John from Horizen Hydroponics breaks down the use of high Intensity Discharge Lighting for indoor gardening. Learn how the High Pressure Sodium Lamp can be your best tool in you indoor garden tool box.
John from Horizen Hydroponics breaks down the use of high Intensity Discharge Lighting for indoor gardening. Learn how the High Pressure Sodium Lamp can be your best tool in you indoor garden tool box.
Sunlight Supply, Inc. The Flame Defender is an automatic self contained fire extinguisher that requires no plumbing or wiring -- just simply install by attaching vertically to the wall or ceiling. The Flame Defender is a multi-purpose dry chemical extinguisher suitable for electrical fires.
See the original post here:
Sunlight Supply Presents: Flame Defender - Fire Extinguisher for Indoor Growing Environments
This footage is to test how HMX-q10 performs under indoor lighting condition.
The rest is here:
HMX-Q10 | Indoor lighting test
Set up to 48 on and off times for lights in your home with this mechanical timer. Limit the time your lights are on and significantly reduce the amount of energy being used or use a random function to give your house a lived in look while on vacation.
Solaro Day™ Install Part 2. Part 2 of 2 Part 2 explains the step by step wiring process and installing the Solaro Day™ Daylight simulator in your home.
Read the rest here:
Solaro Day™ Solar Powered Indoor Lighting Install Part 2
Wood Refinishing Enjoy beautiful wood floors and wood cabinets without dust, mess or harmful odors, in just 24 hours and at a fraction of the cost of traditional wood refinishing.
See original here:
Hardwood Floor
The Nation's Leading Refinishing
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Cabinet Cures Refinishing
Kitchen Tune-Up of Colorado Springs 719-522-1022 Call us today for a kitchen facelift and for your cabinets in Colorado Springs. We refurbish and refinish cabinets, reface and resurface your cabinets.
Read more here:
Kitchen Cabinets Refaced Resurfaced Colorado Springs
From the album "Hollow Crown".
See the article here:
Architects - We're All Alone (Music Video)
Hi. Im Doug Patt and this is Part 7 and the final episode of So you want to be an architect. Architecture like many things is about many things and Im sure Ill leave some things out but here goes...
Read the original post:
So you want to be an architect - Part 7