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    31 Mid City homes in Baton Rouge will undergo an $8.7 million renovation – The Advocate

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    31 Mid City homes in Baton Rouge will undergo an $8.7 million renovation  The Advocate

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    31 Mid City homes in Baton Rouge will undergo an $8.7 million renovation - The Advocate

    A Comprehensive Guide to Pest Control | SafetyCulture

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Benefits of Pest Control

    Pest control is an efficient way to prevent pests that can potentially cause health issues and structural damage on property. Controlling the infestation can mitigate the risks of costly repairs and other health-related issues. Pest control can help property owners to

    Unknowingly, pest infestations can happen in any area of a property, including the perimeter, basement, indoor areas, ceiling, etc. Pest inspections can help licensed pest control professionals identify potential pest problems and design control strategies. The most common types of pests identified during inspections are the following:

    Termites abound in areas where there is wood, plaster, metal siding, and insulation, and where the climate is ideal for their nests. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), termites caused over $5 billion in property damage annually in the United States alone. Termites eat into the very structure of the property including support beams, floor joints, posts, ceiling joists, and wall studs.

    One of the most common ways to determine termite infestation is to check for swarming. Swarming happens during the spring when winged termites emerge inside the property. A termite inspection is recommended to ensure that, if there are termites present in the property, infestation can be controlled immediately. A termite inspection can be conducted by property owners or facility managers by visually inspecting the area with the help of a termite inspection checklist.

    A termite inspection checklist is used to find evidence of termite infestation. It helps inspect the critical areas, different points of entry, and exterior and interior of the property. It is used to proactively catch an infestation before more serious damage takes place.

    Bed bugs are difficult to spot due to their small size but are generally found in locations often occupied by people, since they strive to be near a food source. Hotel rooms, apartments, college dorms, residential bedrooms, and even office buildings, are susceptible to bed bug infestations. As NPMA reported, 1 in 5 Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their homes or knew someone who has encountered bed bugs in a hotel.

    Bed bug bites can leave behind itchy, red welts, and can increase health risk for a secondary infection as a result of scratching. Small, reddish stains of dried blood on bedsheets are a sign of bedbug infestation. To prevent the spread, perform bed bug inspections immediately and prepare bed bug reports to apply corrective actions as soon as possible.

    A bed bug report is prepared by professional bed bug exterminators, facility maintenance personnel, or housekeeping staff members to provide a comprehensive room inspection report. It helps assess the facility for signs of infestation and provides recommendations to take swift action to resolve the issue before it turns into a full-blown infestation.

    Rodents can enter through property holes, pipelines, or cracks found in floors, walls, and foundations. It can consume or contaminate about 20% of the worlds food supply and can cause serious diseases such as Rat-bite fever, Salmonella, Trichinosis, Murine Typhus, Plague, and Leptospirosis.

    Rodents can cause serious property damage including fire by chewing wires and spilling flammable or hazardous chemicals. These problems can be eliminated by maintaining a clean facility and adhering to safe food storage guidelines.

    A food safety checklist is used to monitor employees if they are following food safety procedures to ensure goods are properly stored, handled, and prepared. It aids facility teams to assess business compliance with food safety regulations to prevent any food contamination due to rodents or other pests.

    Pest control is a vital service that protects homes, families, and businesses from a variety of diseases. It helps to locate the root cause of the pest infestation and stop the spread of diseases brought by unwanted pests. The following industries benefit from using the service.

    Pests carry foodborne pathogens that can contaminate food and food contact surfaces which can lead to serious food poisoning. Unable to control pest infestation can damage business reputation, costly sanitation regulatory fines, lawsuit, or even fatality.

    The presence of pests in the food industry premises reflects poor hygiene and low food safety standards that could drift customers away from the business. Ensure cleanliness and maintain hygienic and organized facilities with the use of a cleaning checklist.

    A commercial kitchen cleaning checklist is used to assess if a commercial kitchen follows standard cleaning protocols. It aids kitchen managers during inspections to ensure kitchen equipment is properly cleaned and sanitized before and after use.

    Pest control plays a vital role in protecting the food supply and public health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have prepared a list to identify pests of significant public health importance.

    Perform agriculture inspection to assess the operations involved in food production agriculture such as farming to ensure compliance with laws and quality standards. This would help identify and monitor the presence of harmful diseases, chemical residues, and pest infestations in produce to control it immediately. Unable to secure the safety of agricultural products can result in legal ramifications such as costly fines or plant shutdown.

    An agriculture safety inspection checklist is designed to check the health and safety programs, workplace conditions, and hazards specific to farms and ranches. It helps monitor if pesticides are used according to good application practices.

    Real estate properties are prone to pest infestation, including cockroaches, termites, and rodents, that could affect the overall structural integrity of the property. Pest control services can help ease the pain of property owners by exterminating these unwanted pests to avoid severe property damage.

    Home inspections could help assess the physical condition of a property or building. It can identify any actual or potential structural issues and damage caused by pest infestation. Performing home inspections would help property owners foresee areas that need urgent repairs.

    A home inspection checklist aids home inspectors when performing a visual check of the entire property. It helps to thoroughly inspect the property including grounds, structure, exterior, roof, windows, doors, interior, rooms, and other sections of the home.

    The presence of pests in the hospitality industry can be a big turnoff for customers. It can cause bad reviews and poor customer retention which can lead to profit loss. Pest control is paramount to ensure the entire property is free from pest infestation.

    Maintaining hotel cleanliness is a big factor to lower the risk of future infestations. The use of hotel checklists can help to improve the quality of hotel amenities and services. Perform inspection before guests check-in and after checking out to ensure the room follows hotel standards to provide guests a high level of service.

    A hotel room checklist is used by housekeeping staff to maintain the guest rooms cleanliness. It helps ensure mattresses and couches are free from bed bugs and all items in the room are operational.

    Create Your Own Pest Control Checklist

    Eliminate manual tasks and streamline your operations.

    There is a license to be a pest control operator and these service operators need to comply with existing requirements, regulations, and standards. Businesses that need pest control services arent required to conduct pest control by law. Pest control requirements will differ by states and countries. The BRC Global Standards for Food Safety, Storage, and Distribution require businesses to manage pests as a best practice for the food industry.

    Safety is paramount in every business, and pest control is not an exception. Here are some important reminders to ensure the safety of employees when using pest control chemicals or other hazardous substances.

    To get started, we have prepared pest control safety checklists that could guide pest control professionals to ensure their safety.

    A pest control checklist is a tool that can assist inspectors during property inspections. It can help identify or look for signs of pest activity and determine whether these areas have signs or evidence that pests are nesting and need treatment. Here are some pest control checklist examples:

    A PPE inspection checklist is used to select the appropriate equipment to reduce hazards identified at work. It would help ensure PPE will last for a long time with minimum degradation. It aids pest control professionals to comply with safety regulations.

    This checklist is used to ensure employees are following proper handling, storing, and disposal of hazardous chemical substances. It helps assess employees if they are trained in safe procedures when working with hazardous chemicals.

    A job sheet template is used to document the key tasks performed onsite and obtains the required client sign-off upon completion. It helps record the materials and cost of the works performed and the details of additional works required.

    This sample pest control PDF report contains every section of the checklist form and also highlights the failed items during the pest control inspection.

    Pest control service is vital in different industries, and technology plays an important role in transforming the way they do business. A cost-efficient digital solution like SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor) can streamline the workflow of pest control inspections and can lead to the improvement of many processes.

    Get started with SafetyCulture as pest control software to oversee and manage property conditions easily. It can help save time capturing photo evidence in-app using a mobile device and create reports easily right after the inspection with just a tap of a finger.

    Taking advantage of this flexible pest control software, enables property managers to identify issues immediately and experience these benefits:

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    A Comprehensive Guide to Pest Control | SafetyCulture

    BioSolutions 2023 Event To Shine Spotlight on Nasty Fruit and Nut Pests – Growing Produce

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BioSolutions 2023 Event To Shine Spotlight on Nasty Fruit and Nut Pests  Growing Produce

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    BioSolutions 2023 Event To Shine Spotlight on Nasty Fruit and Nut Pests - Growing Produce

    Types of Home Inspections Buyers Should Know – NerdWallet

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A standard home inspection provides you with a detailed report on the home you're hoping to buy, but it doesn't tell you everything.

    Depending on the age, location and condition of the home you're considering, you may need additional inspections. Radon testing, termite inspection, mold inspection and foundation inspection are among the most common of these specialized types of home inspections.

    Here's what a home inspection includes, and why your inspector might recommend or you might want one of these different inspections.

    What is included in a home inspection?

    Home inspectors typically conduct a visual inspection of all parts of the property that are readily accessible. That leaves out anything that's not easily viewed (or even visible), like some types of pest infestation, as well as any areas that are hard to safely reach (think wells and chimney interiors).

    Parts of the home that are commonly included in a home inspection:

    Structural components (floors, walls, ceilings, stairs).

    Exterior components (siding, attached decks, porches).

    Heating and air conditioning.

    Fireplaces and wood stoves.

    Different types of home inspections

    Depending on what they find, your home inspector may suggest some of these additional inspections. They may also recommend that a knowledgeable tradesperson evaluate any issues identified (having an electrician look at faulty wiring, for example).

    Radon testing

    Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that results from the gradual breakdown of radioactive elements in the Earth. It is released from well water, building materials and soil, and can enter your home through cracks. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the surgeon generals office estimate that, after smoking, radon exposure is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. And it's everywhere according to the EPA, roughly 1 in 15 homes has an elevated radon level.

    Long-term (over 90-day) radon testing is generally recommended; but when you're trying to close on a home, you don't have the luxury of waiting three months. What can you do?

    First, ask the seller if they have any previous radon test results. If they do, these results can give you a point of comparison. Either way, you can get a new short-term test done. A professional radon inspector may be able to report results within days of completing a 48-hour test. Alternatively, you can use an off-the-shelf kit to test radon levels yourself, but you'll have to send the device off to a lab and wait to get the results.

    If test results are elevated or you're not confident about DIY testing, look to the National Radon Proficiency Program or the National Radon Safety Board to find a pro. Both of these groups' credentialing programs are accepted by the EPA, which is helpful since not all states license radon inspectors. Professional radon testing costs a few hundred dollars, on average.

    Wood-destroying organism (WDO) inspection

    More commonly called a termite inspection, a wood-destroying organism inspection ensures your future home doesn't already have six-legged tenants. Termites, wood-boring beetles and carpenter ants are among the most concerning culprits, though WDO inspectors will also look for dry rot caused by fungi.

    Many states require a WDO inspection to close on a home, and even outside those states, cities or counties may demand one. If you're using a VA loan or FHA loan, a WDO inspection may be required regardless of location.

    During a WDO inspection, the inspector will look for signs of active infestation (shed termite wings), signs of past infestation (soft wood) and potential trouble spots (crevices or gaps that could let in pests). You'll get a report with detailed findings, as well as suggestions for addressing any issues that come up.

    Mold inspection

    The EPA's recommendation about mold testing is essentially if you see mold, you've got mold and you might need to go straight to remediation. But if youre concerned about what you can't see (or smell), a home mold inspection may be in order.

    A mold inspector uses a moisture meter to detect dampness in drywall, insulation and other building materials. They may also take air samples from inside and outside the home.

    Foundation inspection

    A home inspector will look at the house's foundation and note potential issues like drainage problems, nearby tree roots, cracks or other indications of movement. If anything looks worrisome, the inspector may suggest having the property examined by a residential structural engineer.

    A structural engineer can provide a comprehensive inspection of the foundation, diagnose the causes of any issues and explain how they can be addressed. Before you hire an engineer, check their credentials with your state's licensing board you can find a comprehensive list of links on the National Society of Professional Engineers website. Foundation inspection costs vary depending on where you live, but are generally about $500.

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    Types of Home Inspections Buyers Should Know - NerdWallet

    The Only Home Inspection Checklist Youll Need Forbes Home

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Even with a professional home inspector on the job, it can help buyers to have a home inspection checklist to keep on hand. When possible, it is also recommended that buyers are present for the inspection. Some states require that a buyers agent is present. Others do not allow the agent to be present. Your realtor should be able to give you insight on the regulations for your area.

    As a buyer attending a home inspection, your job isnt to micromanage the professional inspector. Rather, being there allows you to ask follow-up questions so that you can have an understanding of issues before renegotiating with the seller.

    Although home inspections are not nationally standardized, many professional home inspectors adhere to the American Society of Home Inspectors Standard of Practice. This checklist offers clarity about what is reviewed during the inspection.

    The inspector should evaluate structural components, such as the foundation and framing. The purpose of these evaluations is to note the condition of structural elements (including ceilings, floors, walls and roofs) rather than to offer an opinion on the adequacy of the components. A structural engineer is better qualified to share a detailed opinion.

    During the exterior inspection, the inspector should note the condition of wall coverings, exterior doors, attached decks or balconies, adjacent walkways or driveways and surface draining that could affect the structure. This inspection may not extend to fences, out-buildings or other landscaping elements unlikely to impact the home.

    With the roof inspection, the inspector should examine the roof drainage system, flashing, skylights and chimney. In the report, the inspector should describe the roofing materials as well as the process they used to inspect the roof.

    While examining the plumping system, the inspector should take a look at faucets, water fixtures, drains, waste systems, vent systems, water heating equipment, sewage ejectors and piping and related systems. The report should include a description of the plumping system materials, energy sources and valves. Generally, the inspection will not include an analysis of laundry machines, wells, water conditioners, landscaping irrigation systems and water pressure.

    As a significant component of the houseas well as a safety factorthe inspectors review of the electrical system should be extensive and include an inspection of service drop, service conductors, cables and raceways, service grounding, interior service panels, conductors, overcurrent protection devices and a representative number of installed light fixtures and outlets.

    The report should include a review of where main panels are located, the main wiring method, whether there are smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, and the amperage rating of service. This review may not extend to renewable energy systems, additional wiring systems and the efficacy of alarms.

    So that they may describe the energy sources and heating system, the inspector should inspect installed heating equipment, vent systems (including flues and chimneys) and heat distribution systems. This does not typically include an inspection of heating systems that are not readily accessible, such as the interior of chimneys.

    By inspecting readily openable access panels, the inspector should detail the condition of permanently installed cooling systems and distribution systems. This may not involve an inspection of renewable energy cooling systems, cooling supply balance and impermanent cooling systems, such as window units.

    While examining the interior, the inspector should review the condition of walls, ceilings, floors, steps, stairways, railings, countertops, garage doors and major appliances. The inspector should also look at a representative number of installed cabinets, windows and doors. The interior inspection does not include floor coverings, wall finishes, window treatments or the operational features of inspected appliances.

    To describe the insulation and vapor retarders in unfinished spaces, the inspector should examine attics, crawlspaces, the basement and exhaust systems. However, the inspector is not to disturb insulation.

    To describe systems and components of fireplaces and fuel-burning appliances, the inspector should inspect chimneys, vent systems, fireplaces, stoves and fireplace inserts. This does not include an inspection of seals, gaskets, fireplace doors and components that are not readily accessible. The inspector is also not expected to assess the adequacy of heating elements.

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    If applicable and requested at an additional fee for the inspection, the inspector may be able to examine pools, spas, decks (in more detail) and radon mitigation systems. If you want an inspection of any of these elements, address it with your inspector ahead of time.

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    The Only Home Inspection Checklist Youll Need Forbes Home

    Five Benefits Of Building Inspection Intimates AL Inspection, A ThreeBestRated Home Inspector From Montreal – PRUnderground

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Five Benefits Of Building Inspection Intimates AL Inspection, A ThreeBestRated Home Inspector From Montreal  PRUnderground

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    Five Benefits Of Building Inspection Intimates AL Inspection, A ThreeBestRated Home Inspector From Montreal - PRUnderground

    Kitchen Remodeling Ideas: 12 Amazing Design Trends in 2022

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Now you have decided to remodel your kitchen or at least make some small changes, we have an amazing list of kitchen remodeling ideas for you. Even small makeovers may change the look of your kitchen immensely.

    Lets clear out one thing right at the beginning: whether you live with a family or by yourself, the kitchen is the busiest space in a house. From the coffee you whip up to get out of that agonizingly-wonderful slumber every morning to the last glass of water you sip every night, the kitchen remains at the center of your home. It is perfectly understandable as to why just like life, kitchen design also needs a breath of fresh air, or simply, a coat of fresh paint.

    But of course, a kitchen makeover is much more than that. Not only does it seek to reinvigorate the space most dear to the house, but it also will go a long way in ensuring that a fresh, updated kitchen remains at the heart of a healthy family. Let us understand what exactly you need to change and how you can manage a complete kitchen makeover. Wondering how much will your kitchen remodel cost? Check out our complete guide in budgeting your kitchen renovation.

    Updating your kitchen backsplash is one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to give a new look to your old kitchen. It is also the first area that should get your attention when renovating your kitchen because a) no renovation is complete without a new Backsplash and b) it is the most used/abused area of the kitchen. From spilled food to hot oil splashes, the backsplash takes it all and complains little.

    When updating your kitchen backsplash, consider whether you want to incorporate new changes to the material or re-do the existing design. If you are short on time and money, consider a simple coat of paint. This way, you can incorporate a variety of styles depending on your existing material or simply add a shade. If you are artistically inclined, use a stencil to create a design in a secondary accent color. Different kitchen backsplash ideas might be enough if you cant afford a complete renovation.

    If you are just adding one color, consider choosing between different textures like matte, satin, and high-gloss styles to give a new life to your kitchen. But if you think that your kitchen backsplash needs more than just color, start by selecting the material you wish to use for the new kitchen project.

    While the material you chose will, of course, depend on your personal needs, preferences, and budget, you can always save costs by doing it yourself instead of hiring a professional. The Internet has many videos on going the DIY route but remember, do it only if you have prior experience of knocking down existing design and relating a new design. DIY is good only for people who know their stuff; for others, it can turn out to be extremely time consuming and worse, a half-baked project.

    If you believe that a kitchen renovation should focus most on a) the look and b) the feel of new products, then choosing new cabinets is one of the best ways to go about it. Kitchen cabinets take a lot of abuse on a daily basis and are often seen to be loose on their hinges which gives the whole kitchen a dated and ignored look. Also, remember that when it comes to the cabinet, the choices are plenty even if you are on a tight budget and have the basic tooling expertise (in short, tighten screws properly!).

    Ready to assemble (RTA) kitchen cabinets come in a flat pack along with all the hardware needed for assembly. One of the biggest advantages of RTA kitchen idea is that it saves you a substantial cost on labor charges thereby allowing you extra room to spend on quality products. At the bottom of the price list are medium density fiberboard (MDF). Also known as engineered wood, substrate, hardboard, etc., they are all made by pressing wood particles together at high temperature with glue. While being an affordable option, its durability is often compromised.

    On the other end of the scale are solid wood drawers with dovetail joinery that look good and last long. In short, cabinets with white melamine-coated particle board cabinet boxes and drawers and flat panel doors are signs of cheap quality while veneered plywood, hardwood frames, solid wood doors of expensive, durable quality.

    Relaying the kitchen floor is both a time- and money-consuming process but few things give a new life to kitchen renovation like a new floor.

    When it comes to flooring ideas, hardwood is the most well-known standard and material. Within hardwood, however, there are a lot of variations and differences. The most common form of hardwood flooring came in thick planks of solid timber. Solid hardwood is milled from a single piece of wood and hence a completely natural material. It is more adept at handling temperature and humidity changes.

    Many companies also offer engineered flooring planks with a thin layer of hardwood on top, bonded with other layers. Engineered flooring is designed to prevent the floor from shifting during expansion and contraction cycles.

    Oak and walnut are two of the most common hardwood choices and for good reason. Oak is durable and stains well while giving an appealing natural grain and is reasonably priced. Hickory, maple, ash, cherry are also good choices too so take your time and decide accordingly. If you prefer a light-colored hardwood floor, ash is an ideal option, while people who expect a lot of foot traffic should consider hickory as an option.

    No matter how small or large, a kitchen island occupies a focal point in your kitchen and hence, is often the most focused item when it comes to a kitchen renovation. Natural stones like granite and marble along with engineered Quartz are some of the most commonly used materials due to the variety they offer without compromising on durability.

    But remember that you dont want a very big island that looks out of place. For foot traffic, leave about 36 to 48 inches of space on all sides. The size and the nature of the kitchen island are often dictated by what purpose it will serve.

    For example, if you plan to serve snacks or use this space for wine sessions, leave proper legroom and surface area for each person. About 24 inches of width might be enough for each person. Consider leaving 9 to 13 inches of clearance between your knees and the bottom of the counter for the necessary legroom. While designing, match the counter height with the seating you use. Customizing your island can make it more user-friendly and diverse without adding costs, For example, if your kitchen island also doubles as a workspace, consider adding electrical outlets to make sure people can charge their phones or plug in a speaker. There are a number of kitchen island ideas that can get you moving.

    While overhauling your kitchen, you might be working with a great designer. But it doesnt always mean that they will have all the kitchen renovation ideas. It is always smart to check out kitchen remodel ideas for inspiration as well as to reduce the cost of kitchen remodeling.

    Appliances are the most important aspect of a kitchen: they are the instruments that get things done. However, aging appliances can drain your pocket and reduce efficiency so it is always a good choice to update them every few years but of course, this does not apply to all appliances in the kitchen.

    In general, remember the latest appliances are not only more efficient, but they are also more beautiful to look at. That said, do not prioritize form over function. Remember, appliances are long-term investments. If you are planning to sell the property, check with local property agents to confirm whether investing in new appliances will fetch you a higher price for the property. Of course, if you plan to continue staying at the house, then the investments made in appliances will improve the kitchens efficiency and performance.

    Over time, kitchen interiors may start seeming a bit dull and the overall appeal might just be lost. This is why you must indulge yourself in new luxe appliances for not just the novelty in aesthetics but also the general utility of the space.

    Besides giving your kitchen a new look, these appliances are bound to give you the hands-on change you deserve. You might find the memories of the old kitchen coming back if you stick with old electronics. Not only have the new-age appliances changed in how they can be used, but they have also changed in the way they look too. In order to thoroughly enjoy your finished kitchen remodeling, ditch that 25-year-old refrigerator and opt for a stylish sleek one that matches the decor and theme of your kitchen.

    Gone are the days when the sight of your cutlery in the open would invite a frown from the visiting guests in fact, more and more people are opening up to the idea of open shelving. If you are looking to contrast your new kitchen from the old one (or your grandmas) and add a sense of largeness to your space, you should definitely try open shelving.

    The best part about it is that there are so many ways to play around with it and be creative. You could go for white open shelving to highlight the wallpaper or the paint in or you could even mix and match it with the cabinetry. No need to get rid of cabinetry entirely just add shelves between windows or in the corners of the kitchen to display your most prized cookbooks, pottery or teacups. Customize it with hooks to hang stuff or opt for fancy boxes and baskets to add a touch of sophistication. Undercabinetry lights are highly recommended for kitchens looking to add a bit of x-factor. We suggest opting for only one color of glassware to display on these open shelves for the best effect. There a lot of kitchen open shelves ideas that can overhaul the look of your kitchen as well as add an astonishing functionality.

    If you are looking for kitchen remodeling ideas, you cant miss the most sophisticated trend of all of this decade: solid countertops with contrasting cabinetry. For a contemporary kitchen, you should consider going the granite way and opt for the honed finish instead of the regular polished one.

    The matte finish of this durable stone adds an ultra-modern touch to the kitchen without the excessive reflections. In a way, it makes it less susceptible to smudging too. Besides the evergreen black, brown and beiges, the finish also allows you to opt for exotic red and blue colors should you want to add a bit of color to your kitchen. Contrast the seams and colors of the slab with the plainness of white oak cabinets to add an unrivaled touch of class. You cant go wrong with a pop of color set to a plain white setting. As oak is equally gracious when paired with granite and relatively less prone to water damage than MDFs, the pairing is bound to be a hit. The number of kitchen countertop ideas is as many as the types of countertops, be it natural stones like granite and marble (wondering the difference between granite and marble?) or other engineered stones like quartz.

    One of the most exquisite natural stones known to mankind, marble is a godsend for those looking to take a detour from the boldness of granite countertops. Aesthetically pleasing and available in countless varieties, there is a reason marble has so much significance even historically. If you are going for sophistication, meet your best friend: marble countertops.

    The feminine feel of marble allows one to use it in every kitchen regardless of the theme. Although there are some concerns about staining, it is a known fact that a lot of homeowners prefer the way the surface ages as the colors blend into its grey veins. Concerns can be minimized with the use of polished finish, although we love the idea of a honed finish in a modern kitchen. The best part is undoubtedly the cost-effectiveness though. If you are on a budget and still want something that embodies class, marble is definitely what you are looking for.

    One of the most brilliant ways to combine convenience with beauty for a kitchen remodel is to be creative (and smart!) with your kitchen lights. It is one of the most cost-effective tricks when it comes to kitchen remodeling ideas. The desired effect can be achieved by mixing-and-matching different fixtures in different spots in the kitchen. Depending on whether you are looking for ambient lighting or task lighting, you could plan the layout and the budget. There are countless kitchen lighting ideas.

    To combine task lights with cost-friendliness, we suggest going the LED ceiling lights route. Besides being eco-friendly, these lights save a lot of dollars on electricity bills. You can bring out the wow factor with these lights too if you go for pendant lights above your kitchen island or dining area. For ambient use, chandeliers or even new-age track lighting can be used. Make sure to install dimmers if you plan to spend some time eating dinners with your loved one in the dining area. Basically, whatever your budget or use: If you are looking to take your kitchen to the next level, its time to hang some new lights!

    Revitalizing and renovating a kitchen can be a tricky affair: not only do you have to decide what you must change, but you must also decide where to best spend your money. And dollar for dollar, new cabinet doors are one of the best investments. The reasons are simple: every day, your cabinet doors are opened a number of times and over a period, they suffer wear and tear. Even if the doors may not look old, the hinges, for example, tend to get loose.

    The one important reason why you should choose new cabinet doors because if you want to keep your costs low, you can always consider buying ready-to-use doors which are available in various colors, material and texture. For ease of usage and low maintenance, you can always consider plywood/MDF. However, if you can afford to spend a little more, proper wood like dark cherry wood cabinets would be a lovely option. If you are feeling eccentric and eclectic at the same time (well done, you!) then you can even consider getting rid of cabinet doors completely and instead opt for an open shelf design. That choice, however, will require you to get new cabinets that are more suited to open-frame designs.

    A new touch of paint, updating hardware (doorknobs, cabinet pullouts) and a couple of new appliances are the easiest way to do so. Kitchen paint ideas can guide you to update your kitchen in an extremely cost-effective way.

    While we pay a lot of attention to the paint we use in the house, the kitchen often tends to get ignored. Also, while the rest of the house may not need a repaint anytime soon, the walls of the kitchen undergo a lot of abuse. Smoke, water, oil and the general traffic in the kitchen can begin to reflect on its walls very soon. When painting a kitchen, remember that you should give attention to how the new color will gel with the rest of the house and whether the texture you pick will withstand oil and heat. Unless you wish to get an extremely fine and detailed painting done to the house, going DIY will make it even more affordable and a great way to get your family and friends involved. This also ensures that you have complete control over the designs so get creative!

    When it comes to the colors it makes sense to spend some time picking the right color. Choose colors which create high visual impact and are in line with food. Then, there is the texture: satin and semi-gloss are some of the best options when it comes to the finish because they can be shiny/glossy enough to clean up, yet flat in its appearance to hide imperfections.

    While new paint will revitalize your kitchen, this will also be a good time to consider changing your hardware in the kitchen. While cabinets can last a really long time, the same cannot be said about kitchen hardware. As a general rule, metal works best for hardware for the simple reason that it is, well, metal. It is durable, sturdy and resistant to minor bumps and knocks. Within metal, however, you have a lot of choices: nickel and brass have a timeless appeal while steel is sleeker and more contemporary.

    Silver is also a great choice but may not be the best idea if your kitchen has a lot of rough usages (think oily hands!) or if you wish to keep costs down. And should you go for knobs or handles? Again, you can choose one or both to give a slightly edgier look to your kitchen. The point here essentially is that while changing cabinets can cost a lot and involves a lot of efforts, the hardware is much easier to update and more affordable. And when the knobs look nice, even slightly old cabinets will look as good as new.

    These kitchen remodeling ideas will definitely save you money while renovating your kitchen.

    Read more:
    Kitchen Remodeling Ideas: 12 Amazing Design Trends in 2022

    34 kitchen remodel ideas to inspire your 2022 project

    - February 19, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    A kitchen remodel is a project that's fun, exciting, and incredibly rewarding. If you're lucky enough to be stripping out your existing cabinets and rebuilding your space from scratch, you're blessed with the chance to create a cooking space that works perfectly for you.

    With that in mind, you should consider how you need your kitchen to function. What do you use your kitchen for most? Are you a keen host that requires a huge oven? Or do you not really like cooking but you want your kitchen to be more of a social space?

    It's these functions that should drive the design of your kitchen from the layout to the storage, and from the appliances to the seating. There are so many kitchen ideas out there that it's easy to be bamboozled by choice, so having a primary goal for your space in mind is a good way to keep you on track.

    (Image credit: Katie Lee)

    David Mason, interior designer at The Knobs company (opens in new tab) says that when you begin thinking about your remodel, you want to start with the defining elements of the space, like kitchen cabinet ideas, to add more style and function that will last. 'The cabinets are the bones of a kitchen. If they're outdated, it's hard to change the overall look of a room. If possible, replace them all it's usually less expensive than refacing or staining.'

    'Along with updating your kitchen's appearance,new cabinetscan increase its value. There is no replacement for real wood or natural materials. Even in a rental, people like the warmth and richness that wood gives. It's beautiful and has such high value in resale.'

    'I also suggest that people buy cabinets from a manufacturer who uses the same wood on its stock and custom lines. That way, there won't be a color or grain difference between new and old.'

    (Image credit: Woodworks Brighton)

    A kitchen without texture (even with the warmest of colors) can look a little cold and clinical. Simple, clean lines and sharp edges are all well and good for a calm and collected space, but there's a very fine line between simple and boring.

    One of the easiest ways to add some texture, depth, and interest to your space is by using wood. Here, the addition of exposed wood, and built-in pantry with matching wine shelves warms up the modern green kitchen instantly and creates a more relaxed and friendly feel.

    (Image credit: Olive & Barr )

    When deciding on the colors of your kitchen cabinets, don't think that you only need to choose one. Two tone kitchens using two contrasting colors for your walls cabinets and island like this, is a great way to break up the space and prevent the mass of cupboards from overpowering the room.

    It's a good idea to choose a darker color and a lighter color, rather than shades of a similar hue, so they can amplify, rather than fight against, one another.

    (Image credit: The Life of Ply )

    Lots of us have to deal with smaller kitchens, and so we must learn to adapt. It's important to buy everything from your appliances to your furniture to your lighting in a size that works perfectly for your space. If your kitchen is especially small, chances are you won't need a massive oven to feed the five thousand, so save on cabinet space by choosing a smaller version.

    Although we are true color lovers here at Real Homes, there's no denying that white kitchen ideas are a great place to start when looking for design inspo for your smaller space.

    (Image credit: Aura Kitchens )

    You can be forgiven for thinking kitchen storage ideas are all about organizing and tidying away pots and pans, but consider how your storage can become a design feature in its own right too. These wall-hung units, tucked away from any direct natural light, could create a dark and dingy corner. But with glass inserts and internal lighting, the units act like an intriguing piece of art work, with an ambiante glow drawing attention to books, plants and ceramics.

    (Image credit: Aura Kitchens )

    Cooker hoods are an essential part of a kitchen remodel but, let's face it, they're not the prettiest. This clever shaker kitchen design has matched up the vibrant color of the walls with the color of the cooker hood so it blends in seamlessly with the space - so much so that you hardly notice it.

    When remodeling your kitchen, it's always a good idea to invest in new appliances. 'Reduce the amount of energy you consume in the kitchen by upgrading your older appliances to more energy-efficient versions. Refrigerators and dishwashers with the Energy Star badge have met or surpassed the Environmental Protection Agency's energy efficiency standards and are recommended for use in homes,' says Austin Fain from Perfect Steel Solutions. (opens in new tab)

    (Image credit: Adelina Iliev)

    Galley kitchens are great for a) making the most of a long, narrow space and b) being a room divider in an open-plan space. The image above is a perfect example of the latter. The peninsula island divides the space between the kitchen and the living area, forming clear cooking and socialising zones.

    (Image credit: Katie Lee)

    If there's one failsafe route to a good kitchen design, it's with symmetry. The design above uses its kitchen sink as its central focal point from which everything else works around.

    Even the kitchen island works in harmony with the symmetrical space with matching wine coolers on either side, a hob bang in the middle and two statement island hoods drawing the look together. Even the kitchen island seating is perfectly central too.

    (Image credit: James French)

    When looking at how to plan a kitchen, begin by looking at where your windows are and consider how you can plan your design to maximize this natural light source. If you're working with a kitchen diner, position your seating area near your window for a more comfortable dining space.

    'I always advise putting the sink under a window if at all possible to make the most of the natural light and because looking out while washing the dishes is a great respite when you are doing a big load,' says Joe Flanagan, interior design enthusiast and founder of 90s Fashion World (opens in new tab).

    (Image credit: Future Malcolm Menzies)

    'If your kitchen has a stone or even a laminate countertop, it can be resurfaced instead. I also recommend that homeowners spend time considering the layout, size, and surface of their kitchen table. It's one thing to have a cool dining area with a fabulous chandelier. But what's the table's surface? A quality pedestal or trestle table can add a lot to a space,' comments Mason.

    Architect Amanda Gunawan of LA-based architecture and design studio OWIU (opens in new tab) says, 'consider refinishing faces such as floors or cabinets as an alternative to replacing them. This option still provides the flexibility to achieve the look you are looking for, but for less.' Plus, it makes it easier to incorporate any kitchen trends that have caught your eye.

    (Image credit: Future Chris Snook)

    In George Woodrow's beamed kitchen transformation, they created a sociable space for him and his family with a kitchen addition. In this remodel he chose an L-shaped layout to replace the previous galley. This opened up the area, letting the family roam a little more freely around the space even with kids' toys on the floor.

    'The wall with the boundary is slightly angled. We played into that by making storage along it either side of the bench seat, with varying depth and width,' mentions Woodrow.

    (Image credit: Courtesy of OWIU)

    'Instead of covering an entire wall with tile or similar materials, create visual interest by creating a feature wall instead. Using finishes like raw concrete or opting for Venetian plasters for backsplashes are both excellent options that can be much more budget-friendly than using tiles or other expensive materials,' says Gunawan.'

    (Image credit: Katie Lee)

    Though not a conventional kitchen remodel, Rosie Rockel made light of a house addition refusal by opting for a glass light-filled conservatory kitchen instead. The brighter the better in our eyes and choosing lighter cabinet fronts simply adds to the bright, light, and modern appeal of this space. You could even consider painting kitchen cabinets to refresh your existing units.

    'Typically,replacing cabinet doorswill make a significant difference. Opting for high gloss white doors will give a modern and luxurious feel, especially when teamed with low-level lighting,' says architect and founder of Architecture Lab (opens in new tab), Anton Giuroiu.

    (Image credit: Adelina Iliev)

    The invisible kitchen trend is still going strong and so incorporating a clever pantry storage idea into your remodel is a surefire way to embrace the look. Make use of inside cupboard doors and choose durable materials that are easy to keep in good condition. See more of this gorgeous green kitchen and find out how they stayed on budget whilst creating this beautiful space.

    From shelves within shelves to swiveling corner drawers and ingenious spice rack ideas, there are so many ways to maximize the space you've got.

    (Image credit: VERONICA RODRIGUEZ)

    Anna and Rob were able to incorporate shelves into their kitchen island idea to make for both a unique display and more storage think cookbooks, candles and other trinkets that add character. Anna is an interior designer and was wise enough to choose an island that had a slight overhang also, letting it double up as a breakfast bar where they keep just a couple of stools enough to complement the nearby dinner table.

    Gunawan recommends introducing an island in the early stages of your kitchen remodel to help define next steps. 'An island makes a huge aesthetic difference, so in that way you can still use the stove, sink, appliances etc. It's also much easier to undo/ hide if you decide on the wrong wood color or decide you would rather go in a different direction or colorway,' she continues.

    (Image credit: Fiona Walker Arnott)

    It's no secret that drawing the eye up is a great way to add the illusion of space, particularly useful in small kitchens, or in any other room for that matter. Be inspired by Isobel and Jeremy Thomson-Cook's colorful kitchen where they made use of all the vertical space for both a little trompe-l'iland awesome storage combined.

    Appliances and white goods, Smeg (opens in new tab). Wall paint, Dulux (opens in new tab); for a similar colour, try Pointing, Farrow & Ball (opens in new tab)

    (Image credit: Future Kasia Fiszer)

    By installing velux windows above the kitchen units in this kitchen remodel, Rachael Ball and her husband, Adam introduced plenty of light, transforming what was a dark and dingy kitchen space into an airy and inspiring place to cook and socialize in.

    Light flooring, wall color and cabinetry help bounce more light around while the style of the units and handles let the space retain its charming period character

    (Image credit: David Woolley)

    Introducing a bright kitchen color scheme is an amazing way to add interest and inject energy into a cooking zone. Nod to summery vibes, year-round, as Clara Felce and Liam did with a bold design from UK Wood Works Brighton (opens in new tab).

    Bright blue cabinetry is sure to be a talking point for guests, creating a cool and cohesive view from the outside where contrasting pink patio furniture complements the space perfectly.

    (Image credit: Future Mark Bolton)

    Vivianne Wallace transformed her tiny kitchen, located under the stairs in her home into a colorful, open-plan space ripe for entertaining.

    One admirable design feature is how she integrated the kitchen sink into the island, allowing her to max out her use of the space available. Plus, as she chose a particularly deep sink, meaning she is able to hide pots and pans ideal when guests are over.

    (Image credit: Katie Lee)

    'Instead of installing closed cabinetry which requires more material and more time to build, using open-shelving for upper cabinets can not only save on material and labor costs, but also offers a great opportunity to display beautiful dishes and glassware that are often hidden,' says Gunawan.

    In this Scandi-esque kitchen addition, choosing bespoke a kitchen shelving idea idea removed the need for additional wall cupboards and helped keep the space light and airy. It's also created the perfect space for a small coffee bar making your morning brew a little easier.

    (Image credit: Devol)

    Salvaging what you can from an old kitchen is a great way to save money on your kitchen remodel and to keep some of the character from any of your old kitchen's look that you may not actually want to lose.

    Gunawan recommends this approach also, 'Salvage anything you can such as plywood, flooring, cabinets, and more as these materials can be quite expensive, especially right now.'

    This kitchen tile idea helps to create a rustic and homely feel in the space.

    (Image credit: Katie Lee)

    Ally and James created this dark and daring house but it wasn't without pops of reflective elements, like the bespoke backsplash and cabinet handles, or without a winning statement kitchen lighting idea. 'Lightingcan really transform a kitchen and can be used to highlight features or working areas. Opt for lights that can be positioned after installation to achieve the maximum effect,' says Giuroiu.

    If you have high ceilings, long pendant lights can make a real statement and add heaps of function also. Hang your over an island for design interest and to pull the entire look together.

    'Long-term energy savings can be achieved by switching from incandescent to LED lighting fixtures too,' says Fain.

    (Image credit: Matt Clayton)

    Lois and Guy chose marble countertops in their kitchen remodel which brightened up the design, in keeping with the indoor-outdoor feel of the space. Although marble is more expensive, investing in quality kitchen worktops and saving on other aspects of your remodel can keep your budget intact, without compensating for the longevity or beauty of the finished design.

    'Like the cabinets, thecountertopsdefine a kitchen. Most people like natural materials because of their beauty, texture, and warmth. So agranite or marble countertopwill give you that luxurious look you're going for already.' Comments Mason.

    Cleveland-based Interior Designer Colleen Primm (opens in new tab) adds 'Want the marble look but dont have the budget. Consider going with a marble laminate look. Its the same look but without the high cost.'

    Read the original here:
    34 kitchen remodel ideas to inspire your 2022 project

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