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    Candidates and Measures | Regional/CA News – Livermore Independent

    - September 22, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    LVJUSD Board Contenders

    LIVERMORE The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD) Board of Trustees has three seats on the ballot this November in its at-large election.

    Incumbents Craig Bueno, Emily Prusso and Anne White are seeking reelection, and six other Livermore residents have thrown their hats into the ring as well.

    In addition to choosing new trustees, voters will have to decide on Measure G, a $450 million General Obligation Facility Bond measure to fund repairs and upgrades to classrooms and school facilities. The current board voted on Aug. 9 to place this improvement bond on the ballot and most board candidates are hopeful to see the measure pass.

    Current Board President Craig Bueno is seeking a third term to continue to meet his goals of improving facilities, funding athletics and the arts, and increasing partnerships to support expanded opportunities for Livermore students.

    During his eight years on the board, Bueno voted to: implement a solar program netting the district $800,000 annually; establish a coordinated Federal grant and funding effort; install technology packages in all classrooms; complete transformational facilities projects on many school sites; and upgrade HVAC systems, roofing, drainage, parking and lighting.

    If reelected, it will remain my focus to complete the full scope of school facilities projects that weve begun, Bueno said. This effort will transform the educational experience for our Livermore students for years to come. We are also working diligently to expand opportunities in the professional trades in the form of apprenticeship training programs. Providing these direct pathways to our graduating seniors would give them an opportunity to earn a true living wage and gain a lifelong skill.

    Given the chance at another four years, Bueno said he wants to continue his work to create equity in education by increasing funding for special education and state-funded average daily attendance. He said the projects that would be funded by Measure G would create the gold standard in Livermore, with students as the beneficiaries.

    Bueno is a former firefighter, with a long history of public service. He has experience in government funding and a passion for pursuing excellence in education.

    Trustee Emily Prusso is also seeking reelection. With one term under her belt, she said she wants to continue to combat the achievement gaps in the district that served as her original inspiration to run for the board.

    Like most of the State of California, a majority of our students are not meeting standards in math, and many of them are not meeting standards in language arts, Prusso said. I want to be part of a solution in closing the gaps with our student achievement in all areas, but especially math and language arts.

    Prusso said she would accomplish that goal by simplifying programs, focusing on educational basics and building a strong foundation in reading, math and science. In addition, she would develop a culture that embraces life skills and critical thinking. She said the districts teachers, administration and staff are a talented group she would like to utilize to make this happen.

    She is also in support of Measure G.

    Many people may not be aware that we do not receive funding from the state for facilities, Prusso said. Communities are responsible for the school facilities in their districts, and therefore, it is necessary at times to ask the taxpayers to support our schools.

    She noted this bond, along with the measure passed in 2016, is an attempt to catch up on a year-long lull in facility upgrades. As a mother of four children and current district parent, she sees the need for modernization and new classrooms and believes whole-heartedly in student-centered education.

    Incumbent Anne White is looking to continue her 32-year run on the board. First elected in 1990, White served on the board far longer than any of her fellow trustees. She said public schools are the backbone of our society, and her historical knowledge of the district will be helpful to the new superintendent.

    My goals for the district are improved achievement for all students, narrowing the achievement gap and working toward students and staff who are healthy, mentally and physically, White said. The district has been working to improve achievement for as long as I can remember, with little change We must analyze what we are doing, continue what is working and stop doing what isnt working.

    In the event Measure G is not passed by voters this year, White predicts the district would reconfigure the proposal and try again. She said no bond at all would lead to facilities falling behind the times in updates and maintenance.

    Whites two sons graduated from Granada High School, and she has been an active volunteer in the district for years. She also participated in multiple California School Board Association committees.

    Steve Drouin has lived in Livermore since 2009. The California State University, Stanislaus. college professor has decided its time to run for the board of trustees.

    I am running for school board because democracy is a team sport, and I want to serve the students of the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District, Drouin said. I feel that my experiences as a father of two school- aged children, husband of a Livermore special education teacher, high school teacher of nine years and current university associate professor and researcher, have given me a wealth of knowledge and skill to collaborate to address the challenges facing the Livermore education community.

    Drouin said he wants to support students and staff and expand and reinforce district resources, such as school libraries, technology, and professional learning experiences. He wants to address housing needs for teachers and administrators and retain qualified teachers. He said one thing he would change is the way the district communicates with families.

    At times during the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself lacking access to critical and timely information, Drouin said. In other instances, I receive so much information that it is difficult to navigate. Such realities have led me to believe that the district needs to modernize how it connects and collaborates with parents.

    As for Measure G, Drouin hopes it will pass so Livermore students can attend class in properly ventilated, state-of-the-art classrooms. Without it, he said the district will need to pay to upkeep decaying infrastructure.

    Alexandria Izarraraz is a LVJUSD parent who has felt unseen and is running for the board to ensure parents voices are heard.

    I want parents to feel heard and safe with their children being in our district, Izarraraz said. I am running because I cannot sit back and complain about things happening in our community or schools. I have to stand up and be a part of the change.

    Izarraraz said the district is out of touch with parents and has failed to follow up with her or answer questions too often. She wants to change that. If elected, she hopes to help teachers feel heard and valued as well, and will encourage more parents to get involved in their childrens schools and district board meetings. She said all this will feed her main goal of providing the best possible education to Livermore students.

    As for Measure G, Izarraraz isnt convinced its the right fit.

    I believe the bond needs to be rewritten, she said. This bond will affect many members in our Livermore community. One main concern in our community is low-income housing. This bond will not help the issue, and as I said, it needs to be rewritten. We need to figure out which projects absolutely need to get done and see what our budgets look like.

    Deena Kaplanis is a parent in the district and a local small business owner. As a chiropractor, she said she has a trained ear to listen to people and shed like to put that skill to use on the LVJUSD board.

    I care about people. I want to be involved and have a positive impact on our community, said Kaplanis. Im running for the school board because I know that any decisions made on the school board would directly affect my household I have a heart to have laser focus on student achievement in our district.

    Kaplanis said she would like to be part of the board so she can close the achievement gap created by the pandemic and bring test scores up. She also wants to address student and staff mental health to ensure everyone in the district feels cared for. She hopes to be a facilitator on the board, communicating effectively with parents, students and other board members. She hopes to change some things, as well.

    Something I think that needs to change within the district is I think there could be more of a connection with the community, she said. I think we should be more transparent with communication, and I think we need to increase the morale of teachers and staff within the community.

    Kaplanis said she was not ready to offer an opinion on the bond but would like to look more into the history of why it was required for the districts facilities. She has been attending board meetings over the past two years and looks forward to continuing to engage with the district.

    John Kupski wants to join the LVJUSD board because he believes the education system is in poor condition.

    This has been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 situation, with so many students falling behind in essential learning, Kupski said. Remote learning has been a disaster, with only 11% of students advancing, 23% remaining the same, which means 66% of children have fallen behind in their education.

    He said if elected, he would like to, stop the sexualization of kids, eliminate Communist Revolutionary Training and improve academic achievement through true math, English, real civics, and wholesome artist endeavors.

    Kupski said he feels returning curriculum to the control of parents, teachers and the board would be a step in the right direction. He is also opposed to Measure G, stating the states revenue surplus should be enough to keep school infrastructure maintained.

    Kupski is a retired businessman who says he is committed to the protection of and proper education in the school system.

    Kristina Mazaika currently works as the director of growth and development at The Quarry Lane private school in Dublin. She said she would like to be part of the local public school district, because she has a heart to serve.

    When I saw the three open board positions, I knew that this was the time and place for me, Mazaika said. I bring a balanced perspective seeing issues from both sides as an insider, educator and parent, as well as an outsider, as a community member.

    Mazaikas goal is to leverage what does work well in the system and pivot to making meaningful changes. She feels the key to curriculum equity in the classroom begins with a strong sense of community in the district office. From there, teachers and staff who feel valued will pass that feeling on to their students.

    Mazaika acknowledged the need for funding of some kind to maintain and replace buildings and infrastructure. She said if the bond does not pass, it would be necessary to prioritize needs and use district funds to repair, maintain or replace nonfunctioning parts.

    Mazaika has worked in education for all of her professional life. Though she is now in management, she spent 15 years as an elementary teacher, and has also worked as a readinginterventionist, instructional coach, and elementary school principal.

    I bring a wealth of experience from both within the system and outside of it having raised two children, she said. Iam eager to serve knowing that when we parents, teachers, district staff, and community members work together, we will achieve the best we have to offer our Livermore students.

    Hayden Sidun is a recent Granada High School graduate. He said his perspective as a student will bring a unique and much-needed voice to the board.

    I am running because our students deserve a students perspective on the school board, Sidun said. I have lived the student experience in Livermore and know how the school boards decisions play out in classrooms. Experience matters, and the simple fact is that I am the only candidate with direct experience in Livermore public schools. It is imperative that we elect school board trustees who know Livermore schools and can make decisions based on experience, and I will be that trustee.

    Sidun said if elected, he will have three priorities: expanding access to mental health services, revamping curriculum and collaborating with other local entities. By focusing on these topics, he hopes to improve student experience and education within the district. He also pledged to keep an open line of communication with the community.

    He would also like to work on some areas he feels the board could do better in, such as consulting parent-teacher organizations, student bodies and the Livermore Education Association in decision-making processes. As for the bond, he said he will vote for it himself.

    I think this bond measure is important, Sidun said. I agree with what it will do. Many of our schools are in dire need of a remodel, so if this bond measure fails, then we can expect to see the continued physical deterioration of our schools.

    Sidun said despite his young age, he cares deeply about the community and its schools and will work to address and solve issues directly affecting Livermore students, staff and families.

    For more information on White, visit emailed to ask for something

    For more information on Kupski, visit emailed to ask for something

    LIVERMORE Residents this election season must decide whether to extend sewer service beyond the citys urban growth boundary into the regions unincorporated wine country.

    Measure P, the South Livermore Urban Growth Boundary Initiative, requires approval from a majority of voters in order to make changes to the South Livermore Valley Area Plan (SLVAP) in the citys general plan.

    Measure P proponents believe the move is necessary to aid the Tri-Valleys quest to become a wine growing and resort destination by saving an area that winegrowers believe is in economic danger because the area lacks the infrastructure to support it.

    The measure does not appear to have any organized opposition. No one filed any arguments against it with the Alameda County Registrar of Voters office to appear in ballot information booklets.

    Encouraged by winegrowers such as Karl Wente and David Kent and organizations including the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce and Tri-Valley Conservancy the Livermore City Council agreed unanimously in July to place the measure before voters.

    Basically, the extension of city sewer service to the South Livermore Valley region provides a critical element of infrastructure necessary to support the economic viability and successful growth of the Valleys wine region, reducing the reliance on septic systems and their impacts to the groundwater basin, said Dawn Argula, the chambers chief executive officer and president.

    Livermore officials have already begun studying the planned sewer lines effect on the environment and where and how it will be built. Part of the sewer lines expected $11.5 million price tag will be covered by $6.5 million in Alameda County funding. The rest is expected to come from federal and state infrastructure funds and groundwater management grants.

    Homes and vineyards in the unincorporated area would be linked to Livermores sewer lines. Wastewater would be treated in the existing Livermore facility.

    Other organizations supporting the measure include the Greenbelt Alliance, Innovation Tri-Valley, Visit Tri-Valley, the Friends of Livermore, the Friends of Open Space and Vineyards, and numerous vineyard owners.

    A recent UC Davis study indicates that Livermore is at risk of losing two-thirds of its vineyards by the end of this decade unless winegrowers have an economic incentive to replant aging vineyards, Kent said. Extending the sewer line will make it possible to fully implement the permitted uses within the South Livermore Valley Area Plan, which envisioned a wine country resort and spa as well as destination restaurants.

    The area currently utilizes septic systems, which pose the threat of groundwater contamination. Septic systems are also a hindrance in attracting larger winegrowing businesses that need sewers to compete with other winegrowing regions in California.

    Many vintners are forced to haul wastewater associated with the winemaking process offsite at great expense, making it impossible for new medium (sized) or large winery operations to locate here, said Lori Souza, the TVCs board chair. The absence of a sanitary sewer makes the long-awaited resort hotel and spa and destination restaurants promised in the Area Plan impossible to permit. Even smaller successful wine operations are hesitant to locate here until these issues are addressed.

    Dick Schneider, a co-author of the countys Measure D, which Alameda County voters approved in 2000 to protect agriculture and open space, watched closely as the measure was written. He said the South Livermore Valley wine region must survive.

    The 3,000 acres of vineyards planted when the SLVAP was adopted in the early 1990s are now nearing the end of their life expectancy, Schneider said. To justify the cost of replanting those vineyards, several mid-sized wineries must be built to create the demand for local grapes. The 50 or so small wineries in the Livermore area only require about 600 acres of vineyards to supply their grapes. Without new wineries, most old vineyards will be pulled out.

    Schneider said that equally important is that larger wineries cant be built without an economical way to dispose of their processed wastewater. Without bigger wineries, the vineyards will not be replanted because there wont be demand for the grapes. Agritourism is only one of the reasons for the sewer. He added that new wineries can no longer obtain permits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board to dispose of their processing waste into the local groundwater table. A sewer line to pump wastewater out of South Livermore to the water treatment plant is the only practicable way for new and old wineries to obtain required permits, he said.

    If the South Livermore wine region fails, there is a real risk that other more intensive development will be proposed for the area, said Schneider. Thats why I support Measure P.

    DUBLIN Dublin Unified School District (DUSD) has three seats on the ballot in Novembers general election.

    Areas 2 and 5 are open for full terms. Voters will also choose a candidate to fill the Area 3 seat for a short two-year term.

    Kristin Speck is running for an Area 2 seat unopposed.

    We have a wonderful district, and I am excited to join the board and continue the great progress the district has made, Speck said. I would like to see continued focus on equity and inclusion and support the work that the district has already undertaken in this area.

    Speck said facility improvements and growth will continue to be important topics as new schools are opened and old ones are renovated to accommodate the city.

    Speck acknowledged the issues the district has faced this year with allegations the board violated the Brown Act, as well as a shortfall in the budget. She said she was concerned, but felt the district was on the right track now.

    I would like to see us making decisions for the students and the taxpayers and not for political reasons, she said. I think that the texting showed that there were definitely political reasons behind the maps chosen for the trustee areas. I would like to see a board that could work together doing the right things for the students on both the west and the east sides of town.

    In Area 5, incumbent Dan Cherrier is running for a third term. He initially joined the board in 2016 when he was elected at large for a two-year term. He then won the Area 5 seat in 2018 and hopes to continue to represent his constituents for the next four years and ensure projects underway are completed.

    There is a lot that could still happen to derail the new high school project, Cherrier said. We havent even started phase two or phase three. And if left as it is now, it will be a small, satellite school and never reach its full potential.

    He also expressed concerns that aging school infrastructure could be left without needed modernization, saying the board requires trustees who, can ask the tough questions and make the hard decisions and make sure that all our projects across the entire district happen within the available budget.

    If reelected, Cherrier hopes to continue to upgrade school facilities, maintain good student test scores, retain the districts qualified and well-paid teaching staff, and improve board harmony.

    He also addressed accusations made that he and other board members violated the rules for public meetings under the Brown Act.

    We operate under the Brown Act, and we have our Rosenbergs Rules of Order, and we follow those, he said. This (the accusations) was solely done for political reasons before an upcoming election.

    A DUSD investigation found there had been no misconduct.

    Ive been involved in issues surrounding the district since 2004, so going on 18 years now, Cherrier said. Weve gone down quite a few bad choices over the times, especially not building things according to the specific plan, and I have taken it to be my mission to try to rectify the wrongs of the past.

    Facing off against Cherrier for Area 5 is Sameer Hakim. The Independent was unable to reach Hakim for comment.

    The Area 3 seat is on the ballot for a two-year term following the death last year of Trustee Catherine Kuo. Her husband, William Kuo, was appointed by the board to fill her seat until this election. He is now running for the remaining two years of the term and said he fully embraces the role of trustee and hopes to continue to serve Dublin.

    I am passionate about continuing the important work of serving students and providing exceptional education, Kuo said. This was my late wifes mission and I share these same goals, not only because I have two kids in school currently, but because I care deeply about all Dublin students.

    Kuo noted that Area 3 is unique, as it straddles the line between east and west Dublin. If elected, he would like to ensure Emerald High School is completed and continue to provide safe and clean facilities for all students by completing projects that have been prioritized and funded. He also said hed like to promote consistency in district leadership.

    Between 2017-2021, we have had three superintendents along with a high rate of senior staff turnovers, said Kuo. I feel strongly that establishing stability at that level of administration will go a long way to improve morale and provide a firmer basis from which to operate.For example, the budget shortfall that goes back to early 2016 might have been averted if there was more stability.

    Kuo also addressed recent allegations the board had violated the rules for public meetings under the Brown Act.

    As affirmed in the attorneys six-page report, no violation occurred, he stated. Further, from my own perspective, I am not overly concerned because there is nothing wrong with communicating with constituents who may have also contacted other board members. That is part of being a public servant you talk to people.

    Facing off against Kuo is local real estate agent John Wu, who has lived in Dublin since 2010. Wu said he has raised his family here, made friends and become part of the community.

    I believe we should give back to our community, Wu said. In the past few years, my wife and I have volunteered actively in the community my older son who graduated from Dublin High School joined the Navy to serve our country, and I, myself, have been in the real estate business and started my own brokerage, so Im willing to serve my community with my diverse and extensive knowledge of work and life experience.

    Wu said if elected, he would promote unity amongst the board and the Dublin community, focus on equality and equity in education, and ensure all Dublin students have the best education to reach their full potential and be prepared for the future. Hed also like to see better budget control, improved transparency, and disclosure of all fiscal information in a timely manner.

    I also want to ensure the rational use of our resources to share resources equitably to reduce a void or shortfall in our budget and provide a better educational environment to our students and all community members, he said.

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    Candidates and Measures | Regional/CA News - Livermore Independent

    Flush this, not that: The items constantly causing problems at Madison’s wastewater treatment plant – WKOW

    - September 22, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    MADISON (WKOW) -- When water goes down the drain, either in our homes or on our streets, it's really the start of a new journey; a trip that can be quite costly for taxpayers.

    The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) says it treats about 36 million gallons of wastewater every day. That's enough water to fill the lower bowl at Camp Randall Stadium.

    Before water reaches MMSD's stunning array of large outdoor tanks, solids - the kind that do not break down - must be removed.

    Eric Dundee, MMSD's director of wastewater operations, says that often includes diapers, plastic bags, clothes and flushable wipes. Dundee, and other wastewater treatment professionals, say the wipes might be marketed as safe for flushing, but are actually a disaster for treatment plants.

    The wipes don't break down quickly enough, and therefore must be filtered out at the plant with all the other junk that doesn't belong. As a rule of thumb, Dundee says the only things people should flush are toilet paper and their own waste.

    While those items are commonplace, MMSD also has a display preserving the most bizarre items that have been fished out of the sewage system. The case includes car keys, a horseshoe, and a wide variety of toys.

    Dundee, however, keeps his favorite souvenir in his own office. He's still not sure how a bowling ball got stuck in a pipe, but it happened.

    "Somehow, somebody was able to open a manhole, and they must've had a bad day at the bowling league," Dundee said. "It made it all the way to one of our pump stations and got clogged in one of our pumps."

    Crews had to remove the pump, then break the ball in half to dislodge it.

    While bowling balls and horseshoes are rare, the more mundane items get stuck frequently enough to cause daily disruptions. After all, there are a lot of places where objects can get stuck in MMSD's network, which runs from Sun Prairie to Verona, and from Waunakee down to Stoughton.

    All that water ends up at the district's plant south of the Beltline highway, south of the West Broadway exit.

    "We have our staff responding to pump stations, and different issues in the treatment plant, every single day," Dundee said. "Because something has been flushed, or more than one thing has been flushed or gotten down the drain into some of our pumps or screens that shouldn't be there."

    MMSD estimates annual responses and repairs caused by items that shouldn't have gotten in the sewage costs taxpayers an additional $500,000 each year.

    "That includes cleaning pumps, that includes cleaning our equipment," Dundee said. "Staff time, actual damage."

    While that's a drop in the bucket for an agency whose 2021 operations and maintenance budget was $45.4 million, Dundee said that money would be better served going to other projects, including long-term investments.

    The costs of wayward waste go beyond dollars. When people flush away prescription drugs, it can pollute the water supply.

    "Sometimes, people think, 'well I'm almost done with these [pills,] I'm not gonna use them anymore. Maybe I should just flush them down the toilet.' Absolutely not," Scott Laeser, water program director at Clean Wisconsin, said. "Those pharmaceuticals should go to a station specially meant to process and destroy them."

    Laeser said it's even more vital to keep plastics, and other chemicals, out of the system for families who use a septic tank. Those tanks are only meant to treat bacteria, so they don't remove any of the other chemicals that can pollute groundwater.

    About one third of Wisconsin families rely on private wells as their source of drinking water.

    "[Septic tanks are] really the only thing that is standing between the water they use, and the groundwater that, of course, is so critical to so many Wisconsinites because that is our source of drinking water," Laeser said.

    For MMSD, the challenges continue to grow. Over the last two-plus years, a new item has been contributing to clogged pipes.

    "Disposable masks are becoming a pollution problem," Dundee said. "Some of them end up down the drain, and into our equipment."

    One more reminder of the items the public is asked to keep out of toilets and sewer drains. It's all part of a never-ending quest to keep our wastewater...relatively clean.

    The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has compiled its list of permanent drug drop boxes, where people can safely dispose of excess pills. Those boxes are also used in the effort to keep addictive opioids out of the wrong hands.

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    Flush this, not that: The items constantly causing problems at Madison's wastewater treatment plant - WKOW

    Heres Why Its Important To Pay Our Sewage Bills – The Rakyat Post

    - September 22, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    Have you ever wondered what happens to the stuff we flush down the toilet or wash down the kitchen sink? Its called wastewater, or sewage, and its any water thats been used and consequently polluted by human activities.

    Since we moved on from nomadic lifestyles and started living together in larger, permanent settlements and cities, weve needed ways to get rid of our collective sewage, because, well its stinky and gross!

    Some of the earliest examples of sewage systems being used in our history can be dated as far back as ancient Mesopotamia.

    Our ancestors used to rely on things like communal latrines and drains that simply flowed into open water to expel their sewage away from where they lived leaving Mother Nature to do the heavy lifting to dilute, dissipate and decompose any waste.

    But simply dumping our raw sewage into rivers and seas isnt exactly a viable solution as our population continued to grow all over the world.

    In 19th century London which had a population of about 3 million people there was an event known as The Great Stink when a long, hot summer caused the River Thames to dry up and exposed all of the nasty things that have been dumped into it over the years.

    This not only included human excrement and garbage but all sorts of waste products and chemicals from factories and businesses, as well as a fair number of dead bodies.

    The stench was said to be so horrible that it brought the city to a standstill as people vomited and fainted where they stood. Some even called the river evil and blamed it for the citys many sick and dying residents.

    This, however, wasnt that far from the truth as the contaminated river was the main source of water for Londoners to wash and drink from.

    Londons poor sewage system was not only channeled directly to the river but was also leaking into the citys other water supplies like underground wells becoming a breeding ground for all sorts of deadly waterborne diseases like dysentery, typhoid and cholera.

    A lot of people died and the event served as a great reminder of how important it is to properly manage our sewage, and that we couldnt simply rely on Mother Nature alone to make our doo-doo disappear.

    Nowadays, our modern sewage and sanitation system is a bit more complex but a lot safer, reliable and environmentally friendly.

    Here in Malaysia, whenever we take a shower, use the sink or take a seat on the throne, all our wastewater or sewage will drain into septic tanks or flow through public sewer networks, and be sent to sewage treatment plants where its filtered and processed into clean water.

    The clean water is then discharged into our rivers and further processed and reused for our everyday needs. Urban areas and townships across the country must treat their sewage before releasing it into riversgiving Mother Nature a helping hand and giving new life to what was once nothing more than dirty water.

    In line with their tagline, New Life for Water, the national sewerage company, Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn. Bhd., continues to ensure that the sewage systems comply with treated effluent quality standards stipulated by the Department Of Environment.

    IWK provides sewerage services to a connected population equivalent (cPE) of over 29 million. IWK does this by operating and maintaining a total of 7,352 public sewage treatment plants and 22,000km of sewer lines.

    With 28 years of experience under their belt, IWK has proven to manage the countrys sewage systems efficiently. However, despite it being such a vital utility service for us, there are still people who take our sewage system for granted.

    According to IWKs latest Sustainability Report, although the government continues to subsidise the companys cost of operations by a total of 125% of a customers monthly bill, there are still commercial businesses and individuals who go years without paying their duesforcing the company to take legal action to try and collect overdue bills.

    On an average three-year basis, connected customers pay RM8 to RM12 per month instead of the actual cost of RM17.26 per month. For Individual Septic Tank (IST) customers, they pay RM144 per service instead of the actual cost of RM263 per m3 per service.

    But on the bright side, as of 2020, IWK managed to collect payments from 91% of its customers, and more people are now going online and using IWKs mobile app to pay their bills.

    IWKs e-Bill service encourages customers to go paperless for a greener environment. Its also a convenient and easily accessible platform for customers to stay updated on their sewerage accounts.

    You will receive your sewerage bills via email when you register for IWK e-Bill. Through the IWK mobile app, you can make payments, check your account balance and perform a range of other services at your fingertips.

    Between 1 July and 15 December 2022, IWK will be giving away a brand new Proton Saga and other amazing prizes when you invite your friends and family to register for e-Bill and pay sewerage bills online.

    Head on over to IWKs official website or download the Indah Water mobile app from Google Play, the Apple App Store or your devices app gallery to register for the IWK e-bill service.

    After getting yourselves registered, get as many of your friends and family to sign up for the IWK e-bill service using your membership ID.

    The more people you get to register using your ID, the better your chances are of winning the prizes! To be eligible for the contest, just be sure that you and the people that signed up using your ID dont have any outstanding IWK bills.

    For more information, visit IWKs website or check out its Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok page.

    Share your thoughts with us via TRPsFacebook,Twitter, andInstagram.

    Here is the original post:
    Heres Why Its Important To Pay Our Sewage Bills - The Rakyat Post

    Save $50 on the Ring Alarm home security system from Amazon – SFGATE

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Adding a security system to your home is easier these days than ever before. Instead of having to hire a professional security company to install a home system for you, you can just buy one yourself and set it up in minutes. The biggest name in the industry is Ring Alarm, and you can get your hands on a complete system right now without breaking the bank.

    Amazon is currently selling the Ring Alarm 5-Piece Home Security System for just $149.99 (25% off), and it comes with everything you need to get started with home security.

    This 5-piece kit is a starter alarm system that includes:

    The base station, keypad, and range extender are really the meat and potatoes of the Ring Alarm system. The base station pretty much runs everything, the keypad is used to arm and disarm the system, and the range extender boosts the signal so it reaches all of the devices.

    The contact sensor is designed to be used on doors or windows, setting off the alarm when opened and contact is broken between the built-in magnets. The motion detector will turn on the alarm if its armed and senses any unexpected motion within its field of view.

    Ring Alarm offers 24/7 monitoring for an additional cost if you so choose, and everything connects to your phone using the accompanying app. This makes it easy to monitor your system and see whats going on at all times. On top of all that, it works with Alexa so you can activate the system just by using your voice. It couldnt be any simpler!

    So if you want to protect your home without breaking the bank, head over to Amazon and pick up the Ring Alarm 5-Piece Home Security System today for just $149.99.

    Visit link:
    Save $50 on the Ring Alarm home security system from Amazon - SFGATE

    An Indian Security System That Is Being Transformed By Technology – Inventiva

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    An Indian security system that is being transformed by technology

    A theft or break-in can have negative financial and emotional effects. While monetary loss could be recouped, emotional suffering might not be. In such a situation, adopting home security technology guarantees safety.

    Indian customers have depended on window grills and door padlocks for years, but home security has advanced. Like everything else, technology has improved, allowing consumers to remotely operate smart devices like locks and house cameras using their smartphones. For instance, businesses have invested years in R&D and innovation to understand how to offer clients the most cutting-edge and effective products available today.

    A contemporary house must be planned with an integrated platform of devices that operate together to safeguard it. In contrast to merely installing one product, this is what electronic security solutions call for. There are accessible wireless alarm systems, video door phones, house locks, and home cameras.

    It may seem tough to choose a security system for your house, but all that is required is a grasp of your present demands and the most recent technological advancements. Young adults living alone, for instance, might not need a full system with a home locker, but they will appreciate having a camera. However, a family may see the benefits of having a smart storage device that is internet-connected and can give notifications when it is under assault via a mobile app.

    Choosing the right one might be challenging because there are so many businesses on the market selling different items. So it is suggested that you pick a respectable company that is well-known and considered to be among the finest. Several recent technological advancements should be known by consumers. As an illustration, electronic home security systems are getting better by including features like video and photo capture, intelligent motion detection and warning, and mobile connection to interact with sensors and the alarm panel.

    Safes may now be connected to the internet and provide notifications when they have been assaulted thanks to advancements in technology. Frameworks for electronic home security solutions are designed to be simple for homeowners to utilize.

    The majority of products, for instance, have Wi-Fi capabilities, allowing users to communicate with visitors even while they arent at home accessing the internet. Real-time alarms are transmitted over the internet via Wi-Fi alarm systems, and any smart device may now see CCTV footage online.

    Data privacychoosing choices that secure your data while leaving you and your family unprotectedis one thing to take into account when choosing home security systems. Not to mention that this data is kept in the cloud, like everything else, which makes it possible for the cloud server to safeguard your data while simultaneously limiting access to a small number of password-protected devices.

    The placement of the server is the biggest benefit and a crucial defining characteristic of the cloud. Products using Indian-sourced cloud servers are much safer and risk-free than those with servers from other nations. These are crucial ideas for customers to comprehend, and in the modern world, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of these topics.

    Additionally, its advantageous if your home security system enables two-way communication. Additionally, this leads to a proactive strategy rather than a reactive one. Most security systems will give you a trigger or alarm in the case of unexpected behaviour.

    The pandemic has highlighted the steadily rising need for home surveillance, which ensures the protection of loved ones from anywhere in addition to protecting valuables. The Cocoon Effect, recent research, found that 81% of respondents are concerned for their parents or kids welfare when they leave them alone at home.

    Everybody has access to a hybrid work environment and lifestyle that permits longer journeys, transient relocation, and protracted quarantines. Customers who work remotely have increased responsibility as they spend more time away from their homes, which underlines the growing demand for a smart home security system and raises worries about home security. Because they are so safe, smart door locks and biometric unlocking satisfy all of these needs.

    Biometrics are used for eKYC by the government as well. With passcodes, RFID cards, smartphone applications, and Wi-Fi connectivity, these locks offer incredible convenience right at your fingertips. Anywhere, at any time, you may unlock your door. Customers can now easily meet all of their security demands thanks to modern smart locks, and this trend is here to stay.

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    An Indian Security System That Is Being Transformed By Technology - Inventiva

    Home Security Systems Market | expected to reach $96.5 billion | growth of 9.1% CAGR | 200 pages report – Taiwan News

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Global Home Security Systems Market size is expected to reach $96.5 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 9.1% CAGR during the forecast period.

    Global Home Security Systems Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By Component (Solution and Services), By Home Type (Condominiums/ Apartments and Independent Homes), By Security Type, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2022 ? 2028

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    When a secured zone is broken, a home security system consists of a mix of software and hardware technologies that are designed to detect an intrusion or unauthorized entrance. It can function even in the event of a power loss and warns of potential environmental hazards like carbon monoxide poisoning, fire, flooding, and so on. Nowadays, home security systems are microprocessor-based and perform a wide range of duties while providing a user-friendly interface.

    Smart security cameras connect to Wi-Fi, allowing user to remotely live stream images of the system and receive alerts when the cameras detect movement, persons, or parcels. Many cameras come with infrared or color night vision, cloud or local storage, and two-way audio, allowing the user to communicate with whoever is on camera. Smart platform integrations, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, are also available on some cameras.

    Motion sensors should be installed in a main entryway or hallway on the ground level of a property to detect motion and notify the user when the security system is activated. Entry sensors, also known as contact sensors, are made up of two parts: one which goes on the door or window and the other on the frame. The sensor will notify the user if it believes an entrance point has been opened. On the bottom floor, it is recommended installing entry sensors on windows or doors.

    Covid-19 Impact Analysis

    The pandemic COVID-19 had a significant impact on the home security systems market. Manufacturing delays and the temporary suspension of non-essential transportation caused a substantial drop in comprehensive sales in 2020. COVID-19 has had a severe negative impact on major markets such as the United States and China, with supply chain disruption in China resulting in a drop in demand for home security systems. Demand in China has been impacted by a drop in the number of new development projects and the closure of manufacturing operations.

    Market Growth Factors

    The Internet of Things (IOT) and Wireless Technologies are Gaining in Popularity

    IoT-based security systems improve user safety by sending quick notifications. Smart sensing identifies and informs the user of changes in motion, heat, and sound. With the availability of a vast number of high-quality data, IoT makes devices smarter. For example, the utilization of high-definition cameras, infrared vision, and night vision surveillance systems ensure that the specifics of any incident are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Acceptance of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Home Security Systems

    AI has made it possible to connect automated health assessment and medical alert systems with a complete home security system. In addition to the rising usage of home security systems for video surveillance, hazard detection, and access control applications, residents cognitive and physical health monitoring is gaining traction, particularly home-based monitoring of the elderly. The AI-based cognitive analysis collects and analyses data on the occupants activities and health status.

    Market restraining Factors

    Costs of Installation, Maintenance, and Operation are high

    The cost of the hardware, software and services required to establish a security system has a considerable impact on the adoption of home security solutions. This is owing to the pricey hardware and consultancy fees, and the upfront installation cost of a professionally installed system is also high. The cost of ownership is also considered because the system necessitates regular maintenance, subscription fees, and replacement costs in the event of damage. Subscription costs levied by third-party monitoring companies often range to a certain figure. Furthermore, software with extensive analytics features is costly and adds to the systems overall cost.

    Component Outlook

    By components, the home security systems market is bifurcated into Solution and Services. By Solution Type, the home security systems market is classified into Fire Protection systems, Video Surveillance Systems, Access Control systems, Entrance Control systems, and Intruder Alarm systems. The Video Surveillance System segment witnessed the maximum revenue share in the home security systems market in 2021. The method of monitoring the activity and conduct of individuals, groups of humans, and/or machines for the purposes of managing, guiding, influencing, or protecting people is known as video surveillance. The Video Surveillance Systems industry is growing due to the strong demand for networked cameras.

    Home Type Outlook

    By Home Type, the home security systems market is divided into Independent Homes and Condominiums/ Apartments. The independent homes segment witnessed a promising revenue share in the home security systems market in 2021. It is due to independent homes requiring a higher level of security as there is a lack of general security services provided by any security agencies. Including home security systems in an independent house offers more ample amount of security than a security agency.

    Security Type Outlook

    By Security, the home security systems market is fragmented into Professional-installed and monitored, Self-installed and professionally monitored, and Do-It-Yourself (DIY). The professional-installed and monitored segment acquired the highest revenue share in the home security systems market in 2021. If an individual has a professionally monitored system, a call center monitors the setup 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and receives a notification when something activates the alarm. The service includes monitoring of the area, instantly when the siren is blown in order to ensure everything is fine in respect to home security.

    Regional Outlook

    By Region, the home security system market is analysed in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and LAMEA. North America emerged as the leading region in the home security systems market with the largest revenue share in 2021. The region is leading the way in terms of introducing access control systems to increase security and safety. Companies operating in the United States, Canada, and Mexico are expanding the competence in access control systems in order to provide novel technology and services in this segment and obtain a competitive edge over competitors from other nations.

    The major strategies followed by the market participants are Acquisitions. Based on the Analysis presented in the Cardinal matrix; ABB Group are the forerunners in the Home Security Systems Market. Companies such as Johnson Controls International PLC and Assa Abloy AB are some of the key innovators in Home Security Systems Market.

    The market research report covers the analysis of key stake holders of the market. Key companies profiled in the report include Johnson Controls International PLC, Robert Bosch GmbH, ABB Group, Resideo Technologies, Inc., ADT, Inc., Assa Abloy AB, Allegion PLC, Snap One, LLC, Secom Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

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    Recent Strategies deployed in Home Security Systems Market

    Partnerships, Collaborations and Agreements:

    May-2021: Johnson Controls came into a partnership with DigiCert, the worlds leading provider of digital certificate services and PKI solutions. This partnership aimed to enable Johnson Controls to give customers enhanced peace of mind by mitigating the risk of costly operational interruptions because of cybersecurity attacks while offering resilient, trusted smart building solutions that use the most advanced PKI technology from DigiCert.

    Aug-2020: ADT came into a partnership with Google, an American multinational technology company. This partnership aimed to unify Nest?s hardware and services, powered by Google?s machine learning technology, with ADT?s installation, service, and professional monitoring network to develop a more efficient smart home and unified experience for customers over the United States and create the next generation of smart home security offerings.

    Product Launches and Product Expansions:

    Oct-2020: Resideo Technologies unveiled its Honeywell Home ProSeries Security and Smart Home Platform. This product aimed to provide dealers that serve residential and small businesses with a comprehensive, end-to-end solution and expands Resideos overall portfolio of linked security solutions and services.

    Jul-2020: Johnson Controls unveiled OpenBlue, a comprehensive suite of linked solutions and services. This product would help customers to handle operations in a more organized manner.

    Acquisitions and Mergers:

    Apr-2022: Johnson Controls took over Security Enhancement Systems, a provider of mobile-based, keyless access control solutions. This acquisition would enable Security Enhancement Systems to include Johnson Controls? complete portfolio of security and access control technology available comprising security and access controls, video management, security as a service, IP cameras, door controllers, and card readers.

    Apr-2022: Allegion entered into an agreement to acquire Stanley Access Technologies, which manufactures, installs, and services sliding, swinging, folding, transit/metro, and revolving door systems. This acquisition aimed to expand in an adjacent market segment, offering customers and end-users a more complete offering for seamless access wherever they reside, work and thrive.

    Apr-2022: Resideo Technologies took over First Alert, a leading provider of home safety products. This acquisition aimed to provide a complete portfolio of detection and suppression devices comprising smoke alarms, carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, combination alarms, connected fire and CO devices, fire extinguishers, and other suppression solutions.

    Jan-2022: Snap One took over Staub Electronics, a Canadian distribution partner. This acquisition aimed to boost the capabilities over Canada, introducing a broad array of products, offering faster turnaround times on orders, enabling same-day order pick-ups, and delivering more product choices than ever before for the Canadian partners.

    Jan-2022: Assa Abloy signed an agreement to acquire Vigil Health Solutions, a leader in innovative call systems and resident monitoring solutions for senior living. This acquisition aimed to offer alarm systems and solutions that guide the care of and monitor seniors living in senior living communities.

    Oct-2021: ADT took over Edwards Electronic Systems, a premier fire, life safety, and security systems provider. This acquisition aimed to strengthen the ADT Commercial organization?s unification capabilities and fire and life safety expertise to offer mid-market, national, and large-scale commercial customers in the Carolinas region.

    Sep-2021: Assa Abloy entered into an agreement to acquire the Hardware and Home Improvement division of Spectrum Brands. This acquisition would strengthen Assa Abloy position by including complementary products to the main business and it would boost the transformation from mechanical to digital solutions.

    Mar-2021: ADT took over SAFE Electronics, a construction company, located in Las Vegas. Through this acquisition, ADT would expand its geographical footprints in Las Vegas, wherein the company would use SAFE Electronicss specialization to gain a competitive edge in the region.

    Oct-2020: Resideo Technologies unveiled its Honeywell Home ProSeries Security and Smart Home Platform. This product aimed to provide dealers that serve residential and small businesses with a comprehensive, end-to-end solution and expands Resideos overall portfolio of linked security solutions and services.

    Jul-2020: Johnson Controls unveiled OpenBlue, a comprehensive suite of linked solutions and services. This product would help customers to handle operations in a more organized manner.

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    Scope of the Study

    Market Segments covered in the Report:

    By Component

    SolutionVideo Surveillance SystemFire Protection SystemEntrance Control SystemAccess Control SystemIntruder Alarm SystemServicesSecurity System Integration ServicesRemote Monitoring ServicesFire Protection ServicesVideo Surveillance ServicesAccess Control Services

    By Home TypeCondominiums/ ApartmentsIndependent Homes

    By Security TypeProfessional-installed & MonitoredSelf-installed & Professionally MonitoredDo-It-Yourself (DIY)

    By GeographyNorth AmericaUSCanadaMexicoRest of North AmericaEuropeGermanyUKFranceRussiaSpainItalyRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaJapanIndiaSouth KoreaSingaporeMalaysiaRest of Asia PacificLAMEABrazilArgentinaUAESaudi ArabiaSouth AfricaNigeriaRest of LAMEA

    Companies ProfiledJohnson Controls International PLCRobert Bosch GmbHABB GroupResideo Technologies, Inc.ADT Inc.Assa Abloy ABAllegion PLCSnap One, LLCSecom Co. Ltd.Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

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    Home Security Systems Market | expected to reach $96.5 billion | growth of 9.1% CAGR | 200 pages report - Taiwan News

    VP Harris wishes lawmakers treated domestic threats as ‘Americans’ – Business Insider

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Vice President Kamala Harris said she wishes lawmakers would take on domestic threats to national security without a "partisan lens."

    During an NBC News's Meet the Press interview,Harris recalled her time on the Senate Intelligence Committee and said she wishes lawmakers would address domestic threats as "Americans first."

    "When we walk through the doors, Republicans, Democrats, Independents when we walked through the door of the SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), that secure room press could not come in, no cameras, no public, just us. People would take off their jackets, they'd roll up their sleeves and they were Americans first focused on the threats to our national security on common ground, with a common purpose which is to defend our nation against attacks," Harris said.

    She added: "When I think about what we have been seeing in terms of the attacks from within, I wish we would approach it the same way as Americans instead of through some partisan lens."

    When asked in the NBC interview, which aired on Sunday on the 21st anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, if threats from within the US were as dangerous as foreign threats, Harris said: "It is very dangerous and I think very harmful. And it makes us weaker."

    Her remarks come more than a week after President Joe Biden warned of the dangers of extremism from MAGA Trump supporters during a primetime address.

    "Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that's where MAGA Republicans are today," Biden said.

    On Sunday, Harris defended Biden's remarks, saying throughout his career, Biden worked "across the aisle."

    "But there are moments in time when we have to also agree, all good people who care about our country, that there are those who right now are vividly not defending our democracy," Harris added. "And I think we want that our Commander-in-Chief, that the president of the United States will speak up and raise the alarm about what this means to our strength and our future, much less our integrity."

    Continued here:
    VP Harris wishes lawmakers treated domestic threats as 'Americans' - Business Insider

    Axis Communications Unveils Latest Solutions for Integrating Sight, Sound, Analytics and More at the 2022 Global Security Exchange – Business Wire

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    CHELMSFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As the needs of system integrators and users continue to evolve, Axis introduces new easy-to-integrate and scalable solutions at GSX 2022. Axis product and solutions experts plan to demo their latest offering at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, September 12-14, including a next-generation panoramic dome camera, a new compact door controller capable of storing 250k credentials, a connectivity hub to securely integrate audio equipment and sensors, and an AI-based time-in-area object analytics feature. All of these latest quality solutions from Axis are designed to be flexible, easy-to-configure and include built-in cybersecurity features.

    At Axis, were always innovatingfrom brand new technologies to new product enhancements, we keep a watchful eye on market trends, actively listen to the needs of our customers and always aim to exceed expectations, said Fredrik Nilsson, VP, Americas, Axis Communications, Inc. We look forward to demoing our latest offering at GSX 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. Its a great opportunity to show industry professionals how our solutions easily and securely integrate into their systems, providing them with more insight to bolster security and enhance their business.

    Axis Communications plans to showcase its latest video, audio, analytics, end-to-end, and other solutions at this years show, with special attention to its new offering which includes:

    Outdoor-ready dome with 360 panoramic view ideal for onboard surveillance

    The AXIS M3057-PLR Mk II Dome Camera, is a 6 MP panoramic mini dome specifically designed for onboard surveillance. This compact, easy-to-install camera delivers a complete 180 or 360 overview regardless of light conditions.

    Key features include:

    This cost-effective product includes built-in cybersecurity functionality to prevent unauthorized access and safeguard your system.

    The camera will be available through Axis distribution channels in Q4 2022.

    Compact edge-based door controller products for smart and reliable door control

    The new AXIS A12 Series offers various product versions for maximum flexibility. Fully integrated within Axis end-to-end solutions, these scalable products are optimized for both small and large installations. With intelligence on the edge, they can internally handle all tasks related to door accesseven if the network is down.

    Capable of storing up to 250k credentials and 250k event logs per unit, these products ensure flexible and secure authentication using various credentials such as PIN codes and dynamic QR codes for visitor access and license plates verification for vehicle access.

    Key features include:

    AXIS S12 Series offers built-in cybersecurity features to prevent unauthorized access and safeguard your system.

    AXIS S12 Series will be available through Axis distribution channels in October 2022.

    Connectivity hub for secure integration of sensors and audio

    The AXIS D3100 Connectivity Hub allows for secure integration of sensors and audio equipment into network systems. With a microphone, a speaker, or both connected, this cost-efficient device helps increase scene awareness through high-quality audio.

    The product can be integrated with a broad range of non-visual sensors to trigger alarms and events in the system. Supporting audio recording, streaming, and audio analytics, it is ideal for systems that dont have such capabilities or require additionalenabling different use cases in crime prevention, protection, and forensics.

    Key features include:

    The perfect complement to an Axis end-to-end solution, the connectivity hub supports VAPIX, MQTT, and SIP for secure and seamless integration. Furthermore, built-in Axis cybersecurity functionality prevents unauthorized access and safeguards the system.

    The AXIS D3100 Connectivity Hub will be available through Axis distribution channels in Q4 2022.

    AXIS Object Analytics now offers time in area tracking for more effective monitoring

    The new AXIS Object Analytics time-in-area feature*, beta version, is available as part of the latest release of AXIS Object Analytics. This smart feature can be used to trigger an event whenever an object stays in a monitored area longer than a user-defined time, for example to detect loitering.

    AXIS Object Analytics comes preinstalled on compatible Axis network cameras adding value at no extra cost. It uses AI-based algorithms and behavioral conditions to analyze the scene and spatial behavior of the objects within, ignoring common irrelevant sources of unwanted events.

    Designed to enable proactive monitoring, and access to actionable insights, users can focus only on objects of interest and events that need attention.

    Key features include:

    *Available in firmware 10.12.

    Each of these new solutions will be demoed, along with more of Axis latest products, at GSX 2022, booth #3343, Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, September 12-14. For further information about Axis Communications and our entire portfolio of intelligent network solutions, please visit or connect with an Axis representative.

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    Axis Communications Unveils Latest Solutions for Integrating Sight, Sound, Analytics and More at the 2022 Global Security Exchange - Business Wire Delivers First Radar for Weather Satellite Constellation Backed by U.S. Air Force – Benzinga

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder to Provide Air Force With Global Weather and Ocean Data Under Multi-Year $19.3 Million Contract Funded Through Commercial Weather Data Pilot Program

    BOSTON, Sept. 12, 2022 The Tomorrow Companies Inc. (""), developer of a leading platform for global weather and climate security, has completed assembly and testing of its first precipitation radar and delivered the payload to Astro Digital for satellite integration. was awarded a multi-year $19.3 million contract last year from the U.S. Air Force, funded through the Air Force's Commercial Weather Data Pilot Program, to support deployment of the company's first four satellites. selected Astro Digital's Corvus-XL satellite platform for the first two satellites of its constellation. Delivery of the radar payload, after and the Air Force conducted a successful critical design review earlier this year, puts on track to launch its first satellite in early 2023, with a full constellation expected in orbit during 2025. will offer operational satellite data-as-a-service to the U.S. Department of Defense and governmental agencies worldwide, while also ingesting the data into its proprietary modeling suite that powers its Weather and Climate Security Platform, which is used by hundreds of organizations to proactively manage weather-related challenges.

    Precipitation measurements are critical to weather forecasting and are ranked the top priority out of 152 Earth observations by the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations. Radar provides detailed observations of precipitation that no other sensor can see, yet much of the world lacks reliable ground-based radar coverage, including many areas of interest to the Department of Defense. plans to launch a constellation of approximately 30 small satellites to provide high-resolution global coverage of 3-D precipitation and other key parametersrevisiting each point on the globe every hour on average, compared to the 2- to 3-day revisit rate of existing spaceborne radar missions.

    "Global environmental data is essential to effective mission planning and execution of air and ground operations," said John Dreher, materiel leader, Weather Systems Branch, in an Air Force news release. "This satellite constellation partnership with will give Air Force weather operators a vastly improved awareness of current and forecasted weather conditions."

    The constellation will enhance the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) mission to provide authoritative and accurate 24/7 global weather intelligence to the warfighter. Capabilities delivered under this contract are expected to further the Department of Defense's ability to address the Joint Requirements Oversight Council Meteorological and Oceanographic Collection Requirements and bolster weather observations around the globe. announced earlier this year the addition of microwave sounders to its planned satellite constellation, which would create the first commercial multi-sensor weather satellite system owned and operated by a private company. The combined sensing capabilities from radars and sounders will allow to acquire multiple types of near real-time, global atmospheric data critical to improving operational weather forecasts.

    About is the world's leading Weather and Climate Security Platform, helping countries, businesses, and individuals manage their weather and climate security challenges. The platform is fully customizable to any industry impacted by the weather. Customers around the world, including Uber, Delta, Ford, National Grid, and more use to dramatically improve operational efficiency. was built from the ground up to help teams prepare for the business impact of weather by automating decision-making and enabling climate adaptation at scale. To learn more, please go to:

    SOURCE The Tomorrow Companies Inc

    Continued here: Delivers First Radar for Weather Satellite Constellation Backed by U.S. Air Force - Benzinga

    The 2 Stocks Everyone’s Talking About Tuesday – The Motley Fool

    - September 13, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    September has historically been a difficult month for stock market investors, but major market benchmarks looked poised to gain ground on Tuesday morning. The Nasdaq Composite (^IXIC 0.00%) opened higher by about half a percent, and other stock indexes showed similar gains heading into the regular trading session.

    A couple of stocks saw outsize gains entering the new week. Home security specialist ADT (ADT 3.22%) announced a new partnership that could potentially transform its business. Meanwhile, investors in tiny biotech company Iveric Bio (ISEE -1.77%) got some great news that could build lasting momentum for its business. Read on to learn more about both companies and why everyone's talking about them to start the holiday-shortened week.

    Shares of ADT opened higher by 14% Tuesday morning. The company's latest smart-home initiative looks like it's paying off.

    ADT announced that privately held insurance giant State Farm would make a $1.2 billion equity investment in the home security specialist. That will result in State Farm owning about 15% of ADT's stock.

    As part of the arrangement, ADT will partner with State Farm and expand on its existing relationship with Alphabet's Google to keep developing next-generation security and smart-home technology in an effort to mitigate risks.

    Under the terms of the deal, State Farm will commit as much as $300 million in funding for new products and technology, as well as customer acquisition and marketing costs. Google will chip in another $150 million, doubling its previous commitment and also looking to capitalize on the opportunities in smart-home technology.

    The collaboration is an interesting mix of technology, finance, and consumer services and shows some of the ways in which companies in seemingly different areas can work together for their common good.

    Elsewhere, shares of Iveric Bio jumped 37% in early trading Tuesday. The small biopharmaceutical company announced positive results in a clinical trial of a key candidatetreatment under development.

    New Jersey-based Iveric said that its second phase 3 trial of its Zimura C5 inhibitor met its primary endpoint in treating geographic atrophy, which is related to age-related macular degeneration in the eye. The treatment showed a statistically significant reduction in the rate of progression of the disease at the 12-month point, confirming an earlier trial's similarly favorable results.

    Based on the positive trial data, Iveric now expects to submit a New Drug Application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during the first quarter of 2023. Company leaders are optimistic about its prospects, touting its efficacy in slowing disease progression without many of the ocular adverse events that have plagued patients in this area.

    Iveric's stock has seen considerable volatility in the past couple of years, as news about its treatment pipeline has vied against changing views among investors about high-growth, high-risk biopharmaceutical stocks more broadly. If Iveric's drug application with the FDA proves successful, however, it will mark an important milestone in the company's history and could be the beginning of a success story for shareholders.

    Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fools board of directors. Dan Caplinger has positions in Alphabet (A shares). The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Alphabet (A shares) and Alphabet (C shares). The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

    Excerpt from:
    The 2 Stocks Everyone's Talking About Tuesday - The Motley Fool

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