A funny Python sketch. Enjoy!
See original here:
Monty Python- Architect Sketch
A funny Python sketch. Enjoy!
See original here:
Monty Python- Architect Sketch
Somerhill Gallery is moving from its long-time location in Chapel Hill's Eastgate Shopping Center to a brand-new retail space in Durham's Venable Center close to downtown. In this installment updating the move, gallery owner Joe Rowand meets developer Andy Rothschild on the loggia to get a history lesson. The pair then examine updates to the new space as construction and moving continue
Follow this link:
Somerhill Gallery's Move to Durham, NC - Part 3
As Metro Chair, Supervisor Knabe joined local elected officials for a groundbreaking ceremony to officially mark the beginning of construction on a new state-of-the-art transit facility that will revamp an expand the current El Monte Station. The $45 million El Monte Station construction project will consist of a new two story building that will house a public bus and terminal station with limited retail space, a customer service center and surface parking. Final construction is anticipated to be completed in May 2012.
DAMAS Constructions provides comprehensive Residential and Commercial Construction, Architectural Planning, Interior Designing
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DAMAS Construction Houses Plazas buildings Company Architects, Engineers, Interiors Lahore Pakistan
******ATTENTION***** I had to change my channel name!********* I have reposted the video to my new channel: SneakerRevival All comments will be replied to by me HERE:www.youtube.com ********SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE***** Here is a home made replacment for Sea Glow to cure the problem of yellowing soles. This originated as a method old nintendo collectors used to remove yellowing from their plastic nintendo consoles. I decided to try it on shoes! Hope you all enjoy and this works out for you! Avoid contact with any other materials other than the yellowed rubber.
Read this article:
[Restoration] Home Made Sea Glow For Yellowed Soles
We put up the cabinets in the kitchen! This is the unedited version lol! Check out http://www.justkamiyo.blogspot.com for more!
See the original post here:
Do It Yourself - Kitchen Remodel Part V - Installing New Kitchen Cabinets
sterling-construction.org Get more room and better living space with a home remodel with Remodel Baltimore with Sterling Construction. Over 25 years experience Professional Service and experience you can count on.
Here is the original post:
Remodeling Baltimore one house at a TIME
http://www.sailrite.com If you have an old vinyl PVC Dodger window that needs to be replaced this streaming online video is for you. This instructional video takes all the guesswork out of replacing the old vinyl window with a new one
Visit link:
Vinyl Window Replacement in a Dodger - Video Preview
kitchen-remodeling-guide.blogspot.com - Every kitchen eventually reaches the point at which it looks worn-out. That's the time to take stock of your options.
Here is the original post:
Painting Kitchen Cabinets - How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets
Visit http://www.concretenetwork.com for more concrete floor videos.
Originally posted here:
Timeline for New Concrete Floor Construction