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    Delivered through the storm: Cruso man’s struggle to rebuild eased by community’s compassion – Smoky Mountain News

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Even without watching the footage of most of his animals getting washed away, Wilson was still emotional simply recalling the catastrophic damage caught on camera cars, trees, buildings being washed downriver, an astonishing display of the destruction water can unleash. Wilson said that simply hearing the sounds of crashing trees and twisted metal associated with the disaster were enough to stir up some emotions.

    Thatll bring you tears, he said.

    Wilson said that the flood hit just a couple of months after hed finally finished extensive renovations on his once dilapidated mountain home that sits nestled in the woods just across the river from the Laurel Bank Campground, where several lives were lost during the flood. Wilson said he had gotten some video of the raging river to post on social media and when he went out to his porch to upload it, the water surged; he saw a wall he said looked about four-feet tall. As Wilson watched large debris including trees larger than the one he was in pass by, he was afraid his might not hold and even had moments where he anticipated hed not make it.

    While Wilson didnt recall the fateful day in too great of detail, he remembered the one concern that ran through his mind on a loop as the water rushed beneath him.

    I thought I was gone, he said. I was worried if the kids would find the will. I saw the building left with my file cabinets and that panicked me. I asked myself will that be in the cloud? Did I put it in the cloud? Is it even valuable in the cloud? Its not notarized, but it still has to be good, right?

    By the time the water receded in early evening and he returned to the muddied ground below, he became aware of the widespread devastation.

    What has followed has been a long string of repairs followed by new repairs as more issues are discovered all of which have been hard to complete with a lack of resources and reliable contractors.

    One of the first items on the list was mold remediation.

    That was pretty horrible, Wilson said. It sat so long, and we had to wait for the adjuster. It took him a week or two just to release the property because around the same time, Louisiana got hit, and then New York and he was MIA. The mold was just up the walls. They eventually treated it twice with those expensive chemicals, and because I had to stay out, I just slept on the porch.

    Wilson will tell anyone that he feels fortunate to still have his life, but recovering has been a massive task that has required a ton of focus and more out-of-pocket money than he ever thought hed have to spend.

    Now, as he puts his home and his life back together, there are constant reminders of the continuous struggle from exposed electrical outlets to sparse furniture to floors that have been replaced but still not sanded or oiled.

    Its clear upon meeting Wilson that he clings to optimism in any given situation.

    He said that as he held onto that tree, he achieved sudden clarity. In the grand scheme of things, so many things we get wrapped up in a high electric bill, a partner forgetting to pick up some groceries, someone taking a good parking spot those things suddenly wash away, and whats left is a sudden appreciation. That feeling was only confirmed by the outpouring of support Wilson experienced in the last year.

    Although Wilsons home is still far from returning to how it was before the flood, theres a deeper sense of joy he has found that was perhaps not even possible without the disaster people can still love one another, they can still help a stranger in need. Along with receiving aid from fellow Cruso residents over the last year, Wilson has had Haywood County residents hes never even met bring him everything he could need and want, from food and beer to simple companionship.

    Wilson mentioned a few specifically. First, he spoke about Robert Riker and his family. Riker and Wilsons friendship had only existed on social media prior to the flood.

    He walked up in his flip flips through the woods carrying three days worth of food for everybody, Wilson said.

    Wilson also spoke about his former neighbors, Natasha and Kile Bright (see After the Flood, pg. 9), who even amid their own struggles coming to grips with losing their home, rolled up their sleeves and helped him get his home back to livable condition.

    Wilson mentioned Rodney and Kara Rogers, who would show up with their kids ready to help him whenever they could.

    They were here every day, and that guy works 60 hours a week and has kids in school, Wilson said. He would come in after working at the mill. Sometimes, he would work until dark with flood lights. He cleaned, and he buried animals for me. He just did all kinds of stuff.

    With all the help Wilson received, theres one person who he was immediately drawn to Tasha Tafelski. Tafelski would bring Wilson vegetables, as well as coffee from his favorite spot, the Coffee Cup Container. What began as a warm acquaintanceship blossomed into a valuable friendship and eventually a romance.

    Id call her and complain, and she just put up with my incessant babbling and then I was hooked, he said. I was always excited to see her, and then in January we got more flirty. At first, I just considered her my buddy I could call up when I was feeling off or just to talk about mundane things, but then we became more.

    Prior to the last flood, which changed the very path of the East Fork, there were large berms along the banks to keep the river at bay during storms. Those berms were washed away last year, which combined with the leftover debris has become a concern for Wilson and others still traumatized by last years disaster. Just a few months ago in May, amid more heavy rains, Wilsons land flooded again.

    While neighbors fearing another catastrophe went elsewhere earlier that day in anticipation of potential flooding, Wilson wasnt aware the river had come up as much as it did until he returned home that afternoon with Tafelski and her five-year-old son after picking him up from school. Normally, he would take his UTV across the river, but the water was too high and swift. Wilson took a risk and decided to test the waters. Once he determined it was passable on foot, he put Tafelskis son on his shoulders and they all crossed.

    After arriving on the other side, they decided to get clothes and essentials, crossed back over, and stayed in a small cottage on the other side that Wilson rents out as an Air BNB. Although they felt safer on the other side, anxiety percolated among all of them.

    Now that the berm is gone, the river just runs right up through here, Wilson said.

    We were up every hour that night checking the river, Tafelski said.

    While the water level that night was threatening and Wilson saw large debris getting carried downstream, it ultimately paled in comparison to last years devastation. As scary as it was though, Wilson still had a reason to smile as he relayed the harrowing story. Several members of the Cruso Fire Department came to check on Wilson, Tafelski and her son, who they believed were still inside Wilsons home, and didnt leave until they were certain the trio was safe.

    How freaking awesome are these people? he said of the first responders. It gives me chills just talking about it. They said they were trying to figure out how to get us out if they needed to.

    Following that flood and its disastrous predecessor, Wilson said theres still no shortage of cleanup needed even beyond whats needed to get his house in working order.

    Its still a mess, he said. My son and I are still cleaning under the porch and finding debris, and wed already cleaned that once. Since that berms not fixed, well just keep having water run under the house.

    But Wilson remains undeterred in the face of adversity and the sluggish recovery many have lamented since the flood. In the near future, Wilson, who has become a local social media sensation with tantalizing posts of his culinary creations, hopes to build a full outdoor kitchen. But for now, its one step at a time.

    When asked what hed want to say to local folks about his ordeal and what hes learned, his answer came quick.

    Ive been through floods; Ive been through three hurricanes, he said. And Ive never seen a community come together like this. Im thankful to be where I am in a place where people will genuinely give you the shirt off their back. Theyll do anything if it means you can be dry and warm. I have never seen anything like that ever. It makes me proud, and I dont think I could ever be anywhere else.

    Excerpt from:
    Delivered through the storm: Cruso man's struggle to rebuild eased by community's compassion - Smoky Mountain News


    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Not a day goes by that I am not asked about the SCOURGE of inaccurate call labeling that is plaguing Americas businesses.

    Since call labeling was tolerated by the FCC starting in 2018, it is virtually impossible to make lawful and truthful communication via the cellular phone network without being WRONGFULLY labeled as a scammer or a spammer. This has lead to massive reductions in connect rates and damaged American businesses (and consumers) tremendously.

    Mercifully, US Telecom has put together a redress list that will help YOU to get the nasty flags and labels off your DIDs.


    Lets hope these folks have 24 hour staffing and an army of people available to redress this situation, which seems to be impacting EVERYBODY.

    Per US Telecoms website:

    Providers and their analytics partners have established mechanisms for callers to seek redress to fix any inadvertent call labeling or blocking concerns, as well as to register their numbers in the first instance.

    AlticeCall Labels:Fraudulent Call or CNAM prepend of Spam? or Robo?

    AT&T/HiyaCall Labels:Spam Risk or Fraud

    Big RiverContact:855-244-7483

    Comcasts Xfinity Voice ServiceCall Labels:Blocked High Spam Risk or CNAM prepend of Spam? 844-963-0215

    C Spire/TNSCall Label:Potential

    FidelityCall Labels:Fraudulent Call or CNAM prepend of Spam?

    Frontier/NomoroboCall choose Report a number

    Lumen/NomoroboCall choose Report a number

    Spectrum/TNSCall Label:Spam LikelyContact:

    TelzioCall Label:Fraudulent CallContact:support@telzio.comor 888-998-9080

    T-Mobile/First OrionCall Label:Scam LikelyContact:


    US Cellular/TNSCall Label:Potential

    Verizon/TNSCall Label:Potential

    WindstreamCall Label:Fraudulent Call or CNAM prepend of Spam?

    Registering Numbers with Analytics Providers


    Free Caller Registry (First Orion, Hiya and TNS) refer to the contact information under Communications, Robocall Mitigation

    Let me know how these things work! If you have problems call the Czar. Thanks and happy weekend TCPA World!

    Also the folks at Contact Center Compliance reminded me:

    I wanted to share with you behind the scenes with CCCs new Caller ID Remediation engine that our brilliant team has created that should near eliminate the mislabeling. We tried creating the product using the sites you listed but the issue with that is that simple registration wasnt enough as the carriers arent fully incentivized yet to remove the mislabeling. Another issue is that it certainly does helps with the spam likely rates, but the numbers just go right back to being mislabeled after about 30 days.

    Our team created a pretty robust engine and an entire program for continuous remediation (rolling out next week) that has so far taken a couple test clients from 50-70% spam likely rate down to 0.5% spam likely (Took only 20-45 days to accomplish these percentages). Its a pretty darn cool platform, and we are keeping the pricing for this fairly reasonable for this platform as well.

    I know the Caller ID Reputation folks also have a pretty vast honeypot they use to detect these sorts of labeling issues and Convoso has a fairly comprehensive solution they use along with their dialer. And of course there is always Numeracle (hi Rebekah!).

    Crazy when you think about how many businesses exist designed to help other businesses navigate the TERRIBLY inaccurate call blocking and labeling environment right now. Im really shocked there havent been any lawsuits sounding in either defamation, libel, business interference, andof course good old fashion Communications Act violations.

    Soon, probably.

    Like Loading...


    HomeCraft: Reviews, Services and Costs of 2022 – MarketWatch

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In this article: Key Features | Pros and Cons | How HomeCraft Works | Cost | Customer Reviews | Bottom Line | FAQs | Methodology

    Gutters protect your home from water damage, but they can clog and stop working if theyre not regularly maintained. Homeowners who want to reduce how often they need to clean their gutters can invest in gutter guards, which block debris and greatly minimize maintenance.

    HomeCraft Gutter Protection offers one of the best gutter guards for residential homes. We at the Home Media reviews team have researched the companys services, features, customer reviews and more to help you decide if its the right choice for your home.

    Heres an overview of HomeCraft Gutter Protection:

    + Partial or full gutter installation services

    + Raised micro-mesh design for excellent filtration

    + Transferable lifetime warranty

    Availability limited to 10 states

    Professional installations only

    Clogged gutters can cause water damage to your homes foundation or basement, leading to expensive repairs. Gutter guards provide an added layer of protection by preventing debris from entering your gutters and building up. Although guards dont eliminate the need for gutter cleaning, they reduce the frequency to every one to two years.

    HomeCraft provides high-quality gutter guard systems that can easily be added to your existing gutters. Its gutter guards use a finely woven micro-mesh filter, one of the most efficient types. It can catch even small debris while allowing water to flow through and away from your home.

    HomeCraft offers a three-part system designed for optimal filtration. Here are the key details of the design:

    Most micro-mesh systems use substructures beneath the mesh for added support and shaping. However, these substructures cover a portion of the mesh, reducing its filtration efficiency. HomeCraft eliminates the need for substructures, giving its guards optimal filtration.

    HomeCrafts gutter guards are ideal for homeowners who experience varied debris. The raised diamond areas capture large, thin debris such as leaves and twigs, while the micro-mesh filters small debris such as pine needles.

    Although HomeCraft promises you wont experience clogs again, you may experience occasional clogs. Still, youll have to clean your gutters much less than you would without guards.

    HomeCraft gutter guards include a lifetime transferable warranty. The company will resolve any defects, malfunctions or installation issues for free. You can also transfer your warranty to a new homeowner if you decide to move.

    HomeCraft uses a three-step process for its gutter guard installations. Heres a breakdown of what you can expect:

    HomeCraft doesnt offer pricing information online; you must contact the company directly for an estimate. Your installation cost will be based on your gutter systems size measured in linear feet and the number of gutter guards needed. Your estimate may also include replacing gutters or installing a new gutter system if required. Gutter guard installation costs an average of $800 to $2,000 for a typical home with 200 linear feet of gutters.

    HomeCraft Gutter Protection is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and holds a B rating* with the organization. Many customer reviews praise the company for its prompt and professional installation team. Homeowners were also pleased with the performance of the guards during inclement weather. However, several customers complained about poor customer service, including no returned calls and numerous rescheduled or canceled service appointments.

    I couldnt be more pleased with HomeCraft in Houston. Professional and fast was how my estimate started. The sales rep explained everything to me and took the time to educate me instead of just giving a price. I could tell he really care[d]. Install was within two days and everything went smoothly. The manager called to welcome me to HomeCraft and was very attentive and professional. I had my first heavy rain and everything did amazing. Gutters are great and the protection is top-notch Nicole D. via BBB

    I had inquired about Homecraft Gutter Protection through Facebook and received a phone call from a very friendly scheduling coordinator. They gave me all the information that was needed before scheduling an appointment. The technician that came out was very helpful and friendly. They even demonstrated their product for us. We had to replace a downspout and they cleaned out our gutters before putting on their gutter guards. The experience was an amazing one from beginning to end. I will definitely be telling all of my friends and family about Homecraft Gutter Protection.Nina H. via BBB

    Trying to have some warranty work done due to bad workmanship causing water to spill over my new 6-inch gutters. Called the service number and was told someone would be out in 2 days. Never showed up, never called. When I finally got back in touch with the service person, she checked and apparently their truck broke down and nobody knew. I was told again someone would be out in 2 days. Still, no one showed up. This time after multiple calls to service, no one would answer the phone Todd P. via BBB

    We contracted with HomeCraft to install gutter protection. They installed them and were paid. I called them to report there were leaks in my gutters. They said I would be contacted to set up a date to repair leaks. That was over two weeks ago. Radio silence since then, and now they do not answer the phone. I am not sure of what to do next, but I will seek legal advice. George K. via BBB

    *BBB information accurate as of August 2022.

    HomeCraft Gutter Protection offers a high-quality stainless steel gutter guard system with a custom fit. The companys raised diamond micro-mesh design keeps debris out while allowing rainwater to pass through. HomeCraft backs its gutter guard installations with a transferable lifetime warranty, ensuring your gutters are protected for years to come.

    Use our tool below to request a free estimate from HomeCraft Gutter Protection.

    Frequently Asked Questions About HomeCraft Gutter Protection

    The Home Media reviews team aims to provide factual, well-researched reviews by researching consumers primary concerns and ranking gutter guard companies on objective, relevant factors.

    Following hundreds of hours of research, we scored gutter guard providers on a 100-point scale using the following factors. We then divided the points earned for each providers final score on a 5-point scale. Note that DIY gutter guard companies received a reduced point value in some categories since they provide products to homeowners but do not offer professional installation and gutter repair services.

    During our research process, we secret-shopped each company to obtain unbiased quotes and learn about pricing, payment options, product specifications and additional benefits. We also spoke to customer service representatives over the phone, asking questions to gauge their knowledge and helpfulness. We repeated this process online for applicable providers to get a sense of the digital shopping experience.

    More here:
    HomeCraft: Reviews, Services and Costs of 2022 - MarketWatch

    3 Ways To Divert Water Away From Your House Without Gutters – House Digest

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Drip edges are metal sheets that are fixed along the edge of the roof. They are designed to reduce the speed of falling rainwater and direct it away from the house walls. Drip edges protect both the foundations and the walls from absorbing water and getting damaged, says Worst Room. This makes them a good alternative since water can seep behind gutters and rot the wooden boards that they are mounted on, as well as the wooden joists that frame your roof.

    You can find drip edges made from copper, aluminum, steel, and various kinds of plastics. The three main options are type C, the standard L-shaped; Type D, which is T-shaped and more effective at keeping water away from the long wooden board on the edge of the roof; and Type F, which is a more extended version that is better suited for retrofit on existing roofs, according toIKO.

    Go here to read the rest:
    3 Ways To Divert Water Away From Your House Without Gutters - House Digest

    The Inside Outside Guys: Protect your home with the right gutters – Detroit News

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ken Calverley and Chuck Breidenstein| Special to The Detroit News

    What would you guess the No. 1 cause of basement flooding is in the U.S.? Hydrostatic groundwater pressure, snow melt, burst pipes, public utility backups or water runoff from heavy rains?

    If you guessed water runoff, you are hereby handed the Guys Housing Genius Award.

    Runoff can occur from rapid snow melts, incorrectly sloped grade around the building or, most likely, from roof water in heavy rain events.

    Water shed from a roof concentrates large amounts of the liquid right at the foundation where it may either intrude at the top of the basement or crawl space or may work its way down through the soils against the wall and enter at the base of the foundation system.

    During a half-inch rain event, this amounts to 600gallons or more deposited at the base of a 2,400-square-foot home. Wind driven rain events actually put more water at the base of homes with steeper roof slopes and many of todays homes provide that increased surface area.

    The finished grade around the home should be designed to carry this water well away from the foundation and roof overhangs should contribute to the task. The building codes would like us to provide a sloped water shed of at least five feet away from the foundation.

    But the fact of the matter is that many homes are not properly drained and do not have appropriate roof overhangs.

    Expertly designed and installed gutter systems can be the solution for this dilemma. Many homeowners assume the building codes require installation of such systems, but unless you live in a region of the country where they placed expansive clays or collapsible soils against the foundation, gutters are not a requirement of occupancy.

    Couple that truth with the all-too-common reality that many such systems are not designed for the installation at all. Many gutter systems merely reflect standardized industry guidelines using a 5-inch K-Style gutter profile and a 2-inch-by-3-inch downspout for every 20 to 40 lineal feet of gutter.

    These vertical conductor pipes or downspouts, will generally deposit rainwater on the ground at the foundation. Even with the installation of a 90-degree turnout at the base of the pipe, water is still being dumped virtually at the house perimeter.

    What about the situation where you have intersecting roof slopes and a steep roof with an annual maximum intensity rainfall event, what the Outside Guy would call a gully-washer?

    You can step outside and witness the gutters flooding to overflow, which also assures water getting behind the gutter through the holes created by fasteners thus contributing to potential roof framing rot and sidewall leaks. Scary stuff.

    So how about a company that truly designs the install for the roof? How about a company that can place a 6-inch gutter system and 4 1/2-by-6-inch downspouts? This simple change can carry 66 percent more water off your roof!

    How about terminating those downspouts into piped extensions that carry water well away from the foundation? And consider the possibility of a mounting system that does not create penetrations in the gutter. These are huge considerations for this system to be effective and not damage the home.

    Before we disclose our experts, consider one more statistic. Each year in the United States over 164,000 people go to the emergency room as the result of a fall off a ladder. How many of those people were cleaning their gutters?

    The best gutter protection is to assure nothing gets in the gutters. Cut back those trees and bushes! But for those that really need a long-term solution to keeping debris out of the system,consider a reverse-curve helmet professionally installed.

    Professional installation is critical for these systems to function well. They have no filter to eventually plug up and they are installed at a downward slope rather than laying flat; both of which are important considerations when investing in gutter protection.

    The expert we would refer you to is Atlas Home Improvement in Whitmore Lake.If you really want to provide protection for your home and foundation, you can find them along with other great companies at

    For housing advice and more, listen to the Inside Outside Guys every Saturday and Sunday on News/Talk 760, WJR-AM, from 10 a.m. to noon or contact us at

    Read the rest here:
    The Inside Outside Guys: Protect your home with the right gutters - Detroit News

    The latest on road repairs | News – The Baldwin Bulletin

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) provides weekly updates on road construction projects in the following counties in northwest Wisconsin: Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Rusk, St. Croix, Sawyer, Taylor, Trempealeau and Washburn counties.

    Location:Morse Road in the town of Gordon to Jefferson Avenue in the city of Mellen

    Schedule:July 5 to mid-September

    Description:Removing and recycling a portion of the existing pavement, placing new asphalt pavement, installing rumble strips and placing new pavement markings.

    Highway:US 53 northbound

    Location:Chippewa County line to US 8 near Cameron

    Schedule:April 4 to October

    Description:Removing a portion of the existing asphalt overlay and placing new asphalt; completing spot repairs on structures at Carlson School Road, County AA, the Chetek River, County I, Knapp Street, 20th Street and US 8 and placing a concrete overlay on each of the structures; replacing the concrete deck on the structure at County A; cleaning culverts and ditches; replacing culvert apron end walls, guardrail, pavement markings and signage; and completing spot improvements at Rest Area 34 and overlaying all concrete parking areas with asphalt.

    The northbound US 53 on-ramp from US 8 is closed.

    Location:Hay River Flowage, Cumberland

    Schedule:March 28 to August

    Description:Replacing a culvert with a bridge, bridge approaches and guardrail.

    Traffic impacts:WIS 48 is open to one lane of traffic controlled by temporary signals.

    Location:WIS 25 to West Avenue in Rice Lake

    Schedule:July 25 to late September

    Description:Removing a portion of the existing pavement and placing new asphalt; replacing and maintaining culverts; and adding a right-turn lane for westbound traffic on WIS 48 turning onto northbound County V.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter single-lane closures controlled by flagging in work areas.

    Location:County U in Dallas to County I

    Schedule:July 11 to August

    Description:Pulverizing and relaying asphalt pavement, paving.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter single-lane closures controlled by flagging.

    Location:Vance Creek Bridge

    Schedule:July 11 to September

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists are using a temporary structure to get around construction.

    Location:Drummond Lake Road to US 2

    Schedule:May 31 to October

    Description:From Drummond Lake Road to County E East: Recycling a portion of the existing pavement and placing new asphalt over it; installing rumble strips; cleaning and replacing culverts; replacing culvert apron end walls and curb and gutter where needed; placing gravel on the shoulders and rip rap; and marking the pavement. From County E East to US 2: Removing a portion of the existing pavement and placing new asphalt; replacing guardrail; and placing new pavement markings.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter single-lane closures controlled by either flagging or temporary signals in work areas.

    Location:Pine Creek Bridge in the town off Pilsen southwest of Ashland

    Schedule:June 13 to August

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:Old US 2 is closed at the bridge.

    Bayfield and Douglas counties

    Location:County A to Clevedon Road

    Schedule:June 13 to September

    Description:From County A to Sznaider Road: Removing a portion of the existing asphalt and placing new asphalt; cleaning culverts and resetting culvert end walls; replacing guardrail, curb and gutter; clearing the roadside; and marking the pavement. From Sznaider Road to Clevedon Road: Removing a portion of the existing asphalt and placing new asphalt; adding centerline rumble strips in the rural segment; upgrading pedestrian curb ramps to Americans With Disabilities Act standards in the urban section; cleaning culverts and replacing or resetting culvert end walls; repairing embankment slope; replacing guardrail; and marking the pavement.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter moving lane closures controlled by flagging.

    Location:Holmes Creek Bridge northwest of Mondovi

    Schedule:June 13 to August

    Description:Replacing the bridge, reconstructing roadway approaches to the structure and replacing guardrail.

    Traffic impacts:Traffic is using a one-lane temporary bypass controlled by signals.

    Location:County F to WIS 88

    Schedule:July 11 to late September

    Description:Removing a portion of the existing pavement, placing new asphalt pavement, widening paved shoulders, repairing or replacing culverts and replacing guardrail.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter single-lane closures during work hours.

    Location:Tamarack Creek Bridge north of Modena

    Schedule:July 22 to late September

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists are using a temporary bypass, and the speed limit has been reduced from 55 mph to 20 mph.

    Location:Branch Waumandee Creek Bridge northwest of Arcadia

    Schedule:June 13 to August

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:None; project complete.

    Location:Branch Rose Valley Creek Bridge south of Cochrane

    Schedule:May 16 to late July

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:None; project complete.

    Buffalo and Eau Claire counties

    Location:US 10 in Mondovi to WIS 85 in the town of Brunswick

    Schedule:June 8 to September

    Description:Removing a portion of the existing asphalt pavement and placing 3.25 inches of asphalt, paving the shoulders, performing culvert maintenance, replacing guardrail, installing rumble strips and pavement marking and rehabilitating the Peeso Creek Bridge.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter daytime single-lane closures controlled by flagging.

    Buffalo and Trempealeau counties

    Location:Bridges over the east and west channels of the Trempealeau River

    Schedule:July 12, 2021, to October 2022

    Description:Replacing both bridges, increasing the grade on the structures for improved drainage, reconstructing about one mile of roadway approaches, maintaining the public river access at the east channel bridge and replacing the railroad crossing at the projects west limits in 2022.

    Traffic impacts:Traffic is operating on the new roadway and bridges at a reduced speed limit of 45 mph in the work zone, which also has a width restriction of 14 feet.

    Highway:WIS 40 and WIS 64

    Location:WIS 40, 13thAvenue in Boomer north to the east junction of WIS 64 and WIS 64 from the north junction of WIS 40 to a half mile east of County E

    Schedule:July 20 to September

    Description:Removing a portion of the existing pavement, recycling it in place and overlaying the road with new asphalt; repairing or replacing culverts; cleaning the ditches; replacing guardrail; replacing the island on WIS 40 at WIS 64; installing sidewalk curb ramp compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act in Bloomer; and placing new pavement markings.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter daytime single-lane closures controlled by flagging when work is being completed.

    Location:83rdStreet to County Q

    Schedule:July 13 to late October

    Description:Pulverizing and relaying the existing pavement, paving and replacing two bridges and culverts.

    Traffic impacts:County SS is closed to through traffic from 83rdStreet to County Q in the project limits, but cross traffic is being maintained at 75thStreet as is access to businesses and residences on either side of bridge structures.

    Location:Cobban Bridge between Jim Falls and Cornell

    Schedule:Aug. 8 to late October 2023

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:County TT across the structure, closed in 2017, remains closed, a navigational channel in the Chippewa River is marked by buoys, and the Old Abe Trail remains open.

    Chippewa and Clark counties

    Location:Bridges over Stillson Creek, 190th Street, Paint Creek and County X in Chippewa County and the Cardinal Avenue bridge over WIS 29 in Clark County

    Schedule:May 3 to August

    Description:Making concrete surface repairs; replacing bridge joints, wing wall parapet and asphalt approaching both sides of each structure; and overlaying the bridge decks with concrete.

    Traffic impacts:Project complete; all traffic control to be pulled by the end of today.

    Location:Roger Creek Bridge southeast of Stanley

    Schedule:June 14 to August

    Description:Replacing the bridge, guardrail and pavement markings

    Traffic impacts:The road is expected to be open by the end of the day today.

    Location:County M to railroad tracks north of Solon Springs

    Schedule:Aug. 8 to mid-October

    Description:Repairing concrete along the entire length of the project; placing asphalt over the northbound lanes of the roadway from East Nyquist Road to the railroad tracks north of Solon Springs; milling and overlaying the shoulders and turn lanes along the entire length of the project; repairing or replacing culverts; replacing guardrail around the bridge over the railroad tracks north of Solon Springs; and replacing the concrete approach slabs on the south side of the north- and southbound US 53 bridges over the railroad tracks.

    Traffic impacts:Motorists will encounter single-lane closures on northbound US 53.

    Location:Middle River Bridge south of Amnicon Falls in the town of Amnicon

    Schedule:July 21 to September

    Description:Replacing the bridge.

    Traffic impacts:The road is closed at the bridge.

    Location:6thto 21ststreets, city of Menomonie

    Schedule:June 21 to September

    Visit link:
    The latest on road repairs | News - The Baldwin Bulletin

    Reflecting on the tumbles of childhood – The Oxford Eagle – Oxford Eagle

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Published 8:30 am Saturday, August 13, 2022

    I remember as a kid that summers seemed long and definitely had a different vibea different tempo. There were hours of splashing around in the lake or the creek, listening to the great tunes of the 60s, riding bikes, and impromptu picnics in the yard. The picnics were usually a part of working in the garden and Mom making sandwiches and usually Kool-Aid in jelly glasses as we took a break from hoeing in the garden, digging potatoes, or pulling corn and picking tomatoes while my dad was at work. We canned a lot of vegetables and I had the job of washing the canning jars. We didnt have a dishwasher and Mom was very particular about sterile jars so in addition to my small hands and lots of soap, there was boiling water poured into the jars. What a process! I swore that when I grew up, I would not have any part of a garden or canning vegetables. Well, that didnt work out like I thought.

    When we moved to our new home on the corner of Woodson Ridge and Bay Springs Road, one of the first things that happened was a garden. And I was once again canning vegetables, but this time I had a dishwasher to get the jars ready. Our sons Dennis and Jeff were young, but they were a part of the garden and work that got done on our place. Tom and I both worked full-time so we were a busy family, especially since Tom worked a second job on the weekends for many years.

    One summer, it was time for some maintenance and updating the house. Im certain there was painting and one of the last things was having new carpet installed throughout our four-bedroom home. By this time, Dennis was old enough to cut grass and we had a big yard, about two acres to mow and trim. Jeff was into riding bikes but not quite old enough for the mower.

    When we first moved to Woodson Ridge, Bay Springs Road was a gravel road but well-travelled. Lots of farm equipment and trucks moved on that road and that was the reason that Jeff was forbidden to ride his bike on the road which paralleled our property. It was soon paved which meant that vehicles could travel faster, yet another concern.

    So, on the day of the new carpet installation, Dennis was out cutting grass and Jeff was riding his bike. Tom and I were inside doing a bunch of different things around the house as the workers were laying the new carpet. Unbeknownst to us, Jeff had decided to take his bike for a spin down Bay Springs Road. On the return trip to the house, he spun out and planted in the asphalt. Dennis was on the mower and couldnt hear his cries for help at first, and it wasnt until he turned the mower did he see his little brother all bloody. He jumped off the mower, ran to Jeff, and scooped him up in his arms and headed for the house.

    When I heard the commotionDennis was doing a lot of yelling and Jeff was doing a lot of crying I immediately saw the blood and our two distraught sons coming into the house. And you can guess how alarmed I was. Or not as you might guess. You see, my alarm was that Jeff was going to bleed all over the newly-installed carpet, so I quickly screamed, Carry him to the bathtub! Dont get blood on the carpet! Id like to think that my initial response was mothers intuition that the scrapes and cuts were not serious. But to this day, I must be honest that I might have been a little too concerned about the new carpeting. At any rate, after wrapping Jeff in a large towel, we were out the door to the Emergency Room where Dr. Bo Murry did a few fancy stitches to our boys brow and assured us that nothing was broken, only scratched and skinned. So, summer can sometimes provide some unexpected occurrences. And I had to come to terms that I was not going to win Mother of the Year. Just be careful out there!

    Bonnie Brown writes a weekly column for The Oxford Eagle. Contact her at

    See the rest here:
    Reflecting on the tumbles of childhood - The Oxford Eagle - Oxford Eagle

    Suncoast passionate about flooring and professional installation – Navarre Press

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Jeremy focuses on business processes and installs, while Carrie focuses on marketing and promotion. Jeremy goes out with a measuring tape and makes sure projects are getting started promptly and correctly. Carrie handles business operations and makes sure the showroom is stocked with beautiful product.

    This power couple met while still in high school, dated through college and have been married for 25 years. Theyve both worked in a variety of roles in and out of the housing industry, making them well rounded and professionally developed. Jeremy has started his own stucco company and custom kitchen cabinet company and has manufactured doors and hardwood floors. Carrie has worked in the housing industry for 25 years and has been a realtor for the past five, so she has seen and sold a good share of floors.

    The businesss new tagline A Passion for Flooring & Professional Installation was chosen with intention.

    They take their professionalism seriously at Suncoast.

    Jeremy and Carrie understand that people are hesitant to remodel their homes and are sometimes overwhelmed when trying to choose a company or individuals for those projects.

    Our number one goal is to create a great client experience by helping them feel comfortable and confident in us through the entire installation process, co-owner Carrie Carver said.

    Carrie has realized in real estate people are reluctant to buy homes that need remodel because those projects can be daunting. Suncoast exists to help homeowners confidently simplify that process.

    When somebody walks through those doors and spends thousands of dollars on their flooring, the experience needs to be good, Jeremy said. Theyre making a huge investment and they need to feel good about that.

    Suncoast prioritizes product quality and customer service. Stop by their flooring showroom to see the quality and experience the service firsthand.

    They offer free estimates on their services. Suncoast offers any flooring option you can think of from carpet and porcelain tile to engineered wood and laminate vinyl planking (LVP), also known as laminate vinyl tile (LVT). They also started carrying pool decorative tile to make your backyard oasis pop.

    Give your bathroom or kitchen a makeover with an accent tile backsplash and new floors. Suncoast has the solutions.

    Professional consultation, coordination, and installation are not something we are willing to rush. The quality of our projects are the priority, Jeremy said. But we make every effort to complete projects quickly and make extraordinary efforts to meet a clients schedule.

    With the current supply chain environment, Suncoast focus on products and suppliers many made in the USA with exceptional availability and fast delivery times to ensure timely project start times.

    Suncoast Flooring and Design, formerly known as Suncoast Flooring, Kitchen & Bath, started in 2004 and is located at 5668 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Unit 2. They changed their name to reflect their vision of expanding what they offer past simply flooring.

    They even do financing through Synchrony Bank.

    Customers can apply through us and get approved almost immediately, Design Consultant Debbie Starling said, whos been working in the industry for 10 years.

    Jeremy says Suncoast is focused on the elements of a home that are more permanent. Lighting and kitchen hardware are easily replaced, but flooring is long term.

    You dont want to put floors down that you want to replace in five years, Jeremy said. You want to put floors down that youre going to be on your deathbed like I still love these floors!Environment shapes us, so the vision at Suncoast really is about creating an environment that people love, where they can thrive.We want to be a part of designing those spaces that people live their lives in, Jeremy said. 0

    See the rest here:
    Suncoast passionate about flooring and professional installation - Navarre Press

    Visitors to the reopened home of Emily Dickinson may know the 19th century poet first via pop culture – Maine Public

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst, Massachusetts, this week sold out tours the day it re-opened to the public for the first time in more than two years. Almost 100 visitors wandered through the home of the well-known but lesser understood 19th century poet. While not quite as large a crowd as Opening Day at Fenway Park, the museum said it was significant.

    Like other cultural venues, the Dickinson homestead closed in March 2020 because of the pandemic, but Jane Wald, the museums executive director, said the shutdown allowed them to complete the second phase of ongoing building restoration, without disrupting visitors.

    In 2019, the museum received a gift of $22 million from William McCall Vickery, a founding board member of the museum. The funds were specifically earmarked for the maintenance and improvement of the museum's buildings, grounds and collections.

    In addition to the installation of a new heating and cooling system, textile historians matched carpets and wallpaper patterns, and an original stair banister and door found on the property were re-installed. Several rooms were also restored closer to their original dcor, Wald said.

    There are no interior photographs of the homestead as far as we know, none exist from the time, so we had to rely both on forensic evidence and on descriptions that visitors to the homestead sent to other people in correspondence, she said.

    The carpet was described by attendees at Dickinson's mother's funeral.

    The story passed down by Emily Dickinson's niece is that there were two ladies who arrived at the funeral ahead of time, before the room was too crowded, Wald said, so they could see the magnificent parlor carpet which was described as baskets of flowers in a pattern running to the edges of the room.

    The word "home" in Dickinsons poetry is a metaphor for many things, Wald added.

    "She once said, I do not cross my father's ground for any house or town, meaning that these three acres on which the homestead and the Evergreens [the home of Dickinsons brother] sit, was kind of to use a Dickinson word her circumscribed world, Wald said.

    Dickinson was little known during her life but her 1,800 poems and letters have inspired readers worldwide, a notoriety helped in the last few years by several Hollywood movies and in 2019, a more fantastical interpretation of her life, "Dickinson" on Apple TV+.

    Show producer Alena Smith donated several historic items from the set to the museum, and Wald said theyre now part of bringing visitors as close as possible to the place where the poet lived and wrote until her death in 1886.

    The television series is what brought Bob and Patty Normand to the homestead. The Normands, who live in Holyoke, and grew up in the area said they always knew about Dickinson but had "kind of forgotten about her," until watching the television series, starring Hailee Steinfeld.

    And then, we just couldnt wait for the house to open so we could come again and revisit the whole experience of Emily, Patty Normand said.

    In the show, Death is played by the rapper Wiz Khalifa. In a carriage ride with Dickinson, he promises her immortality and foretells the carnage of the Civil War. Spoken by a Black actor, the warning carries a retributive chill, Katy Waldman wrote in the New Yorker.

    Episodes connected with Dickinsons writing, and some were explicit in what may or may not have been erotic prose; the show writers took scholarly research about Dickinsons relationship with friend and -sister-in-law Sue to another level.

    The show we thought it was just going to be a period piece which would have been fine, said Bob Normand, and it sort of starts out that way, and then all of a sudden, it's like somebody scratching the needle on a record!

    Were older, he said, but for younger people who may not know Emily Dickinson, or maybe think she's old-fashioned, the series relates to a younger demographic. It seems like a really great way to bring a whole new generation of people into Dickinsons world.

    Many historic museums and symphony orchestras have for years been trying to lure in a younger, more diverse demographic, and whats on the program or being shown is critical to that effort, cultural organization administrators say.

    At the Dickinson homestead, museum officials said, special events and the script for the house tour itself have been revamped to reflect a connection with the last two years of enormous social change in the U.S., focusing on race, class issues and labor.

    One matter that came up for the Normands on their tour was the lack of emphasis on the anti-slavery movement in Dickinsons letters, given her correspondence with Thomas Wentworth Higginson, an abolitionist, a published writer and after her death, an editor of Dickinsons poems.

    When you talk about a mid 19th century person, what their views on race or social class was, it kind of jars us, you know, now because of Black Lives Matter and [the Me Too] movement, Bob Normand said.

    Before retiring, the Normands ran a popular bakery for 30 years in nearby Northampton. Their only disappointment in the tour was that the Dickinson kitchen, featured frequently in the Apple TV+ show, wasnt included.

    That space, along with the domestic wing where the Dickinson servants lived, is part of a final restoration phase at the museum. It's expected to take place, likely with the museum open, in the next five years.

    See more here:
    Visitors to the reopened home of Emily Dickinson may know the 19th century poet first via pop culture - Maine Public

    A Dehli home at DLF Chattarpur Farms where every element is a work of art – Architectural Digest India

    - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Conceived as a single volumetric form, the 15,000-square-foot Delhi farmhouse is divided into two zones. The ground floor houses the formal living and dining rooms and common areas, while the first is purely private with the family bedrooms and lounge. The luxurious square footage is undoubtedly a draw, but what brings the home to life is Synghs signature knack for blending art and functionality.

    Also read: A maximalist Ludhiana mansion that flaunts a luxurious style

    The formal living room on the ground floor of the Delhi home overlooks the lawn and swimming pool. The sofa and table behind it were custom-designed by Sanjyt Singh: Objects + Spaces and executed by Alsorg. The chandelier is from Masiero, table lamp from Contardi, and bespoke rug by Hands Carpet.

    A Muse Frida Urn by Jonathan Adler rests on an 88 Secrets Sideboard from Scarlet Splendour. In the backdrop is Flying Senses, an installation in gold and fibreglass by Manish Sharma from Art Centrix Space.

    Clad in Bianca Moonface marble and Laminam ceramic tiles, the entrance creates a neutral base for the designers more unconventional experiments indoors. In a first of many dramatic vignettes, the water feature here is accentuated by sculptures by Alex Davis that capture the split second when a drop of water touches the surface. Incidentally, Syngh tells us this highlight was a discovery that he chanced upon at the AD Design Show shortly after he began working on this project!

    The rest is here:
    A Dehli home at DLF Chattarpur Farms where every element is a work of art - Architectural Digest India

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