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    Can Plasma Therapy Help In Treating COVID-19? Study Sheds Light On Why COVID Convalescent Plasma Is No Longer – TheHealthSite

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    According to the study results, the treatment did not reduce the risk of death (24% in both groups). read to know everything about the therapy.

    Written by Satata Karmakar | Updated : October 8, 2021 1:12 PM IST

    It's been more than a year now the world is in the grip of deadly coronavirus, which was first reported from China's Wuhan city. The infection was so deadly that the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a pandemic. Ever since then many studies have surfaced claiming various treatment options to lower down the death rate among patients suffering from COVID-19 infection. One of the very first was 'convalescent plasma therapy', which scientists thought might be one of the best ways to treat the infection. Since earlier days of the pandemic, experts considered convalescent plasma therapy as one of the possible best ways to treat COVID-19. What exactly happens in this therapy? This process involves techniques in which a patient is being given the plasma of people who had recovered (or convalesced) from COVID-19. Now, coming to the idea behind this was that this antibody-rich infusion would help their immune systems fight infection. It's a strategy tried, with various degrees of success, for other infectious diseases, including Ebola.

    In medical terms, convalescent plasma is a blood product that contains antibodies against infectious viruses such as the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Convalescent plasma is being taken/collected from the patients who have recovered from the infectious disease.

    To separate the plasma from the blood of a recovered patient, scientists use a process called apheresis. In this process, the red and white cells, and platelets are generally removed from the blood leaving plasma, which is the house of the antibodies.

    Convalescent plasma therapy which is also known as serum therapy originated in the 1890s. This was the time when the diphtheria outbreak was first reported. The outbreak was noted among the infected horses with the bacteria causing diphtheria. Once the horses recovered, Behring collected their antibody-rich blood to treat humans with the disease. This led to him being awarded the first Nobel prize in physiology or medicine, in 1901.

    According to the study, a growing number of evidence shows that convalescent plasma does not save the lives of people critically ill with COVID-19. The study concluded the therapy as 'futile' in treating the deadly virus infection.

    Ever since the first outbreak of deadly coronavirus was first noted in the world, researchers stated the use of this therapy's significance in treating the highly infectious coronavirus disease. Convalescent plasma os, not a new treatment, it has been used to treat infectious diseases for over a century. Some of them include scarlet fever, pneumonia, tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, chickenpox, MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), and Ebola.

    Based on several clinical studies and trials, convalescent plasma was being used widely among the patients suffering from COVID-19 in the United States (USA), a decision supported by the Food and Drug Administration. By May this year, more than 100 clinical trials had been conducted with convalescent plasma in people with COVID-19; about one-third of these studies had finished or were stopped early.

    Earlier this year, UK conducted a study to investigate convalescent plasma therapy (compared to usual supportive care) which included more than 10,000 people hospitalised with COVID-19. According to the study results, the treatment did not reduce the risk of death (24% in both groups), with no difference in the number of patients who recovered (66% discharged from hospital in both groups) or who got worse (29% needed mechanical ventilation to support breathing in both groups). Therefore, following the study, the researchers concluded that convalescent plasma offers no benefit for people admitted to hospital with COVID-19.

    A Cochrane review, which was updated in May this year and evaluated all available trials, confirmed these results. These trials involved more than 40,000 people with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 who received convalescent plasma. The review found the treatment had no effect on the risk of dying from COVID-19, did not reduce the risk of requiring hospitalisation nor the need for a ventilator to assist breathing when compared to placebo or standard care. However, this is not the case with every country, in Australia, the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce does not recommend using convalescent plasma in people with COVID-19 unless it is in a clinical trial.

    In the latest study which involved about 2,000 hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19, it has been found that

    Although the results and detailed analysis were published this week, the trial was halted in January. This is when the trial committee reviewed the interim results and reported: "convalescent plasma was unlikely to be of benefit for patients with COVID-19 who require organ support in an intensive care unit". So continuing the trial was considered futile.

    Convalescent plasma treatment did not reduce the risk of death in the hospital over the month after treatment (37.3% convalescent plasma-treated, 38.4% usual care, not treated with convalescent plasma). The median number of days without the need for organ support (such as a mechanical ventilator or cardiac support) was 14 days in both groups. Serious adverse events were reported in 3.0% of people treated with convalescent plasma and only 1.3% in the usual care group. Taken together, the weight of evidence now clearly demonstrates convalescent plasma is not a treatment option for people with mild, moderate, or even severe COVID-19.

    Experts say that the only tool to ward off the complexities of deadly coronavirus is by getting vaccinated. Vaccinations against coronavirus remain the major strategy to prevent the severity of the infection, However, the attention is now turning to some emerging and promising treatments to prevent COVID-19 worsening.

    These include emerging antiviral treatments that may be used early in the disease, including monoclonal antibodies such as sotrovimab and AZD7442. Then there are potential oral antiviral medicines, such as molnupiravir and PF-07321332.

    (With inputs from Agencies)

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    Can Plasma Therapy Help In Treating COVID-19? Study Sheds Light On Why COVID Convalescent Plasma Is No Longer - TheHealthSite

    Madonna sheds light on biggest regrets in life: I wanted to die – Geo News

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Madonna recently wore her heart on her sleeve and addressed two of her biggest regrets in life.

    The singer addressed it all during her interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show while promoting her Paramount+ concert special, Madame X.

    She started off by detailing her first regret which she understood instantly after seeing Michelle Pfeiffer in a latex suit for Tim Burtons 1992 Batman Returns, as Catwoman.

    I saw them both, and I regret that I turned down Catwoman, she admitted to Fallon. Quite simply, the part was fierce.

    She also went on to add, I also turned down the role in The Matrix. Can you believe that? I wanted to kill myself.

    At that point Fallon chimed in and lamented Poor Madonna. You dont regret anything?

    The singer responded to that by adding, A teeny-tiny part of me regrets just that one moment in my life.

    Read the original:
    Madonna sheds light on biggest regrets in life: I wanted to die - Geo News

    Casey DeSantis breast cancer diagnosis sheds light on early detection, awareness – FOX 35 Orlando

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Casey DeSantis Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

    With Gov. Ron DeSantis describing her as a "true fighter," Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. - Floridas First Lady Casey DeSantis has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Support for the 41-year-old mother of three young children is building, starting with her husband.

    The governor put out a statement saying, in part: "Casey is the centerpiece of our family and has made an impact on the lives of countless Floridians through her initiatives as first lady As she faces the most difficult test of her life, she will not only have my unwavering support but the support of our entire family."

    This month, news outlets are shining a national spotlight on breast cancer awareness and early detection. We spoke with Dr. Terry Mamounas, a surgical oncologist with the Orlando Health Cancer Institute.

    "Because of COVID, I think it is an important thing to remember that cancer screenings should resume normally, and if this is something that increases awareness, this would be a good thing for people to take home," Mamounas said.

    Mamounas says while there is debate on the best age to get a mammogram, most doctors agree on getting them over 40. But women with higher risks, including family history, should be screened earlier, specifically, 10 years before a relative was diagnosed.

    RELATED: Sen. Amy Klobuchar reveals breast cancer diagnosis, says treatment went well

    "The good news is we have very meaningful therapies that we have developed over the years that have continuously helped the outcome of patients with breast cancer. It is a very survivable disease with good outcomes," Mamounas said.

    Watch FOX 35 Orlando for the latest Central Florida news.

    Go here to read the rest:
    Casey DeSantis breast cancer diagnosis sheds light on early detection, awareness - FOX 35 Orlando

    Nobel literature prize laureate hopes fiction sheds light on humanity of migrants | | AW – The Arab Weekly

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    STOCKHOLM UK-based Tanzanian writer Abdulrazak Gurnah, whose experience of crossing continents and cultures has nurtured his novels about the impact of migration on individuals and societies, won the Nobel Prize for Literature on Thursday.

    The Swedish Academy said the award was in recognition of Gurnahs uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee.

    Gurnah, 72, arrived in Britain as an 18-year-old refugee a half-century ago. He said the themes of migration and displacement explored in his novels are even more urgent now, amid mass movements of people displaced from Syria, Afghanistan and beyond, than when he began his writing career.

    The scale is different, he said. What makes it different, I think, is what we see in the way that people risk their lives. Of course, people risked their lives from Haiti coming to the United States a couple of decades ago, and that was horrible.

    But in more recent years, the vast numbers of asylum seekers perilously crossing the Mediterranean or the Sahara, he said, are a different scale of horror.

    He said he hoped fiction could help people in wealthy nations understand the humanity of the migrants they see on their screens.

    What fiction can do is it can fill in the gaps, he said. And actually allow people to see that, in fact, they are complicated stories which are being mashed up by the high-sounding lies and distortions that seem to be what popular culture somehow requires to continue to ignore and to dismiss what they dont want to hear.

    Born in 1948 on the island of Zanzibar, now part of Tanzania but previously under Omani rule, Gurnah moved to Britain in the late 1960s, fleeing a repressive regime that persecuted the Arab Muslim community to which he belonged.

    He has said he stumbled into writing after arriving in England as a way of exploring both the loss and liberation of the emigrant experience.

    Gurnah is the author of 10 novels, including Memory of Departure, Pilgrims Way, Paradise, shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1994, By the Sea, Desertion and Afterlives. The settings range from East Africa under German colonialism to modern-day England. Many explore what he has called one of the stories of our times: the profound impact of migration both on uprooted people and the places they make their new homes.

    Gurnah, whose native language is Swahili but who writes in English, is only the sixth Africa-born author to be awarded the Nobel for literature, which has been dominated by European and North American writers since it was founded in 1901.

    Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka, who won the Nobel Literature prize in 1986, welcomed the latest African Nobel laureate as proof that the Arts, and literature in particular, are well and thriving, a sturdy flag waved above depressing actualities in a continent in permanent travail.

    May the tribe increase! Soyinka said.

    Anders Olsson, chairman of the Nobel Committee for literature, called Gurnah one of the worlds most prominent post-colonial writers. He said it was significant that Gurnahs roots are in Zanzibar, a polyglot place that was cosmopolitan long before globalisation.

    His work gives us a vivid and very precise picture of another Africa not so well known for many readers, a coastal area in and around the Indian Ocean marked by slavery and shifting forms of repression under different regimes and colonial powers: Portuguese, Indian, Arab, German and the British, Olsson said.

    He said Gurnahs characters find themselves in the gulf between cultures between the life left behind and the life to come, confronting racism and prejudice, but also compelling themselves to silence the truth or reinventing a biography to avoid conflict with reality.

    News of the award was greeted with excitement in Zanzibar, where many remembered Gurnah and his family, though few had actually read his books.

    Gurnahs books are not required reading in schools there and are hardly to be found, said the local education minister, Simai Mohammed Said, whose wife is Gurnahs niece. But, he added, a son of Zanzibar has brought so much pride.

    The reaction is fantastic The young people are proud that hes Zanzibari, said Farid Himid, who described himself as a local historian whose father had been a teacher of the Quran to the young Gurnah.

    Gurnah did not often visit Zanzibar, he said, but he has suddenly become the talk of young people in the semi-autonomous island region.

    And many elder people are very, very happy Himid said. Also me, as a Zanzibari. Its a new step to make people read books again, since the internet has taken over.

    The prestigious award comes with a gold medal and 10 million Swedish kronor (over $1.14 million). The money comes from a bequest left by the prizes creator, Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, who died in 1895.

    Last years prize went to American poet Louise Glck. Glck was a popular choice after several years of controversy. In 2018, the award was postponed after sex abuse allegations rocked the Swedish Academy, the secretive body that chooses the winners. The awarding of the 2019 prize to Austrian writer Peter Handke caused protests because of his strong support for the Serbs during the 1990s Balkan wars.

    On Monday, the Nobel Committee awarded the prize in physiology or medicine to Americans David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discoveries into how the human body perceives temperature and touch.

    The Nobel Prize in physics was awarded Tuesday to three scientists whose work found order in seeming disorder, helping to explain and predict complex forces of nature, including expanding our understanding of climate change.

    Benjamin List and David W C MacMillan were named as laureates of the Nobel Prize for chemistry Wednesday for finding an easier and environmentally cleaner way to build molecules that can be used to make compounds, including medicines and pesticides.

    Still to come are prizes for outstanding work in the fields of peace, on Friday and economics, on Monday.

    See more here:
    Nobel literature prize laureate hopes fiction sheds light on humanity of migrants | | AW - The Arab Weekly

    ‘Digital Twins’ Of Texas Coastal Communities Could Shed Light On Resiliency – Texas A&M University Today

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Researchers will create digital twins of communities including Galveston Island. The models are a virtual representation of a physical object, service or process that can be updated with real time data.

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    As the specter of increasingly severe storms looms over the Texas Gulf Coast, urban planners, emergency planners, policymakers and citizens seek to protect Galveston and coastal areas infrastructures from catastrophic damage.

    To funnel hazard resilience efforts from numerous federal, state and local agencies into a cohesive strategy, Xinyue Ye, Texas A&M University associate professor of urban planning, is heading a multidisciplinary team of scholars who are developing a comprehensive digital model of Galveston Island and portions of other Texas coastal communities in aNational Science Foundation-fundedstudy.

    The model is whats known as a digital twin: a virtual representation of a physical object, service or process that can be updated with real time data. Its a burgeoning concept with applications in planning as well as manufacturing, product development and other fields.

    A digital twin of Galveston is something that planners and citizens can use to better understand how planning and infrastructure alterations and additions can positively or negatively affect a communitys natural hazard resilience, said Ye, who is performing the study with a two-year, $300K grant from the National Science Foundation.

    By digitally modeling and testing resilience scenarios, planners, policymakers and citizens will be able to determine the best science-based measures for hazard resiliency design interventions, he said.

    The digital twin integrates a variety of data sources, digital modeling and analytics platforms as the foundation for making optimum decisions, Ye said.

    The platform will be able to collect massive volumes of data representing people, vehicles, structures/infrastructure, and many other factors, and create simulations of the effects of hazard events under different policy or hazard response scenarios, he said.

    Its a visualized operating procedure that local residents and decision-makers can use to better understand the effects on hazard planning of the relationships among different planning efforts, disaster management, new construction, and infrastructure additions, repair, rehabilitation, retrofitting and maintenance, Ye said.

    The potential upside for developing the system is high.

    More informed decisions and better inter-agency coordination may lower the costs of the coastal resilience protective system, Ye said. This decision/support framework will also act as a catalyst for further research in data-driven decision making by connecting different datasets and by providing training and collaborative research opportunities for local project participants as well as graduate and undergraduate students.

    The projects research team also includes Youngjib Ham, associate professor ofconstruction science, Galen Newman, associate professor oflandscape architecture and urban planning, David Retchless, assistant professor of geography and marine and coastal environmental science, Texas A&M University at Galveston, and Lei Zou, assistant professor of geography at Texas A&M.

    Ye, who is among the mostcitedurban planning associate professors in North America, holds the Harold Adams Endowed Professorship in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning and directs the Urban Data Science Lab. His experience in urban planning, economic geography, geographic information system, and computational science informs his research, which focuses on geospatial artificial intelligence, big data, smart cities and urban computing.

    He models the space-time perspective of socioeconomic inequality and human dynamics for applications in various domains, such as economic development, disaster response, transportation and land use, public health and urban crime.

    The rest is here:
    'Digital Twins' Of Texas Coastal Communities Could Shed Light On Resiliency - Texas A&M University Today

    Independent film made in NM gains notice for shedding light on the realities of addiction – Albuquerque Journal

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Everyone has a story, but few of them are heard.

    The Albuquerque-based nonprofit Bold Futures wants to change that.

    For the past two decades, the organization formally known as Young Women United has worked to build reproductive justice in New Mexico by and for women and people of color. More recently, it has expanded its mission to create communities by leading policy change, research, organizing, and culture shift by and for women and people of color in New Mexico.

    In 2017, the nonprofit decided to try using film to tell the stories of women who so often are voiceless. All the World Is Sleeping is that film, shedding light on the realities of addiction and the resources desperately needed for families living in cycles of addiction.

    Months of work and dozens of stories were told. In the end, a script for All the World Is Sleeping was completed.

    We were able to get seven women and talk with them to understand the complexities they faced with their substance use, all while balancing a family, says Charlene Bencomo, Bold Futures executive director. There was a conversation that we wanted to tell the stories through a feature film.

    The film is already gaining buzz, picking up best narrative feature at the prestigious New York Latino Film Festival.

    It will have its New Mexico premiere at the Santa Fe Independent Film Festival, with screenings on Thursday, Oct. 14, and Friday, Oct. 15.

    The films main character, Chama, played by Melissa Barrera, is an imaginative composite of the seven women who helped craft this storyline. Chama encompasses elements of their bravery and struggles while exposing the arduous circumstances they have endured.

    Barrera, along with co-star Jackie Cruz, worked with the mothers on and off set to authentically capture and represent their truth. Each genuinely wanted to understand the cyclical, chaotic, yet hopeful side of fighting addiction.

    Barrera has since been seen in the film In the Heights and will be Carmen in the movie Carmen. Cruz skyrocketed to fame in the TV series Orange Is the New Black.

    At the helm of the production is New Mexico native Ryan Lacen.

    The director says he was involved in the project since the beginning, often sitting in on the discussions and writing the script.

    I sat for months and created a script that honored their voices, then brought it back to them and got notes, Lacen says. Then I adapted it. The seven women were fixtures in the process the whole time. They were on set and there to work with the actors. We wanted it to come from a place of emotional honesty.

    Because the film was being produced by a New Mexico organization and telling New Mexicans stories, it was important for the production to take place in the state.

    Bencomo says the production chose Las Cruces to do principal photography.

    She says the production was a learning process. Having the community step up and help out made her glow with emotion, she says.

    Merging the world of film with nonprofit, there were bumps in the road, she says. When we got to filming, we pulled in extras by word-of-mouth. People wanted to be involved because this is a story of hope and positivity coming from a dark place.

    Doralee Urban is one of the women who sat down with Bold Futures to tell her story.

    She stepped forward not only to give herself a voice but to give voice to the many women who arent seen.

    Im honored to be part of something this important, Urban says. There have been so many women that have been in situations Ive been in before. Its like were invisible a lot of the time, and I wanted to be a part of this to express that we are people. Theres a real issue out there. We are people and should be seen.

    Urban is overwhelmed by the response to the film.

    She hopes it brings light to the subject and better care for people who are struggling especially those with children.

    Substance use is a health issue, she says. Everyone gets the wrong idea. It doesnt mean I love my kids any less. Im lucky because Ive found the help I needed and continue to work on myself.

    Lacen says being back in New Mexico was an honor for him. Lacen, who grew up in Albuquerque and graduated from the University of New Mexico, now lives in Los Angeles but tries to get his projects to film in New Mexico.

    He wanted the state to be another character in the film.

    Ive filmed everywhere in the world, and New Mexico has the best film community, he said. Being an independent film, its nearly impossible to complete. But everyone opened their doors, and the community came together to help tell the vision. We want this film to open that curtain of not only showing the problems with substance abuse but give some ways of getting help.

    UpFront is a regular Journal news and opinion column. Comment directly to Journal arts editor Adrian Gomez at

    See the original post here:
    Independent film made in NM gains notice for shedding light on the realities of addiction - Albuquerque Journal

    6 Inspiring Examples of Effective and Aesthetic Acoustic Solutions – ArchDaily

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    6 Inspiring Examples of Effective and Aesthetic Acoustic Solutions







    Acoustic comfort is affected by the levels and the nature of the sound experienced in an interior space, measured in decibels. The functionality and aesthetics of working and living spaces are usually the primary focus of the designer, however, too often overlooked, are the factors contributing to the productivity of employees or the comfort of residents. Providing a comfortable acoustic environment contributes significantly to the overall mood and health of people operating within it.

    Kvadrat Acoustics meets these challenges by collaborating with architects and designers to create aesthetically outstanding spaces with perfect sound control, using the inherent properties of beautiful textiles. Let's review some of its solutions applied in 5 interior design projects.

    At the headquarters of Aedas architects in Singapore, Soft Cells panels by Kvadrat Acoustics were installed on walls and ceilings to enhance the acoustic comfort and aesthetic quality of the Interior and Architects offices. They support the design concept, which delivers a hotel-like ambiance that facilitates discreet conversations. Aedas worked closely with Kvadrat Acoustics and Multiline, the lighting supplier, to create custom integrated panels for most of the ceilings in the reception and meeting rooms. The collaboration also focused on ensuring that the hanging lights and panels could be precisely adjusted to the final ceiling level with equal spacing between the panels.

    The ceiling at Under, designed by Snhetta architects, features acoustic panels by Kvadrat Acoustics in a variety of different geometries. In the underwater dining area, which looks out at marine life, the ceiling unites concave and planar acoustic panels, creating an acoustic environment that steadily becomes increasingly crisp and still, while the colors melt from light reds to dark greens and blues. Both above and below the ocean in Lindenes, Norway, 137 Soft Cells panels upholstered in a specially developed textile: the "Under" (named after the restaurant for which it was developed).

    Located close to Munich, the680 sqm Skin and Laser Center - which opened in 2016 - is a practice that focuses on classical and aesthetic dermatology. The texture of the skin is at the heart of the design concept by Reimann Interior & Design. For instance, the hexagonal shape of skin cells can be found in the wall design, as well as in custom-made concrete cubes used in different areas. Furthermore, the colour concept is comprised of different skin tones.

    Novartis is a global healthcare company. The organizations Asklepios 8 office tower was built in collaboration between architects Herzog De Meuron and the Novartis Business Services unit. Situated in the Novartis Campus, it overlooks the Rhine river in Basel, Switzerland. The interior, which is characterized by lightness and transparency, supports creative collaboration. Reflecting this, writable walls that invite people to visualize and share ideas are used throughout, while acoustic conditions are optimized to facilitate conversations. Soft Cells panels in assorted colors are installed on walls and ceilings to optimize acoustic quality for web conferences and face-to-face meetings. They are in 100 meeting rooms, across all floors.

    In Ohio, Foster + Partners specified a Kvadrat Acoustics solution throughout the Samson Pavilion which is designed for Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic. A new vision for a health pavilion looks to the future of integrated, interactive health education. Most of the Soft Cells panels in the building are installed in the roof trusses above the spacious Delos M. Cosgrove courtyard. Triangular and upholstered in Toto, they deliver an acoustic environment that facilitates collaboration.

    Soft Cells panels by Kvadrat Acoustics are designed for optimal sustainability. Consequently, they meet the criteria of major environmental building certifications notably: DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, and HQE. Furthermore, they hold a low emission certificate, Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort, and are third-party verified EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).

    AMOREPACIFIC is the largest cosmetics company in Korea, responsible for a portfolio of 30 brands. The companys new headquarters were designed and completed by David Chipperfield Architects, is in Seoul, South Korea. The 22-story cube-shaped building accommodates more than 3,500 AMOREPACIFIC employees. The site also incorporates a museum, a library of exhibition catalogs, an auditorium, several gardens, and a tea house.

    To ensure a perfect match with the buildings design requirements, Kvadrat Acoustics' R&D unit developed special product and installation solutions, even setting up a Kvadrat Acoustics production facility was set up in Seoul. Different types of custom Soft Cells panels by Kvadrat Acoustics were installed on walls and ceilings throughout the building.

    A specially-defined 50 mm panel installation depth was developed for the headquarters (Usually Soft Cells panels have an installation depth of 55 mm.). To achieve this, new modified profiles were extruded while installation parts were redesigned. L-shaped Soft Cells panels were also engineered especially for the project, meeting the need from the architects for panels that fit around corners.

    Click here to see more examples of projects by Kvadrat Acoustics.

    6 Inspiring Examples of Effective and Aesthetic Acoustic Solutions - ArchDaily

    6 Best Grab Bars for Around the House Safety in 2021 – Healthline

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Grab bars can be especially useful in places like the bathroom where slick, slippery surfaces may cause you to lose your footing.

    You can install a grab bar near the toilet or in the shower or bathtub to add stability, make movements easier, and prevent falls.

    Grab bars add a measure of safety and provide a sense of security to anyone who may be prone to unsteadiness, slips, or falls. Limited mobility may be due to age as well as a medical condition, injury, or recent surgery.

    Grab bars can make it safe for a person with balance or strength concerns to be more independent. Depending on your needs, you may choose to install several grab bars.

    To choose the best grab bars, we considered the following criteria:

    Prices are indicated as follows:

    The Franklin Brass Concealed Screw Grab Bar is made of rust-resistant stainless steel to offer strength and support when using the bath, shower, or toilet. The wall-mounted bar only requires two to three screws. If you dont have studs, you can install the bar using a grab bar wall anchor, which Franklin Brass sells separately.

    The whole bar overall is 19 inches long, with the center section being 16 inches.

    Its design includes covers to conceal the screws; these end caps have a 3-inch diameter. A few customers complain that the covers dont fit perfectly. A few people said they popped off or were not tight enough to prevent water from collecting inside.

    The sturdy design of the Moen 16-Inch Angled Grab Bar can provide safety while getting in or out of the bathtub. You can also hang on to it while you shower. The bar comes with mounting hardware and is meant to be installed into wood studs. You can position it in a few different angles to suit your needs. Some users may find the brushed nickel finish adds a stylish touch.

    A few customers complain that the provided installation hardware is low quality, so you may consider buying your own.

    This stainless steel grab bar from PULSE ShowerSpas features a soft, ergonomic grip thats designed for comfort. Its easy to install and mount on wood or metal studs. The bar attaches vertically or horizontally, and includes covers to conceal the mounting screws. The grab bar attaches to a towel bar, which is sold separately.

    The Vaunn Medical Bathtub Safety Rail is designed to provide safety and support as you get in and out of the bathtub, helping to lower the risk of injuries and falls.

    The heavy-duty steel rail is easy to install without the need for tools. The adjustable clamp fits on tub walls 3 to 7 inches (8 to 18 cm) thick without leaving marks or dents. Its designed to be lightweight and portable, so you can easily move it to another bathroom or bring it along when you travel.

    You cannot use this grab bar on fiberglass or porcelain tubs since it can cause cracking.

    The Able Life Grab Bar is a transfer pole with a grab bar that can provide balance and support when standing up, sitting down, or getting in and out of the bathtub. You can place it outside the bathtub or near the toilet. Depending on the design of your bathroom, you may be able to position it so you can use it for the toilet and bathtub.

    The tension-mounted design requires no tools. It adjusts to fit ceilings 7 feet (213 cm), 8 feet (244 cm), or 9 feet (274 cm). The base and top are padded to prevent damage, markings, and scuff marks on the floor or ceiling. The portable design may be ideal for travel or to use in different rooms.

    This product is not rust-resistant, so its not intended for use inside the bathtub or shower. The handle height is not adjustable, which may be a drawback for some people.

    This wall-mounted grab bar features a horizontal bar and a vertical curved bar that rotates and locks into five positions.

    The vertical bar has four hand grips so you can use the bar to step in and out of the bathtub or shower. It also works as a support when you use the toilet. It has a space-saving design and can fold up against the wall when not in use.

    A few customer reviews mention that the vertical bar moves slightly, even when its locked into place.

    Before buying a grab bar, consider the following factors:

    To ensure safety, its vital to install the grab bar correctly. If you need assistance, ask a friend or hire a professional.

    Once the grab bar is installed, pull it to make sure its secure if you have the strength and stability to do so safely. If you dont feel comfortable testing it on your own, ask someone to check it for you.

    You can install grab bars onto various surfaces, including tile, stone, and fiberglass. Most wall-mounted grab bars require installation into a wall stud, which provides the most support. If its not possible to drill into a wall stud, you can usually buy anchors to secure the bar.

    Usually, grab bars come with installation hardware but many people like to invest in stronger materials or source their hardware from a local hardware store. Youll need a drill, level, and hammer. Additional required materials include a screwdriver and tape measure.

    Do not use a towel bar as a grab bar. For safety, only use a grab bar thats designed to support your weight and movements.

    The wet surfaces in bathrooms can make falls more likely, making grab bars a valuable addition to your home, especially if you have strength, stability, or balance concerns. Theyre equally useful for anyone who wants to make their bathroom safer.

    Consider how you plan to use the grab bar, the installation process, and any important design features. You can use this list and the provided guidance to find a grab bar that matches your needs.

    If you need help installing the grab bar on your own, seek the help of a friend or hire a professional to ensure safe, secure installation.

    Read more here:
    6 Best Grab Bars for Around the House Safety in 2021 - Healthline

    Explore the Art of Moynihan Train Hall on This New Tour – Untapped New York

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    When the newMoynihan Train Hallopened in January, one of the big stars of the hall was the public art installed throughout. Installations by Kehinde Wiley,Stan Douglas, and duoElmgreen & Dragsetbrought excitement and creativity to the brand new space. The$1.6 billion hall transformed the oldJames A. Farley postal building, a 1912 Beaux-Arts-style design byMcKim, Mead and White, into a museum of its own.

    Join Untapped New York on a tour of the artistic side of Moynihan, with a little bonus trip over toPenn Stationto talk about a rarely recognized artistic remnant of the old Penn Station. Of course, there will be frameable handouts!On the in-person tour, unearth all the exciting art in Moynihan Train Hall. Hear the stories about the creation of the art and the artists themselves. Learn about some of the new art on the way to Moynihan. Explore some of the outdoor art which usually gets ignored. And discover a Penn Station remnant art piece not featured on our publicRemnants of Penn Station tour. The event is free forUntapped New York Insiders(and get your first month free with code JOINUS).

    Moynihan Train Hall Art Walk

    The artworks, which cost $6.7 million, were commissioned through a partnership between Empire State Development and thePublic Art Fund. Kehinde Wiley created a hand-painted glass triptych titledGofor the ceiling at the West 33rd Street entrance.This was Wileys first permanent site-specific installation in glass. The work depicts Black New Yorkers in breakdancing-inspired poses against a blue sky, drawing from some of his earlier works.Wiley also based a woman pointing her finger on MichelangelosCreation of Adamat the Sistine Chapel. The artist stated that he wished to play with the language of ceiling frescoes because in ceiling frescoes, people [express] a type of levity and religious devotion and ascendancy. Wiley is best-known for works likeNapoleon Leading the Army over the Alpsand the official portrait of PresidentBarack Obama, which is on view at the Brooklyn Museum.

    Stan Douglas conducted archival research to recreate nine moments from the old Penn Station. To capture this history, he cast 400 actors to dress in period costumes over four days 100 on each day of shooting then used digitally recreated interiors of the demolished building as a backdrop. Douglass photographic panels, including one in which Blackvaudevilleperformers staged a show for passengers after a 1914 snowstorm and another of a depiction of outlaw Celia Cooney, hang along the stations 80-foot-long waiting area.

    As part of Emgreen & Dragsets workThe Hive, over 30,000 pounds of futuristic skyscrapers hang upside down by the West 31st Street entry. The 91 real and fictional buildings contain windows that glow with tiny lights of 72,000 LEDs, and six of the buildings can change colors. DragsettoldThe New York Timesthat the installation was named The Hive to reflect how the diversity and richness of cities can function because people accept certain rules for coexisting.

    In a global city synonymous with art and culture it is fitting that these works which dazzle in their beauty, humanity, ambition, and technical mastery capture the spirit of this remarkable new transit hub, said Public Art Fund director Nicholas Baume in a statement. Captivating and powerful, each work is inspired by New Yorks rich heritage, its diverse and talented people, and its irrepressible creativity.

    Join Untapped New York on a tour of the artistic side of Moynihanwith a little bonus trip over to Penn Station to talk about a rarely recognized artistic remnant of the old Penn Station. The event is free forUntapped New York Insiders(and get your first month free with code JOINUS).

    Moynihan Train Hall Art Walk

    Next, check out Justin Rivers Op-Ed Moynihan Trail Hall is Not Perfect, But its Close Enough.

    See the original post:
    Explore the Art of Moynihan Train Hall on This New Tour - Untapped New York

    11 Track Lighting Types Explained And Easy Guide On Different Them –

    - October 11, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Track lighting is a type of indirect illumination, typically installed in offices and other commercial spaces. Track lights are mounted to the ceiling or wall and are often encased in decorative metal housings that can be positioned anywhere along the track. They can be used individually or combined with other types of lamps for an even broader range of light effects.

    The track lighting system comes with a metal surface that is mounted to the ceiling or wall, known as the track. The track is connected to a power source and can be extended however long you need it to be. There are numerous options available types of tracking lighting.

    Halogen track lights are the most commonly used type of track lighting. These fixtures have an incandescent bulb with a halogen capsule, which provides higher lumen output than standard bulbs at a lower wattage. This allows for more lumens per watt than other bulb options.

    Halogen track lights can be installed in wall or ceiling tracks and are typically used in commercial applications that require high-quality lighting with a longer life span.

    Like other track lights, halogen models are available in a variety of styles and finishes to complement the surrounding dcor.

    LED track lights operate on small, low-voltage DC units. This is great for people who have to track the amount of energy their lighting uses carefully. LED lights are known for using up to eighty percent less electricity than other types of bulbs.

    One major drawback to LED track lighting is that the light they produce tends toward a blue-green spectrum. This is not true of all LED lights, but its a good idea to sample them before you buy if thats an important feature for your space.

    LED lighting is typically used in residential settings, but they are also gaining popularity for commercial spaces. They are ideal for areas with a lot of moisture, because LEDs dont create any heat.

    A floodlight track light has the ability to produce broad area illumination as well as narrow spot lighting. They are typically mounted near the ceiling and aimed down onto a targeted area.

    Floodlights are often used in kitchens or dining areas, where they can be aimed at the area where food preparation takes place. This type of track lighting is also great for illuminating large, open floor plans.

    Floodlights are often used in combination with uplights, which is a track light that is mounted on the ceiling above and pointed down at an angle. Uplights usually use linear lighting modules that offer directional illumination.

    Fluorescent track lights are the least expensive type of lighting on the market. These fixtures have a long life span and T5 fluorescent bulbs, which produce more light per watt than other types of bulbs.

    Fluorescent track lights are often used in offices or warehouses that need low-cost, high-quality lighting for a wide variety of purposes.

    The biggest disadvantage of these fixtures is that they emit a large amount of heat. They are also one of the noisiest types of lights available, making them unsuitable for homes with kids or pets.

    Fluorescent track lights come in a variety of sizes. Some are designed to sit on the floor while others can be mounted on a wall.

    Because fluorescent track lights contain fluorescent bulbs, the light they produce is very white. These bulbs are also ideal for highlighting items that need to be seen clearly because the light produced by these fixtures does not distort colors like incandescent bulbs can.

    Because of the additional parts required, fluorescent track lights often cost more than other types of lighting fixtures. In order to make most out of your investment, make sure to choose the right type of fixture.

    Low-voltage track lights have a lamp that plugs into the wall and then has a wire coming out of it that is connected to an LED or fluorescent tube. The tubes can be suspended from the ceiling, placed on the floor, or attached directly to the wall. This type of lighting is often used in basements or other areas that will be repainted frequently.

    Low-voltage track lights are often placed along a wall. The positioning of the fixture is used to spotlight an area or display certain items.

    Low-voltage track lights are easy to install, but they do not provide much flexibility in terms of positioning the tube. They can only be positioned vertically or horizontally.

    OLED track lights have a very long life span, and they produce virtually no heat. These are the most expensive type of track lighting systems on the market, but theyre also known for their high-quality lighting.

    Since OLED track lights produce no heat and are both energy efficient and longer lasting than other lamps, these fixtures can be used in places where they are exposed to the elements and will not be repainted regularly.

    OLED track lights are designed to be attached directly to the wall. They also come in both a fluorescent and LED design.

    One disadvantage of OLED track lights is that the light they produce has a blue tint. This makes them ideal for highlighting certain items but not so great for general illumination.

    Since OLED track lights do not need to be cleaned often, you should also consider how easy it will be to replace parts when they start to wear out.

    The HID type of track lighting is the most common. They feature two bulbs: one that produces a blue light, and another that produces the white light. This creates a pleasant combination of warm color temperatures to illuminate your space while still providing ample illumination.

    Like most other types of track lighting, there are HID track lights that have fluorescent and LED bulbs.

    When it comes to HID track lighting, there are two wattage options: 35 watts or 50 watts. The higher-wattage lights typically last longer, and they also produce more lumens (light). Therefore, if you want a brighter light in your space, these fixtures might be a suitable choice.

    HID track lights use high-intensity discharge lamps to produce a very bright light. These lights are typically used for retail lighting, stage lighting, or any other place where you need a lot of light over a wide area.

    Because they require high amounts of energy and are not as energy efficient as LED or fluorescent bulbs, they come with a high initial cost. However, they are among the most durable and longest-lasting track lights around.

    A linear track light system is composed of individual fixtures arranged in a line. These systems are used in warehouse or office spaces, or anywhere where long stretches of uninterrupted lighting are needed.

    Linear track lights are energy efficient, and they produce very consistent illumination along their entire length. Linear systems often come with endcaps that can be adjusted using a remote control.

    Linear track lighting is often used behind retail showcases where it might be subject to damage. The fixtures on these lines are more durable than others and can withstand a higher amount of pressure.

    Linear track lights are often suspended directly above showcases in order to display merchandise. In this situation, the light is used as both illumination and advertisement for the products below it.

    A circular track light system is composed of individual fixtures arranged in a circle. Circular systems are used primarily for highlighting artwork in museums and art galleries. They can also be found as accent lighting in retail spaces or other areas where highly focused illumination is needed over a smaller area.

    These lights are not very energy efficient, but their brightness makes up for it. However, they do produce a lot of heat, so theyre often used as accent lighting or as supplemental lighting to larger systems.

    Circular track lights are typically suspended from the ceiling. They are also found in residential applications as well, where they can be used to highlight a piece of art, create an interesting lighting pattern on the ceiling, or provide ample illumination for reading at night.

    A ceiling-mounted track light system is composed of individual fixtures which mount directly to the ceiling. These systems can be arranged in a line, circle, or any other arrangement you choose. Ceiling-mounted track lights are used primarily for illuminating retail spaces or showcasing artwork.

    Because they do not take up any floor space and typically have a very long life-span, theyre often good options when trying to illuminate large areas at an affordable price. This is one of the main reasons they are often used in retail spaces.

    Ceiling-mounted track lights are also a very popular choice for highlighting artwork in galleries or museums. This type of lighting avoids glare, which makes it easier to see the details on a painting (for example).

    A flush-mounted track light system is composed of individual fixtures which are mounted to a surface such as the wall, ceiling or floor. These systems can be used anywhere that lighting needs to be highly focused in one direction, rather than dispersed over an area.

    Because these lights can be placed in places with limited space, they can be used as task lighting or accent lighting without changing the way a room looks. They are also popular for highlighting artwork, plants, and other decorative pieces.

    These types of track lights are often found in kitchens and bathrooms, where they can be mounted to the underside or side of cabinets. They can also be used to highlight artwork on ceiling-mounted doors.

    Linear track lights are longer, while circular systems provide more focused (and therefore brighter) light. They also differ in terms of their construction; because a linear system contains multiple fixtures that run parallel to one another, it must have some sort of support mechanism in order for them to be spaced evenly.

    Ceiling-mounted track lights are suspended directly from the ceiling. They can be arranged in a line, circle, or any other arrangement you choose. Flush mounted systems do not take up any floor space and typically have a very long life-span. This makes them very popular when trying to illuminate large areas, but they can be difficult to place near windows and doors because of their protruding fixtures.

    Track lighting systems are generally not the most energy efficient option since installation is more costly than surface-mounted options like recessed lighting and pendant lights. However, they do produce a lot of light while using relatively little energy; this is one of the reasons track lighting systems are often utilized in retail spaces where electricity costs can be high.

    Track lighting systems typically take standard E26 halogen bulbs or CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps). Although LEDs are not compatible with track lighting systems because they produce too much heat, there are 12 volt LED bulbs that are designed for surface-mounted track lights.

    If you have a track lighting system in your retail space, be sure to keep the bulbs clean and well-maintained. Not only will this save you money in the long run, it will also reduce your carbon footprint.

    The term linear describes how track lighting systems are arranged with respect to one another. Linear track lighting means that the bulbs are parallel to each other, rather than perpendicular or overlapping each other (as in a circular system). This is what makes the difference between linear and circular track lights.

    The name becomes more important when you want to replace a lightbulb; each system will work with common E26 halogen bulbs, but youll want to make sure the replacement bulb is compatible with your system. Halogen bulbs are also known as incandescent lights and they use a filament that glows white-hot when electricity is run through it.

    A type of flush-mount track lighting system, the under cabinet system typically consists of a series of bulbs mounted to a flat surface with very small fixtures that give off bright light without glaring. This is most often used to illuminate jewelry in retail spaces or for security reasons because it makes it harder for burglars to hide in the shadows.

    Yes, absolutely; you will typically need basic hand tools and a power drill when installing track lighting systems. If youre uncertain about your wiring abilities, you can always hire an electrician to do the work for you. This installation kit comes with everything you need except the light bulbs.

    Track lighting was originally designed for use in retail spaces where energy efficiency is crucial and people are walking around all day. Some designers are also using it for lighting outdoor bars and patios because it can help keep the mood of the party going without drawing a lot of attention to itself.

    You can also use track lighting for home design projects and you may find that this type of light source is perfect for illuminating a long hallway or space with many doors; in fact, most track lights are designed for installation in hallways or retail spaces.

    In conclusion, there are many different track lighting types and sizes that you can use. The choice of the type, style or size depends on what you want. Lighting is an important element to make a room look brighter and attractive for your eyes.

    It is important to know the different track lighting types for your room and also easy to install it at home.

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    11 Track Lighting Types Explained And Easy Guide On Different Them -

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