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    Toxicodendron – Wikipedia

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Genus of plants

    Toxicodendron is a genus of flowering plants in the sumac family, Anacardiaceae. It contains trees, shrubs and woody vines, including poison ivy, poison oak, and the lacquer tree. All members of the genus produce the skin-irritating oil urushiol, which can cause a severe allergic reaction. The generic name is derived from the Greek words (toxikos), meaning "poison," and (dendron), meaning "tree".[2] The best known members of the genus in North America are poison ivy (T. radicans), practically ubiquitous throughout most of eastern North America, and western poison oak (T. diversilobum), similarly ubiquitous throughout much of the western part of the continent.

    The genus is a member of the Rhus complex, and has at various times been categorized as being either its own genus or a sub-genus of Rhus.[3] There is evidence which points to keeping Toxicodendron as a separate monophyletic genus, but researchers have stated that the Toxicodendron and Rhus groups are complex and require more study to be fully understood.[4]

    Plants in the genus have pinnately compound, alternate leaves and whitish or grayish drupes. They are quite variable in appearance. The leaves may have smooth, toothed, or lobed edges, and all three types of leaf edges may be present in a single plant. The plants grow as creeping vines, climbing vines, shrubs, or, in the case of lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) and poison sumac (T. vernix), as trees. While leaves of poison ivy and poison oaks usually have three leaflets, sometimes there are five or, occasionally, even seven leaflets. Leaves of poison sumac have 713 leaflets, and of Lacquer Tree, 719 leaflets.

    The common names come from similar appearances to other species that are not closely related and to the allergic response to the urushiol. Poison oak is not an oak (Quercus, family Fagaceae), but this common name comes from the leaves' resemblance to white oak (Quercus alba) leaves, while poison ivy is not an ivy (Hedera, family Araliaceae), but has a superficially similar growth form. Technically, the plants do not contain a poison; they contain a potent allergen.

    The resins of certain species native to Japan, China and other Asian countries, such as lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) and wax tree (T. succedaneum), are used to make lacquer, and, as a byproduct of lacquer manufacture, their berries are used to make japan wax.

    In East Asia, in particular in Japan, traditional candle fuel was produced from Toxicodendron vernicifluum (synonym: Rhus verniciflua) and Toxicodendron succedaneum (synonym: Rhus succedanea), among other sumac plants in the genus Toxicodendron, rather than beeswax or animal fats. The sumac wax was a byproduct of traditional Japanese lacquer manufacture. The conical rousoku candles produced from sumac wax burn with smokeless flame and were favored in many respects over candles made from lard or beeswax during the Tokugawa shogunate. Japan wax is not a true wax but a solid fat that contains 10-15% palmitin, stearin, and olein with about 1% japanic acid (1,21-heneicosanedioic acid). It is still used in many tropical and subtropical countries in the production of wax match sticks.

    For specific information on prevention and treatment of Toxicodendron rashes, see Urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.

    Originally posted here:
    Toxicodendron - Wikipedia

    Tabernanthe iboga – Wikipedia

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Species of plant

    Tabernanthe iboga (iboga) is a perennial rainforest shrub native to Central Africa. An evergreen bush indigenous to Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Republic of Congo, it is cultivated across Central Africa.

    In African traditional medicine and rituals, the yellowish root or bark is used to produce hallucinations and near-death outcomes, with some fatalities occurring.[3][4] In high doses, ibogaine is considered to be toxic, and has caused serious comorbidities when used with opioids or prescription drugs.[3][5] The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists ibogaine as a controlled substance of the Controlled Substances Act.[3]

    Iboga is native to tropical forests, preferring moist soil in partial shade.[3] It bears dark green, narrow leaves and clusters of white tubular flowers on an erect and branching stem, with yellow-orange fruits resembling an olive.[3]

    Normally growing to a height of 2m, T. iboga may eventually grow into a small tree up to 10m tall, given the right conditions. The flowers are yellowish-white or pink and followed by a fruit, orange at maturity, that may be either globose or fusiform. Its yellow-fleshed roots contain a number of indole alkaloids, most notably ibogaine, which is found in the highest concentration in the root-bark. The root material, bitter in taste, causes a degree of anaesthesia in the mouth as well as systemic numbness of the skin.[6]

    Tabernanthe iboga was described by Henri Ernest Baillon and published in Bulletin Mensuel de la Socit Linnenne de Paris 1: 783 in the year 1889. The plant even though was discovered and used long before in central Africa as a cultural plant.

    The genus name Tabernanthe is a compound of the Latin taberna, "tavern"/"hut"/"(market) stall" and Greek: (anthos) "flower" giving a literal meaning of "tavern flower". On the other hand, it may equally well have been intended (by way of a type of botanical shorthand) to mean "having a flower resembling that of plants belonging to the genus Tabernaemontana " (q.v.). If the first conjecture is the correct one, the name could also have been intended to suggest that the plant is cultivated near huts, sold at market stalls or even that like the beverages sold at a tavern the plant is intoxicating, all of which alternatives would constitute apt descriptions of an oft-cultivated and popular psychoactive plant. The specific name iboga is simply one of a number of similar names given to the plant in its native Gabon.[7]

    The first (probable...and confused) reference to Iboga is that of Bowdich in chapter 13 of his "Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee..." of 1819

    The Eroga, a favourite but violent medicine, is no doubt a fungus, for they describe it as growing on a tree called the Ocamboo, when decaying; they burn it first, and take as much as would lay on a shilling.

    If this is indeed a reference to the drug derived from Tabernanthe iboga (Eroga appears to be a variant form of the names iboga and eboka) it is, of course, grossly in error in its assumption that iboga is not a plant but a fungus. Notable however is the observation of the potency of the drug effective in small quantities. The description of the plant as growing on a tree is puzzling: Tabernanthe iboga does not usually grow as an epiphyte if at all.[8][9]

    The ritual use of iboga in Africa was first reported by French and Belgian explorers in the 19th century, beginning with the work of French naval surgeon and explorer of Gabon Griffon du Bellay,[10] who identified it correctly as a shrub belonging to the Apocynaceae as recorded in a short essay by Charles Eugne Aubry-Lecomte on the plant poisons of West Africa, published in the year 1864.

    Parmi les plantes rares ou nouvelles rapportes par le docteur Griffon du Bellay, la famille des apocynes contient encore deux poisons; l'un, nomm iboga, n'est toxique qu' hautes doses et a l'tat frais. Pris en petit quantit, il est aphrodisiaque et stimulante du systeme nerveux; les guerriers et chasseurs en font grand usage pour se tenir veills dans les affts de nuit; de mme que pour le M'boundou, le principe actif rside dans la racine qu'on mche comme la coca.

    [ Translation: Among the rare or new plants brought back by Dr. Griffon du Bellay, the plant family Apocynaceae contains two further poisons; the first of these, called Iboga, is only toxic in high doses and in the fresh state. Taken in small quantities, it is an aphrodisiac and stimulant of the (central) nervous system; warriors and hunters make considerable use of it in order to stay awake during their night vigils; as with the (plant) M'boundou, the active principle (of Iboga) resides in the root which is chewed like coca (leaf) ].[11]

    Indole alkaloids, which make up about 6% of the root chemical composition of iboga,[3] include:

    The Iboga tree is central to the Bwiti spiritual practices in West-Central Africa, mainly Gabon, Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo, where the alkaloid-containing roots or bark are used in various ceremonies to create a near-death experience.[3] Iboga is taken in massive doses by initiates of this spiritual practice, and on a more regular basis is eaten in smaller doses in connection with rituals and tribal dances performed at night. Bwitists have been subject to persecution by Catholic missionaries.[3]

    In lower doses, iboga has a stimulant effect and is used to maintain alertness while hunting.[12][13]

    Anecdotal reports of self-treated opioid addicts indicated a reduced desire to sustain opiate abuse following iboga ingestion.[3] Since 1970, iboga has been legally prohibited in the United States following several fatalities.[3][4] Iboga extracts, as well as the purified alkaloid ibogaine, have attracted attention because of their purported ability to reverse addiction to drugs such as alcohol and opiates.[3]

    Ibogaine is classified as a schedule 1 controlled substance in the United States, and is not approved there for addiction treatment (or any other therapeutic use) because of its hallucinogenic and cardiovascular side effects, as well as the absence of safety and efficacy data in human subjects.[3][5] In most other countries, it remains unregulated and unlicensed.[14]

    Independent ibogaine treatment clinics have emerged in Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands, South Africa, and New Zealand, all operating in what has been described as a "legal gray area".[14][15] Covert, illegal neighborhood clinics are also known to exist in the United States, despite active DEA surveillance.[13] Addiction specialists warn that the treatment of drug dependence with ibogaine in non-medical settings, without expert supervision and unaccompanied by appropriate psychosocial care, can be dangerous and, in approximately one case in 300, potentially fatal.[3][15]

    Iboga is outlawed or restricted in Belgium, Poland, Denmark, Croatia, France,[16] Sweden, and Switzerland. In the United States, ibogaine is classified by the Controlled Substances Act on the list of schedule I drugs,[3] although the plant itself remains unscheduled.

    Non-profit organization Freningen fr hollistisk missbruksvrd is trying to convince the Swedish government to start up clinical investigations of its anti-addictive properties, loosen up the prohibition law against ibogaine, and allow the creation of treatment facilities in Sweden.[17]

    Exportation of iboga from Gabon is illegal since the passage of a 1994 cultural protection law.[18]

    While little data is available on the exploitation and existing habitat of the iboga plant, the destructive effects of harvesting and slow growth could have already severely damaged the wild iboga population.[19]

    Plant in fruit: fusiform-fruited form.

    Read more:
    Tabernanthe iboga - Wikipedia

    13 Common Maple Tree Problems and Diseases – Dengarden

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Charlotte formerly worked as an editor of a garden channel and has extensive knowledge of plant care.

    What's wrong with my maple tree?

    When I worked as an editor of a gardening channel, people often asked me how to identify and address common maple tree pests, diseases, and problems. While maple trees can suffer from a number of general problems, verticillium wilt seems to be the most common and dangerous disease plaguing maple tree owners.

    The fungi that cause verticillium wilt affect the tree's vascular system and cause symptoms of wilting and yellowing leaves that are concentrated in one particular area. Failure to control verticillium wilt can kill your tree, so it is important to correctly identify the disease and quickly remedy the problem.

    Whether you don't have any idea what anthracnose is or you don't know how to identify lichen, you'll find all the common issues below to help you understand what's plaguing your tree and how to treat the problem.

    Maple tree tar spot

    Black spots and discoloration on leaves

    Low (cosmetic)


    Late summer and autumn

    Clean up leaf debris around the tree's base


    Leaves that curl around a dead-looking brown spot, tan or brown spots near the leaves' veins, cankers, dying young branches, and premature leaf loss

    Low (cosmetic)


    Late spring to early summer; especially prevalent during wet periods

    Keep tree from sitting in moisture; rake leaf debris; prune affected branches

    Sooty mold

    Powdery black mold covering leaves

    Low (cosmetic)

    Fungi, or plant and insect secretions


    May require treatment of bugs that carry the fungus; can be brushed off


    Appearance is all over the place and can be dictated by region, weather, and other factors

    Low (but can indicate more severe diseases)

    Composite organism made of fungi and algae


    Can usually just lift lichens off of the tree; may also prune branches that have it

    Verticillium wilt

    Wilting or yellowing leaves, often concentrated to one area or side of the tree

    Moderate to severe (can kill tree)

    Soil-bound fungi

    July and August, particularly seen after a dry and hot summer

    Plant resistant strains, remove the diseased tree, and/or fumigate the soil

    Root rot

    Symptoms vary wildly; often looks like mushrooms, can be cankers

    Severe (usually lethal)


    Wet seasons

    Call an arborist immediately. The tree likely needs to be removed and destroyed.


    Dieback generally around the crown; external signs appear long after the tree has been infected

    Severe (affects tree's innards)


    Late spring and early summer

    Try to prevent the roots from getting damaged or wounded; some trees recover for no apparent reason

    Phyllosticta mimima (maple leaf spot)

    Ten to brown spots with a purple or red center

    Low (cosmetic)



    Remove leaf debris. General tree maintenance. Plant resistant strains.

    Powdery mildew

    a fine powder-like mildew that covers leaves; white-ish in color

    Low (cosmetic)


    Summer; thrives in greenhouse-like conditions (humid and hot)

    You can brush the mildew off or apply horticultural oils.


    Dry, brown leaves

    Low (cosmetic)

    Weather conditions such as low moisture, high temperatures, and dry wind


    Ensure that tree is well watered; apply mulch to help with water retention

    Maple mosaic

    White to yellow discoloration that's often kaleidoscopic looking

    Low (cosmetic)


    Summer (thought to be spread by the whitefly, whose population peaks in the summer)

    There are no treatments. In fact, some people cultivate for this.

    Pear thrips

    Winged brown insects that are about the size of a nickel or smaller

    Low (usually only damage foliage)


    April through May

    No known treatments.


    Large number of varieties; usually look like black, red, brown, or green abnormalities such as a pimple or a needle

    Low (cosmetic)


    Seasons vary by type and mite

    Some people have claimed to have success with pesticides and miticides, but this remains to be scientifically proven.

    Two examples of tar leaf on a maple.

    The maple tree tar spot is fairly easy to identify. It's caused by a fungal pathogen in the genus Rhytisma. While this affects maple trees in general, it especially targets Norway, silver, and sugar varieties. Tar spot will not kill your trees, but it's unsightly and can cause them to drop their leaves before the fall season.

    The spots first appear as small yellow spots in June. Then, they progress to the black spots on the leaves you see above. Their size ranges from one-eighth of an inch to an inch or more in diameter on the Norway Maple. The spots can also appear on the seeds (samaras).

    The fungus winters over on fallen leaves. If the leaves are not raked up in the fall, the fungal spores will reappear in the spring and spread to nearby trees. Treating the trees is usually not effective because the spores can travel from a neighbor's tree onto yours.

    If your tree has these spots, which then causes leaves to curl in mid-July, it may have a different disease called Anthracnose.

    Anthracnose on Maple Leaves

    Charlotte Gerber

    Anthracnose is commonly mistaken for tar spot. However, it inflicts much more extensive damage because it affects both the leaves and the branches. You'll find many more spots on the leaves that are typically smaller than the 1/8" tar spots.

    This condition typically occurs when trees experience long periods of cold, wet weather. The affected areas may show small, dark spots and irregularly-shaped leaves with dead or brown areas. The leaves usually fall off in the early spring, followed by a second set of leaves which also die off. The branches can also develop cankers, which often strip them of their bark and kill them.

    The disease continues when fungal spores over winter in dead leaves and infect trees during a prolonged wet spring. Once a tree is infected, the disease survives the winter in infected branches and then spread when the wind carries its spores to surrounding trees.

    Anthracnose can be controlled by removing dead leaves from the base of your trees in the fall. You can also apply fungicide, but you may need a commercial application depending on the size and number of trees that may be affected. You can call your local Cooperative Extension office to see what fungicides are legal in your state.

    While sooty mold mainly affects plants and trees that honeydew-secreting insects love, the mold can also effect maples.

    Scot Nelson

    Sooty mold feeds on the sticky honeydew left by aphids and scale insects, which can sometimes be found on maple trees. You'll know it's this mold if it rubs off easily on your fingers when you touch it.

    The good news is that sooty mold won't kill your tree and can be easily treated. Try using a gardening mix that works to protect plants. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and apply it at the base of the tree to ensure the roots absorb the mix ingredients. This method should also prevent reinfection for up to one year.

    The University of Hawai'i has created an amazing PDF that explains the mold's lifecycle and is complete with many photos of the mold.

    Lichens on a Maple Tree

    Read the original post:
    13 Common Maple Tree Problems and Diseases - Dengarden

    Haritaki Benefits, Uses, Types, Spirituality, and More – Healthline

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, is full of natural remedies for both health woes and beauty needs. One of the many versatile Ayurvedic herbs is haritaki.

    Technically the fruit of the deciduous myrobalan plum tree, haritaki is considered an important herb in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine, both forms of indigenous medicine in India. The fruit itself is small, oblong, and less than an inch in size.

    The fruits are often collected when theyre still green and raw and then dried until golden brown or black. Theyre then powdered and made into Ayurvedic remedies. The fruits potency is based on where the fruit was collected, its color, and its shape.

    Haritaki is also known as:

    In Tamil, its referred to as kayakalpa, a rejuvenator of the body that balances all dosha, or humors. Its often referred to as a life-giving herb.

    Haritaki is prized in Ayurveda for its versatile health applications.

    Vrinda Devani, OB-GYN and Ayurvedic practitioner of Banyan Botanicals and Ayurprana says that haritaki balances all the elements, especially ether and air. The combination of ether and air is known as Vata dosha, which is said to cause 80 percent of all diseases in Ayurveda.

    Devani notes that haritaki is also high in:

    Practitioners of Ayurveda include it as part of treatment for a host of ailments, including both short-term and chronic health concerns.

    Haritaki is one part of the trifecta of the beneficial Ayurvedic blend, triphala, along with bibhitaki and amla, or Indian gooseberry.

    To pacify the air element (Vata), take it with ghee, or clarified butter, says Devani. To pacify fire and heat (Pitta), you can take it with a little sugar. To pacify water and earth (Kapha), you can take it with a little rock salt.

    Its important to always consult a qualified herbalist before you add any herb, including haritaki, to your health regimen.

    According to a 2018 study, Ayurvedic researchers note that each of the different seven types of fruit are prescribed for specific ailments.

    According to Devani and 2014 research, haritaki is beneficial for:

    Haritaki is beneficial for a number of illnesses, says Devani. One of the unique things about haritaki is that as [] an herb that rejuvenates and nourishes all organs and tissues, it also supports immunity. It can support reproductive challenges like libido and fertility.

    A 2017 pharmacological study of the extracts of the myrobalan fruit suggests that it contains several helpful compounds that support its application as an:

    These also play a part in heart health, wound care, and digestive support.

    Older 2013 research supports haritakis application in hemorrhoids, but more studies are needed.

    As a rejuvenating and regenerative herb with antioxidant properties, haritaki is believed to have the potential to improve the health of the skin, hair, and nails.

    According to 2019 research, haritaki may help address a variety of skin ailments classified by Ayurveda.

    Devani recommends using it for day-to-day skin health.

    Use it externally by making a paste with some water or rose water, she says. If its a little drying, add a few drops of oil.

    In a 2014 study, a haritaki paste created with haritaki powder, ghee, and water helped alleviate cracked feet.

    A 2021 study notes that classical Ayurvedic texts include formulations for hair dyes using haritaki powder, noting these formulations have been used for generations with no adverse effects. The research also notes that haritaki not only darkens but softens hair.

    A 2019 study noted that haritakis antimicrobial properties may be helpful in alleviating nailbed infection, though more high quality research is needed.

    Haritaki is available in many forms in the marketplace. In addition to the versatile and popular powdered form, a haritaki paste and a jam-like preparation made with ghee or sugar syrup are also available.

    Depending on the ailment, Haritaki may also be prescribed in tablet form or as an herbal oil. Different forms are prescribed based on the individuals needs.

    Banyan Botanicals offers high quality powdered haritaki as well as haritaki tablets.

    According to ancient Hindu scriptures called the Vedas, a drop of nectar fell from the celestial cup of Lord Indra and sprouted the haritaki tree.

    The name haritaki can be interpreted as that which embodies Hari, or Lord Shiva, one of three Hindu gods responsible for the creation, upkeep, and destruction of the world.

    As a cleansing and restorative herb, its included in holistic health care to address dosha imbalances. Many believe it plays a role in spiritual balance as well.

    In Buddhism, haritaki is called Big Golden Fruit and represents a connection to the Buddha. Its believed to embody the core value of Buddhism, compassion.

    Haritaki is valued for its regenerative potential as a cure for many ailments. The Medicine Buddha, an important icon in Mahayana Buddhism, is depicted as holding a haritaki fruit in both hands.

    Although haritaki is generally considered safe, some people should avoid it. Dont take haritaki if you:

    Even if you arent experiencing one of the above, always talk with a qualified herbalist before taking haritaki.

    Want to learn more? Get the FAQs below.

    Haritaki may positively impact short-term conditions like respiratory ailments, digestive, or skin conditions through topical applications. For more chronic conditions, it may take a few weeks for Haritaki to be impactful.

    Herbal medicine isnt a one-and-done type of practice. Dont expect herbs to work like taking an aspirin or antibiotic. Theyre meant to work slowly over time with consistent use at proper dosages.

    The amount of time it takes for herbs to take effect will vary depending on the dosage, issue being treated, and lifestyle factors.

    Generally speaking, haritaki is considered safe for everyday use, especially when taken in small doses and blends such as triphala.

    Still, you should never take herbal medicine without consulting a qualified herbalist and your healthcare professional.

    When you should take haritaki depends on your specific needs.

    According to Devani, when using haritaki as a rejuvenating supplement, its best consumed in the morning.

    If taking it as triphala, some prefer taking it at night to let the herbs do their work and prepare the digestive system for waking. For cleansing benefits, night is preferred, says Devani.

    However, you should always speak with a qualified herbalist and your doctor about when and how much to take.

    Although there isnt scientific research to support it, Ayurveda indicates that haritaki may help support the livers role in eliminating toxins from the body.

    Still, always consult a qualified practitioner before taking haritaki for your liver.

    Pregnant women, recent blood donors, and individuals taking anti-glycemic or anti-diabetic drugs should avoid taking haritaki.

    You should also avoid it if youre excessively fatigued, have diarrhea, or are dehydrated.

    Haritaki is an ancient Ayurvedic herb with a rich history that can be easily incorporated into modern health regimens. It may help with digestion and detoxification as well as a number of health issues.

    Always talk with a qualified herbalist and your healthcare professional before you begin taking herbs.

    Nandita Godbole is an Atlanta-based, Indian-origin food writer and author of several cookbooks, including her latest, Seven Pots of Tea: An Ayurvedic Approach to Sips & Nosh. Find her books at venues where fine cookbooks are showcased, and follow her at @currycravings on any social media platform of your choice.

    See the original post here:
    Haritaki Benefits, Uses, Types, Spirituality, and More - Healthline

    Carob powder: Nutrition, benefits, and more – Medical News Today

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Carob powder is a common ingredient in desserts and baked goods and can act as a substitute for cocoa powder. High in fiber and low in fat, carob powder contains calcium and antioxidants.

    The carob tree, native to the Mediterranean, is a flowering evergreen shrub. It produces carob pods, which contain both sweet pulp and inedible seeds.

    People use the pulp to make carob powder, which has an earthy taste similar to chocolate.

    Read more about carob powders uses, benefits, and potential risks.

    Carob powder comes from the sweet, ripe pulp of carob pods. People dry, roast, and grind the pulp to produce a fine powder or flour.

    It has a rich, nutty taste that is somewhat similar to caramel.

    People often use it in place of cocoa powder or chocolate. Although it has a milder, slightly bitter flavor, it can act as a substitute in some cases.

    Carob powder can be either raw or roasted. Lightly roasted is sweeter than dark-roasted powder, which has a more bitter, intense taste.

    There are various ways to use carob powder, and it is particularly common in healthier recipes. These include recipes for baked goods, drinks, and no-bake treats.

    Although carob peaked in popularity during the 1970s health food trend, it has come back into fashion in recent years.

    Carob is sweeter and less bitter than cocoa, so people may need to use less sugar when using it as a substitute. This makes it a useful ingredient in foods such as pancakes, oatmeal, and milkshakes.

    Additionally, people can use carob chips in place of chocolate chips.

    Examples of desserts containing carob powder include:

    Carob powder contains notable amounts of calcium, potassium, and fiber. These are all important nutrients, and people should aim to consume adequate amounts of each through food.

    Additionally, carob powder is low in fat, so it is ideal for people who are trying to reduce their fat intake.

    It is also caffeine- and gluten-free. This makes it a good choice for people who choose to avoid these ingredients and those who may be allergic or sensitive to them.

    Although there are many health claims surrounding carob, the evidence to support them is limited.

    Some people claim it aids weight loss. One small 2019 study of young athletes notes a slight reduction in weight for those who consumed carob instead of the placebo. However, they did not have a notable decrease in fat or increase in muscle mass.

    Other common claims state that carobs antioxidant content can fight harmful cells, such as cancer.

    A 2016 review article notes carobs valuable qualities. While researchers may be able to use carob to make new medicines and treatments, this does not mean that eating carob powder will give the same results.

    People who want to use carob powder in recipes should choose it for its taste, texture, and nutritional value.

    Carob powder is safe for most people in small amounts. Although carob allergies are rare, they are possible.

    People often use carob in place of cacao. While the two foods are similar, they also have several key differences.

    Carob powder is slightly sweet and has a nutty, caramel-like flavor, whereas cacao has a bitter taste. It is virtually fat-free, which makes it a good option for people who want to consume less fat.

    Cacao, the unprocessed form of cocoa, has a deeper, bitter taste. It contains caffeine and theobromine, an alkaloid that has effects similar to caffeine.

    It also contains an amino acid called tyramine, which is linked to migraine headaches. Carob powder does not contain tyramine.

    Carob powder is common in various desserts, baked goods, and beverages. It is naturally sweet with a nutty, earthy flavor.

    People often use it as a substitute for cocoa powder. Carob does not contain gluten or caffeine, making it a suitable choice for people who are sensitive or allergic to these ingredients.

    Carob powder is ideal for people who want to avoid the stimulating effects of cocoa or reduce the amount of sugar in certain recipes.

    People who are sensitive to gluten can use carob powder in place of rye, wheat, or barley flour for bread and baked goods.

    It is also a good replacement for hot caffeinated beverages, such as hot cocoa or coffee.

    Read the rest here:
    Carob powder: Nutrition, benefits, and more - Medical News Today

    A selection of the best workwear brands for Australian women – Fashion Journal

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Functional workwear that doesnt compromise style.

    Technician and trades jobs are traditionally male-dominated workplaces, and while those industries and the attitudes around them are shifting to become more inclusive, trying to find suitable workwear for those occupations as a femme bodied person can be tough.

    Beyond wanting to look professional and feel confident at work, manual labour jobs require dynamic performance wear which needs to fit right, feel comfortable and be durable enough to withstand whatever work you need to do.

    For more fashion news, shoots, articles and features, head to ourFashionsection.

    When it comes to trades jobs, ill-fitting workwear isnt just a nuisance its a safety hazard. Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves in what they wear. So, to help you look and feel your best on the job, weve put together a list of some of the top workwear brands for women who dont work in an office.

    Designed by women to suit all shapes and sizes, Sk Workwear proves functionality and flattering fits neednt be mutually exclusive. Its range includes ass-hugging pants, high-waisted shorts, boiler suits, overalls, and tops all of which look good enough to wear off the worksite.

    Dickies has been a leading workwear brand in its homeland, the US, for almost a century, but its been embraced much more recently here in Australia. The brands masculine, androgynous pieces suit all genders and its tough, made to last designs cater to various lines of work.

    Founded in the back of a house in Brunswick, Melbourne, and derived from the Aboriginal word yakka, which means work, Hard Yakka is now one of Australias biggest workwear brands. Its no-frills range is built for comfort, performance and durability.

    Carhartt has been making workwear since the 1800s and branched into its WIP offshoot in the mid-90s before launching its first collection for women at the turn of the century. Simple, sturdy, comfortable and cool, its designs are the perfect intersection of street fashion and workwear. In fact, if youve ever set foot in a vintage store, youve most likely come across its iconic two-tone Detroit Jacket, a favourite since the 50s.

    Family-owned and based in Tasmania, Blundstone are work boot connoisseurs. Made from premium, water-resistant leather in a selection of neutral colours and various styles, its range will have you covered no matter the job or the weather. Built for comfort, you wont be dying to kick off your Blunnies by the end of the day.

    Made from industrial hemp, recycled polyester, and organic cotton, Patagonias range of workwear is a sustainable option thats still strong and suitable for hard work. The range includes a T-shirt, shorts, pants and overalls in a subtle palette of earthy hues.

    Bisley is at the forefront of innovative work, protective and safety wear. Its range includes inbuilt anti-bacterial treatment, sun protection, insect barriers, static and moisture control, and flame and water resistance, all without compromising aesthetics or comfort.

    Created by Laura Madden and Juanita Mottram, the directors of Brisbane-based all-female construction company Eve Renovations, Eve Workwear was born when the pair became fed up with the endless struggle of trying to find workwear for women that fitted well and looked good. From painters whites and neutrals to bold brights and flannels, its got it all.

    Established in Sydney in the 1920s, KingGee has come a long way over the last hundred years. Adapting to suit the ever-evolving way we work, KingGees modern collections are designed to be breathable, flexible and keep you cool on the job. Its pants come in two types of fits, straight and curved, to best suit different body types.

    Offering off the shelf and custom uniforms, Worktones is a Sydney-based brand specialising in workwear for the foodservice industry. Its minimalist collection includes overalls, aprons, and caps, all of which can be customised and embroidered or screen printed to include your company branding.

    Founded in Geelong out of the same frustrations that birthed the majority of female workwear brands, Green Hip was created to fill a gap in the womens workwear market. Its range of versatile workwear was designed to look good and fit well on a range of female bodies, plus for every garment sold, the brand plants a native grass, shrub or tree.

    For a brief history of workwear, head here.

    Here is the original post:
    A selection of the best workwear brands for Australian women - Fashion Journal

    Construction continues on what will be the largest …

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    OKLAHOMA CITY (Free Press) The Catholic community in OKC will have a new gathering place coming Fall of 2022. Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine is still under construction after the 22.5-ton dome was lifted and installed in place in August of 2021.

    The Shrine will become the biggest gathering place for Catholics in the whole state of Oklahoma. The sanctuary itself is around 38,000 square feet and the whole site takes up 52 acres.

    The church, located east of Shields Boulevard on Southeast 89th Street, will seat 2,000 people.

    The 40 million dollar project is expected to attract visitors and pilgrims from all over the world.

    The plan includes the construction of a pilgrim center with a museum displaying artifacts from Father Rother as well as a replica of the famous Tepeyac Hill in Mexico City.

    The hill on the west side of the shrine will have the statue of Lady of Guadalupe, patron of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and of the Americas, as well as a statue of Saint Juan Diego, who witnessed 3 Mother Mary apparitions on Tepeyac Hill in Mexico City.

    The church will entomb the late Father Stanley Francis Rother, declared martyr of his faith in 2016 by Pope Francis.

    Boldt is the construction company for the project and is currently working on the roof tile installation of the church.

    Once the roof tile is installed, most of the exterior work will be done and make way for the dry-in process so workers can start doing dry-walls, floors, electrical, and other interior finishes like painting and moving in furniture.

    Tepeyac Hill is mostly done and the pilgrim center building is starting to rise.

    Boldt plans to finish the construction by the Fall of 2022 and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City will offer the first service soon after that.

    Stanley Francis Rother was born in Okarche, Oklahoma in 1935.

    After high school, the young Rother left his farmer upbringing and enrolled in a Texas Seminary hoping to become a priest.

    Studying Latin proved challenging. After six years, he was advised to withdraw due to academic reasons.But, after that disappointment, he persuaded the bishop to allow him to find another seminary to attend which he did successfully.

    That same year he was ordained and came back to Oklahoma to serve as an associate pastor.

    After five years in Oklahoma, he moved to Santiago de Atitln, Guatemala, and became the priest of the village.

    Father Rother also known as Padre Francisco, served the mostly indigenous community until he was murdered in the rectory of the church 13 years later.

    Father Rother arrived in Santiago de Atitln in the Solal department (state) of Guatemala during an unfolding civil war.

    Santiago de Atitln, mainly populated by the Tzutujil indigenous people, was the capital of the Tzutujil before colonial times.

    He spent 13 years within the community learning both Spanish and Tzutujil language and connecting with the community at a time where social leaders were being targeted as enemies of the Guatemalan Government.

    Throughout the many years of service, Padre Francisco helped the local community create crop co-ops and contributed to the opening of a radio station and school.

    He also helped translate the gospel into the local Tzutujil.

    As the civil war continued, the Guatemalan Army established a base next to Santiago de Atitln where the murders, tortures, and disappearances increased.

    The situation took a dire turn for the rural Oklahoman priest when he found out his name was on a death list alongside his associate pastor.

    After 12 years of serving the community in the small Guatemalan village, Father Rother traveled back to Oklahoma in response to the death threats.

    In December of 1980, he wrote a letter to the Oklahoman Catholic community stating:

    This is one of the reasons I have for staying in the face of physical harm. The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger.

    He returned to Guatemala to spend Easter within his community.

    Father Rother was shot twice by unknown assailants in the rectory of Santiago de Atitlns church around 1 am July 28, 1981, at the age of 46.

    After his death, hundreds of Guatemalans showed up for his funeral service.

    He was soon entombed in Okarche but his heart was kept in Santiago de Atitlns church where the community built a shrine in his honor.

    His body was taken from Okarche to Oklahoma City where it rests near the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.

    The Catholic Congregation for the Cause of Saints approved Father Rothers status as a martyr with justified validity in 2012 after a long process of submitting information by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma with the help of the Archdiocese of Solal.

    The congregation oversees the validity of the requests for priests to become saints.

    The first step in the process of sainthood is to be accepted as a martyr which then clears the way for beatification.

    Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of Saints, celebrated the ritual of beatification in front of more than 20 thousand people in 2017 in downtown Oklahoma City, a year after Pope Francis approved Father Rothers martyrdom.

    The sainthood, also known as canonization, of Father Stanley Rother will be granted after a miracle is proven to occur posthumously.

    The Blessed Stanley Rother will be entombed inside the Oklahoma shrine once it is finished.

    Last Updated December 23, 2021, 12:16 PM by Brett Dickerson Editor

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    Construction continues on what will be the largest ...

    Temple takes shape: Sacred space will be first of its kind in Arkansas – Arkansas Online

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    For motorists racing south along Interstate 49, just a glimpse of the massive structure can prompt a double take. Pale stone walls form the broad base; in the center, smaller towering layers taper toward what will eventually be a spire stretching to the heavens.

    "Impressive" could be the casual observer's description of what will be the only temple of its kind in Arkansas. Simon Keogh hopes other words are more closely linked: "inspiring" and "uplifting," for example. Keogh is president of the Bentonville Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    "As a sacred place of worship, we want it to be uplifting, edifying and inspiring for people," Keogh says. "The building has the ability to inspire, but that is a reflection of what happens inside."

    In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, temples are distinct from the regular meetinghouses where worshippers gather on Sundays. Temples are specially set apart for sacred services and ceremonies, according to the website

    Church members in Bentonville have previously traveled to temples in Kansas City, Mo., or Oklahoma City for covenant ceremonies that are central to the faith.


    Keogh says people may sometimes ask why church members desire to build a temple when they already have a meetinghouse or chapel in place. Keogh traces such a key sacred space to before the time of Jesus Christ. Israelites made covenants with Jehovah in the temple, he notes.

    When Christ came, he went to the temple as a boy and was instructing the wise men, according to Luke, Chapter 2, Keogh recounts. Later, at the beginning of Christ's ministry, he was again at the temple. After Christ's death and ascension, his followers continued to attend temple, Keogh notes.

    "Temple worship has been a pre-Christ ritual," he says. "It was a ritual in Christ's life, and it continued to be a ritual in the lives of his followers after Christ's life. That remains true today for followers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The temple becomes a central part of our connection with heaven and with God."

    A tenet of faith within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that families can be together forever, and the temple plays a central role in making such permanent bonds possible. For example, Keogh says Latter-day Saints believe that when a marriage ceremony is conducted in a temple under the appropriate authority, marriage can be for time and all eternity.

    Elder Jon Paget and Sister Debbie Paget are full-time missionaries assigned to the area to support the construction of the temple. They arrived on the day of the groundbreaking, Nov. 7, 2020, and will be departing in October of this year.

    Elder Paget is an architect by trade, and though he doesn't have oversight authority on the construction work, he and his wife provide an important connection among the community, the Church and the construction project.

    "We do have the opportunity to document the progress of the temple and to visit with people here in our visitors center who might want to know about our temple," he explains.

    The visitors center is a small building adjacent to the temple grounds off McCollum Drive in northeast Bentonville. Inside the center walls is a collection of information about the purpose of a temple and specific features of the Bentonville structure. A sample board contains pieces of the stone being used -- sourced from Turkey -- the fabric patterns to be used in some of the seating, and the wall coverings for a special bridal room and for the celestial room, the most sacred of spaces in the temple and intended to be a place of quiet peace, prayer and reflection.

    Keogh says that just as in the Old Testament, when the children of Israel built the temple of the finest materials they could source, Latter-day Saints seek to use the best construction and highest quality materials in constructing a temple.

    "We try to build to the very highest construction standards," he says. "Some of that is a metaphor for what we hope our faith and devotion to be. We consider temples to be literally the house of the Lord and sacred."

    Maps on the wall denote a mark for each of the temples in the United States and around the globe. The Bentonville temple is one of 265 such temples in place, under construction or announced.

    When finished, the structure will have 25,000 square feet of usable space, Paget says. The height from the floor of the building to the top of the dome will be 100 feet, and the distance to the top of the spire will be 111 feet. Completion is estimated to be late this year.

    Each temple's features include some customization unique to the region, Paget says. In the Bentonville temple, dogwood blossoms are etched in the stone around the windows. "Every window, even the ones in the tower, will have art glass behind the regular glass and will be backlit."


    In addition to documenting the construction work and sharing information with visitors, the Pagets play additional important roles, Keogh says.

    "They take the time to share with the contractors why this building is of such religious significance to us as the members," he says. "That gives them a chance to appreciate what they're building. They help us be connected with those artisans and construction workers. It brings a sense of community and oneness, and we feel like it brings the spirit of Jesus Christ to the process."

    The Pagets also have organized special luncheons and gift baskets for special seasons to give to those involved in the work. "The little children have written lots of 'thank you' notes that we give to them," Debbie Paget says with a smile. "It's been wonderful."

    When the structure is completed, there will be open houses and tours prior to dedicatory services. Once the temple begins its service as a functioning temple, anyone meeting the qualifications of faithfulness and preparation can enter, Keogh says. Local congregation leaders will issue a small "recommend," a card that validates one's readiness and preparation to enter into the temple.

    Decisions about the location of a temple are based on need relative to the strength of membership, Keogh says. The growth of the church membership in Arkansas and southern Missouri was a factor. According to information provided at the time of the 2020 groundbreaking, the church counts more than 32,000 Latter-day Saints in Arkansas, spread throughout nearly 70 congregations.


    The travel distance to the nearest temple also is considered in temple location decisions. Most of the members in North America live within a four-hour drive of a temple, Keogh notes. Previously, the trips to Oklahoma City or Kansas City, Mo., required members to allocate an entire day. The location in Bentonville provides greater access for the Latter-day Saints throughout the region.

    Each temple is considered a "house of the Lord," where Jesus Christ's teachings are reaffirmed through baptism and other ordinances that unite families for eternity. Keogh recalls his own marriage in a temple and being there when his daughter was married in a temple.

    "It's quite the thing for families to gather together and enter in there," he says. The couple kneel across the altar from each other and someone with the authority to bind in heaven as well as on earth performs the marriage sealing ceremony, he said.

    "That's perhaps one of the most uplifting and pinnacle blessings of our faith is to know that our marriages and our relationships as families will be recognized and in force in heaven," Keogh says.

    Jon Paget says he has realized that the temple will perhaps be the first thing people entering Bentonville from the north will see from the interstate.

    Keogh speaks of the beauty the structure and the planned gardens around it will provide to the community. That is in keeping with the nature of the temple -- an offering to God.

    "For a place where you make covenants or promises, if you will, commitments with God that will be in effect out of this life, as well as in it, you would want it to be as beautiful and as uplifting and as edifying as possible," Keogh says. "Even the sense of the building, you would want it to bring permanency or even a sense of eternity and of stability to your worship. That's what the temple is for us."

    Debbie Miller is a longtime writer and editor who now teaches college-level journalism. Email her at

    About the Temple

    Location: 1101 McCollum Drive in Bentonville

    Announced: Oct. 5, 2019

    Groundbreaking and site dedication: Nov. 7, 2020

    Groundbreaking ceremony: Presiding from a remote location, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the site for the Bentonville Temple. Bednar, once a professor at the University of Arkansas, has assisted in the organization of two Arkansas stakes, including the Bentonville Stake.

    Temple Facts: The Bentonville Temple will be the first LDS temple built in Arkansas.


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    Temple takes shape: Sacred space will be first of its kind in Arkansas - Arkansas Online

    Recipients of 2022 Alumni Awards announced – The Baylor Lariat

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Matt Kyle | Staff Writer

    Last week, Baylor University announced the recipients of the 2022 Alumni Awards. The university also announced that a celebration recognizing the recipients and honoring the impact of alumni around the world will be held on Feb. 18.

    This years recipients include Thasunda Brown Duckett, MBA 01 as the Alumni of the Year and Alex Le Roux, BS 15 as the Young Alumni of the Year. Rebekah Naylor, BA 64, MD was the recipient of the Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service, and Susan Peters, BA 86 received the Pro Texana Medal of Service. Giancarlo Guerrero, BM 91 and Chris Charles Scott III, BA 04 each received the Medal of Service for Contributions to the Professions. Fran George was named the Merrie Beckham Alumni By Choice of the Year.

    Amy Armstrong, associate vice president of alumni engagement, said the awards are meant to recognize graduates who excel in their field and have an impact on the world.

    Baylor alumni do amazing things, Armstrong said. They come to Baylor, they learn, they study and then they go out into the world. Its our way to celebrate some of those alumni who are going above and beyond and have great success on all different kinds of levels whether its business or nonprofit within the Christian values.

    Armstrong said the celebration in February will include a banquet dinner where President Linda Livingstone will present each of the recipients with a medal. Armstrong also said Baylors social media and web pages will share stories about each of the award recipients and their accomplishments throughout the spring, and the Baylor Magazine will feature similar stories about the recipients.

    Alumna of the Year Duckett is the president and CEO of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America a Fortune 100 financial services organization. Duckett was included in Fortunes and Forbes list of the Most Powerful Women in 2021 and serves on the board of trustees for Sesame Workshop and on the board of directors for Nike. Inc, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, the University of Houston Board of Visitors and the Deans Advisory Board for Baylor Universitys Hankamer School of Business. In 2013, she founded the Otis and Rosie Brown Foundation in honor of her parents.

    Naylor, recipient of the Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service, is a doctor and retired medical missionary who is currently a distinguished professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She spent 35 years in India working as a doctor and church planter, and she was an administrator and chief of the medical staff at Bangalore Baptist Hospital. She also oversaw the construction of the Rebekah Ann Naylor School of Nursing, served as a professor of anatomy and physiology at the school and helped plant 900 churches in the state of Karnataka, India, between 1999 and 2009.

    Le Roux is the co-founder and CTO of ICON, a construction technology company that uses 3D printing, robotics, software and advanced materials to build houses. He invented the Vulcan printer a large-scale 3D printer designed for constructing homes and other structures.

    Peters, who received the Pro Texana Medal of Service, is the founder and executive director of Unbound Global, a multi-national organization focused on combating human trafficking that is headquartered in Waco. She founded Unbound out of Antioch Community Church in 2012 after seeing the effects of human trafficking around the world. She also serves as chair on the Heart of Texas Human Trafficking Coalition, which she also co-founded in 2014.

    Guerrero is a six-time Grammy award-winning conductor and music director of the Nashville Symphony. Born in Nicaragua, Guerrero has appeared with many prominent orchestras and symphonies around the world.

    Scott is the founder and head of documentaries at Strategy Films and has won awards as a director. He began his career in politics before finding a passion for filmmaking. Scott has directed Shape of Shreveport, What About Waco, Class Action Park and most recently Ode to Joy, The Death and Resurrection of Baylor Basketball.

    George is the second-ever recipient of the Merrie Beckham Alumni By Choice of the Year, which is given to someone who was previously nominated and selected as an Alumni By Choice and has achieved distinction through service to the community. Georges daughters attended Baylor, and George helped form the North Carolina Chapter of the Baylor Parents Network. George and her husband were named Baylor Parents of the Year in 2018.

    Naylor said she was surprised and humbled to receive the Pro Ecclesia Medal of Service. She also said her time at Baylor prepared her well for both her medical and theological missions.

    I consider it all a great privilege that God let me do that, Naylor said. Seeing people come to faith in Christ, of churches being started, of people being healed physically, meeting needs that otherwise might not have been met those are privileges. God has directed me as He promised to do. I have submitted my life to Him. He directed my path. This recognition is so appreciated, and I want to bring honor and glory to God, who just made all of it possible.

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    Recipients of 2022 Alumni Awards announced - The Baylor Lariat

    James Matthew Peter Hughes, 54, Orange – The Record Newspapers –

    - January 25, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    James (Jim) Matthew Peter Hughes, 54, of Orange, passed away on January 21, 2022, in Port Arthur.

    Funeral liturgy will be 11:00 a.m., Monday, January 24, at St. Mary Catholic Church in Orange. Officiating will be Father Joseph Daleo. Burial will follow at St. Mary Cemetery.

    Visitation will begin at 9:00 a.m., with a recitation of the rosary at 10:00 a.m., at St. Mary Catholic Church in Orange.

    Born in Orange, Texas, on December 18, 1967, Jim was the son of William Robert Hughes, Sr. and Martha (Monroe) Hughes. He attended St. Mary Catholic School through 8th grade and was a 1986 graduate of West Orange-Stark High School. Jim was also a Troop 1 Eagle Scout who loved spending time outdoors. After high school, Jim attended Texas A&M University where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Science and proudly held the title of Fightin Texas Aggie, Class of 1990.

    His career as a professional construction manager included positions in both FL and TX estimating and managing projects for municipalities, industrial plants and commercial buildings. Jim was married to Kaala Hughes for the last 5 years and loved being Jim Pop to their 3 grandchildren. He was previously married to the late Nancy Smith for 11 years.

    Jim was an avid boater, fisherman, and hunter. He enjoyed camping out and cooking with friends. He loved sports and especially football. Jim was a longtime member of St. Mary Catholic Church and enjoyed praying at Eucharistic Adoration every chance he got. He loved dogs, loved his country and especially enjoyed reading US & world history. He loved his family dearly. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.

    He was preceded in death by his father, William Robert Hughes, Sr.; brother, William Robert Hughes, Jr.; and niece, Tiffani Danielle Hughes.

    He is survived by his mother, Martha Hughes; siblings, Cynthia Cindy Hughes, Theresa Hughes Blankinship and husband Brian, and Kenneth Hughes and wife Kelly; sister-in-law, Anna Hughes; 13 nieces and nephews; 4 great nieces and nephews as well as numerous other family and friends.

    Serving as pallbearers will be Brian Blankinship, Michael Chalambaga, Delis Chalambaga, William Hughes, Spencer Hughes, John Hughes, Nathanael Hughes, Justin Hughes, Kolbe Hughes, and Carter Hughes. Honorary pallbearers are Jake Hughes, Brody Hughes and Derek Barbee.

    In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to Southeast Texas Hospice, St. Mary School Foundation, or to the American Diabetes Association.

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