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    Gov. McMaster to spend remaining COVID education relief to fully fund two-year training – Greenville News

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    DUNCAN Gov. HenryMcMaster announcedWednesday a new workforce scholarship 'pilot' program'to be launched at South Carolina's 16 technical colleges.

    The "Worforce Scholarships for the Future"is designed to address the historic labor crisis affecting employers in all sectors of the economy, according to McMaster'soffice.

    The scholarships will be funded with $17 million in federal Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) monies and will cover the cost of tuition and required fees at any technical college in the state. In addition, McMaster is asking the South Carolina General Assembly to allocate $124 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to the South Carolina Technical College System.

    "There are a lot of jobs out there, but employees are scarce," said McMaster at the press conference. "We will put them back to work and back to work in high-paying jobs. This is aunique approach."

    "Today, we invest in the people of South Carolina and afford them the opportunity through the South Carolina Technical College System," added Dr.Tim Hardee,president of the South Carolina Technical College System, which is the largest higher education sector in the state.

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    General Electric employees: protest workplace vaccine mandates

    There are three technical colleges in the Upstate area that could benefit from the program: Greenville Technical College, Spartanburg Community College, and Tri-County Community College.

    Hardee said the manufacturing business in the Upstate needs "skilled people to be their workforce for the future."

    "We will be able to tailor the program locally to different areas of the state based on demand," Hardee added. "There is a need to expand, but can't do so without having the skilled workforce."

    Sara Hazzard, president and chief executive officer of South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance said at the press conferencemanufacturing makes up nearly 12% of the South Carolina workforce -- including big names in the Upstate such as Michelin, BMW, and fiber optic companies.

    "This program will help alleviate financial barriers standing in the way of an individual and a career," said Hazzard.

    Greenville Technical College PresidentDr. Keith Miller said there is no doubt this program will benefit Greenville County.

    "We have every program and the perfect tools to roll this out and make this happen," said Miller. "I get calls from employers on a regular basis. There is a huge need across the board. The demand is truly in every area right now."

    Any adult or recent high school graduate in the state will be eligible until the funds are exhausted. To make the workforce scholarship program run longer, McMaster requested an additional $124 million from lawmakers, which will allow the program to operate from July 1, 2022, until June 30, 2024.

    Scholarship recipients, who will total approximately 15,000 people, will be required to maintain a 2.0 grade-point average and complete one of the following requirements:

    Scholarship funds may only be used for associate degrees or industry credentials in high-demand careers such asmanufacturing, healthcare, computer science and information technology, transportation distribution and logistics, or construction.

    Below are examples of the programs that would be targeted:

    Earlier this year, McMaster awarded $12 million in GEER funds to the S.C Technical College System to provide short-term training programs in critical workforce areas at no cost to the individual, according to the governor's office. The funds are used to help with the costs of tuition, fees, textbooks, and materials for up to $5,000 per participant.

    These short-term trainingprograms last up to 12 weeks in critical workforce areas and individuals can earn an industry-recognized credential or certificate in those areas. Approximately 5,000 individuals will have completed retraining programs by the end of the calendar year.

    Currently, approximately 100,000 adults attend continuing educationcourses at the 16 state technical colleges and 50,000 attend credit-bearing courses. The Workforce Scholarships for the Future Program is anticipated to increase enrollment by 15,000.

    "We are going to double down and triple down and do it better and add associate degrees," said McMaster at the press conference. "We couldn't be doing this if we didn't have the best technical college system in the world. I don't know of anywhere in the country that is running a program like this. Every time we communicate and collaborate, South Carolina wins. I am confident it's going to work."

    Education and Family IssuesReporter Krys Merryman can be reached at 864.420.7111 or Continue the conversation or join a new one on our Education andFamilyIssues in Greenville Facebook page or on Twitter @krys_merryman.

    See the article here:
    Gov. McMaster to spend remaining COVID education relief to fully fund two-year training - Greenville News

    Redevelopment in Wilton-Why, What and How By Lynne Vanderslice –

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    "Redevelopment in Wilton-Why, What and How,"by Lynne Vanderslice

    Wilton is experiencing high interest in redeveloping under or nonperforming commercialproperties to multi-family residential. Residents are asking why is this happening, what is beingproposed and how can they participate.

    Why are commercial buildings being torn down or retrofitted to build multi-family housing?The short answer is demand for multi-family housing is strong. And there is an excess supply of commercial properties. Particularly of Fairfield County office buildings, which, as of September 30th, had an overall vacancy rate of 32%. That rate was led by Wilton at 50%, Norwalk at 39% and Stamford at 37%. (Source: Cushman & Wakefield). One solution for owners of such buildings is to sell to a developer of multi-family housing.

    Why is Wilton's office vacancy rate so high?Office vacancy rates have been increasing for some time. During this spring, 20 Westport Road was reported as fully vacant following the completion of Bridgewater's relocation to renovated office space in Westport, supported by a State economic development grant, and/or office space in Stamford. That one building accounted for 22% of the 50% vacancy rate. Other businesses, such as Deloitte, also relocated to Stamford with State support. Wilton is disadvantaged by the lack of direct train service to NYC and the availability of new office buildings in Stamford versus our more mature buildings.

    Are there more underperforming properties in addition to those being discussed with P&Z?Yes. In addition to the 340,000 sq. ft. at 20 Westport Road, the 46,000 sq. ft. building at 45 Danbury Rd is vacant due to Beiersdorf's recent downsizing to Stamford. The Commonfund building at the Wilton train station also has a high vacancy rate. The School Sisters of Notre Dame property on Belden Hill Road, with 200,000 sq. ft. of buildings, is on the market. A number of smaller buildings near the Cannondale train station are underperforming and, given the strong market, could be expected to be developed.

    What is the impact of these properties remaining vacant or nonperforming?The impact is two-fold

    How is the Town responding to these vacant or underutilized properties?Proactively. Director of Land Use Management and Town Planner Michael Wrinn and I regularly meet and work with owners or representatives of underutilized properties, commercial brokers, site selectors and potential developers to recommend and facilitate appropriate redevelopment. The same occurred with Michael's predecessor.

    The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Architectural Review Board hold pre-application meetings to provide feedback prior to a developer submitting an application. These non-binding meetings allow the Commission members to speak more freely and thereby improve applications.

    The First Selectwoman's Office, primarily through Community Affairs Coordinator Sarah Gioffre, is focused on making it easier for businesses to access the information they need to open or expand a business by publishing a Guide to Opening or Expanding a Business in Wilton and by an ongoing effort to make land records and permitting and other information fully accessibleonline.

    Why only apartments? Why not townhomes or less dense development?Developers indicate higher density is required to make their projects economically viable based on the high price of developable land and the need to provide affordable units. Market rate units must offset revenue loss associated with affordable units. Last year, Donald Poland provided WestCOG mayors and first selectmen/women with a presentation, Affordable Housing: By the Numbers, which includes financial data and analysis. The slides and the video are available on the WestCOG website.

    How can residents learn more and provide input?For Planning & Zoning Commission matters, complete application and pre-application materials and agendas, minutes and meeting videos are easily available on the Town's website. Residents can sign up to receive notice of activity here. Public comments may be provided during the public hearing period, which typically occurs over several meetings. Instructions are on the meeting's agenda. The same is available on the Town's website for the Architectural ReviewBoard and the Inland Wetlands Commission.

    I encourage you to engage. We all have an interest in redevelopment and the expansion ofhousing options to retain and attract new residents and to support existing and new retail,dining and service businesses.

    Thank you.

    Lynn Vanderslice is the first selectwoman of Wilton.

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    Redevelopment in Wilton-Why, What and How By Lynne Vanderslice -

    Small and diverse business owners prepped to bolster profits with conclusion of new USF-Skanska mentor-protg program – University of South Florida

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The inaugural cohort of the Construction Management Building Blocks mentor-protg program has graduated after completing eight weeks of training with industry professionals from the University of South Florida and Skanska, a multinational construction and development company. The program was launched to assist small and diverse subcontractors in the Tampa Bay Region to grow and become more successful in the construction industry and with competitive bidding processes.

    Facilitated through the USF Office of Supplier Diversity, participants received free guidance in the fundamental areas of construction business management, with topics covering environmental health and safety, field management, human resources, marketing and business development, legal, project accounting, project planning and preconstruction, and sustainability. In addition to the weekly training sessions, they visited construction sites, developed their growth plans with help fromgraduate students at the USF Center for Entrepreneurship and networked with key decision makers within USF FacilitiesManagement and Skanskas greater Tampa Bay area operations.

    Keith Ware, a U.S. Navy veteran, founded Secure2ware 2005 with aspirations to serve the community by providing alternatives to the big blue security companies. Secure2ware Inc. offers residential and commercial establishments a wide range of low-voltage services, including alarm systems, surveillance cameras and home automation.Its sister company, S2W Security Guards, also provides guards on foot or mobile patrol to protect any property or event.

    Its tremendous that Skanska and USF recognize that theres a need to look out for small, minority organizations, such as mine, Ware said. There can be some challenges achieving what we call the American Dream, and Im very thankful that theyve taken the time to reach back and help others.

    Small businesses often learn as they go, and for Ware, project accounting was one of those growing pains. Not only did the mentor-protg program teach him the techniques and best practices he needed to improve his business, but he appreciated the added benefit of learning alongside a mentor. Ware said he also enjoyed the field trips to Skanskas construction sites. Protgs were able to see, on a larger scale, the planning that goes into bringing projects to life and how the crew adapts and overcomes challenges along the way.

    The valuable knowledge that Ive gained through the mentorship program will be a great asset to me in order to take Secure2ware and S2W Security Guards to the next level, Ware said. Were hopeful that through these strategic partnerships, we are able to foster some better relationships throughout the community.

    Darrick Fullwood Sr. has been passionate about construction and design ever since an architectural drafting class in middle school. In 2007, he founded AAA Restoration & Builders Team LLC to provide quality and cost-effective construction services ranging from remodels and repairs to complete renovations and additions.

    I was ecstatic to be chosen for the mentor-protg program, Fullwood said. The training has given me the confidence to take on larger projects because the mentors taught us how to break projects down, not let the numbers overwhelm us and how to seek out the proper subcontractors to assist us.

    Instead of seeing small construction companies as competition, Skanska opened their doors and shared the blueprint behind their processes and software to successfully go from bid to completion.

    Fullwood has already scheduled a meeting with his project manager to review the program materials to make sure that everything he learned is implemented into AAAs business model. Thanks to this training, I know my company is going to grow, Fullwood said.

    Having successfully completed the program, participants will receive a construction mentor from Skanska and a graduate student mentor from USFs Muma College of Business for up to six months to assist in streamlining administrative responsibilities. Participants will also be provided scholarships to the Profit Mastery Financial Management Program led by the colleges Small Business Development Center.

    The 2021 cohort, recommended by the Hillsborough County NAACP, The St. Petersburg Collective, Prospera, the Womens Business Enterprise National Council and the Manasota Black Chamber of Commerce, included:

    Moving forward, cohorts will be selected annually by community partners. In order to qualify, companies must be in the construction industry and in business for at least one year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 weekly training sessions were held virtually, but future cohorts will attend in person.

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    Small and diverse business owners prepped to bolster profits with conclusion of new USF-Skanska mentor-protg program - University of South Florida

    City Of Suisun City: Marina Village Apartments Notice Of Intent To Adopt A Mitigated Negative Declaration And Notice Of Public Hearing –

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Please take notice that, on December 14, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, at Suisun City Hall in the City Council Chambers, 701 Civic Center Boulevard, Suisun City, California, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the below project. The public may also participate in the meeting via Zoom (login information below): ID: 814 8329 4205CALL IN PHONE NUMBER: (707) 438-1720

    File Nos.: SP/AR 20/1-002 (Site Plan and Architectural Review) and LM 21/22-001 (Lot Merger).

    Proposal: The Proposed Project, the Marina Village Apartments, is a 100% affordable housing development located at 201 Marina Blvd, Suisun City, California. The development will offer 159 affordable rental units restricted to households earning 30%, 40%, 60%, and 70% of the Area Median Income, and one manager unit for a total of 160 residential units. The 5.20-acre site is within the Suisun City General Plan land use designations of Higher Density Residential and Mixed Use and is zoned High-Density Residential 2 (RH2) and Commercial Retail (CR). The development will consist of nine three-story garden-style residential buildings, a community building and a laundry building. See Figures 4 and 5. The unit mix will consist of 39 one-bedroom, 55 two-bedroom, 50 three-bedroom, and 16 four-bedroom units. The Project will provide 15 percent of the total low-income units with mobility features and 10 percent of the total low-income units with communication to comply with the minimum construction standards pursuant to Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) requirements.


    Environmental Review: The City of Suisun City is the Lead Agency for this Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), which has been prepared to identify and assess the anticipated environmental impacts of the proposed Marina Village Housing Project (Project or Proposed Project) and mitigate potentially significant environmental effects. This document has been prepared to satisfy the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code [PRC], 21000 et seq.) and State CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations [CCR] 15000 et seq.). CEQA requires that all state and local government agencies consider the environmental consequences of Projects over which they have discretionary authority before acting on those Projects. A CEQA IS/MND is generally used to determine the potentially significant environmental affects and mitigate those to be less than significant.

    The public review period will commence on November 3, 2021 and end on December 2, 2021, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15105. If you wish to send written comments (including via e-mail), they must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 2, 2021. Written comments should be addressed to the following:

    John Kearns, Senior Planner701 Civic Center BoulevardSuisun City, CA 94585Email:

    The ISMND and supporting documents are available at the City of Suisun City Development Services Department located at 701 Civic Center Boulevard, Suisun City, California 94585, and online at the following URL:

    Location: The Project is located at 201 Marina Boulevard, Suisun City, California. APNs associated with the property are 0032-411-020, 0032-411-030, 0032-411-050, 0032-411-060, 0032-411-070, 0032-411-080, 0032-411-090, 0032-411-100, and 0032-411-110. (Figure 1. Regional Location and Figure 2. Project Location). The site is in an unsectioned portion of the Rancho Tolenas Land Grant, Township 5 North, Range 2 West (Mount Diablo Base and Meridian). The approximate center of the site is located at latitude 38.245932 and longitude -122.030675.

    Applicant: Solano Affordable Housing Foundation1411 Oliver Road, Suite 220Fairfield, CA 94534

    The development application is on file and may be reviewed at the Suisun City Development Services Department at 701 Civic Center Boulevard between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, City Hall is closed on Fridays. Comments may be submitted before the meeting to, or at the Public Hearing to the City Clerk, or you may choose to provide your comments orally during the Public Hearing.

    Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge any of the above actions, in court you may be limited to raising only those issues which you, or someone else, raised at the public hearing, which are described in this notice, or which were included in written correspondence delivered to the Suisun City Development Services Department, 701 Civic Center Boulevard, Suisun City, California, 94585, at, or prior to, the public hearing.

    If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact John Kearns, Senior Planner, at 707.421.7335 or at prior to the scheduled time of the meeting.

    Marina Village ISMND Marina Village ISMND Marina Village ISMND Attachments Marina Village NOI and PH Notice Marina Village NOI and PH Notice Marina Village Community Meeting Notice

    Post expires at 1:00 am on December 15, 2021

    This press release was produced by the City of Suisun City. The views expressed here are the author's own.

    Excerpt from:
    City Of Suisun City: Marina Village Apartments Notice Of Intent To Adopt A Mitigated Negative Declaration And Notice Of Public Hearing -

    New hotels, homes seek Orange OK – The Record Newspapers –

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Orange could be getting nearly 200 new hotel rooms and up to 150 new homes.

    Those were among the items on the agenda for Tuesday night's Planning and Zoning Commission to consider.

    ISHA Investments LLC is seeking a rezoning request so that it may build two or more hotels and a restaurant south of the Pilot Travel Center on Texas Route 62.

    The owner, who also owns the Quality Inn and Suites in Bridge City, has told the city he already has a commitment from Marriott to build a Marriott Townplace Suites on the Route 62 site and is negotiating to also build a Hilton Home Suites property on the 8.5-acre tract.

    That location is south of the intersection of 62 and Interstate 10, on the opposite side of Route 62 from the proposed Medical Center.

    The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended City Council approve the land's rezoning and Council passed an ordinance doing just that on first reading.

    "This is just more of an example of the growth the City of Orange is experiencing and I think it'll be a great addition for the city," Orange Planning Director Kelvin Knauf said.

    Also Tuesday night, the P&Z considered a plat for J. Breaux Enterprises LLC to build Orange Gardens subdivision on 14.5 acres just west of the intersection of Route 62 and FM 105.

    P&Z recommended to deny the preliminary plat because it did not meet the requirements for a new subdivision, several of which have to do with the architectural drawing, others include lots being 50 feet wide instead of the required 60 feet.

    It is not uncommon for preliminary plats to be rejected.

    As proposed, Phase 1 of that subdivision would include 75 homes, with 75 more homes to be built in Phase 2.

    The subdivision would mostly lie in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Orange while some is in the city limits. It all must be annexed into the city.

    As proposed, it would initially contract with Orangefield Water Supply Corporation for water and sewer systems but would transition to City of Orange services when they are extended to that area.

    The city currently has plans to bring water and sewer lines to the Chevron property at Texas 87 and 105, west of the Orange Gardens location if Chevron Phillips Chemical decides to construct a plant on the land between the county airport and Chemical Row.

    The Orange City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission held a joint meeting Tuesday night.

    Among other business to be considered was an ordinance that would restrict recreational vehicle parks, as well as campgrounds, within city limits to property located on Highway 62.

    Much of the growth plans are because of anticipated projects by Chevron Phillips Chemical and Entergy Texas that could bring as many as 17,000 temporary workers to the area. The workers, however, would not all be in the area at the same time.

    Some of the workers will look to live close to the jobsites. Others will choose to commute.

    "People have vacant lots in the heart of the city and want to put up an RV park. That's not allowed," Knauf said.

    "We're also expecting someone will put up worker camps. We're trying to anticipate future growth."

    Paperwork turned in to the city with the rezoning request by ISHA Investment LLC include a map of the property with as many as three hotel sites noted. Each could be as tall as five stories.

    One of the sites is listed for 110 keys (rooms), the other two for 80 keys (rooms) each.

    There is not one but two 8,750-square feet structures marked "Restaurant/Commercial."

    Information included calls for "Total Planned Buildout" of 169,000 square feet.

    The Orange Gardens development plat shows mostly lots of 50 feet by 120 feet, with notes estimating each home to be valued at $200,000.

    Multiply that by 75 homes and the estimated tax base for Phase One is $15 million.

    Read the rest here:
    New hotels, homes seek Orange OK - The Record Newspapers -

    The 2021 Middleburg Heights Community Tree Lighting Festival Will Be on Friday, November 26th. – Middleburg Heights

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The outdoor tree lighting will be held at the City Hall Park at 6:00 p.m. Outside attractions include horse-drawn carriage rides, live reindeer, and The Siberian Husky Club. Indoor attractions at the Middleburg Heights Community Center include special musical performances, holiday cookies and refreshments, and free photos with Santa. Games, inflatables and an indoor ice-skating rink will be open at the Community Center beginning at 3:00 p.m.

    This free holiday celebration for the entire family is presented by the City Club of Middleburg Heights and the City of Middleburg Heights. In the spirit of the holiday season, non-perishable food donations will be collected at this event to benefit the Middleburg Heights Food Pantry and SCAN Hunger Center.

    Continue to visit the Middleburg Heights website atwww.middleburgheights.comfor the full event schedule and more information. See the 2021 Middleburg Heights Community Tree Lighting Festival flyer opens in a new window hereopens PDF file .

    Read more:
    The 2021 Middleburg Heights Community Tree Lighting Festival Will Be on Friday, November 26th. - Middleburg Heights

    Shedding Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder – WTOP

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    As the daylight hours get shorter and the cold weather blows in, some people begin to feel the winter blues.

    As the daylight hours get shorter and the cold weather blows in, some people begin to feel the winter blues. For some individuals, these feelings can become overwhelming and have a detrimental impact on daily living.

    Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a form of depression directly tied to the seasonality of weather and daylight changes. Symptoms normally begin when the weather turns colder and daylight decreases in the late fall or early winter and begins to lift when daylight increases and the weather turns warmer in the spring.

    Though its very uncommon, some individuals experience the symptoms of SAD during the summer months.

    [READ: Is My Depression Getting Worse?]

    Who Gets SAD?

    According to the American Psychiatric Association, seasonal affective disorder impacts around 5% of adults in the United States, affecting more women than men. ( Children can be affected by SAD too.) It can last around 40% of the year, typically being the most challenging in January and February.

    Seasonal affective disorder has been linked to a biochemical imbalance in the brain, and people experience a shift in their internal clock, or circadian rhythm, that then causes them to be off-schedule with their daily life, according to Dr. Krystal Lewis, a clinical psychologist with the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

    Other risk factors include:

    Genetics. As with other forms of depression, experts believe that family history may play a role. People with SAD may be more likely to have relatives with SAD or a family history of depression or bipolar disorder.

    Geography. Those living in colder climates to the north or south of the equator have a greater chance of experiencing SAD. This is due to less daytime light during the winter months.

    [READ: Foods and Activities to Fight SAD.]

    SAD Symptoms

    When the weather starts changing, keep a close eye on a change in symptoms.

    Episodes of depression seasonal or not are diagnosed by the presence of significant sad mood or loss of interest or pleasure most of the day for at least two weeks, plus at least four other symptoms that persist during the same time frame and include significant disruptions in sleep, energy and appetite, says Dr. James Murrough, associate professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

    SAD may include some of these signs and symptoms:

    Changes in appetite resulting in either gaining or losing weight.

    Depression most of the day, nearly every day.

    Feeling lethargic or agitated.

    Feeling hopeless or worthless.

    Having difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

    Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed.

    Sleep pattern changes, usually sleeping too much.

    Social withdrawal.

    Thoughts of suicide or death.

    Diagnosing SAD

    Like many mental health disorders, there is no blood test or brain scan that can detect SAD. Instead, like all forms of depression, SAD is diagnosed through a series of questions collected through a patient questionnaire. There are two tools the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) and the Seasonal Health Questionnaire (SHQ) that are widely used.

    The SHQ was developed to be more sensitive and specific to identify symptoms of SAD. One study published in the journal BMJ found that the questionnaire was easily completed by patients and that it more precisely diagnosed SAD. This newer tool is a step forward in helping to better diagnose people with SAD, Lewis says.

    [See: Apps to Support Your Mental Health]

    Treating SAD

    There are several different approaches to treating SAD. The mainstays of current SAD treatments include:


    Bright light therapy.

    Cognitive behavioral therapy.


    Healthy sleep hygiene.

    As all three treatment options can take time to work, beginning your treatment plan proactively in early fall can be very effective in preventing the symptoms from occurring in patients that have a clear history of seasonal onset depression.

    Research has demonstrated that people can see improvements after just one week of light treatment, but it is recommended that the treatment be continued throughout the season, beginning in the fall, Lewis says.

    These options are typically used to treat SAD:

    Antidepressant Medications All types of depression, including SAD, are associated with changes in serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Your doctor may recommend using a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant or a different type of antidepressant called bupropion as part of your treatment plan.

    Keep in mind that most antidepressants take a few weeks for the full benefits to begin, and it may be necessary to try more than one to find out which is best for you. Any side effects should be reported to your doctor and used to evaluate if a medication is right for your treatment plan.

    Bright Light Therapy Bright light therapy, also called phototherapy, has shown to be very effective for people dealing with SAD and is usually considered the first line of treatment. The decline in sunlight during the winter months can cause a drop in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, which can contribute to depression.

    According to Murrough, while the reason why bright light therapy is effective for SAD is not fully known, several randomized trials have provided support for its effectiveness. It is thought to help correct a misalignment between the sleep cycle and circadian rhythms in the body that is believed to contribute to the cause of SAD.

    Bright light therapy is typically done in the morning soon after waking. It involves sitting in front of a bright light therapy lamp (10,000 lux), which is about 20 times brighter than normal indoor lighting for anywhere between 20 to 45 minutes. A quality therapy lamp typically can be found for under $50, and a quick search online will yield many options.

    Its purpose is to mimic the effects that sunlight has on your body, which results in chemical changes in the brain boosting your mood. There is no need to worry about skin-damaging UV light as these therapy lamps filter it out. Talk to your doctor before using one as certain eye diseases or medications that increase light sensitivity need to be taken into consideration when deciding if this is the right treatment option for you.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Commonly referred to as talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy aims to improve mental health by focusing on challenging and changing negative thoughts and behaviors, improving emotional regulation and developing personal coping strategies.

    Behavioral activation, a specific and important CBT skill, is a highly effective strategy for treating symptoms of depression. It encourages people to engage in pleasurable activities, even when one feels they dont have the energy or desire to do so. It helps to break the cycle of low mood and energy, Lewis says.

    Exercise Exercising regularly will help provide your body with energy as well as a mood boost throughout the day. Bonus points for any physical activity outside, especially mid-day when the sun is at its highest, as more time outdoors can help supplement the natural decrease in sun exposure that occurs as winter progresses.

    As daylight decreases and the cold weather increases, its a natural instinct to want to spend more time indoors with less physical activity and social interaction. Pushing back against that instinct is important however, as interacting with others and getting out of the house to do things you enjoy are both critical to mental health.

    Healthy Sleep Hygiene For individuals who are prone to SAD, making sleep a priority both falling asleep and waking up at the same time every day is critical.

    Ensure you are getting enough rest but not oversleeping and that you are eating foods that provide good nutrition, like foods with vitamin D, Lewis says. There is an association between vitamin D and serotonin activity. Due to the decrease in serotonin that can occur during seasonal transitions, it is important to increase foods with vitamin D and engage in activities that will help raise serotonin levels.

    More from U.S. News

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    Shedding Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder originally appeared on

    Read this article:
    Shedding Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder - WTOP

    2021 holiday events in and around the Denver area – Denver Gazette

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    If you have an event to add to list, please email information to in-person events might be canceled due to COVID-19. Before attending, make sure event is taking place.


    Tuesday: A Foolproof Thanksgiving Cooking Class 6:30-9:30 p.m., The Seasoned Chef, 999 Jasmine St., Suite 100, Denver, $85. Registration: 303-377-3222,



    Dec. 11:Trace Bundy's Acoustic Holiday With Glen Phillips, 8 p.m., Boulder Theater, Boulder, $25-$35. Tickets

    Trace Bundy's Acoustic Holiday

    Dec. 14: Barry Manilow - A Very Barry Christmas 7:30 p.m., Bellco Theatre, Denver, $19.75 and up. Tickets

    Dec. 15: Chris Isaak Holiday Tour 7:30 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Denver, $49 and up. Tickets


    Nov. 19-Jan. 2: Cirque Dreams Holidaze Gaylord Rockies, Aurora, $29 and up. Tickets

    Dec. 11-23: The Nutcracker Presented by Ballet Ariel, Lakewood Cultural Center, 470 S. Allison Parkway, Lakewood, $25-$38. Tickets


    Nov. 27-28: RiNo Holiday Bazaar 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Zeppelin Station, 3501 Wazee St. and surrounding streets, Denver. Free admission

    Dec. 3-19: Belmar Holiday Bazaar 4-10 p.m. Fridays, noon-8 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays, Belmar Plaza and indoor shopping hall, 439 S. Teller St., Lakewood. Free admission

    Dec. 4-19: Belleview Station Holiday Bazaar 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays-Sundays, Belleview Station, 6785 E. Chenango Ave., Denver. Free admission


    Through Nov. 30: Christmas Toy Drive New, unwrapped toys and cash donations can be dropped of at High Country Armory, 1600 W. 13th Ave. Denver and LT Firearms, 8119 Shaffer Parkway, unit B, Littleton;

    Food and Drink

    Nov. 11: Holiday Pies and Pints Cooking Class 6:30-9:30 p.m., The Seasoned Chef, 999 Jasmine St., Suite 100, Denver, $85. Registration: 303-377-3222,

    Nov. 18: A Vegan Holiday Cooking Class 6:30-9:30 p.m., The Seasoned Chef, 999 Jasmine St., Suite 100, Denver, $85. Registration: 303-377-3222,

    Nov. 21: Holiday Pie - Make, Take and Bake at Home Cooking Class 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Cook Street School of Culinary Arts, 43 W. 9th Ave., Denver, $119. Registration

    Kids and pets

    Nov. 19-Jan. 1: The Polar Express Train Ride Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad;

    The Polar Express Train Ride

    Nov. 26-Jan. 2: Luminova Holidays Dazzling lights, candy cane tunnel, rides and more, Elitch Gardens, 2000 Elitch Circle, Denver. Go online for ticket prices. Tickets

    Other events

    Nov. 14: Holiday Wreath Workshop with Cocktails 2-5 p.m., Dairy Black, The Maven's Windsor Room, Denver, $150. Registration

    Nov. 19-Jan. 8: Blossoms of Light Celebrate the holiday season with a dazzling and ever-changing display of light and color, closed Nov. 25 and Dec. 25, Denver Botanic Gardens York Street, Denver.

    Nov. 26-Jan. 2: Trails of Light A winding path glistening with lights that illuminate the Colorado countryside, Chatfield Farms, Littleton.

    Dec. 3-4: 1940s White Christmas Ball Doors open at 3:30 p.m., Hyatt Regency Downtown Convention Center, Denver. Tickets

    Dec. 4: Lighting of Breckenridge and Race of the Santas With 250,000 LED holiday lights, Breckenridge;


    Dec. 31: Crumb's New Year's Eve Boulder Bash 8 p.m., Boulder Theater, Boulder, $35-$39.50. Tickets

    Read more:
    2021 holiday events in and around the Denver area - Denver Gazette

    Jeep Grand Cherokee pricing jumps more than $2,000 with next generation – The Detroit News

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Customers who have held out for the fifth-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV canexpect to pay almost $2,000 more from the starting price of the 2021 model.

    The U.S. manufacturer's suggested retail price for thebase Laredo trim of Stellantis NV's best-selling SUV is $37,390 compared withthe '21 model's $35,460 starting price. The pricing on the '22 two-row redesign doesn't include$1,795 in destination fees. The vehicle is setto launch before the end of the yearat the new Mack Assembly Plant in Detroit.

    The jump in cost for the SUV comes as the auto industry battles through a global microchip shortage and inflationon raw material prices. Because of the shortage, dealer stocks are low, which has increased prices as supply doesn't meet demand. The average U.S. transaction pricefor Stellantis vehicles in the third quarter was$48,867, up 14% year-over-year, according to Inc.

    The '22 Grand Cherokee lineup includes sixtrims. The Laredo 4x4 modelstarts at $39,390. The Limited at$43,710 adds some premium features like leather seats, heated steering wheel and seats and a new power liftgate.

    More stories, fewer ads: Our all-access subscription is just $1 for six months. Click for details.

    The exclusively 4x4 Trailhawk model starts at$51,275, and the Overland model sits at $53,305 with premium navigation, teak interior trim and new ambient interior lighting.

    Summitstarts at$57,365 and adds additional safety features such as Active Driving Assist, drowsy driverdetection and a 360-degree surround view camera. Summit Reserve, which comes exclusively with 4x4, starts at $63,365 with leather and wood interior, 21-inch wheels and a 950-watt, 19-speaker McIntosh audio sound system.

    The '22 model also adds a plug-in hybrid 4xe option, which is set to go on sale in early 2022. Pricing for that will be shared at a later date.

    Twitter: @BreanaCNoble

    Read the original:
    Jeep Grand Cherokee pricing jumps more than $2,000 with next generation - The Detroit News

    How to Use Grow Lights for the Healthiest Indoor Garden – FOX10 News

    - November 4, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    See the original post:
    How to Use Grow Lights for the Healthiest Indoor Garden - FOX10 News

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