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    Vaginal Acne Is a Real Thingand Yes, You Can Get Rid of It – Parade Magazine

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    There are a lot of places you expect to find pimples on your body. Your face, for one. Your chest and back, too. But your vagina? Really? Odds are good you havent given that much thoughtunless, of course, you have vaginal acne and then youve probably given it more thought than you care to admit.

    If thats you, relax: Vaginal acnea.k.a. pimples of your vaginahappens with greater frequency than most people realize. Vaginal acne is normal and common, assures dermatologist Michele Green, M.D., an acne treatment specialist in New York City. Acne is a skin condition that commonly appears on the face, chest and back because there is a higher distribution of sebaceous [oily] follicles, but it can occur anywhere on the body where there is a build-up of sebum and bacteria.

    If youre doing battle with a pimple situation below decks, heres what you need to know to get in the clear, fast.

    A pimple can form on the external tissue of your vagina, known as your vulva and labia, anytime the skin pores in the area become clogged. The vulva has sweat glands and hair follicles that are prone to dirt buildup just like any other area of the body with hair and sweat, says womens sexual health expert Sherry Ross, M.D., the Los Angeles-based author of She-ology, the She-quel. Also, feminine hygiene routines such as shaving, waxing and lasering expose the hair follicles that can be prone to getting infected or blocked, causing acne, blackheads and ingrown hairs.

    Strenuous exercise, like cycling and running, that leads to friction in the vaginal area may contribute to acne, as can tight clothing, obesity and hormonal changes, says Dr. Ross. Sitting for long periods of time can also increase the likelihood of vulva, groin, inner thigh and buttock acne, she adds.

    Related: 25 Best Pimple-Popping Videos

    While clogged pores or inflamed hair follicles are the trigger for pimples to form on your vagina (also called vulvar acne), how that clogging or inflammation comes about can vary. These are some of the more common causes of vaginal acne or other types of vaginal bumps.

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    Vaginal acne looks the same as acne on other areas of the body, says Dr. Green. It can take the form of blackheads, whiteheads and cysts. It is likely to appear on the vulva or areas near the external vulva genitalia, adds Dr. Ross: Youll find it in areas, including the inner thighs, where there is more pressure applied to this delicate and sensitive part of the body.

    Vaginal acne looks different than the sexually transmitted disease known as genital herpes (caused by the herpes simplex virus), which initially appears as blisters that then break and turn into painful sores, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Genital herpes may be red, yellow, or white in color, says Dr. Green. It is typically painful and characterized by the grouping of lesions.

    Meanwhile, you can tell the blackheads or whiteheads of vaginal acne from the human papillomavirus (a.k.a. genital warts) because those have a skin-colored or white bump-like appearance in the vaginal area, Dr. Green adds. They commonly look like small cauliflower florets that may appear as a singular wart or a grouping, she says.

    Related: Answers to Your Most Common Yeast Infection Questions

    (scroll to keep reading)

    Because vaginal acne is directly correlated with irritation or follicular inflammation, the easiest route to treating it is simply avoiding what caused it in the first place. That means making sure that the skin around your pubic area is cleaned before and after any kind of hair removal process, whether you shave, wax or use a laser. In fact, if you frequently experience pimples on your vagina, you might consider giving pubic hair removal a rest for a while. A study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that 60% of women who remove their pubic hair experience complications, and the number one complication is ingrown hairs and pimples.

    Also, the bathroom can be a reservoir for bacteria, so it is absolutely necessary to clean or replace bathroom items (like razors) weekly, says Dr. Ross.

    Other tips for getting rid of acne:

    If these strategies arent doing the trick, its time to see a dermatologist. Topical or oral antibiotics may be necessary to effectively treat vaginal acne, says Dr. Green, adding that an experienced dermatologist may be able to manually extract the acne lesions. And if there is an ingrown hair, it will need to be extracted by a dermatologist. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, she adds, laser hair removal may be the preferred method to avoid developing folliculitis in the bikini area.

    Recurrent or severe vaginal acne may require another step in medication to treat it. A study in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology found that anti-androgen (hormonal) therapy alleviated symptoms in most women.

    Related: How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

    Step number one for DIY vaginal pimple pain relief? Keep things clean down there. Between urine, sweat and being so close to the anus, cleaning the vulva regularly is critical to prevent dirty bacterial buildup in clogged skin pores which could lead to acne, says Dr. Ross.

    You can also apply a warm compress to the area to ease any pain, followed by a cool compress to reduce inflammation, suggests Dr. Green. Or consider taking a warm sitz bath with extra virgin coconut oil. This may relieve vulva swelling, pain, irritation or itching, says Dr. Ross. (Not familiar with sitz baths? These are shallow bowls that you can sit in to cleanse or soothe your bottom or genital area. You can find them for sale at most medical supply stores, but you dont need to buy one: filling your bathtub with enough water to cover your hips while sitting will do the trick.)

    Other home hacks include showering after every workout or anytime you get sweaty and wearing loose clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton to prevent moisture from collecting in your vaginal area, which can trigger an acne outbreak.

    Finally, fight the urge to pop or squeeze pimples, cautions Dr. Green. Popping pimples in this area can spread bacteria and cause an infection, she says. The infection can worsen and affect the body systemically. So dont do it.

    Cystic acne refers to a particular type of inflammatory acne that develops after bacteria gets inside the pores and causes inflammation. This leads to painful pimples that form under the skin surface, per the Cleveland Clinic. These are pus-filled lesions that develop deep below the surface of the skin, says Dr. Green. They appear as a red bump on the surface that is often painful and large in size. Although it is more common on the face or back than your vagina, cystic acne can occur in the genital area if there are clogged pores.

    Cystic acne shouldnt be confused with vaginal cystslumps or bumps on the vagina that are filled with air, mucus or pus. They are not usually dangerous but can be painful. There are several types of vaginal cysts, according to the Cleveland Clinic:

    Whether you have vaginal cysts, cystic acne or basic pimples on your vagina, the advice remains the same: If they dont go away in a week or two, or if they disappear but keep coming back, its time to see your doctor for a vaginal health checkup. Embarrassing? A little, sure. But your health comes first. It is important to stay on top of acne lesions in the vaginal area to prevent serious bacterial infections from occurring, says Dr. Green.

    Up next: Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

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    Vaginal Acne Is a Real Thingand Yes, You Can Get Rid of It - Parade Magazine

    Cicadas, Beans and Tree Water Questions – The Epoch Times

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Question: My oaks and shade trees look like they are beginning to die. The last six inches to a foot or more of many branches all over the tree have dead leaves. We have not had much rain, but when we do, a lot of these branches fall off. I have started watering; is there anything else I can do?

    Answer: This sounds like typical cicada damage and not damage from the dry weather. The female cicada pruned the tree branches for you, even though the trees probably didnt need pruning. They lay eggs in the last few inches of the branch and damage the branch at the same time. The eggs hatch into small grubs that either fall to the ground inside the dead twigs or on their own. They burrow into the soil and feed on tree and shrub roots for one to 17 years depending on what kind of cicada they are. They dont harm the trees enough during this time to require treatment.

    If the trees are small enough that you can take a close look at the remaining branches, cut any ragged stubs back to a live bud or branch. Remove any dead twigs still hanging if you want to and do any additional pruning to retain a pretty shape. Fortunately, it is unlikely that there is any permanent damage.

    Q: The green bean plants in my garden have stopped growing beans. I thought they were supposed to keep producing all summer. There were good pods in the early summer, but there are none now. What do you think I did wrong?

    A: I dont think you did anything wrong. Beans, tomatoes, peppers and a lot of other garden vegetables stop flowering when they get too hot. This summer, a lot of vegetable gardens have endured hot spells. This is normal for many gardeners. As the weather cools off, the beans will probably start flowering again.

    Another potential problem is too much or too little water. Garden vegetables like damp soil that is neither too dry nor too wet. Mulch helps even out the extremes. Using drip irrigation or rain barrels with slow water flow also helps.

    If the beans had a lot of pods developing and you didnt harvest them all because you didnt need them, the plant may be growing larger beans in the pods and not producing more pods. Unless you need some mature beans for soups or for saving until next season, keep the pods picked to force the plant to grow more pods.

    Q: In the spring, we planted several new trees and what seems now to be an overabundance of shrubs. It has been hard to keep them all watered. When can we slow down or stop watering and let the plants grow on their own?

    A: Most landscape trees and shrubs like damp soil, just like the vegetables in the previous question. Some trees and shrubs are native to shorelines or swampy areas and will need more water while others are native to upland hilly areas. Ask your nursery how much water is required for the types of trees and shrubs you have.

    Again, mulch will help, and using a drip irrigation hose will give the plants the water they need without necessitating you standing around watering them. It can take several years for trees and shrubs to have a large enough root system to be completely left on their own. For the next couple of years, the plants will not need watering unless there is an unusually hot or dry spell.

    Read the rest here:
    Cicadas, Beans and Tree Water Questions - The Epoch Times

    Landscape Vegetation Analysis project improves habitat for wildlife – Wyoming Game and Fish Department

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Laramie -

    The Troublesome Ridge shrub mowing projectwas the first project completed through the Landscape Vegetation Analysis (LaVA) specifically focused on improving habitat for wildlife, primarily mule deer. Other wildlife, such as sage grouse, will also benefit from this habitat enhancement project.

    LaVA was developed to address landscape-level tree mortality from bark beetles and the overall lack of disturbances in the Medicine Bow National Forest. LaVA was finalized in 2020 and allows over a quarter million acres of vegetative management to occur over the next 15 years. The purpose of LaVA includes improving timber stand health, reducing fuel for fires,and improving wildlife habitat among other goals.

    The prescribed shrub treatments were implemented to reduce canopy cover, increase herbaceous plant growth and availability, diversify the age class structure of the shrub community, increase the palatability and nutritional value of shrubs for wildlife, and reduce conifer encroachment. Pre-treatment monitoring was conducted to quantify shrub canopy cover, shrub composition, and herbaceous plant species diversity.

    The mechanical treatment was conducted by WGFD Habitat and Access personnel using 100 horse power tractors, twenty foot wide batwing mowers, and chainsaws. Shrubs were mowed six to ten inches above ground height which reduced canopy cover and removed approximately 50% of shrubs from the mowed area.

    The remaining shrub community will supply newer regrowth for wildlife, along with increased access to forbs. WGFD Habitat and Access personnel mowed the shrubs in a mosaic pattern. This helps ensure there is still cover for small birds and mammals and reduces the hard edge or corridor effect that predators often exploit when hunting. The partners plan to repeat this treatment in five to seven years, further diversifying the age class structure of the shrub community.

    The Troublesome Ridge project was designed and implemented as a cooperative project between the United States Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Mule Deer Foundation (MDF), Saratoga-Encampment-Rawlins Conservation District (SERCD), Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD), and the Upper Cedar Creek Ranch (UCCR).

    - WGFD -

    Landscape Vegetation Analysis project improves habitat for wildlife - Wyoming Game and Fish Department

    24 Best essential oils for wrinkles, how to use and precautions – PINKVILLA

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Early signs of aging, particularly fine lines, and wrinkles are one of the major impacts of unprotected prolonged sun exposure, pollution, and free radicals. However, regardless of the causes of the wrinkles, what everyone really wants to know is how to get rid of wrinkles. Right from anti-aging creams to essential oils for wrinkles, people recommend all sorts of products. But do they actually work? Read on to find out all about essential oils good for wrinkles.

    In this article, well discuss what are essential oils, and how to use them along with a list of the 24 best essential oils for wrinkles and all the essential precautions.

    If you are looking for products to help you deal with your premature lines and wrinkles naturally, there is actually nothing better than essential oils. Yes, there are several anti-aging creams and formulations for wrinkle-free skin however they are filled with chemicals, and who knows what are the long-term effects. Essential oils on the other hand are plant-based which means they are 100% naturally derived. Not just that, they are highly concentrated and deliver so much more than just wrinkle-free skin. Curious about essential oils? Scroll on!

    Essential oils are concentrated oil extracts derived from plants. These concentrated plant-based oil extracts are acquired through a series of processing which mainly includes mechanical pressing also known as distillation. The best part is, that even after the distillation, the oils retain their natural aroma and flavor. Depending upon the plant source, there are several different essential oils. Each oil has a unique concentration, aroma, and origin. Along with that, every oil has a distinct effect on the skin and a different rate of absorption.

    These popular natural products are used in a variety of ways including facial application in skin care, topical application in massages, inhalation in aromatherapy, and as relaxation elements in baths. In fact, a number of essential oils are strongly recommended for dermatological conditions like dermatitis, eczema, scars, and wrinkles. It is important to remember that, some essential oils are highly concentrated. That is precisely why in order to use them you must use a carrier oil to dilute them. Typically, carrier oils are mild and have a minimal scent, some popular carrier oils are coconut oil, olive oil, or grape seed oil.

    Essential oils for wrinkles

    If you are looking for the best essential oils for wrinkles or other signs of aging, it comes down to your specific needs and requirements for your skin type. Essential oils cannot entirely eliminate wrinkles, however, they work to minimize their appearance. Along with that essential oils for aging skin work to boost collagen, deliver an even skin tone, heal inflamed skin, promote new cell growth and offer protection from damage due to the environment. In fact, if you like to steer clear of chemical-filled creams and products, essential oils are the best substitutes. Ahead, find the most effective anti aging essential oils for wrinkles and fine lines. Keep reading for a list of the 24 best essential oils for wrinkles.

    Here is a list of 24 essential oils that can be picked to effectively minimize the appearance of wrinkles and promote a healthier and youthful-looking complexion.

    1. Lavender oil

    Lavender oil has been widely preferred for its relaxing fragrance. But, apart from aromatherapy and luxury bath products, this popular plant-based oil has plenty of skincare benefits as well. According to a 2013 study, lavender oil is flooded with antioxidant effects. The study suggested that lavender oil has the power to effectively minimize wrinkles and fine lines when applied consistently. Because of its soothing properties, it is best to add lavender oil for face wrinkles into your nightly routine. Along with fighting the free radicals and delivering healthy and youthful-looking skin, this incredible oil can all minimize stress and induce sleep. Suitable for almost all skin types lavender oil is one of the best essential oils for wrinkles on face.

    2. Rose oil

    Another essential oil for wrinkles has to be rose oil. A number of studies have shown that rose oil is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. That is why topically applying rose oil can immediately help you get rid of signs of inflammation, puffiness, or redness. Along with that, rose oil is said to boost the natural cell renewal rate which delivers supple-looking skin. While there are many kinds of roses, rose oil is typically extracted from Damask roses which are not only filled with skin-loving qualities but are known to reduce pain as well as anxiety. You can incorporate rose oil for its anti-aging effects and achieve a natural rosy flush.

    3. Rosemary oil

    Rosemary oil is extracted from the rosemary herb which is filled with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. When it comes to essential oils for wrinkles, rosemary oil is an excellent pick that is because it is filled with antioxidants that help in the prevention of wrinkles. Rosemary oil works by effectively blocking free radicals from breaking down the elasticity of the skin. It also works to boost circulation and hence reduces any signs of inflammation as well.

    4. Frankincense oil

    Frankincense oil is another fantastic essential oil that is widely used in skincare and aromatherapy. Filled with skin-rejuvenating effects, this oil works wonders for mature skin. You must pick this essential oil for wrinkles or fine lines. Along with that, it can also help in getting rid of age spots, scars, stretch marks, and blemishes. Moreover, frankincense oils also work to tone the skin and promote the growth of new cells hence delivering radiant skin. Since Frankincense oil is a highly concentrated oil, it is safe to mix it with a carrier oil before applying it.

    5. Jojoba oil

    One of the best essential oil for wrinkles on face is jojoba oil. With the power to deliver generous amounts of moisture, it can also be used as a carrier oil. That means jojoba oil is completely safe to apply to the face without diluting. Apart from minimizing wrinkles and other signs of aging, jojoba oil is also used to treat wrinkles, inflammation, and lesions. Consistent application of jojoba oil also promotes natural collagen stimulation which helps in achieving a plump-looking complexion.

    6. Citrus essential oils

    Filled with vitamin C, oils extracted from citrus fruits like lemon oil or grapefruit oil are known as citrus essential oils. If you are looking for essential oils for wrinkles, lemon oil can definitely be a great pick. Studies have shown lemon oil minimizes any signs of aging. In addition to that, it protects from any harmful effects due to oxidation or sun damage. Also, they are filled with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Citrus oils should be incorporated into the nightly skincare routine because they might make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

    7. Sandalwood oil

    Another interesting essential oil for wrinkles has to be sandalwood oil. Flooded with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties sandalwood oil can deliver well-hydrated and healthy skin. Add it to your routine for a supple and wrinkle-free complexion. Moreover, it is known to have incredibly soothing properties for the skin which is all the more reason to incorporate it.

    8. Clary sage oil

    Extracted from a sweet-smelling herb called clary sage, this oil is rich in antioxidant effects. In fact, research shows clary sage oil prevents any damage from free radicals at the DNA level. It also holds the power to minimize the appearance of wrinkles.

    9. Pomegranate oil

    Extracted from the pomegranate fruit, this essential oil is capable of reducing oxidative stress hence delivering wrinkle-free skin. Apart from that pomegranate oil is also capable of reducing the appearance of sunspots or inflammation. In addition to that, it is also known to stop the growth of cancer cells

    10. Carrot seed oil or wild carrot essential oil

    According to a 2012 study, carrot seeds possess antioxidant effects that help in the prevention of signs of aging by blocking the breakdown of healthy skin cells. In fact, carrot seeds have also been used as a muscle relaxant and as a low blood sugar remedy. Along with that, it is known to have liver-protecting properties. But most importantly it is filled with antioxidative effects which help in the minimization of wrinkles. It is one of the best anti aging essential oils.

    11. Ylang-ylang oil

    Ylang-ylang is another essential oil that has an incredible aroma. It is actually used in a number of perfumes. Apart from that, a study in 2015, proved that ylang-ylang exhibits certain antioxidants that boost the natural skin renewal process. It also fights free radicals and has other skin healing properties. With the power to repair damaged skin, ylang-ylang is another excellent essential oil for wrinkles.

    12. Clary sage oil

    Derived from the clary sage shrub, the clary sage oil is filled with antioxidants, according to a study conducted in 2016. It helps the skin by preventing any DNA damage due to free radicals. Plus it is flooded with anti-aging benefits for the skin. You can definitely pick clary sage oil for wrinkles.

    13. Avocado oil

    Another essential oil that offers its goodness in the world of skincare is avocado oil. This natural antioxidant is filled with anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, it always has collagen-boosting properties which makes it a good essential oil for wrinkles.

    14. Geranium oil

    Derived from geranium extracts, geranium oil is natural anti-inflammatory oil. In fact, it is also used in treating severe sinusitis and bronchitis. Along with that, it is known to deliver well-moisturized skin and promote natural skin-cell renewal which makes it a good anti-wrinkle oil. It is also safe for anyone with acne.

    15. Helichrysum oil

    Helichrysum oil is derived from the helichrysum flower and is a beautiful fragrant flower. Right from boosting skin renewal to treating inflammation, this sunflower cousin is known to possess several skin-loving qualities. A study in 2014 proved that this essential oil is filled with anti-aging, anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties as well.

    16. Neroli essential oil

    Extracted from bitter orange tree flowers, the neroli essential oil holds the power to boost skin elasticity. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), states that neroli oil is known to treat skin ailments like fungal infections and irritation. It can effectively be used for wrinkle treatment as well. It is one of the best essential oils for face wrinkles.

    17. Grapeseed oil

    Grapeseed oil is not only filled with medicinal properties but possesses antioxidant properties as well. NCCIH states that grapeseed oils are filled with powers to treat inflammation as well as wounds. It is also filled with anti-aging, skin-nourishing, and skin-rejuvenating properties.

    18. Apricot oil

    Rich in vitamin E apricot oil is all you need for the utmost nourishment and rejuvenation of your skin. When looking for essential oils for wrinkles, you can definitely go for this oil. Extracted from the seeds of apricot, it has the power to deliver a clearer complexion. It is the perfect anti-aging oil for dry skin. It can also be used as a carrier oil.

    19. Almond oil

    Another essential oil thats rich in vitamin E is almond oil. With plenty of skin-nourishing and restorative properties, it is the perfect skincare pick. According to a study in 2018, almond oil is particularly rich in anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a suitable oil for treating eczema and psoriasis. Moreover, it is filled with anti-aging qualities which makes it the perfect oil to deliver a healthier complexion, along with treating scars and dryness.

    20. Argan oil

    Another vitamin E-rich oil is argan oil. Derived from argan fruits this oil is filled with skincare and hair care qualities. Add this oil as a carrier oil to your daily anti-wrinkle routine to achieve supple-looking skin. A study in 2015 proved that argan oil has the power to boost skin elasticity in just two months. It is one of the best carrier oil for aging skin.

    21. Myrrh oil

    This essential oil is extracted from the resin of the myrrh tree. It has wound healing powers. Along with that, it works to prevent any harmful effects due to sun damage. It is also known to hydrate dry skin and repair damaged skin at the same time. Add this essential oil for wrinkles to effectively tone the skin while reducing signs of aging like wrinkles.

    22. Cypress oil

    This essential oil is filled with medicinal properties. Along with that, it is filled with a sweet aroma. Add this to your routine to facilitate natural collagen production and minimize any signs of wrinkles and fine lines. Cypress oil is also rich in anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties which helps in achieving a healthy and luminous glow.

    23. Patchouli Oil

    Patchouli oil is from the leaves of the patchouli plant which is an aromatic herb. A Chinese study confirms that patchouli essential oil has the power to reduce wrinkles. Along with that, it prevents photoaging. Patchouli oil is rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which work against inflammation and redness. It also promotes skin reparation.

    24. Eucalyptus oil

    Eucalyptus oil has the power to lighten the skin. Add it to your routine to visibly reduce wrinkles. In addition to that, it works to tighten the skin and delivers a supple glow. It also works to lighten any signs of hyperpigmentation, spots, and dark circles.

    Although essential oils are natural plant-based oil there are certain precautions you must take to avoid any side effects. One of the major precautions you must take is diluting strong oils with carrier oils to avoid any irritation. Apart from this, when using citrus oils it is advised to avoid sunlight to avoid any burns. It is smart to add it into your nightly routine. Another smart precaution while using essential oils or as a matter of fact, any skincare product is - to do a patch test before actually adding it to your daily routine to avoid any unfortunate allergic reaction. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, when using an essential oil on the face anyone with sensitive skin should add 36 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil while anyone with normal skin should add 615 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.

    Essential oils are filled with skin-loving properties which makes them a perfect chemical-free skincare pick. However, before you incorporate any essential oil make sure you know what your skin type is and what your skin actually needs. When adding essential oil for wrinkles, you can go for a number of essential oils. However, it is advised to pick a combination of two essential oils. In order to see real results make sure you apply the oil of your choice consistently along with making some healthy lifestyle changes.

    Also read: Skincare: 5 essential oils you NEED to add to your daily routine for all skin types

    Wrinkles cropping up on your neck? Here are 5 easy remedies to prevent them

    8 Best Creams for wrinkles for smooth, radiant skin in 2022

    Here is the original post:
    24 Best essential oils for wrinkles, how to use and precautions - PINKVILLA

    Egypt Approves New Ministers in Major Cabinet Reorganization – Voice of America – VOA News

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder


    The Egyptian parliament approved a major government reshuffle Saturday involving 13 ministerial changes. It was the largest change since current Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli was appointed in 2018. None of the major cabinet posts, including the interior minister, foreign minister, finance minister or defense minister were affected.

    Egypt's parliament speaker Hanafi el Gebaly asked members of the assembly Saturday to approve a government reshuffle submitted to the body by President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, involving 13 new cabinet ministers. It was the largest ministerial makeover since the current prime minister was named in 2018.

    Egyptian TV announced the names of the new cabinet ministers, noting that discussions over the new appointments have been taking place behind the scenes for the past several weeks, culminating in Saturday's announcement.

    The official appointment of the new ministers is expected to be made by President el-Sissi at the presidential palace Sunday. The Egyptian constitution gives the president the authority to name members of the government.

    The shuffle included the ministers of Education, Culture, Health, Military Production, Irrigation, Expatriates, Tourism, Commerce and Industry, Civil Aviation, and Employment.

    Egyptian political sociologist Said Sadek tells VOA the changes have been "expected for a long time" and are aimed at appeasing public opinion over economic issues like increases in the costs of food, fuel and electricity, as well as the devaluation of the Egyptian pound.

    It seems the government wanted to please everybody by doing some changes that are cosmetic, [but] do not affect what people complain about, which is the economy, [including] the devaluation of the Egyptian pound, he said.

    Sadek went on to say that a new Health minister was named after the husband of the outgoing minister was accused of corruption. He noted complaints about the lethargic performance of the ministers of Commerce and Industry and War Production appear to have prompted their replacement.

    Read more here:
    Egypt Approves New Ministers in Major Cabinet Reorganization - Voice of America - VOA News

    What Is The Main Spice In Spice Cake? – Tasting Table

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    So, what spices should you have at the forefront of your spice cake? First and foremost, we've got to crown cinnamon as king. Is it truly an autumn pastry if it doesn't have a healthy amount of the stuff thrown in? Cinnamon is going to be the most predominant spice in your cake, according to Southern Living. Known for its sweet and intense kick, it is the perfect base for your spice cake because it's so bold and complex.

    To follow up the cinnamon andgive the cake more depth, you must add nutmeg, cloves, and allspice, an intense dried berry, pimenta dioica, known for emulating the taste and smell of a variety of spices (via The Spruce Eats). Finally, you can add ground ginger and cardamom to make your cake richerand zestier. Of course, using fresh ingredients is always recommended. Still, if you open up your spice cabinet only to find it all dried up, pumpkin pie spice is an acceptable replacement for the above ingredients.

    See the article here:
    What Is The Main Spice In Spice Cake? - Tasting Table

    Cleanroom Technologies Market Size to Hit USD 11.46 billion by 2030| With an 5.8% CAGR between (2022-2030), Growth Plus Reports – GlobeNewswire

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Pune, Aug. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global cleanroom technologies market is expected to reach USD 11.46 billion by 2030. Cleanroom Technologies emerges as a promising option for the healthcare sector and boosts the market at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2022 to 2030, states Growth Plus Reports.

    Cleanroom technologies imply to tools which is used for ensuring sterile environment in any life sciences settings. These technologies utilize various equipment for the filtration processes such as HEPA filters, air showers, fan filter units, and so on in the sterile environment. This technology has a vast application in pharmaceutical and medical devices companies, hospitals, and many more. Thus, due to its vast application in various healthcare industries proves to be beneficial for cleanroom technologies market globally.

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    Market Drivers

    Cleanroom technology is used to decontaminate the air for a suitable environment in different medical industries such as the pharma, biotech, research, and clinical settings, etc. This vast application of cleanroom technologies helps in propelling the market value around the globe. The growth of this market can be attributed to the rising government initiatives on hygiene & cleanliness, rapid development of biotech and pharma industries, and growing base of laboratory and clinical settings demanding aseptic and sterile environment.

    However, there are some challenges to the optimum growth of the cleanroom technologies market. These issues are high operational costs, lack of skilled professionals, and issues in customized cleanrooms.

    The global cleanroom technologies market has been analyzed from three different perspectives Components, End-User, and Region.

    Excerpts from By Component Segmentation

    Different components of the cleanroom technologies infrastructure market have been segmented into two categories, viz:

    The consumables segment is expected to be the dominating the global cleanroom technologies market. This consumables segment is further subdivided into gloves, lab suits, vacuum systems, etc. High usage and replacement rate and high volume of consumptions attributes to the higher revenue share of this segment.

    Additionally, equipment segment has been showing progressive growth and is thus expected to be the fastest-growing section of the overall cleanroom technologies market. This segment is also further classified into various categories such as HEPA filters, cleanroom air showers, desiccator cabinets, and many others. Among these, HEPA filters are utilized most commonly in the life sciences sector and is expected to show continued dominance during the forecast period.

    Excerpts from By Region Segmentation

    Geographically, the global cleanroom technologies market is collective to :

    North America dominates the global market with the largest revenue share. This is attributed to the vast base of pharma and medtech industries, enormous technological base, and huge healthcare expenditure. Therefore, the significant outreach of pharma and biotech industries in this region are the leading factor attributed to the growth of this market. Furthermore, rising demands for cleanroom technologies in developing countries gave a boost to the market in this region. Also, the massive base of the technological and state-of-the-art healthcare infrastructure, to provide desired healthcare quality and accessibility are a few reasons that prove to be beneficial for the cleanroom technologies market growth in North America.

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    Excerpts from Competitive Landscape

    Some of the prominent players operating in the global cleanroom technologies market are:

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    Cleanroom Technologies Market Size to Hit USD 11.46 billion by 2030| With an 5.8% CAGR between (2022-2030), Growth Plus Reports - GlobeNewswire

    Bridge replacement expected to start Aug. 29 over Patterson Creek – Times Tribune of Corbin

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    WHITLEY COUNTY The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) District 11 Office advises motorists that a bridge replacement project in Whitley County is expected to start on Monday, August 29.

    This Whitley County bridge project replace the Powers Hollow Road bridge over Patterson Creek.

    Construction is scheduled to mobilize Monday, with traffic control signage in place.

    The project will require a full closure of the existing bridge and a traffic detour utilizing Powers Hollow Road, Nevisdale Road and KY 904. The detour will be in effect for up to 60 days.

    The new bridge is expected to open to traffic by the end of October.

    The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet asks motorists to be aware of the work zone, expect delays, and to utilize safe driving habits when traveling through the area.

    The date and time could be adjusted if inclement weather or other unforeseen delays occur. Motorists can access travel and traffic conditions at or contribute their reports at or via the Waze mobile application. You can also get traffic information for District 11 counties at or by following us on Twitter at

    We are making critical coverage of the coronavirus available for free. Please consider subscribing so we can continue to bring you the latest news and information on this developing story.

    Continued here:
    Bridge replacement expected to start Aug. 29 over Patterson Creek - Times Tribune of Corbin

    Screen Porch vs. Sun Room: Pros, Cons & Other Options

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Many people add a sun room to their home, or convert their screen porch into a sun room.When you have a great screened porch, you naturally want to use it more often. Homeowners decide to convert their screened porch to a sunroom, 3-season room, or to find a way to temporarily enclose it. When converting a screened porch to a sunroom, your options are:

    1. Build an Addition. Some refer to their addition as a sun room, especially if it has many windows and is the sunniest in the house. For our purposes an addition is a room with tempered, insulated, UV-protected glass. Walls are insulated, so for all practical purposes it becomesadditional living space in your home.

    Porch Enclosure Systems clear vinyl & canvas roll-up curtains

    2. Build a Sun Room or 3-Season Room. A less expensive option is to replace screened areas on your porch with a single pane glass and screen system, or convert it into a 3-season room. A 3-season room

    Porch Enclosure Systems roll-up curtains allow you to keep your outdoor space.

    3. Enclose Your Screened Porch With Roll-Up Curtains. When your main interest is in spending time outdoors and protecting your furniture and belongings, you can keep your porch with roll-up curtains.

    Roll-Up Enclosure by PES

    It seems like a no-brainer: you want more living space, or to enjoy your outdoor space longer. Many peoplecovert their screened porch to a sun room, three-season room, Florida room or lanai. Others build on a sun room without ever considering a screen porch. In many cases, it seems easy to convert your screened porch into a sun room by replacing the screen sections with sliding glass door panels (option 2).

    If you are building a screen porch, your contractor may suggest building a sun room instead, with the promise that you will get more use out of it, the additional cost is not that great, and it will add value to your home in the long run. The contractors salesman may suggest the room will be like a screened porch if you open up all the windows.

    People glass-in screened porches, then try to make them into living space. They quickly realize that the space is hot in the sun and cold at night or in cold weather. The logical next step is to add space heaters and an air conditioner. Suddenly, you have an inefficient room that is a utility bill nightmare to heat and cool.

    They then move their furniture out into the sun room, leaving the living room or family room as an unused space between. Once you move the TV out to the sun room, the family room just becomes a hallway to the main hangout room. When the sun room becomes the main hangout room, the family might start watching TV there during the day as well, when the light through all that glass reflects off the screen, making it hard to see. The logical next step is to add curtains or other window treatments to the sun room windows.

    So, what started out as a nice spot to sit in the shade, out-of-doors, away from the bugs, ends up turning into a family room made of a conductive material, nearly impossible to heat or cool, and kept dark with window shades.

    Why not let porches be porches? For those that love the great outdoors, the point of a porch is to be in the environment, listening to the birds, crickets or water, not in an enclosed space indoors. Once you glass in a screened porch, it becomes something that is not a porch and the room leading to it may also become useless.

    A screened porch, on the other hand, is a quasi-outdoor space, used when the weather permits, and as such, does not end up dominating the home. The living room remains the living room, and the porch remains a porch.

    PES roll-up panels being added to this screened porch. No more pollen and a clear view.

    Laura Gourley, a homeowner in Stevensville, Maryland said she loves her porch and uses it often, but the weather in Maryland is hit or miss. We really love our screened porch, but wanted more use of it year round. We had looked at making our porch a permanent enclosure [as a sunroom] but it is outrageously expensive to add glass, so the Porch Enclosure Systems product was a great alternative. PES offers all the same year round living advantages of a sunroom while maintaining the charm of the porch and connection to the outdoors.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to all types, but the screened porch has a lot of advantages over the sun room:

    1. Cost-to-Build Comparison: A screened room can be less than half the cost of a sun room, as screened panels are very cheap to make. Heres a cost comparison:

    18 x 24 sun room $36,000 (double-insulated glass, a 6 foam panel ceiling, and complete deck)

    10 x 15 sun room $18,000 (single-pane glass, a 3 expanded paper panel roof, no foundation work)

    15 x 15 screened porch $8,000 (pan roof, screening, two doors, concrete and prep work)

    2. Permitting: A sun room is living space, so youll need a permit to build one. Youll need architecturaldrawings, the structure must be up to code, and your local permitting office will inspect the structure as you build. Be warned: the building permit process often triggers your homes value to be re-assessed, so expect your property taxes to increase subsequently.

    3. Electric:As living space, a sun room requires electrical outlets about every 6 feet on all walls. For exterior walls, this often means floor outlets. You also need lighting and a switch as you enter the room. Unless you can DIY electric, add the cost of an electrician to your total.

    4. HVAC:Everyone wants to expand the season of a three-season or sun room by adding heat or AC its your new family room and naturally, you want to be out there! For a glass-and-aluminum room though, this can be expensive. Sun room owners often choose strip heaters because they are comparatively easy to install but the tradeoff is, theyrethe most expensive way to heat. Depending on where you live, in winter heating your sun room can cause thealuminum frame around the double-paned glass to collect significant ice, sometimes inches thick. Air conditioning creates similarly expensive cooling and moisture problems because most porches and sun rooms are just not built for efficient heating and cooling.Trying to make these types of rooms into year-round living space might be more expensive than simply building an addition on to your house.

    5. Little Increase in Resale Value: The sun room builder or salesperson might argue that adding such a structure increases resale value of the home. This argument is most valid for stick-built sun rooms; they typically add abouthalf the value of your sun rooms construction cost to your home.

    Many of our Porch Enclosure System clients tell us,the cheaper the room, the more they enjoy it. Big expensive sun rooms are nice, but never a real living space, other than for occasional parties. Even with the windows open, they feel too indoorsy to act as a porch.

    It is very easy to over-improve a home. Dont think you will necessarily recover the cost of a sun room you build. If you add one to your home, you should think of it as something you will get value out of from pure use and enjoyment not as an investment that you hope to recuperate at some point down the line.

    We at Porch Enclosure Systems say, let porches be porches! The beauty and enjoyment of a screened porch is that it is not a three-season or all-weather enclosure, but rather a room for use when the weather is pleasant, and a way of enjoying the outdoors.

    This PES customers porch contains a fireplace & overlooks a pool

    The beauty of a Porch Enclosure System is that you can protect your porch and furnishings from the elements. You can also extend your enjoyment of the screened porch because the clear press polished vinyl sheet glass panes create a greenhouse effect when your Porch Enclosure System is deployed, warming your outside area and giving you a place to escape on a warm winter day. They also help our customers have happier outdoor parties in the summertime! Dont cancel plans because of weather, simply deploy the Porch Enclosure System and keep the party going.

    This customers screened porch remains an area that connects his family to the outdoors

    Our screened porch & patio enclosures protect your home or business from snow, rain, pest, pollen, colder temperatures and even dust. When the weather turns, quickly convert your screened porch or patio for year round use.

    Take our Guided Tour today for a sample estimate. If you like what you see, you may choose to create an account with us and:

    The rest is here:
    Screen Porch vs. Sun Room: Pros, Cons & Other Options

    Tom McDonald and Associates present one of the finest properties to come to market in years – Kildare Live

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tom McDonald & Associates Experienced, Professional, Trusted - are delighted to offer one of the finest properties to come to the market in recent years.

    Within close proximity to Monasterevin and the M7 Motorway with easy access to Dublin, this Luxurious 4 Bed, 5 Bath Detached Family Home (approx. 3,415sq.ft) with an address atBishopswood, Portarlington, Co. Offaly, R32 E8W8 comes with a Large Detached Outbuilding to include Garage/Workshop, Car Port, Gym, Games Room, Music Room, Kitchenette, W.C., Furness Room & Storage Room with Hot Water Tank.

    Situated on a Private Site extending to approx. 0.6 Acres and accessed via an Electric Gated Entrance & Tarred Driveway.

    This Impeccable Property is just minutes drive to Portarlington Town Centre & All Amenities. Built to the Highest Standard, this Stunning Property boasts Numerous Features throughout.

    The Exquisite Entrance Hall with Panelled Walls showcases the Beautiful Staircase leading to the First Floor.

    The Expansive Open Plan Kitchen/Living/Dining Area has a Quality Fitted Kitchen with Feature Island and Quartz Work Surface.

    The Step-Down Living Area has a Feature Stove with Brick Surround.

    In addition to the Dining Area, there is a Separate Dining Room with Large Window overlooking the Rear Garden.

    The Separate Utility Room is what dreams are made of with Ample Floor to Ceiling Storage, American Fridge Freezer, Integrated Ovens, Laundry Area with Laundry Shoot from the First Floor and a Fully Tiled W.C.

    There is also a Panelled Office & Separate Playroom off the Open Plan Kitchen/Living/Dining Area. The Main Living Room has a Feature Open Fireplace.

    The Sun Room adjacent to the Living Room is Triple Aspect and has a Wonderful Vaulted Ceiling.

    There is a Bedroom on the Ground Floor with a Fully Tiled En-Suite, an Ideal Space for Visiting Guests. All Bedrooms are En-Suite, 1 Bedroom has a Dressing Room and 1 Bedroom has a Walk-In Wardrobe.

    The Family Bathroom has a Feature Free Standing Bath & Tiled Floor.

    The Large Outbuilding which is Alarmed houses an Expansive Garage/Workshop with Electricity; Car Port with Parking for 2 Cars; Gym; Games Room; Music Room; Kitchenette; W.C.; Store Room with Hot Water Tank & Furness Room.

    To Truly Appreciate this Unique Property and All it has to Offer, it Must be Viewed. The First to see will Buy!!

    Services Include:

    Well & Mains Water, Electricity, Broadband & Septic Tank. Zoned, Dual Fired Central Heating Oil & Furness. Built c. 2001. BER NO: 115365603.

    Asking Price - 475,000


    On Site

    More images of this property can be viewed on http://www.tommcdonald.ieand

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    Tom McDonald and Associates present one of the finest properties to come to market in years - Kildare Live

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