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    Pest Control Phoenix | Termite Control, Treatment …

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Looking for pest control near me or termite control, inspection, or treatment near me well look no further our experts at Action Termite & Pest Control can help you with both so you dont need separate companies.

    Our licensed technicians are involved in ongoing training programs to insure that our customers in the Phoenix AZ area receive, not only excellent service, but, also, the latest and best technologies available for the identification and solution of any pest, bed bugs, or termite problem. We pride ourselves in being one of the BEST Family Owned Pest Control Companies in Phoenix AZ providing Top Rated Phoenix Pest Control Services and not just a regular bug guy.

    Action Termite Control is proud of our reputation for continually maintaining the highest standards in the service we provide, the products we use and our expertise in all elements of termite control. We encourage new customers to verify our excellent standing with the Arizona Office of Pest Management (OPM) and the Better Business Bureau. We look forward to working with you.

    Although, green home pest control type chemicals are gaining in popularity, they sometimes wont work as well. We want to make sure we all keep the environment in mind to keep a nice blue sky, and green grass healthy but we want to make sure we are effective with our pest control and termite treatment too.

    We make sure pest problems and pest prevention of bed bugs, carpenter ants, termites, and more are all part of our pest control service options and complete pest control in Phoenix. Our pest management approach and treatment options is designed for 100% customer care when it comes to pest control treatment, your pest control needs, termite treatment, and Phoenix pest control service.

    Our pest control Phoenix, AZ trusts includes Maricopa County as a service area all the way out to Sun City. This includes residential and commercial pest control. We are a fully integrated pest control Phoenix solution. If you are looking for a trusted and highly rated and reviewed pest control near me service you have found the company that can help you.

    Call us for a Free Quote or submit your Name, phone, and email address via our contact form.

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    Pest Control Phoenix | Termite Control, Treatment ...

    How Much Does a Termite Inspection Cost? | Terminix

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    You have termites. Three little words no homeowner ever wants to hear. Termites are tremendously destructive, causing about $5 billion in damage yearly in the United States. Fortunately, taking the right precautions can reduce your chances of suffering a termite infestation.

    Termites are tremendously destructive, causing about $5 billion in damage yearly in the United States.1 Fortunately, taking the right precautions can reduce your chances of suffering a termite infestation.

    Read on for information on termite inspection costs, termite control and how to treat for termites.

    The first step to avoiding a termite problem is having your home regularly inspected for termites. And because termites feast 24/7, it's recommended that you have your home inspected annually, or anytime you suspect termite activity. The cost of a termite inspection can vary based on the company. Terminix offers a free initial inspection.

    Note: If an inspection is for a real estate transaction, there are normally associated fees because additional wood-destroying insects are included, and a formal report must be submitted. Learn more about wood-destroying organism reports here.

    Related > How Much Does It Cost to Treat Termites?

    Depending on the species of termites that are present in your area, there are different signs of termites to look for. Some signs include:

    Subterranean termites require soil contact, and most nest in the soil (which is why they are called "subterranean termites"). They then build highway-like mud tubes connecting their nest to a wooden food source. These mud tubes are a definite sign of a termite infestation, but their absence does not mean termites haven't invaded your home. There are other ways for different species of termites to reach and infest your home. For instance, because drywood termites don't require contact with soil, these termites don't create mud tubes.

    Wood with termite damage might look crushed" at structural joints, and if you tap damaged wood with a screwdriver or knife, you may hear a hollow noise. You can further inspect damaged wood by probing the surface with a screwdriver or knife, exposing termite galleries. Subterranean termites excavate tunnels in the wood that run parallel to the grain, giving the wood surface a rippled" appearance. You should have a professional inspect the wood damage, as he or she will have knowledge about the difference between different wood-destroying organisms.

    After finding a new home and mating, termite swarmers shed their wings, leaving them scattered about, sometimes in piles.

    These, too, may be signs that termites have invaded your home.

    Signs of termites can be difficult to spot. That's why it's important to have a termite control professional inspect your home annually. A trained technician knows which species of termites are present in your area, what signs of termites to look for and exactly where to look for them.

    Related > What to Expect From a Termite Inspection

    Keeping your home free from termites is a part of regular home maintenance. Termites can cause damage that can cost a homeowner thousands of dollars in repairs. The good news? Terminix offers free initial termite inspections for homeowners.

    During a free initial termite inspection from Terminix, a termite control professional will inspect your home to look for common signs of termites and any existing termite damage. If termite activity is found, Terminix can customize a treatment plan to fit your needs. If termites are not found, Terminix can recommend a plan to help protect your home from the damage a potential termite infestation could cause.

    The free homeowner's inspection is different from a real estate transaction termite inspection. This type of termite inspection is usually required by the mortgage lender and/or insurer. During this type of inspection, the termite professional inspects for termites and other wood-destroying insects and organisms and issues a formal report. There is a cost for real estate transaction pest and termite inspections. The industry average real estate termite inspection cost is $100.

    If an inspection indicates the presence of termites, treatment should begin as soon as possible. A Terminix termite treatment will be customized to meet your home's requirements, so termite treatment cost varies. The cost will be dependent upon the size of the house, the type of construction, the type of termite and treatment needed, your geographic region and the size of the infestation.

    Related: How to Prevent Termites When Building a New Home

    For homeowners, the presence of termites can be scary and stressful. Fortunately, you can trust Terminix.

    Terminix offers the most advanced and effective solutions to treat termites and help prevent their presence in your home. Contact Terminix today to schedule your free termite inspection.

    Go here to see the original:
    How Much Does a Termite Inspection Cost? | Terminix

    Bills Pest & Termite | Pest Control In Phoenix, AZ

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder


    Our mission is to protect the well being of people, pets, and places from the damage and destruction of unwanted pests.

    Our Vision is to be a trusted industry leader that provides affordable solutions. By maintaining a high level of service coupled with experience, teamwork, and ongoing training we will be able to experience the growth needed to provide exciting opportunities to our employees and their families.

    Integrity Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in everything we do

    Service Satisfy our customers with innovation, superior quality, value, and service.

    Compassion We are kind and caring to everyone we encounter.

    Teamwork We understand 2 or more is better than one.

    Respect We value everyone and treat people with dignity and professionalism.

    Accountability We accept responsibility for our results.

    At Bills Pest & Termite, we live the idea that doing things the right way will benefit our customers, employees, their families, and our community.

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    Bills Pest & Termite | Pest Control In Phoenix, AZ

    A world first: Devon calls victory in 27-year war on termites – The Guardian

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In 1994 , a bungalow owner in Devon called pest control to report that a mysterious white ant had chomped through her conservatory. Investigations eventually revealed the culprit was in fact a colony of millions of subterranean termites, the first and only colony ever recorded on UK soil.

    The call marked the beginning of a 27-year saga involving hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money and considerable headaches for the property owner and her neighbours in Saunton on the north Devon coast.

    Many experts thought the UKs Termite Eradication Programme (TEP) was doomed to failure. Once imported, usually in something as innocent as a wooden wine crate or an antique pine wardrobe, the tenacious insects inevitably triumph and become endemic, thanks to their superior burying and reproduction skills.

    But now in Devon, human ingenuity and British bloody-mindedness have prevailed. After no signs of termite activity were detected for the past 10 years, the Saunton termite colony has officially been declared dead by a panel of international experts, saving the nation from a future where homeowners have to worry about termite infestations as well as wasp nests and rising damp.

    A final field inspection in May found no signs of termites in a zone 100 metres long and 30 metres deep, and the TEP is now in decommissioning mode, said Dr Ed Suttie, the termite terminator who has been involved with the TEP since it began in 1998 and has run it since 2003. No other country has ever won the termite war, he said: Its a world first.

    There have been false dawns before in this battle of the beasties. Going into the new millennium there were no sightings of the termites for nine years. Then their beadlike antennae were again spotted rooting around in the soil, resulting in the eradication and monitoring programme being extended repeatedly until this year.

    The colony had made its home under two neighbouring bungalows, which were effectively condemned by the invaders. In 2012 one of the owners applied to demolish her property and start again, but was denied planning permission after a two-year battle.

    So crucial was the matter deemed to national biosecurity that the final decision was taken by the then communities secretary, Eric Pickles. He refused it on the grounds that the demolition and construction work could risk the termites spreading to a wider area, causing potential catastrophic economic, environmental and social consequences.

    A compromise was struck whereby she was allowed to build an annexe that Suttie says is the UKs only termite-proof building. Burning down the infected buildings was not an option, he explained: Termites were not actually living in the house the wood in there was just their food source. They live underground, often many metres under the surface.

    Suttie said both property owners had shown amazing cooperation over the decades, banned not just from most home improvement but also from removing any soil or wood from the site.

    They also had to let TEP officials plant timber bait in their gardens essentially wooden stakes made out of aged pine, termites favourite food, which they could monitor for nibbles. Termite eradication involved the targeted deployment of insect growth regulators, a kind of hyper-intelligent insecticide that would stop the termites reaching maturity and reproducing.

    Had successive governments since 1998 not invested considerable amounts of public money in the effort, it could have been a very different story, said Suttie. Termites could have become endemic, eating their way through floor boards, door frames and beams across southern England, just as they do in Australia, parts of North America and southern Europe.

    The stakes are high: each year, termites cause more than $5bn (3.8bn) in property damage in the US, according to the National Pest Management Association.

    Though the termites were first confirmed in Saunton in 1994, Suttie believes they may have been imported to the site as many as 70 years earlier: Anecdotally, weve heard stories of gardeners referring to white ants and a greenhouse that had to be replaced.

    Nick Harvey, who was the local Liberal Democrat MP from 1992 to 2015, remembers the great anguish of the bungalow owner who discovered the colony. His constituent believed a previous occupant had accidentally imported the termites in soil brought from the Canary Islands via some non-native plants, he said.

    Damian McBride, a special adviser to the shadow foreign secretary, Emily Thornberry, who drew attention to the termite war in a Twitter thread, said he thought Suttie and others should be given honours for their unglamorous but essential public service.

    Whats the moral of the story? he asked. You can make up your own, but for me, this is public service in its finest form unseen, largely unknown and rarely heralded but done with selfless dedication year after year simply because of what would happen to the rest of us if it wasnt.

    In forests and grasslands of their native tropics, termites are regarded as soil engineers that are vital to the maintenance of soil structure and ecosystem balance, according to BRE, which has run the governments Termite Eradication Programme since 1998. But imported into urban environments, they are considered pests because of their ability to severely damage timber in buildings.

    Subterranean termites the kind that caused havoc in north Devon are now endemic in southern Europe, thanks to globalisation and the warming climate. If you live in a termite-infested area in France, you must, by law, supply a termite-free certificate when you sell a house and any building work must be certified termite-proof.

    Much of the UK is too wet for a subterranean termite colony to establish. But unluckily for the bungalow owners in Saunton, their properties were built on very light, sandy and well-draining soil among maritime pine trees that termites love. The houses were also built using a lot of pine timber, a delicacy for the greedy insects, which can chomp away undetected for months, hollowing out wood from the inside.

    Sometimes mistaken for white ants, worker termites are typically 4-6mm in length, are pale or whitish in colour, have beadlike antennae and lack a waist (a constriction of the first or second abdominal segments). A colony can form in the space of a match box but can be vastly bigger, as in the Devon case, comprising numerous mud tubes or tunnels that connect food sources and nesting sites.

    Read the rest here:
    A world first: Devon calls victory in 27-year war on termites - The Guardian

    Reasons Why It Is Important To Have A Home Warranty – South Florida Caribbean News

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Sooner or later things in your home are bound to break down, get damaged, or just start becoming problematic due to wear, tear, and general usage. Especially things like kitchen appliances, HVAC systems, and electrical power tools, which can be quite expensive to repair, and since they are used a lot, they are at a high risk of failing. Some people think that a home warranty is unnecessary and they can handle the issue when it arises. However, it is a wise investment that is benefitting a lot of people. Here are a few reasons why you should consider it.

    Things like the HVAC system or a pool will require a professional to fix, this is not something that you can DIY. Not everyone has the time or money, however, to keep looking for contractors and looking at different repair solutions to get the job done. A home warranty saves you from all this trouble and provides you hassle-free maintenance whenever you need it. The professional will do everything required for the job, whereas if you were to do it yourself you might end up spending more on just tools than what you would pay the professional for the entire job.

    Your home probably has a lot of appliances. From the kitchen to the garden to the workshop, there are tools that we use in every part of the home for all kinds of different things. Some of these come with manufacturer warranties while many dont. Having one solid home warranty policy means you dont have to deal with dozens of different warranty claim procedures. You just have to deal with one warranty provider and this will take care of all the products that you own. In fact, this can even extend to products that dont otherwise come with a warranty.

    While the average lifespan of the appliances in your home will probably be over a decade, there are always freak accidents where something you just bought a couple of days ago goes bad. This could be due to electrical surges or you might have just gotten a bad egg. Regardless, going through the warranty claim procedure with a manufacturer can be a hassle. Especially on high-value appliances. Through a warranty provider, you are covered no matter how old or how young the appliances are. In fact, you might even be covered for appliances that are well past their warranty period.

    Some people rely entirely on a home insurance policy and never invest in a home warranty. Its important to note that both these services function very differently and neither one is a replacement for the other. A home insurance policy will not provide you the cover that a home warranty will. And if you use a lot of appliances or you run a small business from home, then it can really be a money saver to have a home warranty in place. To get the best coverage you should invest in both a home warranty and a home insurance service so that damage to the house or damage to the things within the house are all protected against.

    See the article here:
    Reasons Why It Is Important To Have A Home Warranty - South Florida Caribbean News

    Affordability Falls to Its Lowest Level Since 2008, According to First American Real House Price Index – Business Wire

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    SANTA ANA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--First American Financial Corporation (NYSE: FAF), a leading global provider of title insurance, settlement services and risk solutions for real estate transactions, today released the October 2021 First American Real House Price Index (RHPI). The RHPI measures the price changes of single-family properties throughout the U.S. adjusted for the impact of income and interest rate changes on consumer house-buying power over time at national, state and metropolitan area levels. Because the RHPI adjusts for house-buying power, it also serves as a measure of housing affordability.

    Chief Economist Analysis: Real House Prices Increased 19.6 Percent Year Over Year

    Affordability sank to its lowest level since 2008 in October, as two of the three key drivers of the Real House Price Index (RHPI) swung in favor of reduced affordability relative to one year ago. Higher mortgage rates and record year-over-year nominal house price growth triggered a nearly 20 percent jump in the RHPI (rising RHPI values indicate declining affordability), said Mark Fleming, chief economist at First American. The soaring nominal house prices and uptick in mortgage rates swamped any affordability gains from the 3.6 percent yearly increase in household income. Since we know real estate is local, house-buying power and nominal house price gains vary by city, begging the question, where is affordability declining the most?

    The Five Cities Where Affordability Declined the Most

    Affordability declined year over year in all of the markets we track, said Fleming. The five markets with the greatest year-over-year decline in affordability were:

    1.) Phoenix (+33.7 percent),2.) Charlotte, N.C. (+32.3 percent),3.) Tampa, Fla. (+30.9 percent),4.) Jacksonville, Fla. (+29.3 percent),5.) Memphis, Tenn. (+27.5 percent).

    In October, mortgage rates increased 0.2 percentage points relative to one year ago, which reduces affordability, all else held equal. Higher mortgage rates decrease affordability equally in each market as mortgage rates are generally similar across the country, said Fleming. However, household income growth and nominal house prices vary by market, creating the market-level variance in affordability. Faster nominal house price appreciation can erode, or even eliminate, the boost in affordability from higher household income.

    Phoenix suffered the greatest year-over-year loss in affordability in October, mostly due to the nearly 34 percent annual increase in nominal house price growth. Robust investor activity and strong net-in migration to Phoenix has fueled soaring demand for homes against a limited supply of homes for sale, said Fleming. In Charlotte, N.C., household income declined modestly, meaning all three key drivers of the RHPI dragged affordability down in October relative to one year ago. The importance of household income becomes apparent when comparing the decline in affordability in Charlotte to Tampa. While annual nominal house price appreciation in Tampa outpaced that of Charlotte, rising household income tempered the decline in affordability. Ultimately, nominal house price appreciation overwhelmed any affordability lift from house-buying power in all three of these markets.

    How Will Affordability Impact the Housing Market in 2022?

    If affordability falls too far, some home buyers on the margin will pull back, prompting fewer bidding wars and causing house prices to moderate. In the near term, a labor market characterized by high demand, but limited supply means upward pressure on wages as employers compete to attract employees. While mortgage rates are expected to increase in 2022 as the economic recovery continues, consensus expectations still put them below 4 percent, said Fleming. For some home buyers, as the big short in housing supply continues, it will become impossible to keep up with double-digit nominal house price growth, especially in a rising-rate environment. The challenge for home buyers in 2022 will mirror 2020 and 2021 you cant buy whats not for sale even if you can afford to.

    October 2021 Real House Price Index Highlights

    October 2021 Real House Price State Highlights

    October 2021 Real House Price Local Market Highlights

    Next Release

    The next release of the First American Real House Price Index will take place the week of January 24, 2022 for November 2021 data.



    The methodology statement for the First American Real House Price Index is available at


    Opinions, estimates, forecasts and other views contained in this page are those of First Americans Chief Economist, do not necessarily represent the views of First American or its management, should not be construed as indicating First Americans business prospects or expected results, and are subject to change without notice. Although the First American Economics team attempts to provide reliable, useful information, it does not guarantee that the information is accurate, current or suitable for any particular purpose. 2021 by First American. Information from this page may be used with proper attribution.

    About First American

    First American Financial Corporation (NYSE: FAF) is a leading provider of title insurance, settlement services and risk solutions for real estate transactions that traces its heritage back to 1889. First American also provides title plant management services; title and other real property records and images; valuation products and services; home warranty products; banking, trust and wealth management services; and other related products and services. With total revenue of $7.1 billion in 2020, the company offers its products and services directly and through its agents throughout the United States and abroad. In 2021, First American was named to the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list for the sixth consecutive year. More information about the company can be found at

    Excerpt from:
    Affordability Falls to Its Lowest Level Since 2008, According to First American Real House Price Index - Business Wire

    Historical homes you can own in the St. Louis area –

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    OPEN SUN. 1:00-3:00--PRICE ADJUSTED!!!--Character, charm & loads of living space waiting for you in this turn of the century 3-story Dogtown home. Scenic stained glass windows , pocket doors, fireplaces, hardwoods, large windows & wrap-around front porch are just the start. First floor features beautiful original wood staircase, stunning stained glass windows w/ landscape motif, tall ceilings. Foyer leads into large living room featuring oversized period windows, fabulous millwork, hardwoods & wood burning stove. Dining room features pocket doors, hardwoods, second fireplace w/original mantle, amazing period millwork, opens to kitchen. Kitchen w/42" cabinets (some w/glass doors), breakfast bar, pantry, eat in kitchen leads to back deck. Half bath on first floor too! Upstairs-4 bedrooms plus an office, utility room, 2nd floor deck, hall bath, loads of living space. Walk to Olympia, Pan Olive, close to shopping, Hwy 64 wonderful waiting for your TLC & design touches...take a look today!

    See more here:
    Historical homes you can own in the St. Louis area -

    Expensive homes on the market in Greensboro | Local | – Greensboro News & Record

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    This exceptional, custom built home, located in the desirable Trotter Ridge Subdivision, is astonishingly LISTED UNDER APPRAISED VALUE!! This lovely home presents a fantastic flow that highlights the open floor plan. The welcoming family rm w/gas fireplace is designed to be the heart of the home & is open to the breakfast & kitchen area, complete with sizable pantry, SS appliances & ample counter space. On the 1st floor is a roomy, yet intimate dining rm, and a room perfect for an office or formal living area. Enjoy your morning coffee on the all-season enclosed porch. Upstairs, the primary suite is truly a retreat with an extra cove that could be used as a 2nd walk-in closet or reading nook. Master ba features a dbl bowl vanity, soaking tub, oversized shower & walk-in closet. Upstairs laundry rm, two add'l spacious br's and bonus rm. Freshly painted & pre-wired for generator. New Roof 2020, New Upstairs HVAC 2019, water softener/filtration system, & Home Warranty! See agent remarks.

    See original here:
    Expensive homes on the market in Greensboro | Local | - Greensboro News & Record

    How to Improve the Exterior of Your Home – Fife Free Press

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    There are many aspects of your homes exterior that you can improve to make a good impression on potential buyers. You dont need a huge budget or lots of time; just a bit of creativity and effort will go a long way. Here are some tips to get started:

    This includes keeping the lawn mowed, the bushes trimmed, and the paint or siding in good condition. A well-maintained home looks cared for and is more likely to sell for a higher price. Inspect your home regularly and take care of any repairs that need to be made. For example, if your roof is leaking, fix it right away. A leaking roof can cause extensive damage, depending on where it is located, and the repair costs can be extremely high.

    A new coat will make your home look fresh and clean. It also improves insulation and energy efficiency, which can save you money in heating and air conditioning costs. Youll need to do some research to find out if painting is cost-effective for your area. You mightdiscover that a fresh paint job is not worthwhile since paint now lasts so long, especially with low or zero VOC paint. Newer homes often have a much longer life span than older homes, meaning they dont need as many repairs as often as older homes do. Some newer homes might not even require any major exterior repairs for the first 10 to 20 years.

    Plant some flowers, lay down some new sod, or add a few decorative stones to make your home look inviting from the street. Your landscaping doesnt have to be elaborate, but it should look tidy. If you need help making over your landscaping, some professionals can help you with planting designs or new materials.

    Newer windows are better insulated and energy-efficient than older ones. A few replacement windows can increase the overall value of your home significantly. Installing new windows may cost a significant amount of money upfront, especially if you need more than just a few replacements. Youll want to determine how much your utility bills would go down due to the improved insulation to decide whether its worth it for you financially. Some homeowners have even found that their utility bills went down so drastically after a window replacement that they ended up making a profit on their investment.

    This includes washing away any dirt, mildew, or algae from your siding or deck and power-washing wood to restore its natural color and shine. Your home will look much better with a clean exterior, but make sure you keep this work up if its not too high of an ongoing maintenance cost for you.

    A new front door can help increase the overall value of your home because it increases curb appeal. Because many homeowners tend to neglect their exteriors, a beautiful front door can be an easy way to stand out from the rest. There is a wide range of materials and designs you can choose from for a new front door.

    You can even repaint your existing one in a color that suits your tastes better. If youre unsure what kind of door would look best on your house, some professionals can help you with the design process. And dont forget to add outdoor doormats to help keep dirt out of your house.

    This can be done to match or improve upon your homes existing exterior. You might also want to check the condition of your current siding. You might discover that it needs replacing due to wear and tear, weather damage, rot, or other factors. New siding could increase the value of your property because it improves insulation and energy efficiency, making your home easier to heat and cool. Its also often better at keeping out water than older types of exterior materials. However, if the cost is too great for you, some alternatives accomplish similar results.

    If there are spots near or around your home that arent accessible by potential buyers, spruce them up! For example, if theres a patch of grass between two driveways that seem out of reach, add some plants and shrubs to create a more inviting path for owners. It doesnt take much work to make a good impression on people who are thinking about buying your home. Just by making a few small changes, you can make a significant impact on the overall appearance of your exterior.

    A new coat of paint or shingle can go a long way in improving the look of your homes roof. If you have any broken or missing tiles, now is the time to replace them. Be sure to take care of any other roof repairs that may be necessary so that your home doesnt start to leak during bad weather. Neglecting your roof can lead to much more expensive repairs down the line.

    In conclusion, there are many ways to improve the exterior of your home without spending a fortune. By taking some time and effort, you can make your home look more inviting and increase its value in the eyes of potential buyers.

    See the article here:
    How to Improve the Exterior of Your Home - Fife Free Press

    Collision between a locomotive and a passenger train at Grosmont, 21 September 2021 – GOV.UK

    - December 28, 2021 by Mr HomeBuilder

    1. Important safety messages

    This accident demonstrates the importance of train drivers that are undertakingpermissive moves into sections occupied by another train doing so at speeds that:

    allow them to stop in the distance that they can see to be clear ahead

    take account of any limitations of visibility from the active driving position due tothe type of rolling stock and the layout of the location.

    At 10:32 hrs, a class 20 diesel-electric locomotive entering platform two atGrosmont station, on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR), collided with therear of a stationary passenger train. The locomotive had just uncoupled from a trainin platform three that had arrived from Whitby and was undertaking a movement towait behind the train in platform two that was due to depart later to Whitby.

    The locomotive entered platform two at about 10 mph (16 km/h) and was intendedto stop in the section of unoccupied track behind the Whitby service. However, thelocomotive collided with the rear of this train at about 5 mph (8 km/h).

    Five minor injuries were reported amongst the 175 passengers on the Whitbyservice, and all were treated by first aiders at the scene. There was some damageto the passenger train coaches, which were removed from service for severalweeks to allow inspection and repair. There was no damage to the locomotive, norto the track or other infrastructure

    The locomotive entering platform two, just before the collision (courtesy of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway)

    The accident occurred because the locomotive was travelling too fast to be able to stop in the distance available when the stationary coaches ahead first came into the drivers view.

    The class 20 locomotive, designed in the 1950s, is only fitted with a cab at one end. This means that a drivers visibility of the line ahead is much more restricted when the nose end is leading, with the driver having to look through a narrow window past the side of the locomotive, in a similar manner to a driver of a steam locomotive.

    The class 20 locomotive involved in the accident was privately owned and was made available for use by the NYMR while some of its own locomotives were undergoing maintenance. It was not scheduled to be used on that day but was required at short notice after the Automatic Warning System (AWS) equipment on the scheduled steam locomotive failed an operational test. AWS equipment is required for NYMR trains operating on Network Rails Esk Valley line between Grosmont and Whitby, and the class 20 locomotive had operational AWS equipment to allow it to operate on this section.

    Driver view of the line ahead from cab-leading and cab-trailing driving positions

    The driver held the competencies required to drive the steam locomotive intended to be used for the first Whitby service that day. Although he had held the relevant competencies to drive diesel-electric locomotives, such as the class 25 and class 37, for about five years, and had driven them on many occasions, he did not hold the specific competency to drive the class 20 being used as a replacement. As a result, he sought the assistance of a traction inspector to accompany him. The traction inspectors role was not to teach the driver how to drive the locomotive but to assist him in gaining familiarity with the locomotive and its operation and to assess his competence. North Yorkshire Moors Railway explained that it considered that the traction inspector held the overall responsibility for operation of the locomotive by the driver.

    Details of the move resulting in the collision at Grosmont station

    The driver and traction inspector operated the class 20 on the first train on the Network Rail route to Whitby, along with a fireman and a cleaner. At Whitby, the locomotive ran round the train so that the cab was leading for the journey back to platform three at Grosmont.

    Once at Grosmont, the class 20 was intended to be replaced on that train by the originally scheduled steam locomotive, which would take the train forwards to Pickering and back, over the NYMR lines not fitted with AWS. As the class 20 would be required to operate a later journey from Grosmont to Whitby, the signaller and the train crew communicated by radio and agreed that the locomotive would be stabled in siding two at Grosmont, from where it could easily be coupled to the later service.

    To carry out this move, the class 20 locomotive had to move forward over the crossover, behind signal 11, and then back through platform two. However, the move to siding two was blocked by the presence of the train waiting in platform two for departure to Whitby. The signaller and crew intended that the class 20 locomotive move from behind signal 11 into the free space in platform two, behind the Whitby-bound service. The locomotive would then wait there until the Whitby train departed, before moving to siding two.

    This move from signal 11 was a permissive move, where a train is authorised to enter a signalling section occupied by another train on the basis that the driver must stop before reaching the occupying train. The NYMR rule book and the signalling system allow for this move, and it is usually used when coupling a locomotive to a train that is already in the platform. The rule book requires a locomotive undertaking the move to stop a minimum of six feet from the stationary train. To avoid a collision during the move, the locomotive should be driven so that the driver can stop it within the distance ahead that they can see to be clear of obstructions.

    The driver undertook the move from platform three to a position behind signal 11 with the locomotives cab leading. He then changed driving desks and started the move back towards platform two, with the cab end trailing, once signal 11 had cleared. He accelerated the locomotive to around the 10mph (16 km/h) speed limit for the line. The initial part of this move was on straight track, with the drivers view of the line ahead limited by the body of the locomotive ahead of him. On approach to the platform, the line starts to curve to the right and the body of the locomotive further obscures the drivers view ahead. A reconstruction by RAIB of the approach and entry to the platform showed that the driver would only have been able to see the rear of the last coach of the train ahead when the front of the class 20 was approximately 16 metres from it.

    The traction inspector stated that he recognised the locomotive was travelling a little too fast for the visibility as it entered the platform. However, before the traction inspector was able to suggest the driver slow down, the fireman told the driver that he thought he should slow down. The driver applied a very gentle locomotive brake as the front of the locomotive entered the platform, 27 metres from the rear of the train ahead of it. The locomotive only started to slow down about 20 metres later, after the driver significantly increased the brake application, probably in response to the firemans request. By this time, the coaches ahead had come into the drivers view, and he moved the train brake into the emergency position. However, although braking slowed the locomotive to around 5 mph (8 km/h), it collided with the rear of the stationary train.

    Following the accident, the driver of the train stated that, although he was aware of the train standing in platform two, he thought that it was further along the platform and that there was more space in which to bring his locomotive to a stop. It is also possible that the limited forward visibility compared to that from the class 25 and class 37 diesel locomotives, and the drivers unfamiliarity with driving this locomotive, affected his perception of the locomotives speed and his decision making.

    RAIB considers it is likely that these factors combined to cause the driver to enter the platform at a speed from which he was unable to stop in time to avoid a collision. Although there were four people in the cab of the locomotive when the accident occurred, RAIB has found no evidence to suggest that this caused a distraction to the driver.

    During its preliminary examination, RAIB found that NYMR was unable to provide documentary evidence that the traction inspector involved in the accident held the relevant driving competency for the class 20 locomotive. This is of concern as it means that the class 20 was operated on Network Rails infrastructure with neither the driver nor the traction inspector being able to demonstrate the relevant competence for that class of locomotive. The traction inspector had worked on NYMR since 1997 and had been a volunteer for 23 years prior to that. He had maintained and driven all the diesel locomotives that NYMR operated. The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) issued an improvement notice on 7 October 2021 requiring the railway to be able to demonstrate the competence of its drivers for operation on both its own infrastructure and on Network Rails Esk Valley line.

    RAIB report 35/2007 (Collision at Swanage station) describes the collision between a diesel locomotive and a set of coaches that were stabled in a platform on a heritage railway. The locomotive was being driven from its rear cab, and the resulting lack of visibility contributed to the collision. The recommendations made included avoiding driving locomotives from the rear cab, where there is a choice, and planning moves to avoid the risk of collision.

    RAIB report 02/2017 (Collision at Plymouth station) describes a collision between two passenger trains in the course of a permissive move into an occupied platform. A recommendation was made to the train operating company relating to driver training on permissive moves, and to Network Rail on the management of operational risk during authorised permissive moves. It also highlighted a learning point for drivers about undertaking permissive moves at a speed at which they can stop short of any obstructions, taking account of any sighting limitations.

    RAIB report 08/2019 (Collision between road-rail vehicles at Cholmondeston) describes a collision that resulted from a vehicle with poor visibility of the line ahead being driven at a speed inconsistent with that visibility. The learning points from this investigation flagged the importance of drivers recognising any visibility limitations when driving such vehicles

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    Collision between a locomotive and a passenger train at Grosmont, 21 September 2021 - GOV.UK

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