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    5 Signs You Should Renovate the House You’re Living In –

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    How do you know if your current digs have potential to become your dream home? Its a question familiar to Victoria Sass, who founded her Minneapolis-area design firm Project Refuge Studio with a focus on renovations that keep young families in old homes. We get people who want to know, Should I invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in this house or not? she says. At some point, its not a good investment if what you really want is a different house. Its like a marriage: Is this the one, or are you trying to make it into something itll never be? Here are five signs you should stay right where you are, and renovate the house to make it suit your needs.

    Whether its the home, neighborhood, school system or other local ties, a deep emotional connection to the property is worth listening to. Thats a really good reason to take the time to change your space to make it suit your needs, says Laura Fenton, author of The Little Book of Living Small. For those clients, we suggest renovation to increase square footage and fit their lifestyle, adds designer Juliana Oliveira, the principal of Dallas firm Beyond Interior Design.

    Spending money on a property youre already invested in offers more potential to create additional value. With a renovation, you get a lot more bang for your buck in terms of finishes, says Oliveira. There may be some reconstruction costs, but more of your money will go to details that create a lasting impact. A 2019 study by the National Association of Realtors Research Group estimated that a homeowner could expect to recover between 50 and 60 percent of the cost of most renovation projects in the value of the homea $75,000 boost in value on a $150,000 renovation of a new owners suite, for example. (The biggest impact? Replacing or refinishing wood flooring, which saw a return of 100 to 106 percent.) That said, where you renovate matters if youve got resale in mind: Less than 1 percent of real estate professionals said that a new owners suite helped close a sale, while 20 percent reported that a kitchen upgrade sealed the deal for new buyers.

    Old homes often come with quirks and charm that cant be replicated by a new build, even with antiqued or upcycled finishes. Whether its a wonky window or the fact that there are no right angles anywhere, if a homes imperfectionsor at least some of thembring you joy, you should stay.

    If youre looking to start fresh due to a temporary dissatisfaction with a home you otherwise love, its probably worth making small adjustments and weathering the storm. A friend of Fentons nearly moved out of a beloved Brooklyn two-bedroom because their teens no longer wanted to share a room. I said, Wait a second. Your daughters going to be moving out in four yearsdo you really want to give up this apartment and neighborhood you love for a relatively short season of life? she recalls. They decided to do a light renovation, and theyre so happy they invested in the home they already have rather than look for a bigger one.

    In many parts of the country, build-ready lots are in short supply. As developers struggle to keep up with demand, it drives up land prices and makes it difficult for families to move up to a bigger, newly constructed home, says Clark. If this is the case in your area, a major renovation may be a more cost-effective solution.

    Living long-term on a construction site is far from ideal. And even if you think you want to tough it out amid the dust and the noise, designers suggest having a plan B just in case. Clients who think that they can live in the home during a renovation and dont have a backup plan on where they could temporarily stay is a red flag for me, says Oliveira. (Contractors dont like interrupting your life any more than you like having them in their spaceand if theyre tiptoeing around you and your family, youre going to pay for it, adds Irving. If they have to come in, set up and then pack up day after day, its a lot less efficient for everyone, and it may be worth the cost of getting out of your house for a bit.)

    No matter how closely you hew to your budget, the costs of a renovation can be staggeringespecially if youve encountered one of those aforementioned unpleasant surprises along the way. Sass says budget fatigue often sets in as the project is winding down. People will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars restructuring a space and doing engineering modifications, she says. But then they go really cheap on something like the knobs on their cabinets. That fixture might feel like a big splurge [after a costly renovation], but in the grand scope of the whole project, that's the piece that you're going to see and pass on to the next generation. Don't skimp on that at the end of the day just because you're tired of spending money.

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    5 Signs You Should Renovate the House You're Living In -

    Police department renovation on the table | News | – Abilene Recorder Chronicle

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Abilene City Commission will consider accepting bids projected at $445,000 to remodel the second floor of the city building to house the Abilene Police Department.

    However, just when that remodel will occur was undecided.

    At the next meeting Feb. 22 commissioners will only decide if they want to accept bids.

    A feasibility study was presented at Mondays study session.

    I think at the stage that we are at now, my understanding is that it is just a feasibility study looking at some options that are available and what it would look like, said Mayor Brandon Rein. Obviously, the next step would be to take it out to bid to see what the exact numbers would come in at.

    He said other recent bids have come in below the projected costs in feasibility studies.

    I dont think it harms us to move forward to see a closer look at what an actual cost would be, he said.

    However, Commissioners Chris Ostermann and Dee Marshall said the timing wasnt right.

    Making a decision like this before the actual new city manager, I am hesitant about that only because you yourself (City Manager Jane Foltz) didnt want to fill the fire chief position unless the new city manager was involved, Ostermann said. So, in this process, are we doing this before we make a selection? They wont have any input. That is something I have been thinking about. Maybe they (new manager) would want to do something else.

    My thought is, this is a lot of money to be spending right now during COVID and not know for sure what is happening to us, said Commissioner Dee Marshall. I think that is something that should wait a while.

    Marcus (Rothchild) will be giving you the 2020 financial review and I think you will be very surprised how well the city is doing, Foltz said.

    That could be but I still think we need to tread slowly, Marshall said. I just dont think this is anything we should be considering at this time even though it is a project I think we should do at some point. I just dont think it is feasible right now.

    Financial Director Marcus Rothchild said the money will come out of the capital improvement fund which was set aside a few years ago. He said the funds had been collected when the city was considering a new building.

    The voters rejected the replacement of the building, he said.

    Since we are in an historic building, they would like to see us stay there, he said. But, at the time, money was being set aside each year.

    He said the 2020 budget ended with $352,000 in the capital improvement fund. He said the budget includes $350,000 for the capital improvement project.

    Marshall said she was concerned about putting all the money to the renovation, leaving little or no reserve.

    However, Foltz said tax credits of 25 percent of the project could be available.

    It is a great opportunity for us to get some of the cost of this remodel back, Foltz said. Weve already heard from the state historical society, I hear you are remodeling the city building. I said not until we get commission approval. We are just bringing it to the table.

    Rothchild said the tax credit could be close to $100,000.

    Commissioner Trevor Witt said both Chief Anna Hatter and Assistant Chief Jason Wilkins were involved in the design and that it was important for the users to be involved in the design.

    They are the ones going to be using it, he said. It will also help us with employee retainment too, if they have a good space to work in and it is functional and safe.

    Architect Bruce McMillan said a key element of the design is bullet resistant glass and bulletproof walls.

    This is one area that I would emphasize very strongly and that is the protection of your officers and not having a situation where they are vulnerable, McMillan said. This is a major concern.

    Police would take over the second floor and planning and zoning would go to offices on the first floor where the police department is now, Foltz said.

    The police department doesnt see people one-on-one much anymore, Foltz said. We have many more opportunities to meet with the public in planning and zoning then we do with the police department.

    Current Abilene Police Department facilities on the first floor of Abilene City Hall do not meet the needs of the department, according to the report.

    Architect Garric Baker outlined the renovation project.

    Space was identified on the second floor of the building that could be remodeled to provide more space and improve the efficiency of APD operations.

    The project timeline was estimated to begin late Spring 2021 and conclude in late 2021.

    The police department currently resides on the first floor in City Hall, a portion of the fire department area, and it has utilized available space by expanding into the unused auditorium as well.

    However, the needs of the department moving forward will see new technology, a need for expanded space, allocated office space, dedicated workstations, an interview room, as well as a functional layout specific to the Department.

    Therefore, the Department anticipates moving to the second floor where an open layout can accommodate the needs more suitably than the existing configuration.

    The proposed project on the second floor would see the existing landing at the current courtroom receive updates to include finishes, a window for visual security access for the receptionists and new furnishings.

    Upgrades within the reception area would entail new finishes, a security door, and bullet-resistant counter and transaction windows. New finishes, modified desks, and storage layouts are provided for the service

    center to conduct business in a safe manner.

    In the north wing of the second floor, the chief and assistant chief of police would be outfitted with private

    offices with direct access to the bullpen, allowing for improved communication with officers. The bullpen would include four workstations, radio docking station, filing and storage space, mailboxes, and a dedicated evidence work area.

    Additionally, this space would include a reporting desk where on-duty officers may sit and write their daily reports at the end of their shifts. The patrol sergeant would have a private office. Two investigators would work in a joint office in the northeast corner of the existing space. An interview room located nearest the rear exit and exit staircase would be dedicated for confidential informants, suspects, or individuals being interviewed so they could be escorted into the building, up the stairs, and directly into the interview room in a discreet manner.

    Proposed improvements to the existing courtroom include removal of flooring, finishes, court furniture and equipment.

    New proposed finishes include installation of an armory, breakroom furnishings with coffee bar, refrigerator, and tables and chairs. Additionally, the space could be arranged in a classroom style layout for training sessions.

    Foltz mentioned in her report that City Clerk Penny Soukup said the deadline for filing for the city commission is June 1.

    Three commissioners, Tim Shafer, Ostermann and Witt, will be up for election next fall.

    Witt was appointed to fill the vacated seat on the Abilene City Commission in 2018.

    Voters will elect three commissioners, two to serve four-year terms and eventually be mayor, and one to serve a two-year term.

    If necessary, a primary will be held on August 2 with the general election on Nov. 2.

    Excerpt from:
    Police department renovation on the table | News | - Abilene Recorder Chronicle

    Immune therapies for heart disease aim of international research network Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis – Washington…

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    Washington University researchers part of team probing inflammation after heart attack

    Inflammatory cells are visible as colored areas in this PET scan of a persons torso, with brighter colors indicating denser cell clusters. A bright spot on the heart indicates that inflammatory cells are clustered around a site that has lost blood supply, causing a heart attack. An international team of researchers, including scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has formed a network to study the role of inflammation in heart disease, with a goal of finding new therapies to improve recovery after heart attacks.

    When a patient arrives in the emergency room with symptoms of a heart attack, doctors first priority is to restore blood flow to the heart muscle. Over the past few decades, therapeutic advances aimed at getting blood flowing and reducing strain on the heart have improved patients chances of surviving heart attacks to more than 90% from 50%.

    However, survivors face a heightened risk of future heart attacks and heart failure, and current therapies do not optimally reduce those long-term risks. Even a brief cutoff of blood supply can trigger an inflammatory response that weakens the heart and leaves it with lasting scars.

    An international group of researchers has teamed up to study the biological processes that drive injurious inflammation after heart attacks, with a goal of finding therapies to help people recover more completely and reduce the risk of permanent heart damage. With a $6.5 million grant from the Leducq Foundation, they have established a network called The Inflammatory-Fibrosis Axis in Ischemic Heart Failure: translating mechanisms into new diagnostics and therapeutics network (IMMUNO-FIB HF) to study the intertwined roles of inflammation and fibrosis, or scarring, in driving long-term heart damage.

    IMMUNO-FIB-HF is part of the foundations Transatlantic Networks of Excellence, an effort that aims to foster innovative scientific research in cardiovascular and neurovascular disease by bringing together European and North American scientists with complementary expertise. Robert J. Gropler, MD, a professor of radiology and senior vice chair and division director of Radiological Sciences at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology(MIR) at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis,leads the North American effort.

    Heart failure progression is one of the leading causes of death in the world, said Gropler, also a professor of medicine. Inflammation and fibrosis are the twin drivers of heart failure progression, but we dont really understand how these processes occur. The idea was to bring together experts in inflammation and experts in fibrosis to unravel the mechanisms and design specific therapies to ameliorate the process.

    A heart attack triggers an inflammatory response and sets off a cascade of biological events that can end in structural changes to the heart that impair the organs ability to pump blood, a process called cardiac remodeling. Researchers have tried to find drugs to interrupt this process, but a lack of detailed information on how the process unfolds has stymied efforts to come up with good therapeutic targets.

    We know that inflammation is important, but the problem is that the immune system is very complex, said co-principal investigator Kory J. Lavine, MD, PhD, an associate professor of medicine in theDivision of Cardiology. Also an associate professor of developmental biology and of pathology & immunology, Lavine leads the teams effort to identify the immune cell types and molecules that mediate harmful inflammatory responses.

    There may be multiple pathways that lead to detrimental cardiac remodeling, and different patients may benefit from different therapies, Lavine said. The challenge is: Can we identify the right immune cells to target, can we figure out how to target them, and can we deliver these therapeutics to the patients most likely to benefit from them?

    To better understand the processes at work, the researchers need to be able to see what is going on inside the heart in the aftermath of a heart attack. Co-principal investigator Yongjian Liu, PhD, an associate professor of radiology at MIR, has developed a positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agent that detects inflammatory white blood cells known as CCR2+ monocytes and macrophages. Another co-investigator has developed an imaging agent for fibroblasts, cells that produce scar tissue. Both imaging agents have proven useful in animal studies. Liu leads the teams effort translating them for use in people, so they can track inflammation and fibrosis in heart attack patients in the days, weeks and months after such events.

    Some people recover well from a heart attack, some recover poorly, some have persistent symptoms even after they recover, and we dont understand why, Liu said. Imaging gives us a noninvasive way to see whats going on in actual patients.

    By combining these imaging agents with other measures of heart damage and abnormal function, the researchers expect to be able to see how such cells contribute to cardiac remodeling and whether investigational therapies have an effect on these cells. Two experimental therapies are being developed by other groups in the network.

    We dont really have treatments available to reduce inflammation and fibrosis in people who have suffered heart injuries, Lavine said. The goal of IMMUNO-FIB-HF is to find novel therapies that block or attenuate these pathways and give people the best chance for their hearts to heal.

    Washington University School of Medicines 1,500 faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals. The School of Medicine is a leader in medical research, teaching and patient care, ranking among the top 10 medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Childrens hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.

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    The jockeying to replace Neera Tanden has begun – POLITICO

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tandens selection to run the OMB was always viewed as a risky one for Biden, given her bare-knuckled approach to dealing with Republicans and particularly inflammatory Twitter account. But after Democrats took control of the Senate, Biden allies believed the president would get her confirmed.

    Manchin, a moderate Democrat, likely blew up those plans Friday afternoon.

    I believe her overtly partisan statements will have a toxic and detrimental impact on the important working relationship between members of Congress and the next director of the Office of Management and Budget, he said in a statement. For this reason, I cannot support her nomination.

    The White House said it had no intention from withdrawing Tandens nomination, with the president telling reporters after a trip to Michigan that, I think were going to find the votes to get her confirmed. Democrats believe its critical the Biden administration does not quickly relent on Tanden after Manchins opposition, if only to demonstrate they will not cower immediately to any opposition, including from within the party.

    But with no Republicans signaling they would support Tanden, activists and allies are already scrambling for the potential opening.

    Sperling, whose potential bid was mentioned in a Friday night article in The American Prospect, has boosters through the party owing to his service in the Clinton and Obama administrations and the relationships hes built both with Bidens top economic advisers and within progressive intellectual circles.

    Bidens orbit believes he would be easily confirmed if nominated. But there are concerns about Sperlings potential ascension because of the presidents stated commitment to build a diverse cabinet. Tanden is an Indian American woman, one of only two women of Asian descent nominated for the cabinet other than Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Its difficult for them not to put a woman in the job because of the commitments the president made to having a balanced cabinet, said one former Obama official.

    Reached for comment, Sperling praised Tandens nomination to OMB.

    I have worked with Neera for over 20 years and have never stopped being impressed by the breadth of her policy expertise, her work ethic and commitment to helping Americans in need, Sperling said. She is supremely qualified to be OMB Director. I have been and remain 100% supportive of her confirmation.

    OLeary is a longtime Democratic policymaker with close ties to top Biden aides in particular, White House chief of staff Ron Klain owing to her years of experience in Clintonworld. She worked in the Clinton White House and then joined Hillary Clintons Senate office as legislative director. She later served as a top policy adviser on Clintons 2016 campaign, along with Jake Sullivan, now Bidens national security adviser.

    Her policy work has been widely praised by Democrats, but her chances at the slot may be bogged down by her most recent stint in the Newsom administration.

    OLeary served for two years as Newsoms chief of staff, and it was well-known in Democratic circles that she was angling for a job in the Biden administration. But she left Newsoms staff before she landed a job. Her departure came around the time the governor began to face a recall effort over criticism of how he has handled the Covid-19 pandemic. People in Newsoms camp felt OLeary was not the right person to lead the governor through the turbulence of a recall.

    Does the White House want to have Senate hearings that are going to examine the Gavin Newsom administration in California? Thats the baggage, the Obama alum said. Theres a lot of concern.

    OLeary and the White House declined to comment, but after this story published, O'Leary tweeted her support for Tanden's nomination.

    "For years, Ive worked side-by-side with my dear friend @neeratanden fighting for more inclusive and equitable economic policies," she wrote. "Yes, shes a tough cookie, but its because shes fighting so hard for the most vulnerable. @POTUS is going to get her confirmed and Ill be cheering!"

    Given the concerns surrounding Sperling and OLeary, the White House could decide to elevate Shalanda Young, who has been nominated to serve as deputy OMB director. Young, a Black woman, is widely respected by both parties on the Hill, where she has worked as the staff director for House Democrats on the Appropriations Committee.

    Still, the White House is insistent they will continue to push for Tandens confirmation, touting her more than 35 meetings with senators from both parties, her outreach to Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations and the business community and bipartisan support she earned outside the Beltway, including from former OMB Director Mitch Daniels, a Republican.

    Neera Tanden is an accomplished policy expert who would be an excellent budget director and we look forward to the committee votes next week and to continuing to work toward her confirmation through engagement with both parties, Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said in a statement Friday night.

    While most Democrats argue its too early to completely desert Tanden, they also worry about waiting too long to fill the top post at OMB, especially as the administration is expected to produce a budget in the coming weeks or months.

    I wouldnt want to go another month without an OMB director, the former Obama official said. Its an incredibly important time. Either lets get Neera confirmed, or youre going to have to move quickly.

    Kevin Yamamura contributed to this report.

    See the original post:
    The jockeying to replace Neera Tanden has begun - POLITICO

    Hearthstone’s Year of the Gryphon will start with Forged in the Barrens expansion – Shacknews

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hearthstone's new Year of the Gryphon is about to begin and it will launch with the Forged in the Barrens expansion.

    BlizzConline continues on with what's next for Hearthstone. Blizzard's collectible card game is in a unique place for this latest BlizzCon, because a new Standard year is about to begin. That Standard year will be known as the Year of the Gryphon. And it will kick off with the game's latest expansion, Forged in the Barrens.

    Forged in the Barrens will feature 135 new cards inspired by the beloved World of Warcraft setting. The latest keyword is Frenzy, but the biggest feature is ten new Legendary Mercenary minions, each representing one of the game's classes. The Mercenary stories will play out throughout the Year of the Gryphon, culminating with a new single-player roguelike game mode called Hearthstone Mercenaries. More information on Hearthstone Mercenaries is expected in the future.

    The Year of the Gryphon promises to shake up Hearthstone in ways never imagined. For one thing, the new Core set will replace the Classic set, shaking up the foundation of the game as everyone knows it. This includes taking Classic cards and reimagining some of them entirely. The Core set will be ready for the start of the new Standard year, as will the new expansion.

    The Core set will include reimaginings for three of the game's Legendary Dragons, including:

    For those who think this is too much change, players will have an option to turn back the clock with a special Hearthstone Classic mode. This features the Basic and Classic sets as they were in 2014, complete with all cards having their nerfs and buffs erased. Classic will be available for play alongside Standard and Wild and will feature its own rewards and rankings.

    We'll have a lot more to say about Hearthstone's upcoming year in the days ahead. Stay tuned to Shacknews for the latest on BlizzConline.

    Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but hes also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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    Hearthstone's Year of the Gryphon will start with Forged in the Barrens expansion - Shacknews

    Wonder Woman Deepfake Replaces The Superhero With Danny Trejo – GameRant

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Danny Trejo faces down an army in World War I in a hilarious video that replaces Gal Gadot with the Machete star as DC's Wonder Woman.

    It seems like everybody and their grandmother is making funny Deepfake videos these days. It's almost gotten to the point where the novelty has worn off due to it basically being the same joke told over and over. But sometimes an idea comes along that impresses due to its sheer absurdity and Wonder Woman is the latest subject of such an unusual concept.

    YouTube user Pooj's Variety Hour apparently looked at the dramatic "no man's land" scene from 2017'sWonder Woman and decided to put their own twist on it. Rather than simply replacing the face of Amazonian hero Diana with someone who looks like her, like theDeepfake video of Sebastian Stan as Luke Skywalker, they decided to go several steps further by instead inserting the face of legendary scowler Danny Trejo. The results are somehow both exactly as expected and also still very much worth watching.

    RELATED:Star Wars Deepfake Puts A Young Harrison Ford In Solo

    While nothing else about the scene is changed, the face replacement alone is enough to draw attention. Seeing Trejo wordlessly deflect bullets and mortar shells is more than worth the effort put in, and based on how technically complicated Deepfakes tend to be, there was likely a good amount of effort behind this video. It perhaps wasn't quite as involved as theStar WarsDeepfake that tried to outdoThe Mandalorian, but it's still impressive in its own right.

    This particular scene is notable as the being first time Diana (a.k.a Wonder Woman) truly acts as a hero, walking out into the middle of a battlefield to draw the enemy's fire and give the soldiers a fighting chance. Even though she hadn't exactly lived a sheltered life up until that point, she had lived an isolated one, making her decision to fight for a cause like this all the more significant. It's dramatic, epic, and really takes on a whole new vibe when the face of Machete himself unexpectedly shows up on the screen. Apparently,Wonder Woman is a popular target for spoof videos.

    It's almost as if the scene itself was tailor-made for this sort of comedy, as the first few shots refrain from showing Wonder Woman's face. This effectively builds up anticipation and makes it so the video could easily catch someone unaware that it involves a Deepfake, quite possibly resulting in a spectacular double-take when Trejo's face appears for the first time. It's just a flash at first, but that's enough to make any unsuspecting viewer think, "wait, what?"

    Videos like this really make this seem like a technological future, and the proficiency will only get more and more precise as time goes on. So look forward to the next few years, when it likely won't be surprising to see something like Trejo, an avid gamer himself, inserted perfectly into something likeGrand Theft Auto.

    Wonder Woman 1984 is now playing in select theaters.

    MORE:Heath Ledger's Joker & 9 Other Memorable Movie Villains

    Source: Pooj's Variety Hour/YouTube

    WandaVision Behind-The-Scenes Photos Reveal [Spoiler]'s Corpse

    Original post:
    Wonder Woman Deepfake Replaces The Superhero With Danny Trejo - GameRant

    Rumor: Call of Duty Warzone Verdansk Map Could Be Coming to an ‘End’ – GameRant

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A new rumor makes the shocking claim that Call of Duty: Warzone could very well be removing its Verdansk battle royale map from the game.

    Call of Duty: Warzone first debuted in March of 2020, and it was a massive success right away. A free-to-play battle royale using the popularCall of Duty: Modern Warfare as its foundation,Call of Duty: Warzonehas earned mostly positive reviews from critics and fans alike, even though it has admittedly struggled with balancing issues and technical problems. Over the past year,Call of Duty fans have spent countless hours exploringWarzone's Verdansk map, but a new rumor suggests that Verdansk may actually be leaving the game.

    The rumor stems from the Twitter account WarzoneNewz, who claims trusted sources have said that the "end" of Verdansk is coming on March 11. March 11 is a Thursday, and that's whenCall of Duty: Warzone updates come, so the dates line up, though WarzoneNewz did not provide any concrete evidence to back up their claims. It seems unlikely thatCall of Duty: Warzone will be getting rid of Verdansk, but then again, it could be a way to give the game a serious shot in the arm for its one year anniversary.

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    SinceCall of Duty: Warzone launched, Verdansk has been the only large-scale map in the game. The much smaller Rebirth Island map was added a couple of months ago, but it is a much different experience than what's found in Verdansk. With the one year anniversary ofCall of Duty: Warzone coming up, maybe the developers will be removing Verdansk to replace it with the long-rumored new map that's supposedly be in the works for some time.

    It seems like a safer bet would be to simply add the new map along with Verdansk. Whatever the case may be, there have been rumors for some time now thatCall of Duty: Warzone would be adding a new map. Typically, the claim has been that the new map will be based onCall of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Fireteam maps, similarly to how Verdansk is based onCall of Duty: Modern Warfare Ground War maps.

    While it's certainly possible thatCall of Duty: Warzone could remove Verdansk from the game and replace it with a brand new one (other battle royales have done something similar), it seems highly unlikely. After all,Call of Duty: Warzone is adding a new Cargo Tanker location next week, and it seems strange for the developers to keep adding new content to a map just to remove the entire thing.

    If a newCall of Duty: Warzone map is coming, the likelier scenario is that it will be added alongside Verdansk instead of replacing it outright. For now, though, fans should take all of this information with a massive grain of salt and wait for something official from Activision.

    Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

    MORE:Call of Duty: Warzone KSP 45 Submachine Gun Loadout

    WWE Video Game Tier List

    Dalton Cooper is an editor for Game Rant who has been writing about video games professionally since 2011. Having written thousands of game reviews and articles over the course of his career, Dalton considers himself a video game historian and strives to play as many games as possible. Dalton covers the latest breaking news for Game Rant, as well as writes reviews, guide content, and more.

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    Rumor: Call of Duty Warzone Verdansk Map Could Be Coming to an 'End' - GameRant

    Boris Johnson urged to reshuffle Cabinet with Michael Gove, Matt Hancock and Gavin Williamson facing job – The Sun

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BORIS Johnson could reshuffle his Cabinet as soon as May, The Sun can reveal.

    The Prime Minister is being urged by allies to rejig his top team after the local elections.


    It would coincide with a major speech Mr Johnson has started to write to herald an era of recovery after the pandemic.

    One scenario discussed in No10 would see Matt Hancock move to Education and Michael Gove replace him at Health.

    Education Secretary Gavin Williamson could be on his way out, sources say.

    Allies also claim that Mr Johnson was furious with reports that he has lost faith in Minister for the Cabinet Office Mr Gove and instead wants to see a reformer in his prime be handed a major new challenge.

    Insiders say the major efforts in extending the school year and pupil catch-up mean a new broom is needed after relations between Mr Williamson and the Education sector hit rock bottom.

    One Whitehall source said: Gavin has lost the teachers, the unions, the parents and frankly the trust of the PM to be able to fix this.




    The insiders are split on whether his four-year Cabinet career would end, or whether he would be demoted to a more backroom role where he has previously thrived.

    Another scenario would see Mr Gove take over at the Home Office should Priti Patel have to fall on her sword over legal action around bullying claims.

    But Mr Johnson is said to be not keen on changing any of the Great Offices of State jobs.

    There is also mounting tension between his aides, with Brexit talks veteran Oliver Lewis quitting after just two weeks in charge of the SNP-fighting Union unit.

    Sources say he had threatened to walk multiple times since the departure of mentor Dominic Cummings.

    And some inside No10 are not impressed with Mr Cummingss replacement as head adviser.


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    One said ex-Treasury official Dan Rosenfeld was obsessed with process and paperwork rather than politics and people.

    A colleague claimed: It seems he wants to be the Chief of Stuff rather than the Chief of Staff.

    Another compared Mr Rosenfelds management style to David Brent from TVs The Office.

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    Boris Johnson urged to reshuffle Cabinet with Michael Gove, Matt Hancock and Gavin Williamson facing job - The Sun

    Where Will Rush Limbaughs 15 Million Listeners Go Now? – The New York Times

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Its starting over, Mr. Harrison said in an interview, noting that conservative radio consumers can simply switch to other popular Limbaugh-like hosts, including Mr. Hannity, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin. (iHeartMedia might not mind: It also syndicates Mr. Beck and Mr. Hannity.)

    Mr. Limbaughs success may have ensured his shows eventual obsolescence.

    He was the first conservative icon in national media, bringing an ideology more closely associated with elite organs like National Review to a mass audience. His shock-jock antics infuriated Democratic presidents and endeared himself to Republican ones; as early as 1992, President George Bush invited him to spend a night in the Lincoln Bedroom.

    Before Fox News and the MAGA internet, Mr. Limbaughs program was the only megaphone for his divisive, hyperpartisan brand of commentary. Theres something magical about the intimacy of radio that younger readers simply cannot possibly appreciate, the commentator Matt Lewis wrote in The Daily Beast after Mr. Limbaughs death, echoing other conservatives who reminisced about childhood listening sessions.

    There is no doubt his show remained influential with the Slightly Less Online set, particularly among working-class listeners whose jobs might not afford nonstop access to a social media platform during the business day. Mr. Limbaugh even scored some headlines in December when he mused that the nation might be trending toward secession.

    But Mr. Limbaughs latter-day commentary while still ribald and unrepentant was often indistinguishable from that of dozens of other pundits.

    He created the genre, which then flooded the market with competitors, some less talented, some more, said Ann Coulter, the conservative provocateur. Only one person can be the pioneer but after that, its dog-eat-dog. (Even Fox News, which long enjoyed a monopoly on conservative TV, has now been forced to contend with upstart rivals, like Newsmax, that appeal to far-right viewers.)

    Because he depended on a publicly traded conglomerate for his paycheck, Mr. Limbaugh was also beholden to the kinds of corporate guidelines that fringier online platforms could happily ignore. After the election, Mr. Limbaugh defended President Trumps lies about voter fraud and as late as Inauguration Day insisted that Joseph R. Biden Jr. didnt win this thing fair and square but he stopped short of explicitly calling for violence. It was a guest on The Alex Jones Show who explicitly called for supporters to occupy the Capitol.

    Read more from the original source:
    Where Will Rush Limbaughs 15 Million Listeners Go Now? - The New York Times

    Aristocrat Gaming’s New MarsX Portrait Cabinet is the Picture of Innovation – PRNewswire

    - February 20, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    VIDEO: Click to watch the MarsX Portrait in action.

    Click here to download hi-res game images

    Advanced technologyMarsX Portrait boasts a wealth of advanced technology that creates a more intuitive and fun gaming experience. Gen9 components drive MarsX Portrait's ability to spin fast, and the action plays out on the 43" curved ultra high-definition monitor, tall enough to allow for exciting growing reels action. And while the action may be hot, the MarsX Portrait never is, thanks to a specially designed chimney that redirects heat quietly away from both the player and critical components.

    Technology for playersMarsX Portrait gives players an experience they have been craving. The curved screen is a 4k display capable of showing 16.7 billion colors for unsurpassed visuals. Sight meets sound with MarsX Portrait's 4.1 Spatial KineticSound that creates a perfect soundscape for every game's unique journey. A virtual button deck has a dynamic bash button and wireless USB charging. Players will also love the portrait's game action, including growing reels, Cash on Reels, Hold & Spin, and multiple jackpot levels.

    Technology for operators and slot techsOperators and slot floor staff will appreciate MarsX Portrait's super hi-def toppers and vibrant wedges that create visual destinations and attract players. Slot techs will love several innovations that are a dramatic leap forward in cabinet design. The virtual button desk is constructed of Corning's Gorilla Glass for a near indestructible quality, and the bash button design allows for quick and easy in-field replacement. The front door is positioned on hydraulic hinges, a patented electro-mechanical latch provides greater security with an embedded optic coupler, and a secondary power switch is located on the front of the cabinet door. MarsX Portrait addresses BVs and printers with dedicated cash drop doors, and a pop-up track for ticket printers.

    Innovative new game libraryAristocrat created a new games library specifically for the MarsX Portrait, leading with three new game families. The Cash Across family was created for core players who thrill to the excitement of big wins, reel expansion, and jackpot potential. Launch titles are Horses of Helios and Savanna Lion.

    The player-favorite Fu Dai Lian Lian gets an added persistent boost mode to enhance the fun in FU DAI LIAN LIAN BOOST PEACOCK and FU DAI LIAN LIAN BOOST TIGER.

    The fun and excitement is tripled in the new Triple Grand Fortunes family of games with game titles Triple Grand Fortunes Fu Grand, Triple Grand Fortunes Lu Grand, and Triple Grand Fortunes Shou Grand.

    For more information on the MarsX Portrait and its library of launch titles, visit

    ABOUT ARISTOCRAT TECHNOLOGIES INC.Aristocrat Technologies Inc. is a subsidiary of Aristocrat Leisure Limited (ASX: ALL), a global games leader with more than 6,000 employees. The company is licensed in over 300 gaming jurisdictions, operates in more than 90 countries, and offers a unique blend of products and services. The company is the leading designer, manufacturer, and distributor of Class III games as well as Class II Innovations for Native American casinos and emerging markets. The company's mission is to bring joy to life through the power of play. Its values are rooted in creativity and technology, and the company has a rich history of innovation that has shaped the gaming industry over many decades. For further information, visit the company's website at

    Media Contacts:Paul Speirs-Hernandez, [emailprotected]Meghan Sleik, [emailprotected]

    SOURCE Aristocrat Technologies Inc.

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    Aristocrat Gaming's New MarsX Portrait Cabinet is the Picture of Innovation - PRNewswire

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