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    Feeding the beast – NJBIZ

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Biden administration wants to increase the Internal Revenue Service budget by $80 billion, claiming that would let Americas favorite federal agency hire more auditors to go after tax cheats and bring in an estimated $400 billion in extra revenue over the next decade. Right now Congress appears unlikely to release the funds, but the question remains: Will an energized IRS mean more audits for small- and medium-sized businesses?

    Miri Forster

    Either way, entrepreneurs and other taxpayers can take some steps to reduce the chance of an audit or to increase the likelihood of coming out unscathed, said Miri Forster, a tax partner and leader of the Tax Controversy Practice at Eisner Advisory Group LLC.

    One recommendation: Taxpayers should make sure that all information returns like form W-2, form 1099 and schedule K-1 are received and that all income is reported, she said. The IRS gets copies of these forms and matches the information with the recipients tax return that is filed. Any discrepancies can raise a red flag with the IRS.

    In addition, [t]axpayers that claim large non-cash charitable deductions should make sure to obtain the proper documentation for the deduction, Forster noted. As a general rule, IRC Section 170 requires that deductions for non-cash contributions of more than $500 are supported by contemporaneous, written acknowledgement by the donee organization of the non-cash contribution received, a qualified appraisal by a qualified appraiser that sufficiently details the donated property, and a Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contributions, which is properly completed.

    Red flags for small- and medium-sized businesses

    Some business deductions fall into a gray area, where they might be legitimate but will probably cause the IRS to sniff around, according to some tax experts. Others are just begging to be investigated.

    Lipton CPA Associates LLC Senior Partner Rich Lipton has been practicing for more than 30 years, but he still gets surprised at some of the tax deductions that some clients suggest.

    One of them asked if he could claim the family dog as a deduction, since we provide more than half of his living expenses, Lipton recalled with a chuckle. I told the client, first you have to get a Social Security number for your pet.

    A more-frequent question has to do with IRS Roulette, or taking a dicey deduction and hoping itll slide by due to the sheer volume of tax returns. Some clients say, Ive heard that IRS only audits an average of 1% of returns is it worth trying my luck? relates Lipton. My answer is pretty simple. I ask them, If you happen to be audited, do you think the IRS will only examine 1% of your return? That sets them straight.

    Some strategies definitely raise red flags with the IRS, he added. Generally, pass-through entities like limited liability companies and partnerships dont pay income taxes at the entity level instead, the owners generally are taxed on their personal return, Lipton said. Some people think that if they dont take a salary are instead tak[ing] a distributive share of the profits they may be able to avoid Social Security and other payroll taxes. The problem is that bells are likely to go off if the IRS sees a company is turning a healthy profit, but no owners are taking a salary.

    Lipton thinks the problem isnt that people are inherently dishonest, but that they feel theyre being taxed unfairly. If President Biden wants to hire more IRS auditors to catch tax cheats, thats fine, he said. But do it without raising taxes, because every time you increase the tax burden, you find that more people look for a way around it legally or otherwise.

    When it comes to chancy deductions, Airplanes are a big issue, said Grassi Tax Services Partner Robert Tobey. A successful businessperson who buys an airplane, a boat, or art and other collectibles, including high-priced cars like a Ferrari, and then puts it on the companys books so it can be depreciated is basically asking for an audit. We advise clients to steer clear of that maneuver unless theres a legitimate business reason to do so.

    A business that reports a lot of revenue, but very little profit may also raise a red flag, cautioned Ted Carnevale, a Grassi partner and co-leader of the New Jersey Market. Another is an S-corporation with no salaries and all draw, a tactic that is generally designed to avoid payroll taxes. Another attention-getting scheme is a highly profitable C-corporation with high salaries but no dividends, which may indicate a desire to avoid double taxation.

    Some individuals try to play the IRS audit lottery, where they insist on taking a questionable deduction in the hopes that itll slip past an audit, added Carnevale. Some years back I represented a new client whose prior-year return was being audited. As I was reviewing the already-filed return I noticed his business travel and entertainment deductions seemed to be pretty high. It turned out he had deducted the sizable expenses of his daughters wedding as a business expense. I asked him how he justified it, and he quickly responded, marketing expense. I told him it would be difficult to defend if the auditors picked it up.

    Did they? He got lucky, said Carnevale with a smile. They missed it.

    Other CPAs also say that taxpayers who keep their nose clean dont have to worry too much. Pass-through entities like S corporations, partnerships and LLCs [where profits generally get taxed at the owners level, and the company itself is not taxed] have been vilified by some politicians, but I just dont see that, said Ted Carnevale, a partner and co-leader of the New Jersey Market at the accounting and advisory firm Grassi. Shareholders get K-1s, and they get matched up by IRS to individuals who have to report them. So its similar to W-2 statements.

    Grassi Tax Services Partner Robert Tobey thinks the IRS is likely to go after low-hanging fruit, like cryptocurrency reporting. Its very complicated because the rules are very thin on cryptocurrency, and in the agencys 2021 criminal investigation annual report, IRS reported seizing $3.5 billion of cryptocurrency, or 93% of all seizures for the year.

    Carnevale also pointed to a lot of discussion about ultra-wealthy individuals who borrow money against their assets while taking little or no salary to minimize their tax bite. Its particularly attractive during a low-rate environment like were seeing now, and some reports have called it the Buy, Borrow, Die strategy But the fact is theres generally nothing illegal about it. If Congress wants to change their behavior, the tax laws will have to be changed.

    Not all deductions are permitted for tax purposes, Forster cautioned. Recently, in Geiman v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2021-80, the Tax Court disallowed deductions claimed by an electrician for a concert ticket, ski lift tickets and for a suit and tie to attend a holiday work party. The burden is on the taxpayer to prove that expenses claimed are valid business expenses rather than non-deductible personal expenses. The taxpayer failed to demonstrate that the expenses were ordinary and necessary in connection with his work as an electrician.

    [The IRS is likely to go after] low-hanging fruit, like cryptocurrency reporting. Its very complicated because the rules are very


    thin on cryptocurrency, and in the agencys 2021 criminal investigation annual report, the IRS reported seizing $3.5 billion of cryptocurrency, or 93% of all seizures for the year.

    Robert Tobey, Grassi Tax Services Partner

    In another case, Lucas v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2018-80, the Tax Court disallowed deductions claimed for legal and professional fees incurred by an investment advisor-taxpayer for his own divorce proceedings, she added. The taxpayer claimed that the fees were incurred to defend a claim for distributions from his business. The court disagreed, ruling that the legal and professional fees were non-deductible personal expenses as they would not have been incurred but for the taxpayers marriage and related divorce proceedings.

    Finally, in Vest v. Commissioner, 119 AFTR2d 2017-2043, the Fifth Circuit affirmed the Tax Courts determination that deductions claimed for expenses incurred to investigate the death of the taxpayers father were non-deductible, Forster explained. The taxpayer owned an internet dating and advertising business and wished to turn his fathers death into a book or movie. The fees were held to be non-deductible personal expenses because the investigation lacked a profit motive. The court determined the investigation was not run in a business-like manner, the taxpayer generated years of losses without any profit, the likelihood that the assets used in the investigation would appreciate in value were small, and there were strong personal reasons for the investigation.

    The bottom line: Regardless of what happens to the IRS funding, playing by the rules will improve your chances of escaping an audit.

    See the article here:
    Feeding the beast - NJBIZ

    Kind-hearted plumber gives family 170 in fuel and food after seeing their ‘starving poverty’ – Yahoo New Zealand News

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Plumber James Anderson, 52, was so upset at the poverty one family was living in that he gave them 170 of food, gas and electricity to help them out. (SWNS)

    A kindly plumber who visited a starving family provided them with 170 worth of food, gas and electricity after seeing the 'actual poverty' they lived in.

    James Anderson, 52, whose company provides emergency plumbing services to vulnerable people, said the family called him at the weekend as they were struggling to keep their heating on before they reached their next payday.

    He said when he visited the family of five, he was shocked by the "actual poverty" they were living in, with the parents sobbing while two of their children thought they were "going to die" from the cold, prompting him to provide them with food and power to help them out.

    Anderson said he noticed he could see the family's breath because their house was so cold. (SWNS)

    Anderson, from Burnley, Lancashire, said: "They rang me to see whether there was anything we could do to help them get through until the next time they got paid.

    "I said Id pop in and see what I could do. But when I got there, I realised the actual poverty that theyre living in and the impact all this is having on people.

    Read more: Schoolboy who cares for disabled mum wins scholarship to Eton

    "You walk in and youre talking to them, and you can see your breath while youre talking to them.

    "Theyve got children there. Theyre confused because they dont know whats going on.

    "The children are like: Why is this happening? Why am I cold? Why cant my mum and dad keep me warm? Why cant they put the boiler on? Why cant they give me a meal."

    Watch: More turn to food banks in England as inflation soars

    The kind-hearted plumber, who runs not-for-profit company Depher and has built up a reputation for helping people out, said it wasn't the first time recently that he'd been in a freezing home as families try to save money by switching off their heating.

    He said: "Over the last few weeks, Ive been to a few houses, not just families but elderly and disabled people as well, and you can see a plume of air coming out of their mouth.

    Story continues

    "Its that cold you can see your words before you can bloody well hear them, and that should not be acceptable in this day and age."

    Anderson called on the government to do something about the cost of living crisis. (SWNS)

    He called on the government to help families struggling with the cost of living crisis, and warned that poverty-stricken parents may turn to crime if they can't make ends meet. Where do we draw the line as a society and say, 'Now we need to act?'.

    "Theres a lot of stuff the government can do to cut the cost of living by capping these companies that are charging stupid, extortionate, out of reality rates.

    The poorest and the lowest in the country are always going to be penalised and expected to pay the most in the country out of everybody else.

    Its wrong, and its time for a change.

    He added: "There are two options either go to a loan shark and then they get themselves in debt, and that will drive up the crime rate on that side.

    "Or even worse, theres going to be more crime with vans, schools, shops getting robbed.

    "People are going to go out and take stuff that doesnt belong to them to feed their child thats the next stage were going to see."

    Watch: How to solve the problem of inflation

    Originally posted here:
    Kind-hearted plumber gives family 170 in fuel and food after seeing their 'starving poverty' - Yahoo New Zealand News

    Plumber gives family 170 of food and fuel to get through to pay day – Wales Online

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Britain's kindest plumber has told of his heartbreak after needing pay for a poverty-stricken family's food and gas bills in the depths of the countrys energy crises.

    James Anderson, 52, paid provided the family with 170 worth of food, gas and electricity to help them reach their next payday without going hungry.

    He said two of the children thought they were going to die from the cold while their sobbing mum and speechless dad looked on helplessly.

    The plumber, whose company Depher gives emergency services to vulnerable people, said he was initially shocked to see his breath in the family of fives home last Saturday.

    He quickly realised that their woes were far worse than he first imagined as he got a glimpse of the actual poverty they were living in.

    But as energy bills sky rocket, the tradesman said similar scenes would soon be replicated around the country and called on the government to act now to stop them.

    He said: Where do we draw the line as a society and say, Now we need to act?

    Theres a lot of stuff the government can do to cut the cost of living by capping these companies that are charging stupid, extortionate, out of reality rates.

    The poorest and the lowest in the country are always going to be penalised and expected to pay the most in the country out of everybody else.

    Its wrong, and its time for a change.

    James, from Burnley, Lancs., said hed got a call from the family over the weekend as they were struggling to keep their heating on before they reached their next payday.

    He said: They rang me to see whether there was anything we could do to help them get through until the next time they got paid.

    I said Id pop in and see what I could do. But when I got there, I realised the actual poverty that theyre living in and the impact all this is having on people.

    You walk in and youre talking to them, and you can see your breath while youre talking to them.

    Theyve got children there. Theyre confused because they dont know whats going on.

    The children are like: Why is this happening? Why am I cold? Why cant my mum and dad keep me warm? Why cant they put the boiler on? Why cant they give me a meal."

    Worryingly, James said this wasnt the first time that hed been in a home recently where he could see his own breath as families saved money by switching off their heating.

    He said: Over the last few weeks, Ive been to a few houses, not just families but elderly and disabled people as well, and you can see a plume of air coming out of their mouth.

    Its that cold you can see your words before you can bloody well hear them, and that should not be acceptable in this day and age.

    James believes that many poverty-stricken parents were likely to turn to crime to pay for their familys needs if they couldnt make ends meet in the future.

    He said: There are two options either go to a loan shark and then they get themselves in debt, and that will drive up the crime rate on that side.

    Or even worse, theres going to be more crime with vans, schools, shops getting robbed.

    People are going to go out and take stuff that doesnt belong to them to feed their child thats the next stage were going to see.

    James said the government should already be aware of families growing financial problems, which he believed may out-live the pandemic.

    The government should know this. The prime minister should know this. Its going to create an unstable problem lasting more than two to three years.

    Read this article:
    Plumber gives family 170 of food and fuel to get through to pay day - Wales Online

    I saved $500 on a plumber by using three common household products to make the sink drain faster… – The US Sun

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    THERE'S no need to call a plumber for slow drains anymore.

    It only takes four effortless steps to fix your slow drain.



    Thanks to expert Carolina McCauley's handy cleaning hack, the solution to your slow drain will be resolved in just ten minutes.

    The video, which has received over 205K views, shows the step-by-step method that can be done with only three products.

    McCauley first poured a cup of baking soda and white vinegar down the drain.

    She then covered the drain with a towel, which helped the heat of the reaction concentrate where it needed to be, and left it for ten minutes.

    Once the ten minutes were up, she then poured hot water down the drain.

    The results could be seen instantly, as the water drains faster.

    Multiple viewers offered their opinion on the cleaning hack.

    One person suggested first putting the towel down and then pouring vinegar down the drain.

    "Do not pour hot water. Many pipes can be made of plastic and you could melt the plastic," warned another.

    Carolina has gained 2.5M followers by providing cleaning tips that are used throughout her house.

    In another video that went viral, Carolina shares her hack on how to remove the residue from your pots and pans.

    In this 30 minute hack, she took a single dishwasher tablet in the pan.

    Then she proceeded by filling the entire pot with water.

    Once she left the mixture sitting for 30 minutes, she poured all of the water down the drain and shows off how simple the residue comes when rubbing it off with a sponge.




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    More here:
    I saved $500 on a plumber by using three common household products to make the sink drain faster... - The US Sun

    Why More Inexperienced Candidates Are Running And Winning – FiveThirtyEight

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    When you have a toothache, you call a dentist; when you have a leaky faucet, you call a plumber. You want someone with on-the-job experience dealing with the challenges that confront you.

    This used to be overwhelmingly true in our elections, too, as political science research has long found that candidates who have held political office generally outperform candidates with no elected experience.

    But there are signs that this is now changing, with voters showing a greater willingness to back amateur candidates. This includes, of course, now-former President Donald Trump the ultimate example but it also applies to, say, plenty of U.S. House members. Its not a one-party trend, either, as both Republicans and Democrats increasingly support inexperienced aspirants. And its likely that more amateurs could be headed to Capitol Hill after the 2022 midterm elections potentially lesser-known House candidates, like AirBnB executive Andrew Kalloch running as a Democrat in Oregon, or higher-profile U.S. Senate contenders, like television personality and physician Mehmet z running as a Republican in Pennsylvania.

    The phenomenon of more inexperienced candidates running for office is something political scientists Sarah Treul and Rachel Porter of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have worked to document. Focusing on primaries for House seats where no incumbent ran from 1980 to 2020, Treul and Porter found a substantial uptick in the number of inexperienced candidates beating out experienced candidates, especially in the past three election cycles, as the chart below shows. And while some of these inexperienced candidates have (nonelected) backgrounds in politics or government, most dont.

    At first, Treul and Porter thought this trend was confined to Republicans, given that inexperienced contenders won more than 50 percent of Republican primaries in open-seat races in 2016. But in 2018, Democrats also showed a strong appetite for political amateurs, with around half of the partys primary winners in open seats having never held office before. This trend continued for both parties in 2020, too.

    We started to see these patterns in the more recent congressional elections where the candidates without prior experience were performing better, said Treul. And we started to think that these old theories the [political science] discipline had might not be holding up anymore. Rather, changes driven by campaign fundraising, voter attitudes, political rhetoric and weak political parties seem to have diminished the advantages that experienced candidates have long had, such as campaign expertise, high local name recognition and already-established donor networks.

    For starters, inexperienced contenders just dont face the same barriers they once did in attracting financial support from interest groups and donors. Traditionally, its been a challenge for newcomers to attract donations from political action committees, which are often key to congressional candidates raising enough money to win their elections. But Treul and Porter found that ideological PACs typically interest groups focused on a narrow range of issues or just one have given more to inexperienced candidates in recent years.

    Moreover, Porter found in her research with co-author Tyler Steelman (also of UNC-Chapel Hill) that the more money an inexperienced candidate raises from outside their district early in their campaign, the more campaign cash they tend to raise overall. Theyre also more likely to win their primary. In the social media age, its just become much easier for candidates with no elected experience to connect with a broad group of small donors who are receptive to their candidacies. In fact, as I wrote last year, an amateur candidate can raise millions with the right viral video, even in hopeless contests.

    Porter told me that the amount of money spent in politics following the Supreme Courts 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is likely working in concert with the increased interconnectedness brought about by the internet to collectively boost amateur candidates profiles. We don't think it's a coincidence that all of this kind of came to a head at the same time, said Porter.

    Beyond money, though, voters are also increasingly disillusioned with our institutions, especially Congress, and are also attracted to anti-establishment rhetoric. As a result, they may assign less value to a candidates previous elected experience and may be more receptive to outsider candidates with messages promising to shake things up. It's this combination of inexperience and anti-establishment rhetoric that makes these candidates especially attractive to voters, too, according to Treul, as outsiders sound more credible making those appeals. In fact, her research with co-author Eric Hansen of Loyola University Chicago has found that voters have more positive reactions to a candidate when the candidate uses anti-establishment messages compared with establishment-sounding rhetoric, and that respondents may somewhat prefer an amateur candidate over an experienced one.

    The increased success of inexperienced candidates may also speak to the weakness of our political parties, which serve less of a gatekeeping role than they once did. This is partly down to the growing influence interest groups have in grooming and supporting candidates. Where the party puts its money and where these organizations put their money isn't always the same, said Porter. These organizations say, We don't necessarily need to go with the party candidate. We can pick this other person. Often, though, this person isnt the partys prefered candidate.

    Perhaps surprisingly, though, the uptick in inexperienced candidates running and winning nominations hasnt meaningfully hurt a partys chances of winning House seats. Thats in part because primaries are often the main decision point in determining a districts next representative, given there are so few competitive House districts. But Treul and Porter also found that inexperienced candidates just dont perform any worse than experienced ones in general elections where there is not an incumbent. And that may be in large part a side effect of polarization and negative partisanship that is, the reality that most voters are going to support their partys nominee, no matter what.

    Treul and Porter plan to do more research on how their findings may apply to the Senate, but theres little reason to think that the same forces arent at work there, too. After all, out of nine Senate contests in 2020 where a newcomer won, five were won by candidates with no electoral experience. In fact, because Senate candidates run statewide campaigns, an amateur candidate who already has a fair bit of notoriety like, say, z in Pennsylvania might have an even easier time getting elected than an amateur in a House race. This is where you see bigger names. It's easier to get media coverage. It's easier to get attention, said Treul. She also noted that because a Senate seat carries more legislative value than a House seat, outside groups may even spend more on behalf of candidates they like.

    There are some upsides, though, to more inexperienced candidates winning their elections. Namely, it may lead to more diversity within Congress, with more women and people of color holding office, as they historically have had more difficulty breaking into the elected offices that have traditionally served as stepping stones to Congress. Porter pointed to the 2018 cycle, where she told me a majority of nonincumbent women who won House races didnt have a history of holding political office. The alternative pathways to getting into Congress mean that we're getting greater representation, she said.

    But there are some downsides. Namely, there is simply less governing experience in Congress now. Treul and Porter found that between 40 and 52 percent of the freshmen House members in the three most recent congresses had no previous experience as an elected official, compared with an average of about 30 percent per class between 1991 and 2015. If new members keep being this inexperienced, it could have a detrimental impact on Congresss efficacy research suggests that prior elected experience can make a member of Congress a more effective legislator. But perhaps even more troubling than the decline in experience is that some of the newly elected members dont appear to be interested in learning to govern. Their voters may not care that much, either.

    Consider freshman Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, who infamously said last year that he had built his staff around communications rather than legislation. Porter told me that might not be an issue for Cawthorn, though, because if members are really good at seeming like they're good at their job, no ones going to be angry. Similarly, Treul mentioned GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and how it might not matter to her constituents that shes been kicked off of committees, as they may have voted for her for other reasons than her ability to govern. What we're all valuing our members of Congress for has completely changed, said Treul. I think that's pretty fascinating and pretty damning for the institution as a whole.

    On the one hand, inexperienced candidates arent necessarily a bad thing for Congress, especially if it increases representation, but if many successful political amateurs are uninterested in governing, Treul and Porter fear Congress will become even more dysfunctional. Treul thinks that might be where things are headed, too. I think we're still at the tip of the iceberg, she told me. I see a world continuing to look more and more like the elections of the last few years, where inexperienced candidates just become the norm and that's who we're sending to office.

    Original post:
    Why More Inexperienced Candidates Are Running And Winning - FiveThirtyEight

    Burnaby resident fuming as city won’t cover cost of sewage damage caused by its system – Burnaby Now

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    City will only pay for homeowner's cost to identify where blockage was coming from

    A Burnaby resident is furious the city wont cover all of the costs associated with damage caused from a blockage in the municipal drainage system that flooded part of their home with sewage.

    The resident doesnt want their name used in the story, but has backed up the claims with documentation that includes an official letter of decision from a City of Burnaby claims and risk specialist.

    The incident happened in October of 2021 and the resident is still fighting with the city because it will only cover part of the cost associated with the damage.

    The resident detailed a serious plumbing problem in their downstairs bathroom in which sewage was backing up all over the floor. The resident paid for a plumber to investigate.

    Only when the plumber went outside on city property (Stoney Creek) did he find sewage seeping out of the manhole, the resident said.

    The city was then contacted and it dispatched a crew to the site. The plumber was brought back to use a camera inside the drainage system to mark the spot of the issue, which was caused by roots from trees on city property.

    The city has agreed to pay for the cost of using a camera to identify the problem, but has refused to pay for the full plumbers bill or the cost of cleanup and renovations to fix damage caused by the sewage.

    I am very frustrated because the flooring also needs to be replaced, the resident said. The water and sewage has penetrated underneath the linoleum, which needs to be replaced due to the smell, moisture and unsanitary condition. Water and sewage had to be cleaned up by me and long afterwards the smell was horrible.

    According to the letter the resident received from the city, Section 744 of the Local Government Act provides that a municipality has no liability for damages (physical loss or expense incurred) arising from the failure of the municipal drainage system. The City responded and took actions immediately after the service call was received; therefore, the City is not negligent in this matter and has no legal liability to the property owner or their insurers for the damages/expenses incurred in this case. However, City policy as it relates to sewer expense reimbursement actually extends somewhat beyond liability and so the City is able to reimburse the reasonable expense incurred to locate the source of a blockage on the City side but only if the blockage is caused by a crushed or broken pipe within the road allowance or by the roots of City planted trees within the road allowance. In this case, the blockage was found on the City side and roots caused the blockage were from trees on the Citys land. The City is willing to reimburse the camera inspection fee that you have paid to the plumbing company.

    The resident said they are considering legal action.

    Residents living in the Stoney Creek area of Burquitlam have long complained about sewage bubbling up from manhole covers and leaching into the creek and onto their properties. Multiple levels of government are working on long-term plans to deal with the situation.

    Read the rest here:
    Burnaby resident fuming as city won't cover cost of sewage damage caused by its system - Burnaby Now

    Global Pipe Repair Clamps Market Applications, Types and Future Outlook Report 2021-2027 to Latest Innovations and Major Players are The Plumber’s…

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder presents an analysis of the overall flow condition and significant factors, encompassing territorial and market information, in its thorough Global Pipe Repair Clamps Market from 2021 to 2027 research. A good assessment considering the forecasting period of 2021 to 2027 is necessary for the interpretation of vital market attributes. It provides essential data and advanced analysis to contribute correctly to the design of the most acceptable strategy and to ensure that the market participants have the correct route to improve continually.

    The research also included many variables affecting the sector. For this reason, the newest developments, unknown results, risks and limitations, difficulties, and key development areas are employed during the research process.

    The size and volume of the market potential of each region Pipe Repair Clamps are indicated in this section of the regional analysis. The study shows that the market analyses numerous drivers and constraints, opportunities, and problems throughout the forecast period.


    The market is statistically evaluated in every primary industry and split into numerous geographical segments:

    Many major research components are vital firms in the sector:

    The study mainly focuses on the following product types:

    Towards this section of the report, the following application categories are further assessed in detail:

    The investigation has a wide range of data, including high-market operating efficiency, product ideas, and significant investment reports.


    The main attributes of the market listed in the research report are:

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    This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team (, who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs. You can also get in touch with our executives on +1-201-465-4211 to share your research requirements.

    Contact UsMark StoneHead of Business DevelopmentPhone: +1-201-465-4211Email:

    Global Pipe Repair Clamps Market Applications, Types and Future Outlook Report 2021-2027 to Latest Innovations and Major Players are The Plumber's...

    Plumbing Devices Market Outlook 2022: Overview, Opportunities, Key Companies and Forecast to 2028 TOTO, Rifeng, Moen, Kohler, Joyou, Jomoo, Jinniu,…

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The report Global Plumbing Devices Market2022 delivers a 360-degree view of the Plumbing Devices Market. The most influential trends and their impact analysis data are available in the report. The key drivers, restraints, and opportunities that will shape the market during the forecast period are mentioned in the report. Furthermore, the threat from substitutes and the challenges the market will face in the coming years have also been noted in the report.

    The Plumbing Devices Market research study has been composed using key inputs from industry experts. Furthermore, the extensive primary and secondary research data with which the report has been composed helps deliver the key statistical forecasts, in terms of both revenue and volume. In addition to this, the trends and revenue analysis of the global Plumbing Devices Market has been mentioned in this report. This will give a clear perspective to the readers how the Plumbing Devices Market will fare in globe.

    Executive Summary

    According to GRD Survey data, the global Plumbing Devices market is estimated at million US$ in 2021 and is expected to reach million US$ by the end of 2028, growing at a CAGR of % in the forecast period between 2022 and 2028.

    This report studies the Plumbing Devices market dynamics from angles such as new entries, mergers and acquisitions, fundings, exit and major technology breakthroughs. Market performance is evaluated through market size (value and volume) by players, regions, product types and end industries. This report also studies the global market competition landscape, market drivers and trends, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porters Five Forces Analysis.

    Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Plumbing Devices in these regions, from 2016 to 2027, covering

    North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)

    Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and Russia, etc.)

    Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia)

    South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)

    Middle East and Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, etc.)

    Market Snapshot, By Product Type

    Water to Warm



    Market Snapshot, By Application

    Household Use

    Commercial Use


    Main Market Players Analyzed in this report, including:













    The study objectives of this report are:

    To study and analyze the global Plumbing Devices market size (value & volume) by company, key regions/countries, products and application, history data from 2016 to 2020, and forecast to 2027.

    To understand industry structure of Plumbing Devices market by identifying its various subsegments.

    To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).

    To identify the key global Plumbing Devices manufacturers and regional typical players, to define, describe and analyze their sales volume, value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years.

    To analyze the Plumbing Devices market with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.

    To project the value and volume of Plumbing Devices submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).

    To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.

    To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.

    In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Plumbing Devices are as follows:

    History Year: 2016-2020

    Base Year: 2020

    Estimated Year: 2021

    Forecast Year 2021 to 2027

    This report includes the estimation of market size in terms of value (million USD) and volume from top-down approach by analyzing major submarkets and their major driving factors, and verified from bottom-up approaches. Key players in the market have been identified through secondary research, and their market shares have been determined through primary and secondary research. All percentage shares, splits, and breakdowns have been determined using secondary sources and verified from primary sources.

    For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2020 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

    Key Stakeholders Considered in the study:

    Raw material vendors


    Regulatory authorities, including government agencies and NGO

    Commercial research & development (R&D) institutions

    Importers and exporters

    Government organizations, research organizations, and consulting firms

    Trade/Industrial associations

    End-use industries

    A detailed segmentation evaluation of the Plumbing Devices Market has been provided in the report. Detailed information about the key segments of the market and their growth prospects are available in the report. The detailed analysis of their sub-segments is also available in the report. The revenue forecasts and volume shares along with market estimates are available in the report.

    The competitive landscape of the market presented in the study profiles the most prominent players in the market. The business overview, recent developments, key strategies, and revenue share of key market players in the global Plumbing Devices Market have been covered in the research report. Moreover, the latest events and their impact on the Global Plumbing Devices Market have been presented in the report. In addition to this, the report features strategic recommendations that will help new entrants or established players optimize their ROI.

    For technical data and manufacturing plants analysis, the report analyzes Plumbing Devices Market leading suppliers on capacity, commercial production date, manufacturing plants distribution, R&D Status, technology sources, and raw materials sources.

    This report also presents product specification, manufacturing process, and product cost structure etc.Production is separated by regions, technology and applications. Analysis also covers upstream raw materials, equipment, downstream client survey, marketing channels, industry development trend and proposals. In the end, the report includes Plumbing Devices Market new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, investment return analysis, and development trend analysis. In conclusion, it is a deep research report on Global Plumbing Devices Market. Here, we express our thanks for the support and assistance from Plumbing Devices Market chain related technical experts and marketing engineers during Research Teams survey and interviews.

    About us:

    MR Accuracy Reportsprovides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities.

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    See the article here:
    Plumbing Devices Market Outlook 2022: Overview, Opportunities, Key Companies and Forecast to 2028 TOTO, Rifeng, Moen, Kohler, Joyou, Jomoo, Jinniu,...

    Royal Family: The 22 job vacancies the Queen is looking to fill right now – My London

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Have you ever dreamed of working for the Queen at one of her many plush residences?

    The Royal Household is currently advertising a number of roles, with jobs available including security officer and senior Gardner.

    These roles are dotted around the Queens official estates meaning some are based at Buckingham Palace while others are up in Scotland at the Palace of Holyroodhouse or out of London at Windsor Castle.

    READ MORE: The Queen's cheeky after dinner treat which is probably surprisingly similar to yours

    Most of the 22 jobs advertised on the Royal Households website are for temporary summer roles some of which coincide with the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

    However, there are more specialised roles that are offering pretty hefty salaries for people with the right skills.

    The Senior Gardener role is based at Windsor Castle and is responsible for maintaining the royal gardens.

    The full-time, permanent role has a starting salary of 25,000.

    As Senior Gardener you will be responsible for the maintenance, conservation and development of the Royal gardens.

    You will lead a small team, organising and allocating, and performing daily tasks, with a hands-on approach. This will include lawn maintenance and caring for shrub, herbaceous and rose borders.

    You need to have experience including: a passion for horticulture" and relevant qualifications (such as HND, ND/NVQ 3 or RHS Level 2/3, Chain Saw use, PA1 and PA6A).

    The Holyrood-based role as Security Officer is described on the website as maintaining a safe and secure environment throughout the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

    The salary isn't specified, however, according to the website, it is "Competitive" and comes with a 15% employer contribution pension scheme and benefits.

    Like many security jobs, the hours are pretty unforgiving and are listed as: 12 hour shift patterns averaging 42 hours per week (based on a pattern of 2 days, 2 nights and 4 days off)."

    Other aspects of the role include: "Security patrols, fire safety inspections" and welcoming visitors.

    Windsor Castle is looking for someone to help assist its Admissions Manager.

    Whoever gets the role will be paid 23,500 - 24,000 per annum, dependent on experience.

    The job description on the Royal Household website describes the role as: "Supporting the Admissions Manager with day-to-day operational management, you'll also motivate and guide the team, monitor progress and support ongoing personal development, inspiring them to deliver their very best and achieve challenging sales targets.

    "Every day, you'll engage with the team, make sure they have the information they need to meet the day's demands, co-ordinate roles and be the first port of call for any queries."

    This fixed-term role is based at Buckingham Palace and offers a wage of 10.85 an hour, which includes lunch.

    The Palace is looking for someone who can "enrich customers experience, engaging with and informing them, and taking every opportunity to maximise sales and customer satisfaction."

    Working hours are roughly 40 hours, over 5 days, Monday to Sunday for full-time workers with part-time roles also available.

    This is a temporary position, with the candidate being expected to work around 300 hours over the duration of their contract.

    The pay is 11.66 an hour and the listing says that the role includes: "Supporting the Visitor Services management team, you'll make sure our Wardens are ready to meet the day's demands, offering a warm welcome to every visitor who comes through the door."

    So if you are friendly, confident, and a great communicator, why not apply before January 28?

    Unlike the other roles on this list, this position is not based at one of the Queen's royal residences.

    Instead, it is located at Bagshot Park, the residence of the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

    The role is summarised on the website: "As a Programme Co-ordinator based at Bagshot Park, Surrey, you'll be part of the small team responsible for the planning, coordination, and circulation of TRH's official programmes, and briefing materials."

    You will " be a skilled administrator" with experience in a similar role.

    The highest-paid job currently going, this project managers position is intended to oversee Buckingham Palaces ten-year programme to overhaul the building's infrastructure, including electrical cabling, plumbing and heating for the first time since the 1950s.

    It comes with a healthy salary of 55,000.

    As the project manager "youll be responsible for the programme-wide management of mechanical, electrical and public health systems, as well as low voltage, critical systems within the Reservicing Programme, from design and procurement to installation/construction, commissioning and hand back. "

    This Buckingham Palace-based role comes with a salary of 27,000 to 29,000.

    You will be: "working as part of our centralised People Services Team with a broad generalist workload, you'll deliver HR activities across the employee life-cycle, including recruitment, onboarding and routine employee relations."

    If you have experience in HR and want to see what it would be like to do it in a palace you have until January 30 to apply.

    This role would see you work inside the Private Secretary's Office at Buckingham Palace.

    The description certainly makes the role sound exciting: "As Operations Manager, you will lead and develop a dedicated team of professionals who support the diverse strategic and operational priorities of The Royal Household.

    "This will include responsibility for correspondence with the public, anniversary messages, and record keeping for the department."

    This seems like the perfect role for a Civil Servant who wants to try something new and possibly a little more exciting.

    If you are attracted by the roles description or its 40,000 salary, you can apply until January 30.

    Holyroodhouse in Scotland is looking for people to help man the ship, as they expect thousands of visitors between March and October this year.

    Workers are offered 9.50 an hour plus lunch.

    So if you are "an outstanding team player who is able to work effectively even when things get busy and remain calm under pressure," why not apply before January 30?

    Starting in June and ending in September, this role is perfect for anyone looking for a summer job in scenic surroundings.

    It is based at Windsor Castle, and workers are offered 9.50 an hour plus lunch.

    The job revolves around admissions and ticket sales.

    Similar to the role at Holyrood, services assistants and wardens at Windsor are expected to help visitors with information, directions and maintain a basic level of security.

    It pays 9.50 per hour, plus free lunch and you are expected to work a minimum number of 425 hours for the duration of the contract.

    This is exactly the same role as the one at Windsor Castle, but in Scotland.

    Workers are offered 9.50 an hour plus lunch.

    The job revolves around admissions and ticket sales.

    There are also part-time positions available for this role where you work 16 hours a week.

    If you are looking for summer work and have previous roles in retail this might the job for you.

    It pays better than an assistant role, with the team leader receiving 11.66 per hour.

    If you live in London, and have always dreamed of working at Buckingham Palace, apply before January 31 to make that dream a reality.

    Another Buckingham Palace team leader role that includes: " Supporting the Ticketing and Sales managers, you'll make sure our team are ready to meet the day's demands and promote the experiences we offer.

    "Every day, you'll engage the team in briefings, answer questions, and inspire them to maximise ticket sales. And in all that you do, youll aim to deliver a truly memorable level of service.

    "Youll gain an understanding of the technologies and processes that influence visitor experience at one of the most iconic sites in the world."

    The hourly wage is 11.66 an hour.

    One of the many jobs available at Buckingham Palace this summer, this retail assistant's role requires someone to be passionate about products sold at the palace.

    It pays 10.85 per hour and revolves around the various shops and retail areas the palace has for visitors.

    If you are interested, apply before January 31.

    The online listing states that the summer contract starts in June and ends in October, perfect for those looking to make a little extra cash on their summer holidays.

    The role sees you in the ticket booth, making sure people enter Buckingham Palace smoothly, and is offering 10.85 per hour.

    Similar to Windsor and Holyroodhouse Palace, Buckingham Palace is also looking for people to help guide visitors around the sometimes labyrinthine hallways of the Queen's stately homes.

    You will be expected to help visitors, impart information, and ensure good customer service.

    The role is 10.85 per hour and starts in June and ends in October.

    One of the highest paying jobs on the list is a building surveyor role based at Buckingham Palace.

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    It sounds dry on its face, but the description gives makes it seems pretty exciting: The size, complexity, and heritage of the Royal residences will present you with some truly fascinating, and often unique, challenges.

    Joining the London team, you'll be responsible for operational activities, managing a combination of planned and reactive maintenance.

    It also describes how the surveyor role also means the person will get to advise on refurbishment efforts of the historic palace.

    The role comes with a salary of 40,000-50,000 depending on experience.

    This role, based at Windsor Castle is very similar to the temporary summer position.

    It has the same pay of 9.50 per hour, plus lunch but a longer contract and slightly fewer hours at around 30 a week.

    Applications are being accepted until February 4 for this role.

    This is a more senior salaried position based at Windsor Castle.

    The Assistant Visitor Services Manager is expected to lead the front line team and make sure they are ready to meet the day's demands, offering a warm welcome to every visitor who comes through the door.

    It also involves being able to train, motivate and guide a team while monitoring their progress.

    The salary is 26,000 per annum, plus benefits.

    If you have experience in restoring furniture, you might have just found your dream job.

    The Queen's Craft Technician is expected to look after Buckingham Palace's historic furniture.

    You will receive 25,000 - 27,000 per annum, to help conserve the many ornate furnishings and items in the Royal Household.

    The website says the craft technician's role spans "from undertaking basic remedial conservation treatments in the workshops, to assisting works of art movements and furnishing installations across the Royal Residences."

    If you are interested in any of the jobs you can find them listed here.

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    Here is the original post:
    Royal Family: The 22 job vacancies the Queen is looking to fill right now - My London

    Get the Lead Out (of Your Home) –

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Many people think that since lead was removed from paint and gasoline, it is no longer a threat. But nearly a third of American children have dangerously elevated blood lead levels. While consumer products are probably the biggest source of lead exposure, lead is lurking in many perhaps most homes.

    Lead is a toxic heavy metal that occurs naturally in small amounts. Natural levels of lead in soil range between 50 and 400 parts per million (ppm), but human industrial activities have led to much higher levels of lead exposure. Lead can build up in the body and can be fatal at high levels.

    Lead exposure damages every organ and system in the human body, especially the brain and central nervous system. Although everyone is harmed by exposure to lead, the impacts are most profound for infants and children. No safe blood lead level in children has been identified. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to negatively affect a childs intelligence, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement. The effects of lead poisoning are permanent.

    Lead was added to both interior and exterior paint until 1978. If your house was built before 1978, it could still contain layers of lead paint. The older your house is, the more likely it is that lead paint is still present in or on it. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder, which can corrode, allowing lead to enter drinking water. About one-third of the countrys water districts still use lead supply pipes.

    In 2011, changes to the Safe Drinking Water Act reduced the maximum allowable lead content in plumbing as well as solder and flux. Problems with lead leaching into water occur more often in homes with brass faucets (even when they are chrome-plated) and with fixtures that use lead solder.

    The best way to find out if your home contains lead is to test for it. You can use a 3M LeadCheck Swab from the hardware store to test surfaces and have your homes water tested to find out if any lead is leaching into it. If there is lead in your water, or if you want to prevent leaching in the first place, contact your utility to find out about your supply pipes. You can check for lead pipes inside your home yourself. If you are planning a remodeling project, have a certified inspector conduct a lead risk assessment before you start. You might also consider testing the soil in your yard, especially in areas where you grow vegetables or where children play.

    As with asbestos, lead paint that is not damaged is best sealed and left alone. Simply add a new coat of low-VOC paint over any surfaces that have been painted with lead paint, being careful not to disturb the underlying layers. However, if the lead paint is peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking, damaged, or damp, as occurs in high wear areas like windowsills, it is a hazard and must be removed. This is not a DIY project: Find an EPA or state lead-safe certified renovation contractor.

    If your water supply pipes contain lead, consider purchasing an NSF/ANSI Standard 53 certified water filter that is certified for lead removal. In some communities with lead supply pipes, such as Newark, New Jersey, these filters may be available directly from your water utility. If you have lead pipes inside your home, consider replacing them. Replacing your plumbing is expensive, but it is the safest course of action. There are some federal grants to help replace residential pipes. Check with your local utility to find out if additional incentives or local grants are available.

    If the lead level in your soil is elevated above 5,000 ppm, you may need to find a certified contractor to replace the surface soil. At lower levels, you may be able to safely grow crops with good soil management. Frequent handwashing, keeping shoes outside of the house, and wet dusting will all help keep lead dust from building up indoors.

    Once you have taken abatement steps to seal or replace old lead paint and plumbing, youll want to avoid reintroducing lead into your home. Lead is still used in some applications today, as in solder and roof flashings. These lead sources are unlikely to result in lead exposure during daily life. But be careful when bringing second-hand building materials and household items (whether for aesthetic or sustainability reasons) into the house. Building reuse stores sometimes accept older materials, like doors and stair railings, which could contain lead. Similarly, many imported ceramics and vintage housewares also contain lead. Its best to assume that the paint on vintage items contains lead until testing proves otherwise.

    Despite regulations, it is not safe to assume that new consumer items are lead-free. Many toys and crafts (like stained glass) and even some cosmetics still contain lead. Even more dangerously, some folk remedies for stomach upset and morning sickness contain lead.

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    Get the Lead Out (of Your Home) -

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