and length. There were also other cheaper options, including the trade market, thus far still unexplored by the usually creative Oakland front office.

    Kozma to Kemp for one, relay to 1B on a couple of hops... Sigh.

    Continue reading here:
    Hindsight Is 2021 - Athletics Nation

    APAC Doors and Windows Market Size to Reach Revenues of around USD 196 Billion by 2026 – Arizton – PRNewswire

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    CHICAGO, Feb. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --

    The APAC doors and windows market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 5% during the period 20202026.

    Key Highlights Offered in the Report:

    Key Offerings:

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    APAC Doors and Windows Market Segmentation

    APAC Doors and Windows Market by Product

    APAC Doors and Windows Market by Type

    APAC Doors and Windows Market by Material

    APAC Doors and Windows Market by End-User

    APAC Doors and Windows Market by Installation

    APAC Doors and Windows Market by Operation

    APAC Doors and Windows Market Dynamics

    The market for uPVC doors and windows is expanding at a rapid pace in APAC countries especially in India, Indonesia, and Thailand, providing lucrative opportunities for growth during the forecast period. With the extensive usage of vinyl and its composite resins in Western countries, the nascent stage of usage of such materials in countries like India for its application in the doors & windows industry is expected to accelerate momentum over the next 5 years. The Southeast Asian countries, which are currently dominated by metal and wood, can face a competitive threat from the growing vinyl segment. Further, investments in PVC profiles in the region seems to offer valuable addition and returns for manufacturers. Access to other benefits such as low maintenance, durability, and noise insulation at low costs act as leverages as well. Going forward, plastic is expected to be the primary material of choice for renovation and remodeling activities in the developing nations of the APAC region.

    Key Drivers and Trends fueling Market Growth:

    APAC Doors and Windows Market Geography

    China was by far the largest market for doors and windows in the APAC region and one of the largest manufacturers of steel and aluminum doors and windows in the world. Customization alongside craftsmanship is the factors promoting the export of these products. Further, Chinese manufacturers are increasingly dealing with global customers and clients to stay competitive in the market. Design aesthetics, budget, and purpose of installation play a key role in the installation of doors and windows in the country. The revival of the construction industry, shopping mall boom, and a significant number of hotel projects in the pipeline during the forecast period is expected to boost the momentum for new installations in the country.

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    APAC Doors and Windows Market by Geography

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    APAC Doors and Windows Market Size to Reach Revenues of around USD 196 Billion by 2026 - Arizton - PRNewswire

    How to install and set up a VPN on iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android – ZDNet

    - February 9, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Although fewer of us are working out of airports, hotels, and coffee shops in these pandemic days, many of us are working outside of our employer's facilities. This, along with the ever-increasing levels of cybercrime and hacking, is inspiring many people to install VPNs.

    In a home environment, VPNs not only secure your connection from home to whatever online service you're connecting to, but they also secure your connection from others on your Wi-Fi network. If you have confidential information you don't want to share with roommates, or you'd prefer your teenager doesn't have access to corporate, health, lifestyle, or financial information, a VPN will keep the connection from your computer, phone, or tablet secure from the prying eyes of the young digital natives in your midst.

    In this article, we'll present a few general installation and configuration guidelines. Then we'll walk you, step-by-step, through the installation of four popular VPNs, one for each platform. We'll be demonstrating how to install and setup NordVPN on iOS, IPVanish on MacOS, ExpressVPN on Windows 10, and Surfshark on Android.

    First and foremost, you must understand that your experience with a VPN will differ from others, especially those of us doing reviews. Every Internet connection performs differently, so even though we explored what VPNs are fastest, keep in mind that where you're connecting from and what you're connecting to will differ from the experience of other users. When choosing a VPN, make sure to take advantage of the trial time or the money-back guarantee. Definitely test before committing.

    Second, you'll need to decide if you want your VPN to always be on or only turn on when you tell it. If you want your VPN to be active from the moment the device boots up, make that selection in the preferences for your VPN application. If you want your VPN to be active only on occasion, turn off the enable-on-startup option for the VPN you've chosen.

    Most modern VPN services have what's called a Kill Switch. Some apps turn this on by default. Others have an option buried in preferences to enable it. What a kill switch does is disable your network connection if the VPN software fails. I generally recommend turning this on, because if you're using a VPN, you want it to prevent others from seeing your data. You don't want to take the chance that if it fails, your data will suddenly be unprotected.

    As with all iOS apps, when it's time to install a VPN on your iPhone or iPad, you'll need to go to the App Store and find the application. For our iOS install example, we've chosen NordVPN. NordVPN scored our top slot in average aggregate scores amonga field of nearly a dozen VPNs. It was one of the fastest VPNs, and its score was consistent across most testers on the Internet.


    Now let's look at the steps you'll take installing a VPN on iOS:

    If you want to see this process with NordVPN, take a look at the gallery below. We show you screenshot-by-screenshot steps for setting up an iOS VPN.

    Unlike iOS, few popular VPNs are available in the MacOS app store. Instead, you'll need to go to the VPN's website and download the app, open the archive, and install it manually. For our Mac install example, we've chosen IPVanish. While IPVanish didn't score near the top in terms ofoverall aggregate performance, we liked its relatively low ping time and quick time to make a connection. We also like the depth of control and options IPVanish offers, along with a very slick performance chart that constantly updates.

    Also: IPVanish review: VPN delivers a wealth of options and browsing controls

    Now let's look at the steps you'll take installing a VPN on a Mac:

    If you want to see this process with IPVanish, take a look at the gallery below. We show you screenshot-by-screenshot steps for setting up a Mac VPN.

    As with Mac, few popular VPNs are available in the Microsoft Store. Once again, you'll need to go to the VPN's website and download the app, open the archive, and install it manually. For our Windows install example, we've chosen ExpressVPN. ExpressVPN was near the top in terms ofoverall aggregate performance, we liked its wide selection of device support.

    CNET:ExpressVPN review: This speedy VPN is worth the price

    Now let's look at the steps you'll take installing a VPN on Windows:

    If you want to see this process with ExpressVPN, take a look at the gallery below. We show you screenshot-by-screenshot steps for setting up a Windows VPN.

    Although you can certainly sideload some Android apps, you're definitely safest (especially with VPNs) when you install a VPN from the Google Play store. For our Android install example, we've chosen Surfshark. Surfshark was a middle-of-the-road performer in our average aggregate scores amonga field of nearly a dozen VPNs, but was rated as blazing fast byCNET's review. This is why we always recommend you test to see how a VPN performs for you.

    CNET:Surfshark VPN review: Competitive pricing and blazing speeds from this upstart service

    Now let's look at the steps you'll take installing a VPN on Android:

    If you want to see this process with Surfshark, take a look at the gallery below. We show you screenshot-by-screenshot steps for setting up an Android VPN.

    And there you go. You've seen it's pretty easy to set up a VPN for all four of the major platforms. Yes, I know I didn't include Linux, but let's face it: If you're already running Linux, you don't need me to tell you how to install a VPN (or anything else for that matter).

    Are you running a VPN? What service are you using, on what platforms? Let us know in the comments below.

    You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz, on Facebook at, on Instagram at, and on YouTube at

    Originally posted here:
    How to install and set up a VPN on iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android - ZDNet

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