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    Pay attention to "deterioration of concrete" in the inspection report –

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The town of Surfside posted 12 documents related to the collapsed Champlain Towers South on its website late Friday night. This includes the required 40-year inspection report, posted as Unconfirmed and received 16 hours after the catastrophic failure of a Florida condo building.

    This report was not formally submitted or approved by real estate owner Champlain Towers, the memo said, adding that it was as required by Miami-Dade County law.

    Documents up to 2018 did not appear to contain details explaining the collapse of seaside buildings, but they did reveal several potentially serious problems.

    The report can be several pages long or over 300, and from a detailed plan of specific repair permits, prevent baby turtles from getting confused and making it when hatching. , Even a courtesy notice urging residents to turn off the lights. For the safety of the sea.

    According to an inspection report on October 8, 2018, there were massive cracks and peelings in the columns, beams and walls of the garage under the tower that fell to the ground early Thursday, killing at least four people and 159. The cause is unknown. Peeling refers to the deterioration of concrete and can cause peeling or exposure of reinforcing bars called reinforcing bars.

    According to a structural site survey report by Morabito Consultants, concrete columns, beams, and walls were cracked and peeled to varying degrees in the multi-storey car park on the first floor.

    Despite the initial report published in October 2018, plans to fix these issues did not seem to be finalized until April of this year.

    Some of this damage is minor, but most concrete deterioration needs to be repaired in a timely manner, the report said.

    John Wallace, a professor of structural engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles, said the cause of the crack was unknown.

    What do you tell your son? Family wrestles with missing mother and grandmother after a building collapses in Florida

    It can slow down over time. The concrete may not have been placed properly. The ground may have moved slightly. It can be several different things. He said.

    Wallace, who participated in multiple forensic analyzes of building failures, warned that there was no indication that this was the cause of the collapse. I just need to investigate.

    The report included a photo of a parking lot pillar with cracked concrete and visible rebar.

    On September 6, 2018, a test report by Frank Moravito stated that no bulges or subsidence were observed. However, about 8% of concrete slabs in garages and building plazas say they have experienced concrete deterioration. In addition, hairline cracks were found in about 5% of the structural floor slabs on the balcony.

    The report found that there were additional peelings or cracks in the concrete columns and a small portion of the outer wall. One column contained a wide crack defined to exceed 2 millimeters.

    Another section of the report states that the waterproof membrane is over its useful life and needs to be replaced. He also pointed out that the pool and jacuzzi were leaking and needed to be removed and all cracks and crushed concrete needed to be repaired.

    The concrete frame slab that supports the plaza / pool above the garage appears to have previously undergone patch and crack repairs.

    This task is unsatisfactory and needs to be completed again, the report said.

    The document, dated April 26, 2021, was titled 40 Years of Building Repair and Restoration. It contains 84 pages that appear to be bid specifications for building repairs. The plan was completed by a Moravito consultant and stamped in red, The set in progress is April 27, 2021, not for construction.

    The bidding documents also included plans for slab reinforcement and concrete and stone repairs. The maximum load weight for roofs, floors, and plazas has been specified.

    Before and after:See the partially collapsed Florida building, Champlain Towers South

    The $ 1.1 million roof maintenance permit dated May 17, 2021 removes the existing roof system to the concrete deck, primes the deck with asphalt primer, destroys the existing stucco, and heats the entire roof surface. It included insulating and sealing with a coal tar pitch. And embedded gravel.

    The April 27, 2021 permit indicates that $ 59,400 worth of work is being done to repair and refurbish roof vent fans, air conditioners, and other minor electrical work. It was.

    Another permit dated May 5, 2021 was $ 169,473 for the installation of roof safety anchors to facilitate window cleaning and the repair of stucco on the exterior walls of buildings.

    Finally, the building received a courtesy notice from the town of Surfside on May 20, 2021 stating that the buildings lighting did not comply with sea turtle protection regulations. Lighting near the beach can pull turtle hatches away from the sea and discourage female turtles from nesting on the beach at night.

    To solve this problem, the building installs colored glass and rearranges the lamps away from the windows, or uses blinds and curtains to block indoor lighting from the beach and turn off unwanted lighting. I was instructed to do so.

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    Be safe this holiday weekend by following these safety tips from MCHD – FOX10 News

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    MOBILE, Ala. -- Summer has finally arrived, and the Fourth of July is just around the corner.

    However, with the large amount of fun also come many health and safety challenges especially with the threat of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

    The holiday traditionally includes fireworks, cookouts, and trips to the beach. Whatever people have planned, the American Red Cross, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer these tips to help them enjoy their holiday and steps they can follow to be safe.

    COVID-19 MCHDs COVID-19 Response Team offers vaccine and testing weekdays at the Newburn Building adjacent to the Womens Health Center (248 Cox Street in Mobile). According to the CDC, celebrating holidays virtually or with the people you live with is the safest choice. If you do gather with people who do not live with you, gatherings and activities held outdoors are safer than indoor gatherings.

    In addition to following the steps that everyone can take to make the holidays safer, take these additional steps if attending a gathering to make your celebration safer:

    Have conversations ahead of time to understand expectations for celebrating together.

    Bring your own food, drinks, plates, cups, and utensils.

    Wear a mask indoors and outdoors.

    Avoid shouting or singing.

    FIREWORKS -- The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public firework show put on by professionals while social distancing. Stay at least 500 feet away from the show. Many states outlaw most fireworks. If someone is setting fireworks off at home, they should follow these safety steps:

    Never give fireworks to small children, and always follow the instructions on the packaging.

    Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution.

    Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.

    Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight a dud.

    Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.

    Never point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures, or flammable materials.

    Leave any area immediately where untrained amateurs are using fireworks.

    GRILLING -- Every year people in this country are injured while using backyard charcoal or gas grills.

    Follow these steps to safely cook up treats for the backyard barbecue:

    Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use.

    Never grill indoors not in your house, camper, tent, or any enclosed area.

    Make sure everyone, including the pets, stays away from the grill.

    Keep the grill out in the open, away from the house, the deck, tree branches, or anything that could catch fire.

    Use the long-handled tools especially made for cooking on the grill to keep the chef safe.

    Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.

    Always follow the manufacturers instructions when using grills.

    PICNICS -- Plan to take only the amounts of food you will use. Most foods are safe for short periods when stored with ice or frozen gel packs in a proper cooler. Creamy or custard foods and salads using store bought mayonnaise are safe; if kept cold in a cooler.

    Because of COVID-19, try to avoid a buffet-style arrangement of food. Do not share serving utensils. Provide single-use options like salad dressing and condiment packets and disposable items like plates and utensils.

    No cooler? Not a problem. Plan your menu using the following items: Fruits, vegetables, hard cheese, canned/dried meats or fish, dry cereal, bread, peanut butter, crackers.

    Use separate plates and utensils for raw and cooked meat and poultry and ready-to-eat foods, like raw fruits and vegetables.

    Use a food thermometer to make sure meat and poultry are cooked hot enough to kill harmful germs.

    Do not leave food at room temperature for longer than two hours one hour if the outside temperature is over 90 degrees. Keep perishable food in an insulated cooler packed with ice or ice packs.

    At the end of the picnic or as soon as you return home, clean your cooler with water and a mild detergent and rinse thoroughly. Then, make sure to wipe it completely dry before storing it. If lingering odors are an issue, a quick wipe with a vanilla extract-soaked paper towel can freshen things up. Finally, if your cooler has a drain plug, make sure it is open to prevent moisture from accumulating during storage.

    SUN PROTECTION -- Limit exposure to direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15. Reapply sunscreen often.

    Remember to drink plenty of water regularly, even if not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them. Protect the eyes by wearing sunglasses that will absorb 100 percent of UV sunlight. Protect the feet, because the sand can burn them, and glass and other sharp objects can cut them.

    BEACH SAFETY -- If someones visit to the shore includes swimming in the ocean, they should learn how to swim in the surf and only swim at a lifeguarded beach, within the designated swimming area. Obey all instructions and orders from lifeguards. Other safety tips include:

    Keep alert for local weather conditions. Check to see if any warning signs or flags are posted.

    Always swim with a buddy.

    Have young children and inexperienced swimmers wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket.

    Protect the neck do not dive headfirst. Walk carefully into open waters.

    Keep a close eye and constant attention on children and adults while at the beach. Wave action can

    cause someone to lose their footing, even in shallow water.

    Watch out for aquatic life. Water plants and animals may be dangerous. Avoid patches of plants

    and leave animals alone.

    RIP CURRENTS -- These are responsible for deaths on our nations beaches every year -- and for most of the rescues performed by lifeguards. Any beach with breaking waves may have rip currents. Be aware of the danger of rip currents and remember the following:

    If someone is caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore until out of the current. Once free,

    they should turn and swim toward shore. If they can't swim to the shore, they should float or tread

    water until free of the rip current and then head toward shore.

    Stay at least 100 feet away from piers and jetties. Permanent rip currents often exist near these structures.

    POOL SAFETY Well-maintained pools are less likely to spread germs. Injuries and drownings are less likely in pools that have trained staff and adequate safety equipment. Before you swim, you can check the pool yourself using the following checklist:

    Look for the pools latest inspection results.

    Make sure the drain at the bottom of the deep end is visible.

    Check that the drain covers at the bottom appear to be secured and in good repair.

    Use pool test strips to make sure the waters pH and free chlorine or bromine concentration are correct.

    Check for a lifeguard.

    Make sure no chemicals are out in the open.

    TEMPERATURE -- During hot weather, watch for signs of heatstroke hot, red skin; changes in consciousness; rapid, weak pulse; rapid, shallow breathing. If it is suspected someone is suffering from heatstroke:

    Call 9-1-1 and move the person to a cooler place.

    Quickly cool the body by applying cool, wet towels to the skin (or misting it with water) and fanning the person.

    Watch for signs of breathing problems and make sure the airway is clear. Keep the person lying down.

    INSECTS -- Bugs, including mosquitoes, ticks, and some flies can spread diseases like Zika, Dengue, and Lyme disease.

    Use EPA-registered insect repellents that contain at least 20 percent DEET for protection against mosquitoes, ticks, and other bugs.

    Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, and a hat. Tuck your shirt into your pants and your pants into your socks for maximum protection.

    Check yourself and your children for ticks.

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    Be safe this holiday weekend by following these safety tips from MCHD - FOX10 News

    Huawei’s Ryan Ding says ongoing innovation is lighting up the future of every industry – Korea IT Times

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    During MWC Barcelona 2021, Huawei Executive Director and President of Carrier BG Ryan Ding delivered a keynote speech Innovation: Lighting up the Future. In his keynote, Ding said that innovation in ICT is becoming a key driver of the global economy and its value is moving beyond the telecoms industry. Ongoing innovation in 5G, in particular, will bring more value to operators, the ICT industry, and the global economy, and will light up the future of every industry.

    "The pandemic has created a new normal in which the digital economy is the driving force for the global economy. ICT infrastructure, as the cornerstone of the digital economy, is playing an increasingly important role," said Ding. "The value of ICT now transcends the telecoms industry and has transformative implications for the global economy as a whole."

    In countries where 5G is developing faster, operators have seen faster revenue growth, and these countries also tend to have better digital infrastructure overall. Taking China as an example, in less than 18 months, more than 820,000 5G base stations have been deployed, and Chinese operators achieved a 6.5% increase in revenue and a 5.6% increase in net profits in the first quarter this year. The rapid development of digital infrastructure driven by 5G will add EUR1.9 trillion to the Chinese economy in the next five years. The same stories are also unfolding in South Korea and Europe.

    As ICT infrastructure is the cornerstone of the digital economy in the 5G era, operators are playing a more important role than they used to.

    Ding said, "Currently, the major goal of operators in 5G is to achieve business success in three key markets consumers, homes, and industries through innovation in network deployment, market development, and operation optimization."

    "In the consumer market, 5G means not just faster speeds; it also brings new experiences and new value. Some operators have already achieved initial business success."

    According to Ding, there are three steps an operator can take to succeed in the 5GtoC market. The first is to speed up 5G deployment, with targeted network planning and investment based on precise insights into high-value areas, key scenarios, and potential users. The second is to accelerate 5G user migration, and the third step is to create value-driven, flexible pricing models.

    Today, 5G has been applied in over 1,000 projects in more than 20 industries including steel and mining, enabling safer and more efficient production. Chinese operators have made great progress and are entering the phase of taking early successes and replicating them at scale.

    "We've learned from Chinese operators' experience that the success of 5GtoB depends on three factors," said Ding. "First, selecting the right industries. Operators should choose target industries by looking at four factors: demand, affordability, replicability, and technical feasibility. Second, defining the scope of your offerings. Operators can serve as network providers that offer connectivity services. They can also serve as cloud service providers, or even system integrators that provide end-to-end integration services. Different roles require different skillsets and yield different business value. Third, designing innovative business models. This is key to replicating 5GtoB success at scale."

    During the pandemic, there is a growing demand for home broadband, and this has highlighted the advantages of 5G FWA that enables rapid deployment and contactless O&M. Middle East operators have achieved remarkable commercial success by taking FWA as a key use case of 5G.

    "5G success first requires a 5G network that provides the best user experience, and this guides how we innovate at Huawei," said Ding. Huawei has launched the industry's lightest and most powerful Massive MIMO that consumes less energy. It can be carried and installed by just one person, which speeds up network deployment.

    With Huawei's Optical Cross-Connect (OXC), one sub-rack can replace nine cabinets normally needed. It has four times larger capacity, but uses 95% less power. Huawei's 5G Super Uplink solution combines the advantages of 2.1 GHz and 3.5 GHz to enhance uplink capacity and indoor coverage. This solution provides a peak uplink rate of over 450 Mbit/s, enabling hundreds of users to live stream the Xiamen Marathon in 4K in April using their 5G smartphones.

    To support green development models and carbon neutrality, according to Ding, Huawei keeps innovating at three levels: equipment, sites, and networks. At the equipment level, Huawei uses components with higher power efficiency to make hardware platforms more energy efficient. At the site level, Huawei's simplified site solutions help operators lower energy consumption, as well as save on electricity and rent.

    At the network level, Huawei has launched a multi-band and multi-RAT power saving solution. This solution can cut energy consumption in wireless networks without compromising network performance. With Huawei's innovative solution, 5G equipment working in low and high bands can share a cabinet, and as a result, less energy is used. When it comes to multi-band equipment power saving, Huawei's goal is to make one plus one less than one.

    Korea IT Times

    Original post:
    Huawei's Ryan Ding says ongoing innovation is lighting up the future of every industry - Korea IT Times

    Mt. Abram In Maine Was Once Home To A Thrilling Monorail Ride –

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Before skiing was big business in Maine, several of most notable mountains in the state had to find different and unique ways to keep locals coming back year after year. Whether it was new lodging, new amenities or new equipment to get up and down the mountain, competition was fierce. That included a duel of sorts between Sunday River and Mt. Abram in the late 1970's. Each mountain was trying to grab the attention of skiers but also families and in the process,began to toy with different ideas. According to New England Ski History, that led Mt. Abram to debut a monorail ride in 1978 called the "American Zephyr".

    Shared by Todd A. Merry in the Facebook group Old Pictures of Forgotten Maine, some of his families home videos show what visitors to Mt. Abram experienced on the monorail ride in the late 70's. When it debuted, it was the first-of-its-kind in the northeast and was received so well that Mt. Abram opened a second, smaller monorail ride in 1979. The popularity led Attitash in New Hampshire to add a similar attraction to their mountain as well.

    For Mt. Abram, the "American Zephyr" excitement was short lived unfortunately. Once the new shine wore off, there were a cascade of issues with ride experience for many. Sometimes the ride would go too slow because of nervous riders, other riders were too aggressive leading to dangerous behavior on the monorail. After several seasons of complaints, Mt. Abram decided to abandon the monorail business in the early 1980's.

    15 Stores You Shopped At In Maine But Your Kids Have Never Heard Of

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    Mt. Abram In Maine Was Once Home To A Thrilling Monorail Ride -

    Dimmable LED Lighting Market Growth Analysis, Incredible Possibilities and Forecast To 2026 New Mexico Tribune – New Mexico Tribune

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    According to a new research report titled Dimmable LED Lighting Market Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis And Forecast by 2021 2026

    This has brought along several changes in This report also covers the impact of COVID-19 on the global market.

    The report provides revenue forecasts for global, regional and country levels. It also provides comprehensive coverage on major industry drivers, restraints, and their impact on market growth during the forecast period. For the purpose of research, The Report has segmented global Dimmable LED Lighting market on the basis of types, technology and region

    Get a Sample PDF copy of Dimmable LED Lighting Market @

    Key Competitors of the Global Dimmable LED Lighting Market are:MEAN WELL, Philips, Inventronics, Tridonic, Delta Electronics, Hubbell Lighting, MOSO Power, Eaglerise, TCI, OSRAM SYLVANIA, LIFUD

    The Global Dimmable LED Lighting Market Research Report is a comprehensive and informative study on the current state of the Global Dimmable LED Lighting Market industry with emphasis on the global industry. The report presents key statistics on the market status of the global Dimmable LED Lighting market manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.

    Major Product Types covered are:

    DALI1-10VTRAICTrailing Edge

    Major Applications of Dimmable LED Lighting covered are:

    Indoor LightingOutdoor LightingSpecial Lighting

    To get this report at a profitable rate.:

    Regional Dimmable LED Lighting Market (Regional Output, Demand & Forecast by Countries):-North America (United States, Canada, Mexico)South America ( Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile)Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Korea)Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy)Middle East Africa (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran) And More.

    The research report studies the past, present, and future performance of the global market. The report further analyzes the present competitive scenario, prevalent business models, and the likely advancements in offerings by significant players in the coming years.

    Key Questions answered by the Report

    Access full Report Description, TOC, Table of Figure, Chart, etc. @

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    Reports Insights is the leading research industry that offers contextual and data-centric research services to its customers across the globe. The firm assists its clients to strategize business policies and accomplish sustainable growth in their respective market domain. The industry provides consulting services, syndicated research reports, and customized research reports.

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    Dimmable LED Lighting Market Growth Analysis, Incredible Possibilities and Forecast To 2026 New Mexico Tribune - New Mexico Tribune

    10 Ways to Beautify the Backyard in One Weekend –

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Sure, it might seem daunting, but taking your backyard to-do list one item at a time lets you accomplish more than you think over the course of a weekend. Get your backyard in tip-top shape by tackling a combination of these tasks (depending on your setup) and before you know it, your outdoor space will be ready for barbecues and plenty of entertaining.

    Revive wood furniture. Dont get intimidated! Most of the time needed for this project is letting the pieces dry completely between steps. Using a kit like Furniture Clinics Garden Furniture Restoration Kit gives you everything you need to clean, brighten, and condition your wood furniture, as quickly and easily as possible.

    Refinish metal furniture. Over time, metal furniture can develop chips in the finish and rust, and a little regular maintenance can help stop it in its tracks. Check the forecast for a warm, dry day [and] work in a shady, protected area if possible, says Rachel Rothman, chief technologist at the Good Housekeeping Institute. First, use a small wire brush to wipe away the rust spot, clean with soap and water and let it dry completely. Use a spray paint thats formulated for metal and outdoor use to reseal the raw metal areas. Let the paint dry completely before exposing it to the elements.

    Garden Furniture Restoration Kit


    Gloss Protective Enamel


    Get garden beds under control. Carolyn Forte, the cleaning lab director at the Good Housekeeping Institute, says taking time to pull weeds by hand actually gets the job done quicker than you might think. Make sure the soil around your annuals is nicely aerated and get rid of any and all debris, she explains. Putting down mulch helps prevent new weeds from popping up during the season and makes beds look neater.

    Pro tip: Use a flat-edged shovel to straighten out any uneven edging around the beds.

    Power wash outdoor surfaces. Banish mold, mildew and dirt from your patio and siding with the help of an easy-to-use power washer. Theres no need to get a commercial grade machine for a job like this; a small model works well. First wash down surfaces and remove loose debris, and use the lowest possible pressure that is effective, says Rothman. As a general rule, Rothman advises using the broadest and lowest pressure nozzle you can, and to test an inconspicuous area first. Stand at least six inches away as you work your way in a sweeping motion and maintain a consistency distance from the siding. Hold the tip of the nozzle at an angle above the surface you are cleaning. Watch out, the instant squeaky-clean results can be a little addicting!

    Add the right accents. Bring a little bit of your indoor style outside, with rugs and pillows that are weather resistant. There are so many options these days! You want to get accessories that are easy to keep clean and hose off when neededlook for outdoor rugs made with polypropylene. Its durable and easy to clean, and the texture feels surprisingly close to what youd find in an indoor rug. If youre not buying new, you can treat your existing outdoor cushions and pillows with a UV fabric spray to prevent fading and stains, Rothman says.

    Second Skin Garden Gloves


    Long-Handle Steel Edger


    14.5-Amp Electric Pressure Washer

    $159.99 (20% off)

    All Purpose Pressure Washer Cleaner


    Indoor/Outdoor Pillow, 18 x 18"


    Michaela Indoor / Outdoor Area Rug


    Fill hanging planters and pots. One of the to-dos many people miss is replacing dirt in their pots and hanging planters, Forte explains. After any summer season, nutrients in the soil will be depleted. Replacing or mixing in some new soil or compost will give your new plants what they need to grow all summer long. If youre filling a larger pot and dont want it to get too heavy, you can use leftover Styrofoam on the bottom instead of filling it completely with dirt, she says.

    Mow the lawn, but not as short as you think. It turns out less is more when it comes to your lawn. Keep your mower blades sharp and make sure youre only cutting a third of the grass length, as cutting it too short will weaken it. You should raise your mower deck so you are removing less with each cut, says Rothman. Keeping most cool-season grass in the 2.5 to 4-inch range will keep your lawn healthier."

    Pro tip: If you plan to water your grass, do it in the morning or early evening; water will evaporate at midday.

    Add some lighting. Dont underestimate the magic of bistro-style lights in your outdoor space. Vertical lines over an outdoor seating area always look niceor simply drape them along your fence line. As a time saver, use lighting clips to make the whole job a cinch. They attach to whatever surface is available and the light cords clip right in. Worried about outdoor power? Try solar lights.

    Freshen up the fire pit. If youve invested in a beautiful fire pit, youll want to keep it looking pristine for as long as possible. The secret to longevity is cleaning out completely cooled ash after a fire. Simply brush it out of the bottom of your fire pit between uses. If you dont want to worry, invest in a water tight cover to go over your fire pit between uses.

    Pro tip: Avoid letting water mix with ash in your fire pit; over time it turns into lye, which eats away at metal.

    Clean the grill. The biggest mistake people make when cleaning a grill is trying to scrape off stuck-on gunk while the grates are cold. Instead, work with a warm grill and a high quality, metal-bristled grill brush thats in good condition to clean. Then, lubricate the grates with a high heat oil. Once the grill cools down, remove and clean the drip trayyou never want to store it with grease in it because it attracts animals, says Forte. Line it with aluminum foil to make clean up easier next time.

    Oven Rack & Grill Cleaner


    Sprinkler Irrigation System


    4-Pack Hanging Planters


    Solar String Lights, Set of 2


    Square Leg Steel Fire Pit


    Taking time where you have it to complete these little outdoor projects can make a big impact on the look and feel of your yard! Get started today and youll be blown away by how much more welcoming your outdoor space looks.

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    10 Ways to Beautify the Backyard in One Weekend -

    Weed for the People: Catalyst Cannabis focuses on community, equity and accessibility – Studio LBP – Long Beach Post

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Were going to uplift the entire block, Catalyst CEO Elliot Lewis predicts when Catalyst opens its doors at 433 Pine Ave. this month. The business is just awaiting final licensing approvals from the City before it opens what Lewis calls his flagship store.

    This will be the 6th brick and mortar dispensary under the Catalyst name (the other Long Beach locations are on 2nd Street in Belmont, on Cherry Avenue and on 10th Street, as well as in Santa Ana and Bellflower). For Lewis, a Long Beach native, this location is a passion project.

    The drywall is installed, the landscaping is planted and all thats left to do is to welcome customers.

    But Lewis vision extends beyond the storefront to the community that surrounds it. Hes been working closely with nearby residents and businesses to help plan events, like a pop-up art gallery, live music and cultural celebrations, for the block.

    Catalyst has a different business model than most cannabis stores. Given that the company name means agent of change, its no surprise that Catalyst takes a distinct approach compared to others in the industry.

    Take, for example, the four pillars of Catalysts business model: Community outreach, social equity and fire weed at fire prices. Catalyst supports women by highlighting a different woman-owned brand on Wednesdays. It is also a strong union supporter and works with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union to offer union jobs that provide employees with good pay and benefits.

    Were trying to redefine the way the cannabis business is done, Lewis said. The younger generations are socially conscious and care about buying from companies that are, too. Its important to have a good menu with good prices but, ultimately, our customers are interested in supporting businesses whose employees contribute to the community not those who are off on an island, wearing a Rolex and counting their money.

    Catalyst sells a variety of cannabis products, from edibles and flowers to pre-rolled and concentrates from a variety of brands. While the cannabis brings people in the door, its the customer service that keeps them coming back, Lewis said.

    When asked what hes most proud of, Lewis doesnt talk about Catalysts success, the partnerships hes forged with cities or even his expansion plans he discusses the beach clean-ups, food pantries and legal justice clinics he and Catalyst employees volunteer for, along with many other community organizations Catalyst supports. Were promoting a culture of volunteerism, he said, noting that potential employees interviewing for positions at the new Pine Avenue location must show a willingness to get involved in community outreach.

    The desire to give back runs deep for Lewis, who often brings his wife and four children, ranging in age from 5 to 12, with him for weekend volunteer work. Its good for them to see people modeling integrity, honesty and service just as they need to see there are people in need who we can help.

    He knows there is marketing and political value in contributing to his community, and he doesnt try to pretend he doesnt know. Lewis is, after all, a business man. But, whether its by bringing toys to children or selling to a satisfied customer, Lewis said he is most fulfilled when he is helping others.

    Success has not come without knocks. From disagreements with his industry peers on the best approach to working with cities to disputes with partnerships to overcoming COVID-19 issues, Lewis has faced plenty of challenges. He is looking ahead and not behind, though, with much anticipation for Catalysts future.

    I dont consider this work, I love it, Lewis said. Im excited to every day to make #WeedForThePeople a reality.

    Learn more about Catalyst by visiting the companys website or follow Lewis on Instagram @catalyst_ceo.

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    Weed for the People: Catalyst Cannabis focuses on community, equity and accessibility - Studio LBP - Long Beach Post

    Eleventh Circuit affirmance of fee award demonstrates the long reach of an MDL – JD Supra

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Takeaway: When the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) consolidates cases and transfers them to a single, multidistrict litigation (MDL) court, the process is in a very important respect coercive. Counsel for the plaintiffs not only lose their chosen venue, but may also lose control of their cases. The overriding purpose of multidistrict litigation is efficiency, including avoiding duplication of effort by different plaintiffs counsel. Accordingly, MDL courts assign the lions share of the litigation work to appointed counsel, such as a Plaintiffs Executive Committee, who need to be compensated for that work. A recent decision by the Eleventh Circuit shows how these issues played out in the fractured Chinese drywall MDL, where the appointed MDL counsel secured a major portion of settlement funds generated after a group of cases had been transferred out of the MDL court and back to the district court where they had been filed. Amorin v. Taishan Gypsum Co., Ltd., --- Fed.Appx. ---, No. 20-12100, 2021 WL 2349920, at *1 (11th Cir., June 9, 2021).

    In the Chinese drywall MDL, thousands of plaintiffs mostly from Florida and Louisiana sued Chinese manufacturers of drywall and other businesses involved in its production and sale, alleging claims for property damage (and some personal injury) resulting from the installation of the allegedly defective drywall.

    The JPML consolidated the cases and transferred them to Judge Eldon Fallon of the Eastern District of Louisiana for pretrial proceedings. While the case was pending before Judge Fallon, he appointed a group of attorneys (Class Counsel) to prosecute the cases before the MDL court.

    In 2018, after about a decade of litigation, Judge Fallon remanded over 1,700 of the Florida cases back to Judge Marcia Cooke of the Southern District of Florida. After this remand, counsel for the individual defendants negotiated a settlement with a group of defendants that resulted in agreements being reached with almost 500 individual plaintiffs, with settlement payments to this group totaling over $40 million (the $40 million fund). Counsel for these plaintiffs were compensated from the $40 million fund under contingent fee agreements with the individual plaintiffs.

    In 2019, Class Counsel filed a motion in the Southern District of Florida to recover common benefit attorneys fees and costs from the $40 million fund, contending that their work prosecuting the cases as lead plaintiffs counsel before the MDL court contributed to that settlement. In particular, Class Counsel claimed that they were entitled to recover 20% of the $40 million fund. Counsel for the individual plaintiffs opposed the motion.

    In January 2020, Judge Fallon of the MDL court approved a global settlement between the same defendants and all of the remaining class members (other than the Florida plaintiffs), awarding Class Counsel 60% of the fees paid under the global settlement. Class Counsel then amended their motion before the Southern District of Florida to increase their request to 60% of the $40 million fund, consistent with Judge Fallons 60% award. 2021 WL 2349920, at *2.

    In May 2020, Judge Cooke granted Class Counsels amended motion in part, finding that the settling Florida plaintiffs benefitted from Class Counsels litigation efforts before the MDL court, including their efforts to secure the global settlement, and awarded Class Counsel 45% of the $40 million fund. Counsel for the settling plaintiffs appealed this ruling to the Eleventh Circuit under the collateral order doctrine, as the amount of the disputed fees [was] fixed, the district courts allocation of that amount [was] completely separate from the merits of the underlying action, and the appeal [was] unaffected by further district court proceedings. Id.

    Reviewing Judge Cookes order for an abuse of discretion, the Eleventh Circuit affirmed. The panel relied on the common fund doctrine, which rests on the perception that persons who obtain the benefit of a lawsuit without contributing to its cost are unjustly enriched at the successful litigants expense. Id. at *3 (quoting Boeing Co. v. Van Gemert, 444 U.S. 472, 478 (1980)). Such awards, the panel reasoned, need not satisfy rigid eligibility requirements given that common benefit fees are grounded in the courts equity power. Id. Accordingly, and [p]articularly in complex litigation, courts have broad managerial power that includes significant discretion in awarding fees, and thus are authorized to compensate appointed counsel for their significant duties and work in multidistrict litigation. Id.

    The panel concluded that the $40 million fund constituted a common fund, that the Southern District of Florida had jurisdiction over that fund pursuant to the agreement of the parties to litigate common benefit fees in that court, and that the fee award was within the district courts discretion. Id. at *4.

    The panel concluded: The district court rightly acknowledged that Individual Counsel worked hard to bring about the FIS [Florida individual settlements]. But their work did not exist in a vacuum. They benefitted from the decade of foundational work that Class Counsel exerted in this groundbreaking MDL, which involved evasive defendants in China, complex jurisdictional challenges requiring two trips to the Fifth Circuit, decertification attempts, and liability determinations. That Class Counsel has otherwise been compensated for this work [through the 60% global settlement award] does not prevent them from continuing to reap the rewards of their efforts. Moreover, preventing appointed counsel from recovering awards when their work leads to massive recoveries down the road would make it harder for courts to find capable and competent lawyers to take on that work in the future. Id.

    Read more:
    Eleventh Circuit affirmance of fee award demonstrates the long reach of an MDL - JD Supra

    Why summer is the ideal time to waterproof your basement – The Georgia Straight

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    (This story is sponsored by .)

    Similar to performing repairs and renovations, summer is also the best time to waterproof your homes basement. From June to September, we get a much appreciated break from the rain. That makes it the optimal time to that may be prone to leaking.

    There are several factors that can cause a leaky basement, including the environment surrounding it. Any clay, soil, or water located around the basement can slowly put pressure on your homes walls, which can result in cracking or even a collapse. Once water or soil permeates your basement, you can experience sinking, damaged flooring, warped walls, mould, and mildew. All of these are extremely costly to repair.

    To avoid your basement and wallet from taking a hit, enlist the professional team at to ensure your foundation is solid. The Ontario-based company provides homeowners with free waterproofing estimates and has been serving the surrounding Hamilton area for more than 25 years.

    There are three important reasons why should be completed during the warm summer months.

    When it comes to , the higher temperatures in the summer can help the sealants and protective coating dry more quickly. For basements that require excavation, its best to do this in the summer when the surrounding dirt can be shovelled.

    In the winter, the ground is frozen, which makes repairs more costly, says a representative at Aquatech Basement Waterproofing. The summer and early fall seasons are when we recommend homeowners have their foundation inspected.

    While its difficult to excavate during the winter, the experienced team at Aquatech Basement Waterproofing can provide other services like installing pump systems or applying coating.

    Humidity goes hand-in-hand with damp, mould-filled basements. In the summer, humidity levels increase, making your basement more prone to excess moisture and mildew. Instead of using fans to circulate the stuffy and smelly air, have your basement waterproofed so it can handle humid conditions.

    Depending on your basement situation, the offers a handful of services that can keep your home dry.

    Aquatech Basement Waterproofing offers interior and , basement underpinning, foundation crack repair, wet basement repair, leaky basement repair, and sump pump repair and installation. The services that your home requires will be determined by a professional contractor upon consultation.

    Homeowners who wish to fully waterproof their basement will have the flooring removed, drainage system updated, corrugated siding and drywall installed, and a new basement floor poured. This waterproofing process should be performed every 25 years to avoid expensive leaks and damage from occurring.

    Aquatech Basement Waterproofing also provides dependable waterproofing services to homes without basements, ensuring that nasty weather conditions never enter your humble abode.

    To book your free phone consultation and waterproofing estimate, visit

    Read more here:
    Why summer is the ideal time to waterproof your basement - The Georgia Straight

    GAMING the SYSTEM: The Scam-part 2 | Claremont Courier – Claremont Courier

    - July 2, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    by Mick Rhodes |

    In Part I How Much is Too Much?, the COURIER described how an elderly Claremont couple, the Roberts, came to be mixed up with Rooter Hero, a California and Arizona plumbing company with 10 locations.

    We delved into scathing reviews from consumers and former employees detailing allegations of fraud, and into a revealing 37-page California State Contractors License Board document detailing scores of accusations of wrongdoing with respect to the companys business practices.

    Yes, online reviews are to be viewed with a jaundiced eye; its common to game the system and attempt to discredit your competitors with fraudulent negative reviews.

    So, the COURIER went to the source and talked to two ordinary consumers who came to be entwined with the company.

    One, 34-year-old Glendora resident Jenna Tennyson, had some less than flattering lasting impressions of Rooter Hero.

    Part one: How much is too much?

    Next week part 3: Gaming the System

    Listen to the PODCAST

    Its not our problem

    If I left a review, it was prior to the job being done and I would retract it if I could. They are awful, Ms. Tennyson told the COURIER through Facebook Messenger.

    Ms. Tennyson was referencing a Google review she posted about Rooter Hero. She went on to describe a repair job involving a backup prone, leaky toilet. Rooter Heros tech said the toilet was faulty, and charged Ms. Tennyson $1,000 to replace it with a new one.

    But before she was allowed to pay, the tech told her she needed to leave a Google review for the company.

    And they didnt leave until I did, Ms. Tennyson said. Actually, if I remember correctly, it was part of the process upon payment. You couldnt pay until you left the review. It was all on their system, on their tablet.

    Heres her Google review from a year ago: Did a wonderful job repairing our massive plumbing issue at work. Thank you so much guys!

    Honestly, I dont even remember what I wrote, Ms. Tennyson told the COURIER. I remember it being so rushed and weird. Like I had to leave a review in order to get to the screen to pay.

    Days later the new toilet was still having the same issues, so she called another plumbing company. That tech removed the newly installed toilet to reveal it was mounted on a wax ring that was sitting over a 4 drain that was half-occluded by a protruding concrete foundation, Ms. Tennyson said.

    A reasonable person would assume this kind of glaring, obvious problem would surely have been noted by Rooter Heros tech once he saw it. And, if not, once the tech learned the customer was aware of it, one would think he would have returned and fixed the problem, or offered another solution. That was not the case.

    Ms. Tennyson reached out to Rooter Hero after the second plumber pointed out the obvious reason the toilet wasnt functioning properly, and then they didnt cover the problem because it wasnt their problem, she told the COURIER.

    Ill throw something in for you

    Rooter Heros detractors also include Roseville, California residents Erin and Tim Malispina, who posted a cautionary review on Facebook in February, warning potential customers away after very nearly spending $2,500 on a simple repair another local plumber ended up doing for $180.

    Like the Roberts, the Malispinas Googled 24-hour plumber near me the evening of February 18 after their shower would not stop running, and Rooter Hero popped up at the top of the search.

    A Rooter Hero tech arrived, Then he takes a look and after maybe 10 minutes, hes like, Yeah we cant fix this. This has to be all ripped apart. Weve got to go into the back wall and tear out the drywall, re-do the entire [shower plumbing], and then fix it that way, Mr. Malispina said. Then he pushes that little piece back on extremely tight, and he tells me its going to be $1,800.

    The Malispinas didnt have that much liquid cash on hand.

    And he said, Well, we can finance it. But I cant finance anything less than $2,500, Mr. Malispina recalled. I was like, Why would I finance $2,500 if its an $1,800 project? And he said, I tell you what, Ill throw something in for you; do you need a sink or a toilet?

    Tired and startled by the sudden prospect of going into debt to the tune of $2,500 to repair what seemed to them to be a simple fix, the Malispinas nevertheless reluctantly agreed to have the tech return the next day to do the job.

    But something just didnt sit right, and Ms. Malispina phoned her aunt, whos knowledgeable about such things. She referred her to a Rocklin outfit, Whest Koast Plumbing, that sent out its tech Joseph Rippley the next morning.

    He was in there for maybe 20 minutes, and hes like Oh yeah I can fix this right now. Ive got the part inside my truck, Mr. Malispina said of Mr. Rippley. He has this little puller to the get the piece out. He said, Man, that guy really jammed that in there. I had trouble pulling it. He got it out, and in 30 minutes tops he was in my house, finished the project and done for $180.

    Mr. Rippley installed a new shower valve cartridge, a part that cost about $40. He saw no water damage, dry rot or mold, conditions which could have prompted the removal of drywall.

    This job was a simple, obvious thing, and [checking the cartridge] is one of the first things youd look at, said Whest Koast owner Charlie Hopkins. This is typical fare of misdiagnosis, overpricing the consumer and hard pressure sales. People just cant say no sometimes. I cannot believe how many times I tell people, You have a resource with the contractors state license board. They will do everything. Theyll help you file the paperwork. Theyll return your money or fine them, and keep them from doing that stuff. But people will not do it.

    Clearly though, some have.

    Following an investigation into numerous consumer grievances filed with the California State Contractors License Board, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a formal complaint against Rooter Hero on March 19, 2021.

    Case number N2019-298 lists 51 calls for discipline dating back to 2017, including allegations Rooter Hero willfully or fraudulently contracted for work that was not required and overcharged for work performed, departed from accepted trade standards for good and workmanlike construction, willfully or fraudulently overcharged for work that was not required, causing a substantial injury, made substantial misrepresentations to a California homeowner in the procurement of the contract, performed unnecessary work in replacing the plumbing system that had no indication that it needed to be replaced, requested and received payment that exceeded the value of work or materials provided to the ... project, and numerous and sundry complaints of out of code work and other questionable business practices.

    Proposed actions include the suspension of the contractors licenses of Rooter Heros owner and CEO John Akhoian (aka Oganes Akhoian), CFO Tamar Akhoian (who is presumably married to Mr. Akhoian), COO John Clinton Bergeron, and William John Beyermann, the companys responsible managing employee.

    A hearing date is forthcoming, according to Joyia Emard, Public Affairs Manager for the California Contractors State License Board.

    Additionally, on May 7, 2018, in another California State Contractors License Board investigation into similar allegations of wrongdoing, then California Attorney General and now Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris ordered the CSLB licenses for Akhoian Enterprises Inc., John Akhoian, Tamar Akhoian, and William Beyermann be placed on probation for three years.

    Case number N2015-270 stipulated each was ordered to post a $45,000 disciplinary bond or cash deposit. The order also prohibited John Akhoian or Tamar Akhoian from serving as an officer, director, associate, partner or qualifying individual on any contractors license during the period of probation.

    So how is it that a company with a history of consumer complaints of fraud and abuse, one that in 2018 was reprimanded by the state contractors license board for same, and is currently under investigation for allegations of even more, still continues to rise to the top of the various online review platforms search results, with five-star ratings?

    The answer is clear: its gaming the system.

    View original post here:
    GAMING the SYSTEM: The Scam-part 2 | Claremont Courier - Claremont Courier

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