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    How to sleep fast and soundly with 8 bedroom design tricks and … – msnNOW

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A survey published in May 2022 found that 47% of adults struggle sleeping on a weekly basis and 57% get less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep most nights.

    One of the biggest problems? Falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep. Sleeping better is on our minds, as we all have busy lives, and are trying to achieve a better work-life balance. And sleep is necessary for this.

    Weve rounded up advice from designers and experts about how to design a bedroom for a good nights rest from the furniture arrangement to the quality of the bedding and the all-important question over the presence (or absence) of tech.

    From the furniture arrangement and decoration to the ideal bed and best mattress, these ideas from our experts will help you drift off into a deep slumber.


    See the rest here:
    How to sleep fast and soundly with 8 bedroom design tricks and ... - msnNOW

    Sisters in Yellow: Kawakami Mieko’s Noir Novel of Family and … –

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A review of Sisters in Yellow, Kawakami Miekos latest novel to be released in Japan, which is a noir story of a girl who runs away from home and finds a new family, until bad luck leads her down an increasingly dangerous road.

    From the beginning, a disquieting atmosphere hangs over Kawakami Miekos latest novel Kiiroi ie, which has the English title Sisters in Yellow. The 40-year-old narrator Hana learns by chance online that a woman she lived with for several years has been accused of assault, intimidation, and illegal confinement.

    From there the story jumps back in time to the twentieth century, transporting the reader to nighttime Tokyo redolent with the smells of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

    The teenage Hana discovers that her mothers ex-boyfriend has stolen the money she had sweated to save working a part-time job, a sum she intended to use to leave home. In despair, she runs away and starts living with her mothers friend Kimiko. The two open a bar called Lemon in the chic Tokyo neighborhood of Sangenjaya. Soon after, Ran, a girl who was working as a hostess at a cabaret club, and Momoko, a runaway from a wealthy family, move in with them.

    Hanas lonely former life is replaced by one surrounded with laughing voices, as the four build a kind of family. One night, however, Lemon burns down in a fire, and the story changes in tone.

    With their source of income gone, the four depend on a small amount of cash kept hidden in a can in the attic of their home. Kimiko is short on life skills and Hana left all her personal ID behind when she ran away and thus cannot open a bank account, rent a new property, or find stable employment. While Hana looks desperately for a way to earn money, Ran and Momoko spend their days idly, making little effort to try to find a job, as if they are trying to ignore their situation.

    From this predicament, Kawakami builds a superb, mesmerizing work of entertainment, foreshadowing developments along the way. Hana found a family, but can she find happiness? What is Kimikos true character? And where will the fours lives together lead next?

    From wanting to hold Hana back from traveling along an increasingly dangerous road, we become fascinated in seeing how far she will fall.

    The Japanese title Kiiroi ie could be translated directly as The Yellow House, but ie, which plays a symbolic role, also suggests home or family. Kimiko, Hana, Ran, and Momoko all have issues with their biological families, but living in a house together, they come to depend on and trust each other, finding what appears to be happiness for a time.

    If you put yellow things in the west, it brings good fortune. Kimikos belief in feng shui leads her to collect more than 50 yellow objects and place them in the corresponding part of the house. Hana keeps the yellow corner clean, dusting and polishing it every day.

    At first, this seems to be the reason for the books title, but a chilling revelation later shows its true meaning. As the characters verge ever closer to criminality, the plot continues to accelerate, like a runaway train set for disaster. A coda from Hana brings an ambiguous kind of resolution.

    Kawakami broke through after winning the Akutagawa Prize for her 2008 novella Chichi to ranan expanded and extended version of the story was published as Natsu monogatari in 2019, which was the basis for the English Breasts and Eggs, translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd. In Hevun (trans. by Bett and Boyd as Heaven), she told a story of bullying in the world of teenage boys, immune to reason. Her essay Kimi wa akachan (Youre a Baby), however, was a warm and sometimes comical look at her own pregnancy and childbirth.

    Her versatility in topic and style is displayed once again in her first noir novel, which is also a thought-provoking family narrative that remains with the reader when the book is over.

    (Originally published in Japanese. Banner photo: The cover of Kiiroi ie. Courtesy of Ch Kron Shinsha.)

    By Kawakami MiekoPublished by Ch Kron Shinsha in February 2023ISBN978-4-12-005628-4

    See the original post here:
    Sisters in Yellow: Kawakami Mieko's Noir Novel of Family and ... -

    The greatest enemy to your morning routine is your relationship – British GQ

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    As much as I love my boyfriend, every morning I have to wake up next to him, I wish I was anywhere else. As soon as the soles of his feet hit the floor of our bedroom, so begins his tyrannical morning reign, complete with incessant demands to get up and complaints about how he cant believe its so late.

    The irony is that no matter how hard he tries, he cant make himself into a morning person. He always wakes up later than hed like, and so all of his mornings follow the same frantic pattern. And, because we live together, mine do too even though Im also, begrudgingly, not a morning person. Id happily lie in until midday on a weekend, but, like theinsufferable boyfriend stereotype, hes not content unless getting on with the day; yes, even if we went to bed at 3AM. So, who wins?

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    When you move in with a partner, you both have to compromise on a bunch of stuff the feng shui of each room, whether you buy smooth or crunchy peanut butter, and, inevitably, what your nights and mornings look like. And, even though theres benefits to the latter, theres downsides too. You have to take someone else into account with your idiosyncratic nighttime habits no more cutting your nails in bed, for example, nor falling asleep with ASMR purring from your laptop on the next pillow. Their presence might also encourage habits you didnt have before midnight snacks, maybe, or staying up late to pontificate over whetherLogan underlined Kendalls name or crossed it out. Getting up early, say, for the gym, might also become a Herculean task when you have to leave someone else in bed to do it.

    Sure, maybe we shouldnt be so codependent, instead going quietly about our respective mornings, but the being-in-love-and-attuned-to-one-another bit of the relationship tends to get in the way of that. As such, although were all in control of our own actions, its easy to blame your partner if you feel like your familiar routine is being screwed up. Then, suddenly, what were once small, insignificant grievances may start to impact the harmony of your wider relationship, la me and my boyfriend coming to loggerheads over his totalitarian morning regime.

    If you start the day in the wrong way with conflicting morning routines, then you may end up feeling resentment and irritation, and the rest of the day may not go as well as planned, says life coachAnnie Fontaine. So what can you do? Its essential in relationships to understand whats important to each other, what makes your partner happy, and what is non-negotiable within the relationship.

    Fontaine suggests agreeing on certain things, like the sound of your alarm(s), switching on the big light, and how much noise you can make. Plan ahead of each week how you will both function in the mornings, she continues. Compromise, kindness, and reliability is needed to navigate successfully.

    While I resent compromise and kindness, particularly when the duvets being yanked off me at 8AM, theres merits to finding a middle ground, as differing routines can actually affect the quality of your sleep. Our circadian rhythms have a massive part to play in what time we wake and how alert we feel in the mornings, explains Maja Schaedel, the co-founder ofThe Good Sleep Clinic. It can be quite tricky if a night owl is in a relationship with a morning lark as this can lead to people becoming out of sync with their own circadian rhythms, which can disrupt sleep quality and even contribute to insomnia.

    In order to create positive habits you need to create new, neural pathways. Its all about repetition of thinking and actions.

    Unfortunately, Schaedel says, as our circadian rhythms are largely genetically determined, theres not much we can do to completely turn ourselves into morning people or night owls. Meaning: compromise it is. This might involve going to bed at different times, sleeping in separate rooms, or adapting your behaviour in the mornings.

    The good news, though, is that the more you practise considerate habits, the easier theyll come to you in future. Neural pathways are etched into the brain that enable you to do different things, without thinking, says Fontaine. In order to create positive habits you need to create new, neural pathways. Its all about repetition of thinking and actions.

    To try and encourage this habit-making, my boyfriend bought a SAD alarm clock, in an attempt to rouse him and, sadly, me earlier everyday. The clock simulates sunlight, gradually getting brighter and brighter, so when the alarm eventually goes off, its like waking up with the curtains open (which we cant do because we live on a main road). Its been fairly effective, generally helping us both wake up earlier than usual.

    But if Id hoped it would be as simple as that a one-stop solution to his angst about waking up late that would result in happier and more relaxing mornings I was wrong. The week he got the lamp, I decided Id start going to the gym before work, meaning I needed my alarm to go off over an hour before his, effectively he claims rendering his useless. So here we are, muddling through with the occasional disgruntled 5AM groan, skipped gym class, or angry lie in. Neither of us are especially happy about it which, I guess, is the ultimate compromise.

    Read the original:
    The greatest enemy to your morning routine is your relationship - British GQ

    The Best Crystals For Attracting Money And Wealth – Glam

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    If you're on the hunt for a little luck in the wealth department, green aventurine is a beautiful stone that can introduce the prosperity you desire. Green aventurine holds a variety of healing properties, from energetically protecting your garden and home to encouraging compassion and spiritual growth. However, it is commonly used as a stone for increasing a person's individual wealth. It is particularly useful if you are going through major financial changes such as buying a house, paying off a large debt, or doing your taxes, but it can also offer support in times of financial hardship. Are you worried about your spending habits? Is credit card debt creeping higher and higher with each passing month?

    Green aventurine is ideal for releasing negative money habits you're holding onto. Its practical, grounding influence encourages higher levels of organization and mindfulness in regards to spending and saving and helps you identify problem areas in your finances you might otherwise ignore.

    If you want to harness the power of this soothing green crystal, carrying a piece in your purse or wallet is a good way to open yourself up to financial opportunity. You can also pair it with affirmations to manifest more wealth. Holding the stone in your palm, repeat daily affirmations such as "I attract abundance" or "I am blessed with prosperity" to welcome more financial wealth into your life.

    Read the original here:
    The Best Crystals For Attracting Money And Wealth - Glam

    Surrey village where people can’t use their phones: ‘A nightmare’ – Surrey Live

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    People living in a Surrey village are "playing Feng Shui" in the hopes of being able to use their phones after being left without "any signal" for eight months. An O2 telephone has been blamed as the source of the problem in Smallfield, near Gatwick. Angry residents want refunds for the lack of signal and allege to have been ignored by O2 since the problems began.

    Even for villagers who arent O2 customers, getting signal is still an ongoing problem. Jacqui Lacroix, who runs her own cleaning business, called Jacquis Cleaning, says she has missed out on clients rearranging appointments because the texts and calls just dont come through.

    Jacqui said: I dont get texts if there is a problem, one customer told me not to come and I didn't even get his text. Some people dont have landlines, the thing is O2 dont seem to be working on it. I was told it was because of the trees and they dont have permission to remove them. O2 said they are going to find a new site.

    READ NEXT: Weather map shows Surrey town worst hit by storm and time rain will be at its heaviest

    You cant get signal, it is just a nightmare. You couldnt call 999 in an emergency. My son was ill and I had to walk down the road to get signal. Its affecting everyones lives.

    It is tricky for villagers to make online payments for food shops and other orders because they cannot receive authentication messages from their banks. Annalisa Cinque, who runs Bounce Smallfield, said: "I transferred to O2 a year ago as I run my business from the heart of Smallfield and my understanding was that O2 was the best provider. I can get no reception at all, for the three to four hours I am here so am uncontactable which leaves my business suffering as a result of this. It is quite despicable. And no compensation."

    Another said: I live in Smallfield, close to the M23. My husband and I are both on O2. Since last September weve not been able to make or receive calls, or send or receive texts due to lack of signal. Reported to O2 and fobbed off with some excuse about trees. This has a massive impact on our lives.

    We both have mothers in their 90s who dont live close by and there have been times when we didnt receive calls from the emergency services when there have been problems and likewise couldnt make urgent calls - instead had to drive out somewhere to get a signal.

    We cannot use any online sites or apps where a security code is required and sent by text - as we dont receive texts, particularly important for banking. I didnt receive the recent government alert text. My husband did, but only because he was in Horley and I was at home (with no signal). We dont receive medical appointments or reminders or the like as we have no signal for the texts. I work from home which requires a text-generated code. No chance! Have to drive out to receive the code text or play Feng Shui with the phone in the loft of the house to try to get one bar or signal.

    Contractors who come to the house to work cannot make or receive calls to their suppliers or offices. Its shambolic that in this day and age a supplier such as O2 can get away with not providing the service theyre so quick to charge for. Maybe Ofcom need to get involved.

    Manjinder Singh said: "It has been a massive issue for day-to-day life. If we have relatives, they make fun of the area. My parents have medical conditions and sometimes we need to call an ambulance. But because we dont have any reception, we always worry that if, God forbid, we have to urgently call the ambulance then what will happen? Also, we had to miss so many doctors' phone calls too."

    A spokesperson from O2 said: Were aware that some customers in the Smallfield area may be experiencing intermittent coverage issues, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Unfortunately, weve been unable to access the local mast to upgrade services as planned, so are working on an alternative solution to improve services for local people.

    Get more news from SurreyLive straight to your inbox for free here.


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    Surrey village where people can't use their phones: 'A nightmare' - Surrey Live

    Mother’s Day: From ‘mum guilt’ to breastfeeding, women from the … – Tatler Taiwan

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ive only been a mother for 11 days so far so I havent quite gone through all the trials and tribulations of motherhood. My journey through pregnancy was very smooth, apart from some carpel tunnel-like symptoms, so there werent any surprises until the actual birthing part. I think a lot of mothers downplay the pain factor and all the gruesome and gory details. Childbirth is so unglamorous! I opted for an elective C-section and it came as such a surprise to me when I had three nurses pushing down on me to squeeze the baby out through the incision, which the doctor didnt make large enough because she underestimated the size of his head. I felt like I was being resuscitated from below the rib cage down. It gave me a lot of bruising but otherwise the whole procedure was quick and efficient.

    The next day was the absolute worst though when they take out your catheter (also didnt know about this partclearly I was very naive and unprepared!) and make you take your first wee. The pain is excruciating pain, it feels like someone just Samurai-sliced your belly. I had some visitors at the time and had to make everyone leave the room as they wheeled in a portable chair with a bedpan, even though the bathroom was just a few steps away. Mortifying.

    I also didnt realise theres a thing called lochia (postpartum bleeding) which lasts for about a month after birth, or however long it takes for your uterus to contract back to normal. People dont really share the behind-the-scenes on social media, so I never quite pictured myself sitting in diapers in the middle of the night with my breasts out, listening to the whirring sound of my pump, whilst the cats looked on in amusement.

    Engorged breasts and breastfeeding itself is another story and there are constantly surprises. Most mothers I know hated it and so many still get mastitis [inflammation of the breast tissue]. You learn as you go but theres definitely not enough education on the subject.

    I have such a newfound appreciation for what the human body is capable of. All the pain in the world is worth it and you would do it over and over again, to see and hold your baby.

    Read more: What's in their shopping cart? 5 things Antonia Da Cruz is buying this week

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    Mother's Day: From 'mum guilt' to breastfeeding, women from the ... - Tatler Taiwan

    4 roster needs the Bills still must address – Yahoo Sports

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Buffalo Bills front office has been busy as of late, looking for opportunities to improve the teams roster as well as its salary cap situation.

    Among the tasks at hand have been adding to certain areas of need among position groups.

    While weve seen a number of new faces join the team this offseason, some areas still require long term solutions.

    With that, here are some roster needs the team must still address.

    Inside Linebacker

    Photo by Joshua Bessex/Getty Images

    That Buffalo didnt pursue one of the top players at this position in the draft, or make a strong pursuit in free agency, could be very telling.

    Its unknown whether Brandon Beane and company had a first round grade on one, or whether they believe the right player is in another draft or free agency period altogether.

    What we do know is, for now, it appears they are rolling with the players on their depth chart rotation.

    They may need to add talent to the position at some point, as its the lone area of need that saw no new additions during the offseason to fill the absence left by the departure of starter Tremaine Edmunds.

    Defensive Tackle

    Mandatory Credit: Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports

    The one position that Brandon Beane expressed hed wished theyd found in the draft was at defensive tackle.

    Free agent Poona Ford was brought in afterward as an addition for the season, but expect Beane to continue to look to add talent and competition to improve at the position.

    It sounds like there may be unfinished business there.

    Running Back

    Photo by Joe Sargent/Getty Images

    Even after signing Damien Harris, the team added Latavius Murray, both on one-year deals, those short term pacts could imply those roster spots in the running backs position group could be placeholders to a long term solution.

    They also signed Fresno State RBJordan Mims as an un-drafted free agent.

    Last years second round draft pick James Cook appears headed for RB1 duties, and Nyheim Hines figures to factor in as well. Harris is the big bodied back the team has missed.

    Still, the short contracts suggest the Bills may still be looking for their long term RB2.

    Offensive Line

    AP Photo/Gary McCullough

    Some strong additions to the position group rotation have the Bills O-Line replenished with new depth and talent by way of free agency and the draft.

    Still, the starting five players who take the field may give indicate whether that depth is enough, and that talent sufficient.

    This spot could go to an area like the the Bills pass rush as well, but for now with the offensive line talent yet unproven, it remains to be seen how strong that unit is yet. More additions could be coming.

    Story originally appeared on Bills Wire

    Continued here:
    4 roster needs the Bills still must address - Yahoo Sports

    Additions of note: two for WVU football and one for Best Virginia – WV News

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder


    United States of AmericaUS Virgin IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsCanadaMexico, United Mexican StatesBahamas, Commonwealth of theCuba, Republic ofDominican RepublicHaiti, Republic ofJamaicaAfghanistanAlbania, People's Socialist Republic ofAlgeria, People's Democratic Republic ofAmerican SamoaAndorra, Principality ofAngola, Republic ofAnguillaAntarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)Antigua and BarbudaArgentina, Argentine RepublicArmeniaArubaAustralia, Commonwealth ofAustria, Republic ofAzerbaijan, Republic ofBahrain, Kingdom ofBangladesh, People's Republic ofBarbadosBelarusBelgium, Kingdom ofBelizeBenin, People's Republic ofBermudaBhutan, Kingdom ofBolivia, Republic ofBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswana, Republic ofBouvet Island (Bouvetoya)Brazil, Federative Republic ofBritish Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)British Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgaria, People's Republic ofBurkina FasoBurundi, Republic ofCambodia, Kingdom ofCameroon, United Republic ofCape Verde, Republic ofCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChad, Republic ofChile, Republic ofChina, People's Republic ofChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombia, Republic ofComoros, Union of theCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, People's Republic ofCook IslandsCosta Rica, Republic ofCote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of theCyprus, Republic ofCzech RepublicDenmark, Kingdom ofDjibouti, Republic ofDominica, Commonwealth ofEcuador, Republic ofEgypt, Arab Republic ofEl Salvador, Republic ofEquatorial Guinea, Republic ofEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFaeroe IslandsFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fiji, Republic of the Fiji IslandsFinland, Republic ofFrance, French RepublicFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabon, Gabonese RepublicGambia, Republic of theGeorgiaGermanyGhana, Republic ofGibraltarGreece, Hellenic RepublicGreenlandGrenadaGuadaloupeGuamGuatemala, Republic ofGuinea, RevolutionaryPeople's Rep'c ofGuinea-Bissau, Republic ofGuyana, Republic ofHeard and McDonald IslandsHoly See (Vatican City State)Honduras, Republic ofHong Kong, Special Administrative Region of ChinaHrvatska (Croatia)Hungary, Hungarian People's RepublicIceland, Republic ofIndia, Republic ofIndonesia, Republic ofIran, Islamic Republic ofIraq, Republic ofIrelandIsrael, State ofItaly, Italian RepublicJapanJordan, Hashemite Kingdom ofKazakhstan, Republic ofKenya, Republic ofKiribati, Republic ofKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwait, State ofKyrgyz RepublicLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanon, Lebanese RepublicLesotho, Kingdom ofLiberia, Republic ofLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtenstein, Principality ofLithuaniaLuxembourg, Grand Duchy ofMacao, Special Administrative Region of ChinaMacedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic ofMadagascar, Republic ofMalawi, Republic ofMalaysiaMaldives, Republic ofMali, Republic ofMalta, Republic ofMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritania, Islamic Republic ofMauritiusMayotteMicronesia, Federated States ofMoldova, Republic ofMonaco, Principality ofMongolia, Mongolian People's RepublicMontserratMorocco, Kingdom ofMozambique, People's Republic ofMyanmarNamibiaNauru, Republic ofNepal, Kingdom ofNetherlands AntillesNetherlands, Kingdom of theNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaragua, Republic ofNiger, Republic of theNigeria, Federal Republic ofNiue, Republic ofNorfolk IslandNorthern Mariana IslandsNorway, Kingdom ofOman, Sultanate ofPakistan, Islamic Republic ofPalauPalestinian Territory, OccupiedPanama, Republic ofPapua New GuineaParaguay, Republic ofPeru, Republic ofPhilippines, Republic of thePitcairn IslandPoland, Polish People's RepublicPortugal, Portuguese RepublicPuerto RicoQatar, State ofReunionRomania, Socialist Republic ofRussian FederationRwanda, Rwandese RepublicSamoa, Independent State ofSan Marino, Republic ofSao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic ofSaudi Arabia, Kingdom ofSenegal, Republic ofSerbia and MontenegroSeychelles, Republic ofSierra Leone, Republic ofSingapore, Republic ofSlovakia (Slovak Republic)SloveniaSolomon IslandsSomalia, Somali RepublicSouth Africa, Republic ofSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSpain, Spanish StateSri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic ofSt. HelenaSt. Kitts and NevisSt. LuciaSt. Pierre and MiquelonSt. Vincent and the GrenadinesSudan, Democratic Republic of theSuriname, Republic ofSvalbard & Jan Mayen IslandsSwaziland, Kingdom ofSweden, Kingdom ofSwitzerland, Swiss ConfederationSyrian Arab RepublicTaiwan, Province of ChinaTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofThailand, Kingdom ofTimor-Leste, Democratic Republic ofTogo, Togolese RepublicTokelau (Tokelau Islands)Tonga, Kingdom ofTrinidad and Tobago, Republic ofTunisia, Republic ofTurkey, Republic ofTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUganda, Republic ofUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain & N. IrelandUruguay, Eastern Republic ofUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofViet Nam, Socialist Republic ofWallis and Futuna IslandsWestern SaharaYemenZambia, Republic ofZimbabwe

    Here is the original post:
    Additions of note: two for WVU football and one for Best Virginia - WV News

    Power rankings: Sports Illustrated likes all of the Bills additions on offense – Yahoo Sports

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Dalton Kincaid has gotten a ton of praise as the Buffalo Bills first-round pick.

    OCyrus Torrence was supposed to be a first rounder but fell to the Bills in Round 2.

    But how about Justin Shorter?

    Sports Illustrated ranked Buffalo as the fourth-best team in the NFL following the 2023 draft. In doing so, all three prospects earned praise from the outlet.

    Kincaid was touted as the drafts best playmaking tight end while some called Torrence the top-guard prospect. Shorter, a fifth-round prospect, was lower down the list in terms of receiver talent on draft boards, but SI likes his potential thanks to his height.

    No, hes not short. Rather, Shorters 6-foot-4 frame puts him in contention as a potential red-zone threat thats tough to cover. A lot of work has to be done to fine tune his game, but Shorter could be a diamond in the rough.

    Ahead of the Bills, SI does have a bit of a surprise. The Kansas City Chiefs sit in second, not first. The Philadelphia Eagles are named the top dog in the league and the Cincinnati Bengals round out the group.

    SIs full breakdown on the Bills can be found below:

    The Bills seriously upgraded their offense on multiple fronts and added a ton of physicality. Thats not just true about the second-round pick, guard OCyrus Torrence, but almost every one of their offensive players has an edge. First-rounder Dalton Kincaid is a tight endwide receiver hybrid. Justin Shorter, the wide receiver out of Florida, is also massive and is going to be a problem for smaller defensive backs.

    Ranking the Buffalo Bills' 2023 opponentsBills to face Jaguars in London during 2023 NFL season2023 NFL draft: Justin Shorter named 'steal' pick for the Bills

    Story originally appeared on Bills Wire

    See the original post:
    Power rankings: Sports Illustrated likes all of the Bills additions on offense - Yahoo Sports

    Patrick Mahomes Celebrates Wife Brittany on First Mother’s Day as a Mom of 2 – Yahoo Entertainment

    - May 15, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    "These two have impacted my life and I cherish every last second with them," Brittany wrote on an Instagram photo gallery of the family

    Heather Smith

    Brittany Mahomes is enjoying a very special Mother's Day.

    Patrick Mahomes celebrated his Kansas City Current co-owner wife, 27, on her first Mother's Day as a mom of two. The couple and son Patrick "Bronze" Lavon, 4 months, and daughter Sterling Skye, 2, were featured in a series of family snaps on his Instagram Story.

    Brittany also posted about what the holiday means to her.

    "Mom. Part of my purpose and my main priority. These two have impacted my life and I cherish every last second with them. They make all my days the best days. Never could I have imagined having two of the most perfect little additions to our family. I love them beyond anything I could ever say and I'm so so so thankful to be their mama. I knew becoming a mom was gonna be amazing but man have they have made it better than I could have ever thought," she captions a IG photo gallery.

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    Brittany Matthews/Instagram Patrick and Brittany Mahomes' daughter Sterling and son Bronze

    Related:Brittany Mahomes Says Son Bronze Was 'Not Planned' but Reveals Special Occasion Where She Conceived

    Brittany recently opened up about having help to keep her family of four functioning from day to day in an Instagram Story Q&A last month.

    "Yes, I have help ," she answered a fan who inquired.

    "And I'm very thankful for it! Chef, nanny, a virtual assistant lol, and our security team," she continued.

    Brittany Mahomes/Instagram Brittany Mahomes and Patrick Mahomes with their two kids

    Elsewhere, Brittany shared that with Bronze, she went into labor at 39 weeks and 3 days and that she was in labor for about five hours before welcoming her baby boy, noting, "pushed for 7 min and he was here ."

    "His cord was wrapped around his neck two times and thankfully didn't affect anything," she wrote. "He was fine."

    Story continues

    Asked if Bronze was the result of a planned pregnancy, Brittany revealed the couple's son was conceived on their wedding night. She was later asked if she got to do any cute pregnancy reveals with her Super Bowl-winning husband.

    "Nothing cute lol, both were 'oh s--t' moments ," she shared.

    For more People news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

    Read the original article on People.

    See the original post here:
    Patrick Mahomes Celebrates Wife Brittany on First Mother's Day as a Mom of 2 - Yahoo Entertainment

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